Deceased/Not Found AZ - Jhessye Shockley, 5, Glendale, 11 Oct 2011 - #3 *J. Hunter guilty*

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Have you listened to the 911 call made by Jerice? Can't remember if she called Shirley or vice-versa, but she is speaking to her while on the phone with the 911 operator. You can hear Shirley speaking at one point.

I have not. Every link I can find to the call has had the content removed. I tried the You Tube links, as well as the ones from one of the local news stations.

But I keep searching.
I have way too many thoughts in my head.......

Another stipulation for qualification of cash benefits is to provide the state with school records for each minor child.

Now it has been along time since I went to a public school, but in Arizona, or at least in our school district, if you missed more than 3 days of school you had to have a doctors note when you returned, or it was an unexcused absence, and it went against your record. Too many and you were kicked from school. This little angel would not have been able to return to school without one in our district. Which would have created a slight problem for the collection of benefits.
Have you listened to the 911 call made by Jerice? Can't remember if she called Shirley or vice-versa, but she is speaking to her while on the phone with the 911 operator. You can hear Shirley speaking at one point.

I have not. Every link I can find to the call has had the content removed. I tried the You Tube links, as well as the ones from one of the local news stations.

But I keep searching.
I have no doubt that Shirley and Jerice were scamming the system.

I hope Shirley lands in jail too. She deserves it as much as Jerice.

No he did not. And as I asked him question with each visit, he got strange, and then eventually just disappeared. We have not seen him since about week 3 of the disappearance.

But he did specifically say that the mom of the missing girl was his wife's child, and he generally disliked her.

Do you think it would be wise to contact Glendale PD again? Just to make sure this person was contacted? I don't believe he had anything to do with an abduction or disposal, but could have information relevant to the investigation.
I just had a "feeling" about this man. He said Grandma was in Laughlin, when she was supposed to be in California? And she was so unconcerned that she was not cutting her trip short?

They live here, when she is supposed to live in California?

I can not find out if they are married, or just playing "pretend". But he calls her "Momma", and she calls herself that in many of the news casts that I have seen.

The whole thing with him just does not sit well with me. Have you ever had that "gut feeling" that you know something is wrong, but you can not put your finger on it?

I am confused about the family relations. Do we know how many times SJ has been married and who her current hubby is? She and JH's father may no longer be married. Is there anything to suggest that they are? If the man Sassylynn spoke to is telling the truth, maybe he was only temporarily staying with family in AZ and returned to CA?
Thinking of how you would prove you are a legal guardian. The application of course would have questions on it. If you checked "Mother" in response to relationship, would there be a need to prove that further? How would you substantiate that? Provide a copy of their registered birth certificate, copy of your tax return? Further all children have social security numbers now from birth.

I recently seperated from my kids father, after 24 years, 20 of which was a stay at home mom. I was having a hard time finding work, and applied for public assistance.

To receive cash benefits, I had to provide the state with copies of the kids birth certificates and SS cards, as well as a court document that I was the custodial parent. I could not get such benefits, as I was a significant other for 20+ years, never married, and there was no such court document. Thank goodness I had a friend who had to fire an employee and I got the job.

Also, to receive cash benefits, the person has to go through child support enforcement, so that the state can attempt to recoup some of the money they give out, as well as go through the "jobs" program, where they receive job training and help in job searching. There has to be a certain number of hours that a physically capable person must spend searching for work. And a log has to be kept, with contact names for each application you fill out, so that they state can double check your claims and verify that you are not abusing the system.

thank you for sharing. My questions are:

1) Did you have to show any kind of documentation to prove the the children actually live with you? How would that even be verified?

2) If there is no interstate tracking and the federal government doesn't keep up with it, what was to stop Gramma and Jerice from each filing in different states and, basically, double dipping from AZ and CA on the same kids?

I listened to the podcast of the 911 call, and all I have no idea who called who, but I did not hear a phone ring, just a strange noise that could be a ringtone. Then I heard it a second time and JH says something like "please be my mom". Then at the end of the recording she is on the phone with "mom" again.

Do you think it would be wise to contact Glendale PD again? Just to make sure this person was contacted? I don't believe he had anything to do with an abduction or disposal, but could have information relevant to the investigation.

I will do so. I just can not shake this strange feeling I have about him.
I just had a "feeling" about this man. He said Grandma was in Laughlin, when she was supposed to be in California? And she was so unconcerned that she was not cutting her trip short?

They live here, when she is supposed to live in California?

I can not find out if they are married, or just playing "pretend". But he calls her "Momma", and she calls herself that in many of the news casts that I have seen.

The whole thing with him just does not sit well with me. Have you ever had that "gut feeling" that you know something is wrong, but you can not put your finger on it?

I was just thinking about the statements Johnson has made in the media regarding what Jhessye's siblings told LE. Johnson raised these children for four years while Jerice was in prison. No doubt, she knows them well and should have a special bond with them.

This man told you that they are renovating their basement into living quarters for Jerice and her children? That sounds like a long term commitment to providing a home for them. I don't know where I'm going with this train of thought. Just thinking about the financial workings of this type of arrangement. Johnson did seem concerned about the siblings being removed from the home and placed in foster care. Was that for financial reasons?
I want both the mother AND grandmother in jail, that means you, Shirley Johnson.

For getting on Tv night after night and bashing the public for having the nerve to point a finger at your daughter, the convicted child abuser/torturer (convicted of TORTURE)

We point a finger and we were right. YOU had her and gave her back. YOU gave her to a murderer.

You all deserve each other. I am hoping the other children and the new baby have some chance at life.. My heart goes out to the little ones that had to stand by and witness the murder of their little sister.. sneaking food and water to her.

AND you say you don't believe your granddaughter.. go join the Baez team and Casey Anthony of deluded folks...

I listened to the podcast of the 911 call, and all I have no idea who called who, but I did not hear a phone ring, just a strange noise that could be a ringtone. Then I heard it a second time and JH says something like "please be my mom". Then at the end of the recording she is on the phone with "mom" again.

Do you think it would be wise to contact Glendale PD again? Just to make sure this person was contacted? I don't believe he had anything to do with an abduction or disposal, but could have information relevant to the investigation.

I will do so. I just can not shake this strange feeling I have about him.

Snippet of the portion of the call where Jerice is talking to Johnson ...

JH- Mom we can't find Jhessey.
SJ- What?
JH- We can't find Jhessye, I just came back from, from, from, picking, picking up my mo, uh, uh, uh, I came home, uh I'm on the phone with 911.
SJ- What you talking about you can't ... the rest is unintelligible.
JH- Call me back, I'm on the phone with 911 Mom.

Such a con. You can hear it. I am very familiar with how these people talk. "Hello, hello, hello, hello!" Just that demanding, acting tone. Sick.

And she had gone to pick up her money, huh? Made sure to collect her benefits before she reported her dead daughter missing.

BTW, it sounds like she is saying, at one point, "See if that's my mom, please." Not, "Let it be my mom, please."

In any event, what evil, what evil.
Snippet of the portion of the call where Jerice is talking to Johnson ...

JH- Mom we can't find Jhessey.
SJ- What?
JH- We can't find Jhessye, I just came back from, from, from, picking, picking up my mo, uh, uh, uh, I came home, uh I'm on the phone with 911.
SJ- What you talking about you can't ... the rest is unintelligible.
JH- Call me back, I'm on the phone with 911 Mom.

Cant help but wonder if Jerice was about to say "picking up my money"
Not much distress in her voice i can detect
Cant help but wonder if Jerice was about to say "picking up my money"
Not much distress in her voice i can detect

Oh yeah, I always thought it was "money".
Oh yeah, I always thought it was "money".

Yes, the money Johnson wired her via western union, MOO.

sassylynn a big thank you for sharing with us what you know and for also contacting LE.

People like you make a difference in cases like this. The man you spoke about may have information that would be helpful to this investigation, including something that may be helpful in locating Jhessye.
Yes, the money Johnson wired her via western union, MOO.

I think that's why she stuttered and paused a little, because she realized she didn't want them knowing that Johnson was still getting money in CA for the kids and wiring it to her. MOO
Yes, the money Johnson wired her via western union, MOO.

Yep. Bet LE has been there and knows of the scam. Just confused as to when/how she transported little Jhessye? Maybe she did have "help"
I wan to comment on that CPS director interview. Yes, they always hide behind privacy laws when a child is killed. Hey, Jhessye's dead! Whose privacy are you now protecting?

I think maybe what we should work on as a nation is changing those "privacy laws" so that it isn't a mantle CPS can hide behind when they fail to do their job. With these laws, there is zero oversight and zero accountability.

And, I like the idea of a nationwide system. Anyone who has had CPS contact should be tracked state to state and welfare checks should be mandatory whenever the family moves, both right after the move and six months later.

And I do believe that people on welfare should be subject to social services involvement. Yes, it is not only the poor who abuse their children, that is for sure. But there exists an inherent conflict of interest when parents who desire money can collect such money for children they neither love nor want, which is the case sometimes. The cash aid, etc., provides an incentive for abusers to keep their kids. So children receiving welfare may be especially vulnerable.

Also, there is no doubt that poverty increases stressors and often results from lack of education, etc. Often, that lack of education extends to parenting, child safety and so on.

IMO, if you are going to take money from the state, you should have to give up some control of your life to the state. Want aid for your kids? Mandatory parenting and nutrition classes. Mandatory meeting with a risk assessment team who will come to your home, speak with your kids, speak with you, ask you if you have any needs that aren't being met, if you need help of any kind, assess your needs and provide what it is you require, whether that be drug and alcohol treatment, crisis intervention, clothing, beds, help with utilities if need be, counseling, etc. Mandatory welfare checks every six months or every year, by social services and a pediatric nurse, making sure you live where you live, the kids are present and living there and everyone is doing fine.

Perhaps that seems like too much of an intrusion upon the rights of the poor. Well, I have fought for the rights of the poor for over a decade. The right to have medical care, an equal education, legal services free of charge, housing, to be treated with dignity and respect. But poor children have rights too and their rights should supercede those of their parents.

Of course, we need qualified people to oversee this, not people with an agenda, or people who want to take kids away from parents they just don't like, etc. We need people who go in homes with the determination to treat people with dignity and the attitude that they are there to serve that family, not to treat the family like criminals.

And if, in my system, welfare saw something wrong, or felt there was something wrong, there should be a blind reassessment (meaning, a new team goes out to assess the situation without any information, to see if they find the same thing), except in cases where the situation is clear, like a missing child or bruises all over or a kid revealing abuse. Then, LE is called.

I think that when we take something we have to give something. If that is a bit of privacy, well, that should be a fair price to pay. People with nothing to hide should not be troubled, I think.

I shudder to think of the other Jhessye's out there, being abused and hidden in a closet, or a basement or bathroom. I'm sick of it. And they cannot withstand it. We need to value our kids more than this.
I'm right there with you, Gitana. Having just renewed my car registration, I find it impossible to believe that the state can manage for me to renew online, with the emissions inspection and insurance being up to date all in "the system" within minutes. But no one can say if a child whose parents are receiving a check on their behalf has been in school or is receiving benefits in another state?

Ditto for my kids getting their driver's licenses - the state requires them to have a form filled out and notarized that says they are a student in good standing with no excessive absences. If that status changes, the DMV is automatically notified and their license can be suspended.

I know this wouldn't work for babies who aren't yet in school, but the babies should have someone physically looking at them more frequently anyway. Just think if the program that cuts the check were flagged anytime a child missed more than 5 (3, 10, whatever) days of school with no doctor's note. That child is spending a lot of their day with a whole building full of mandatory reporters (unless they're in Pennsylvania).

Like you said, it won't help the ones who aren't receiving assistance, and there are plenty of those kids who are being harmed as well. But it would be a start.

Also, it just burns me up that someone is doing these horrible things to their kids AND cashing a check!
Understaffed. Underpaid. Same ole song and dance. We heard it in Christian Choate's case. After his body was discovered, and it was revealed that case workers had visited the home but didn't go inside, and didn't follow up, the Indiana Department of Child Services was "overhauled", too. Wonderful, except that Jhessye and Christian had to die to make it happen.

It reminds me of the Probation Officers who could have freed Jaycee Dugard if they had actually peeked into the backyard. :mad:
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