GUILTY AZ - Michael, 44, & Tina Careccia, 42, Maricopa, 22 June 2015 - #3 *Arrest*

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
Family statement. If it's already posted, let me know and I'll delete or a moderator can delete.
edit- here is the link:

"Yesterday we gather with Geoff Dugan, Lisa Careccia, Linda (Michael's mom), and friends of the family.

After speaking about what is happening, we all agreed there is no way that Michael or Tina would be doing Methamphetamine. We do not say this just because we want to clear their names after the horrible accusations a sick murderer made about them, we say it because we all witness the way the lived and we know them.

We have heard comments and statements made by the news and people online about the number of people who live in the house. Allow me to clarify this subject for you to see how close the family members and friends are. The Dugan's built the home everyone believes was Michael's more than 10 years ago, the truth is Mike purchase the property next to the Dugan's and they were building their home since last year. They were staying with their children at the Dugan's while construction was on progress. They started by building the garage, so they could store all their personal belongings. Unfortunately "someone" burned it.

While it is true that on father's day they had a gathering of friends and family, it is not true that the people who attended were aware of anyone doing drugs. All who know these families can attest of that. Yesterday, after many hours of speaking about this, we came to the conclusion of what may have happened that night, according to what we know and witnessed.

Jose came to celebrate father's day as a guest, this man was doing work for the family and the family out of kindness invited him over to come with his child to celebrate father's day. The people who were there that night said that Jose looked drunk and that they over heard him talking with Michael about knowing who burned their property. Michael and Tina had years of memories which were torched on that property, therefore Michael was insisting on getting the name of who did it. Jose would not say who "she or he" was. At one point every body said good night, every body went to sleep and no one saw them leaving or being taken.

We believe that Michael may have gone to ask Jose about the person who burned their property and that may have been what triggered Jose to do what he did. Why is he lying? we do not know. He also lied about not knowing where they were. We are waiting for the toxicology reports; however, even if they came positive, we will never buy the story of them coming to him for Methamphetamine.

We would like to add that Michael and Tina were both amazing human beings, loyal friends, excellent parents and you can tell by their five children. Luke is a very strong young man with kindness in his heart and strength that has helped him overcome all this. Blayke just graduated from cosmetology school, doing what she loves, always supported by her mom and Mike. We wont bring the names of the other three children at this point but they are also great kids. Mike and Tina were the kind of people who will take you as one of them and will do anything for you. The reason why we were able to pull out such huge amount of resources was because people know who they were, and were worried about their disappearance. The plane, the helicopters, drones, all was time donated by close friends, people who have known them since high school and some since elementary school.

You wonder why there are so many people missing and this particular couple caught the attention of the whole nation. Well I can tell you that they have friends in many states that were praying and using any skills and resources they have to find them.

Attached you will find photos of the couple, you can see for yourself that they do not fit the description of a Methamphetamine user, it seems to us that what has been said about their involvement with drugs is due to the psychotic behavior of Jose who was under the influence of this drug. As sick and twisted as this man has shown to be, we could see him not only shooting them but also trying to inculpate them by premeditating everything he did.

Once again we thank you for all your support, we will be attending the memorial tonight, we would like to ask for your patience as to getting any statements tonight, this has been a very exhausting two weeks, we need your help to let people know Mike and Tina for who they truly are, and we need to have their children live with the real perspective of who they were.

Thank you,

Berenice Curro"
Wow. We can only wait for tox reports to really know. But I am inclined to give them the benefit of the doubt

Rip Mike and Tina.
Family statement. If it's already posted, let me know and I'll delete or a moderator can delete.
edit- here is the link:
Oh man....oh man...ohman :( If this is what really happened Im really going to be ill. Would JV really know who burned the trailor? Did he do it? Did he just say it to lure them out because he wanted to toy with them or hurt them for some reason? shizzz, thats creepy.
My thanks button is MIA.
I agree w/you. Some kind of argument or disagreement took place, maybe he was starting to flirt w/Tina, MIke said something and boom a fight ensued. Big man w/a gun and high, bad combination. imo

Quiet time, the thank you reply is now on the left side. (by the triangle)
Oh man....oh man...ohman :( If this is what really happened Im really going to be ill. Would JV really know who burned the trailor? Did he do it? Did he just say it to lure them out because he wanted to toy with them or hurt them for some reason? shizzz, thats creepy.

Good statement from the family. Mods I was trying to find the thanks button and thought it had been moved and accidently hit report button. I cant find thanks button. nervous_nellie I am sorry. :(
It's all good. It didn't send an alert. Look on the left for the thanks. :)
It is about time for the candlelight vigil.
I guess I've seen too much.
My opinion is that the husband was killed in front of the wife. As a happily married woman, I call that TORTURE.

Felix has said that he fled this ongoing crime scene, iWHILE Tina was still alive.

I, do not believe a single word out of either of their sick mouths. AND MOST IMPORTANT IS WHY are these, convicted violent criminals in our neighborhoods?????


I must have missed this somewhere.... where was it stated that she was raped and tortured? Is there a link?
Thanks for the family letter (it's quite long so I didn't want to repost it), that was very touching. While I'm hoping strongly that José is a liar as well as murderer and their tox screens come back clean for the family's sake, I'll think no less of them if they were recreationally using, humans are fallible and have weaknesses, in my view it doesn't mean they were any less warm and wonderful people with a wide circle of friends and family that dearly loved them.
My husband pays premiums for long term disability through his airline, and the airline pays half. If he is determined to not pass a physical, he collects 65% of an average of the last three years of his salary. If he dies while on disability, neither I nor our children are able to collect this benefit. That is where life and SS benefits kick in. Just saying this because there were questions earlierl
That was my fear when I saw it had been moved next to the tos button..that I would hit it by accident. Poor mods..I bet it will happen a lot.

I was spazzing out. I sure dont want to get anyone in trouble and also dont want to create extra work on mods. I bet there will be alot of reporting for awhile.
Oh man....oh man...ohman :( If this is what really happened Im really going to be ill. Would JV really know who burned the trailor? Did he do it? Did he just say it to lure them out because he wanted to toy with them or hurt them for some reason? shizzz, thats creepy.

I wouldn't put it past him.

Family statement. If it's already posted, let me know and I'll delete or a moderator can delete.
edit- here is the link:

Jose came to celebrate father's day as a guest, this man was doing work for the family and the family out of kindness invited him over to come with his child to celebrate father's day. The people who were there that night said that Jose looked drunk and that they over heard him talking with Michael about knowing who burned their property.

We believe that Michael may have gone to ask Jose about the person who burned their property and that may have been what triggered Jose to do what he did. Why is he lying? we do not know. He also lied about not knowing where they were. We are waiting for the toxicology reports; however, even if they came positive, we will never buy the story of them coming to him for Methamphetamine.

I am buying this story. It makes way more sense to me than the couple looking for drugs.

I think the arson investigation is going to be crucial. Who burned that garage and why was Jose holding the information over Michael and Tina?

JMO at this point.
Not sure if this has been suggested anywhere here yet (WS seemed to be down last night) but is it possible that JV's sub-standard electrical work was the reason for the garage/trailer burning down? Insurance investigations may have discovered something.

I'm inclined to think that TC and MC were not drug users-not even recreationally (on Father's Day surrounded by their kids - I don't think so!). JV and F seem to be under the misguided impression that justice will be sweeter on them if their victims were also criminals so they are fabricating as they go along...
Not sure if this has been suggested anywhere here yet (WS seemed to be down last night) but is it possible that JV's sub-standard electrical work was the reason for the garage/trailer burning down? Insurance investigations may have discovered something.
I'm inclined to think that TC and MC were not drug users-not even recreationally (on Father's Day surrounded by their kids - I don't think so!). JV and F seem to be under the misguided impression that justice will be sweeter on them if their victims were also criminals so they are fabricating as they go along...

It also could be a way to inflict more pain on the family.

Sometimes people in a bad life really hate people living a good life. That seems to be the case here.


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