AZ AZ - Michael Tapley, 52, Snowflake, 15 February 2008

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just checking in to see what's going on with the case.
bump bump
I was fortunate to get to tell Michael's story on Dana Pretzers radio show Scared Monkeys. Please listen and comment. Thank you all! Sunday, Sept. 28, 2008 ( I am in the second half of the segment)
Just listened to the scared monkeys radio show. You did a great job Kim. The seeming lack of concern not only for a human life, Michael's, but for the sense of duty to uphold law and protect community by that particular branch of law enforcement is appalling!

I'll have to go back and read again but I'm curious as to the position the FBI takes regarding this case. It's quite apparent that state lines were crossed by the vehicle and the wife herself says he left AZ and was in Missouri -- considering Michael's vanished wouldn't that merit FBI involvement... just a little, at least at this point. (A little exasperation there.)

Not that I think it would lead to anything other than to point out the phone calls went unanswered but you stated his employer phoned him several times ... was this to a home phone, a cell phone, or perhaps both?

I'm hoping for movement on this for you and your family - stay strong!
Kim - Good job! You are so calm during your interview. Keep us posted about the progress. I just know things are going to start "rolling" soon for you and your family, and Michael.
Just checking in to see if there were any new developments. Stay strong Kim & family!
Just dropping in to say hello, and leave a note of encouragement. Are there any new developments? What's the latest word from law enforcement?
Just dropping in to say hi and that I am south of Snowflake. So, if ya need an extra hand or voice or anything let me know. I visit the Eurofresh outside of town sometimes.
Hi MotherDucky, welcome to WS

We may just take you up on that offer to snoop around Snowflake.
Hello, Websleuthers. Thank you for your continued support and prayers. I am constantly talking to people about Michael and my goal is to keep his name in front of the public and on the minds of those in positions of authority. I will not stop until my brother is found and justice is served. Please check out the latest article on Michael's disappearance. The Western Watchmen is a new publication covering the White Mountain area in and around Snowflake. The reporter that did this latest article carefully interviewed my family and is not afraid to print the whole truth. I am grateful to her for keeping Michael's name in print. There is a follow up article due out this week. There will be a search on Nov. 9th and she will be present and report on that as well. Please read her articles online and give Karen your feedback. I appreciate your feedback so much. It lets the media know there is still interest in this case and they will continue to report on it. With your help and support, the truth will be uncovered one day.

Thank you,
Kim Palmer
What a great article! I honestly had heard nothing on this until I typed in arizona on the search and found all of you. Please do keep me in mind if you need anything. I am free most days and evenings so just give me a little notice and I will be there for anything you need.
Keep at it Kim!!

Oh, if Michael had just never met her! What I just refuse to understand is this: "... he is going on the assumption that Michael is still alive and doesn’t want to be found." Ok, let's say someone doesn't want to be found.... but so what, you find them, you see they are alive, you say ok, we don't understand you wanting to go into hiding but that's your prerogative, thank you and bye. Then the family would know something. Assumptions! argh!!
Keep at it Kim!!

Oh, if Michael had just never met her! What I just refuse to understand is this: "... he is going on the assumption that Michael is still alive and doesn’t want to be found." Ok, let's say someone doesn't want to be found.... but so what, you find them, you see they are alive, you say ok, we don't understand you wanting to go into hiding but that's your prerogative, thank you and bye. Then the family would know something. Assumptions! argh!!

Well you know what they say...When you make an a$$ out of me and u....Wish that sometimes people would understand that one. Wasn't there a lady who disappeared a couple of years ago and they found her in NY not wanting to be found? But at least her family knows that nothing horrible happened to her.
Well you know what they say...When you make an a$$ out of me and u....Wish that sometimes people would understand that one. Wasn't there a lady who disappeared a couple of years ago and they found her in NY not wanting to be found? But at least her family knows that nothing horrible happened to her.

Hi motherducky :) Yea that assuming is a dangerous game at times. You know, it seems to me I just saw something on tv (a show new to me but probably not new) about a lady who did indeed appear to have gone missing... and she had... but she had chosen to. The one I'm thinking of was found in an out-of-state hospital where she had checked herself in. It does happen. But at least LE went the distance to find that info out.

The world we live in... sigh.
With Thanksgiving upon us I'm hoping Michael's family will soon have news they can give thanks for regarding him. They're in my prayers.
I hope a lot of you can make it tonight! Let's show support for Michael's sister Kim! This is a golden opportunity for people to call in and ask questions of Gil Alba, too!

A Gigantic Step Towards Bringing Them Home! Tuesday Night, Justice Interrupted Radio!

8:00 PM PST/ 10:00PM CST/ 11:00PM EST

Go to this link and listen live:

Call in with your questions: 914-338-0663

Guests: 11/25/2008
William (Billy) Smolinski, Jr., was last seen alive in Waterbury, CT ,on August 24, 2004. Billy’s family in particular, his mother Jan Smolinski may not have been able to locate her son, yet, but she has championed the cause for many missing and murdered families across the country on her journey to justice4billy. She will share important information along with tools for families devastated by crime.

In Snow Flake Arizona, Michael Tapley, vanished on February 15, 2008. The 51 year- old was last seen ending his shift at work. He told his co-workers he was going to stay home over the long holiday weekend. The last person to see him, his wife Gina Tapley. Navajo County Coroner has autopsied a body is it Michael Tapley? With updates on her brothers case is Tapley’s Kim Palmer, from Washington.=0

Gil Alba facilitated the rescue in a high profile kidnapping case, returning a $3 million ransom. HARVEY WEINSTEIN , CEO of the largest U.S. manufacturer of tuxedos, was kidnapped in New York after having breakfast. The kidnappers wanted $3 million in ransom. He was recovered unharmed from a 12-day stay in a 14-foot hole in the ground. Alba a retired after a 28 -year career as New York City Detective. Now he works on missing persons and murder investigations. He will take your questions live on the air.

And from Peace4missing site we will be joined by Maggie's Rose on cases and verdicts making headlines.
Dagnabit, I missed the show last night due to this darned flu bug. Any updates, new issues?

Hang in there Kim, our hearts are with you !
We finally made the state paper! Please check it out:
You can let the reporter know you want him to continue to follow up on Michael's story at

Thank you all for your continued support and thoughts. My family has many things to be thankful for as we count our blessings this time of year. We must find strength in those blessings and continue to search for justice and closure.

I wish you all peace and happiness this Thanksgiving.

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