AZ - Timothy Romans, 39, & Vincent Romero, 29, slain, St Johns, 5 Nov 2008 - #3

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"BB: It was a different size bullet hole in the, in the vehicle, the truck out front.
TA: I didn’t even know about that at the time. I didn’t find that out til, just recently."


"BB: It was a different size bullet hole in the, in the vehicle, the truck out front.
TA: I didn’t even know about that at the time. I didn’t find that out til, just recently."

In reference to a different bullet hole in the vehicle found.


"BB: Okay. Was there any, discussion about the, the hole in the screen, door? Did you ever…
TA: I knew it was there, but I mean we didn’t talk about it. All I knew is they said all the shell casings around, both bodies were of the, of the .22, and they found the .22 on the, um, dog cage. The rifle, and so, ya know, it’s my assumption it was the same gun, I mean, that was (unk)."

In reference to the bullet hole in the screen


"BB: Um, she, um, she indicated to you that Ti, Tim used to go out to the bars, or went out to the bars every night?
TA: Yes.
BB: Um, but, didn’t come home drunk.
TA: No. She said he didn’t come home drunk.
BB: And, were you aware, er, yeah, were you aware that, that Tim Romans was having su, uh, supposedly, an affair with Candy?
TA: No. Not at that time, no."

(in reference to Tim's affair with Candy)


"BB: Okay. Did you, uh, have, er be, mm, have you been made aware whether er not there’s a, there were divorce proceedings between, Mr. Romans and Mrs. Romans? At that time?
TA: At that time I have no idea.
BB: Um, have you le, learned that there have or haven’t been since then?
TA: I, unders,s, from what I understand now there has not been.
BB: Um, and that apparently Tim had asked, this Candy lady ta marry him?
TA: That’s…
BB: The night before this?
TA: Yes, that’s what she said."


"BB: Okay. Um, and you, you initially got some slack from the family, with regard to, wanting, them, not wanting you to interview ***** again, er at least Leroy.
TA: Yes. Leroy.
BB: Uh, and you knew him?
TA: Yes."

In reference to the grandfather not wanting the boy being interviewed at first until Avila convinced him she was trained to interviewing children
It was reportedly from a party that TR went to. Don't have any clue where to find the link that says that, though.:)

"But for the Grace of God there go I".I am so grateful I don't have to live like that today.
Quote from the transcripts
I told him,I says,You know yer mom's gonna yell at you and be mad at you.Uh,tell me the truth.And he says well,I walked around a little bit And um,then he went home and he found em.

This really makes me mad.Where does she get off questioning him like this.That's intimidation to me.I can't believe she did this.Did she do this in the interview with this little boy.

That there is proof that she used tactics equivalent to a criminal investigation on the boy (not just a witness interrogation as was stated). That is intimidation tactics used on a child! I don't believe that they were still questioning the boy as a witness 90% into the videotaped interrogation. We also don't know what all was said that was never recorded. Avila forgot her tape recorder some incidents.
Link to Judge not discussion the motion to dismiss on one of the charges:

Snipped from the article:

"It was also brought up tht the police took the little boy's clothes for evidence. Investigators said they believe the real killer's DNA or something else might have been on them".

I look forward to the forensic results. The judge holding back on the motion by the prosecution seems fair. I think waiting for the evaluations being done is the right thing to do. It is interesting, on a different note, that he will not dismiss the request by the prosecution. Makes me go, "Hmmmmm".
Link to Judge not discussion the motion to dismiss on one of the charges:

"Brewer brought up the fact that Neckel had only been a detective for a day when she interviewed the child."

"Brewer also asked Neckel about knowing the boy prior to talking to him.
BB: Okay. And, um, did you know, who ***** ***** was prior to this?
DN: Yes, I did.
BB: You, uh, in what capacity’d you know him?
DN: Um, playing in fronta my house, playing with my dog, um, playing with the kids across the street, *****(?), especially, he’s like six years old."

(from above link)

"It was also brought up that the police took the little boy's cloths for evidence.
Investigators said they believe the real killer's DNA or something else might have been on them"

The real killer's? Very interesting wording for the newspaper.
Oooo, post links as soon as you see any!
I theorized at one point that he may actually be being held to protect him.

Here's the article from ABC15.
In closed chambers, the defense and prosecution talked with the judge about whether to let the boy out of the detention center because the process is taking so long.
I'm praying CR gets to spend the holidays and his birthday at home.
Snipped from the article:

"It was also brought up tht the police took the little boy's clothes for evidence. Investigators said they believe the real killer's DNA or something else might have been on them".

I look forward to the forensic results. The judge holding back on the motion by the prosecution seems fair. I think waiting for the evaluations being done is the right thing to do. It is interesting, on a different note, that he will not dismiss the request by the prosecution. Makes me go, "Hmmmmm".

Did he say he wouldn't dismiss it or wouldn't discuss it?
From what I have read the hole in his truck was already there. People at the plant can testify to that if they were use to parking close to Tim's truck. Maybe some of the neighbors too.

Seems like it came from when he was on the Apache reservation from what I remember. I will try to google for it again.

The Judge would not consider any motion to dismiss or even the defense attorney's motion for it to remain. Until the mental age competency hearing and evaluation is resolved they are at a standstill.
Did he say he wouldn't dismiss it or wouldn't discuss it?

Originally on the radio this morning they indicataed the judge denied the request to dismiss it. Now the media print says he wont discuss it. Looks like nothing is going to be done until the psych eval on the 17th.
"Brewer brought up the fact that Neckel had only been a detective for a day when she interviewed the child."

"Brewer also asked Neckel about knowing the boy prior to talking to him.
BB: Okay. And, um, did you know, who ***** ***** was prior to this?
DN: Yes, I did.
BB: You, uh, in what capacity’d you know him?
DN: Um, playing in fronta my house, playing with my dog, um, playing with the kids across the street, *****(?), especially, he’s like six years old."

(from above link)

"It was also brought up that the police took the little boy's cloths for evidence.
Investigators said they believe the real killer's DNA or something else might have been on them"

The real killer's? Very interesting wording for the newspaper.

I was talking with a good friend just last night concerning that DN was a neighbor of the child. I think that having this person be part of questioning was completely wrong and did have professional bias. Seems to me if she knew the child, she must have at least known the victims.
Here's the article from ABC15.
In closed chambers, the defense and prosecution talked with the judge about whether to let the boy out of the detention center because the process is taking so long.
I'm praying CR gets to spend the holidays and his birthday at home.

I hope he gets to too.Thankyou for the link.

From the article

"The competency hearing will determine if the boy understands the charges against him and has the ability to contribute to his own defense."

I don't think he will be able to do this.He is too young.
Here's the article from ABC15.
In closed chambers, the defense and prosecution talked with the judge about whether to let the boy out of the detention center because the process is taking so long.
I'm praying CR gets to spend the holidays and his birthday at home.

Originally they were holding him as he had no one to take him home. I hope he has somewhere to go if they release him. Hopefully biomom or his grandparents will come through.
I was taliking with a good friend just last night concerning that DN was a neighbor of the child. I think that having this person be part of questioning was completely wrong and did have professional bias. Seems to me if she knew the child, she must have at least known the victims.

It definitely seems a conflict of interest regarding the case.
Originally on the radio this morning they indicataed the judge denied the request to dismiss it. Now the media print says he wont discuss it. Looks like nothing is going to be done until the psych eval on the 17th.

IMHO, this link to this pdf, puts a different light on this case. For me, anyway.

First of all, the officer being questioned was aware that ****** has a bio mom, yet NO ATTEMPT to contact her for permission to question the boy was made.

IMHO, I do NOT believe a higher court would allow this tape to be used.

Secondly, and I didn't get this from the pdf., but the film of the interview I first saw. The officers questioning the boy told him in that room they were all going to tell the TRUTH. YET...........they lied to him telling him 'someone saw him' shooting or whatever. BAD move, IMHO

Another thing is, the disagreement at work appears to be a little deeper and more serious than first portrayed. I mean we're talking about Apache vs Navajo..............this isn't an argument over a baseball game, these are feelings that run deep and back for generations.

REASONABLE DOUBT, IMO......Maybe the target wasn't Vincent at all, but Tim. Vincent may have been collateral damage.

What about the 'small white car, with no hub caps, black rims?' So what if the neighbors didn't see it. The main living area of my house is in the rear of the home. Someone could shoot someone out front and drive away and I'd never know the difference.....except to hear the shots........MAYBE.

Believe me, an 8 yo child is easy to manipulate and talk him into believing something different from his FIRST impression etc. You get a child who's been traumatized by seeing his dad and friend murdered, or murdered in front of you and then you start putting words and thought into their mind and mouth. You have a disaster of a confession that COULD be ENTIRELY NOT TRUE.

They should bring in some 'fresh eyes' to assist LE here. They're missing something, IMHO.

Originally they were holding him as he had no one to take him home. I hope he has somewhere to go if they release him. Hopefully biomom or his grandparents will come through.

Let's hope...if not I'm in Phoenix...they can drop him off at my house when they bring him down for the psych eval. I have an eight year old boy that would love to have a "new" brother. This boy needs a fighting chance at life and I have lots of empty rooms since all my grown children have moved out.
Oh man, I've got to get some work done today!

I think he would enjoy some cards and books (I do believe the books need to be donated to the facility though) from some of the people out here to let him know we are thinking of him.
" I mean we're talking about Apache vs Navajo..............this isn't an argument over a baseball game, these are feelings that run deep and back for generations."

What was said here and by whom?Do you know?
This seems like a crock to me, IF they don't release this boy in between court hearings.

IF you're an adult and arrested for the same thing this child is, the state has 45 days to bring charges against you or release you. Now this CHILD has been arrested and because he's so YOUNG, the judge has stopped the clock on the 45 day limit.

I would HOPE this doesn't mean they can hold him until they get good and ready to move forward. It's their fault all this is taking so long. They could most likely find a doctor to run a test on him today IF they really wanted to. Just because this boy is only 8 yo, doesn't mean they can treat him like a 'material item' and STOP THE CLOCK.

Sorry, it's an outrage to me. It's like he's too young to have any Rights.:mad:

" I mean we're talking about Apache vs Navajo..............this isn't an argument over a baseball game, these are feelings that run deep and back for generations."

What was said here and by whom?Do you know?

page 10 of the linked pdf. Officer talking about her interview of Tiffany the very first evening.

TA: She said that, um, Tim and Vincent both were havin problems at work with, some Native Americans.
BB: Okay. And what, what is Vincent Romero’s ethnicity?
TA: Hispanic.
BB: And how about Romans?
TA: Apache.
BB: Um, and as far as, was there more specific, as far as who they were havin trouble with, specifically?
TA: She mentioned a guy by the name of Larry Curley.
BB: Okay. Is he, a Native American or do you know?
TA: Yes, I believe he’s one, (unk), uh, Navajos.
BB: Okay. And reli, when I asked, if I ask you a question you are, reaching from sumpin you’ve read, I’d rather just, you tell me that, as opposed to if you actually know it, by, what you’ve done ‘n, then great, but I, if you’ve learned it through the investigation, through people telling you, I’d rather just…
TA: Okay, then no, then, no.
BB: Okay. And, yeah, I just wanna know what, you, what you know and, um, so you interview her…
TA: I can tell you that Curley is, is, a prominent name up on the, Navajo Reservation.
BB: Okay. Uh, but you never interviewed him.
TA: No.
BB: That wasn’t yer job. Okay. And you, you, um, how long do you think the interview
page 10 of the linked pdf. Officer talking about her interview of Tiffany the very first evening.

TA: She said that, um, Tim and Vincent both were havin problems at work with, some Native Americans.
BB: Okay. And what, what is Vincent Romero’s ethnicity?
TA: Hispanic.
BB: And how about Romans?
TA: Apache.
BB: Um, and as far as, was there more specific, as far as who they were havin trouble with, specifically?
TA: She mentioned a guy by the name of Larry Curley.
BB: Okay. Is he, a Native American or do you know?
TA: Yes, I believe he’s one, (unk), uh, Navajos.
BB: Okay. And reli, when I asked, if I ask you a question you are, reaching from sumpin you’ve read, I’d rather just, you tell me that, as opposed to if you actually know it, by, what you’ve done ‘n, then great, but I, if you’ve learned it through the investigation, through people telling you, I’d rather just…
TA: Okay, then no, then, no.
BB: Okay. And, yeah, I just wanna know what, you, what you know and, um, so you interview her…
TA: I can tell you that Curley is, is, a prominent name up on the, Navajo Reservation.
BB: Okay. Uh, but you never interviewed him.
TA: No.
BB: That wasn’t yer job. Okay. And you, you, um, how long do you think the interview

Ok,thankyou very much.
"reaching from sumpin you’ve read, I’d rather just, you tell me that, as opposed to if you actually know it, by, what you’ve done ‘n, then great"

Even I talk better than this.LOL.
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