B. Conway Poll - Good Attorney or all spin

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Good Attorney or all spin?

  • I don't like the A's behavior during this, but I do like the new attorney

    Votes: 159 70.0%
  • B. He is only interested in legal spin and public exposure

    Votes: 68 30.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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I like him more than MN. However, I like MN better now that he has walked away from the A's.

I like MN. I believe he is an all around good attorney. He gave an interview on one of the local stations and actually said more about the case since Caylee was ID'd. He also stated, when asked a question about KC defense, that he would not be commenting on anything that could help the defense. I just had to yell "GO MN" when I heard him say that.
I saw that interview too Coley & I cheered when he said that. I like MN too.
I saw that interview too Coley & I cheered when he said that. I like MN too.

Me too. Gosh, if you think about it this case is any lawyers dream into making big bucks now and in the future and for MN to walk away just speaks volumes to me about his character.
So they should just sit out there and get dirty and rained on, instead of being used by a child who may not get anything else for Christmas? Sorry, but I disagree.

If they had thrown out the toys, they'd be criticized. If they had ignored them completely, they'd be criticized.

They aren't Caylee's next of kin, but how exactly is Casey supposed to do anything with the memorial?

These people can't do ANYTHING without being blasted.

I wish everyone who criticizes the A's for donating the toys would have to look a poor child in the eye and tell them that they don't deserve a toy for Christmas this year - while a mountain of perfectly good toys rots in the weather, never to be touched by a child.
I wish everyone who criticizes the A's for donating the toys would have to look a poor child in the eye and tell them that they don't deserve a toy for Christmas this year - while a mountain of perfectly good toys rots in the weather, never to be touched by a child.

ITA but IMO this isn't up to the A's. It's up to the property owner.
What does it matter?

It doesn't matter to me but legally that's who it's up to.

ETA: It probably matters to the people who don't want their toy that they bought specifically for Caylee given to another person. Now, if the A's came out and said if you want to honor Caylee then donate to charities then it would be another story.

They are ONLY donating the toy's that don't have notes to Caylee. The other's are staying put.
It doesn't matter to me but legally that's who it's up to.

ETA: It probably matters to the people who don't want their toy that they bought specifically for Caylee given to another person. Now, if the A's came out and said if you want to honor Caylee then donate to charities then it would be another story.

They are ONLY donating the toy's that don't have notes to Caylee. The other's are staying put.

I can't imagine that anyone would not rather see the stuffed animal they left go to a needy child than to have it destroyed by the weather and eventually become road kill. They toys were left to express love for Caylee. They've accomplished that and can now be put to a second just as worthy use at Christmas time. It boggles my mind that people are against that.

I also can't understand why it would be more appropriate for some landowner who is not, according to what was posted the other day, even a Florida resident, to make the decision about what should happen to the toys than it is for the grandparents. Perhaps legally it's his place, but I'd be shocked if he didn't agree with the wishes of the grandparents.

The officers there yesterday said they were taking the toys at the A's request. Are they breaking the law?
At least BC doesn't come across as badly as the rest of them and he has successfully put a sock in their mouths temporarily which is much more than MN could do. It shows he is doing a better job in some respects.

However, he is still a spin doc. He goes about it a different way than the others and I believe it is why he is coming off as more effective. I don't buy what he is selling, but his pitch is low-key and delivered with a hint of feeling remorseful on the A fam's part which had been lacking until now.
I can't imagine that anyone would not rather see the stuffed animal they left go to a needy child than to have it destroyed by the weather and eventually become road kill. They toys were left to express love for Caylee. They've accomplished that and can now be put to a second just as worthy use at Christmas time. It boggles my mind that people are against that.

I also can't understand why it would be more appropriate for some landowner who is not, according to what was posted the other day, even a Florida resident, to make the decision about what should happen to the toys than it is for the grandparents. Perhaps legally it's his place, but I'd be shocked if he didn't agree with the wishes of the grandparents.

The officers there yesterday said they were taking the toys at the A's request. Are they breaking the law?

I have no idea. I just know from the video I watched of the person driving the van to take them away was greeted by a very heated exchange with a lot of the people that were dropping stuff off.
At least BC doesn't come across as badly as the rest of them and he has successfully put a sock in their mouths temporarily which is much more than MN could do. It shows he is doing a better job in some respects.

However, he is still a spin doc. He goes about it a different way than the others and I believe it is why he is coming off as more effective. I don't buy what he is selling, but his pitch is low-key and delivered with a hint of feeling remorseful on the A fam's part which had been lacking until now.

This is where I get confused. They didn't listen to MN but are listening to BC. It seems this all started changing when it was reported that they might be facing charges.
I wish everyone who criticizes the A's for donating the toys would have to look a poor child in the eye and tell them that they don't deserve a toy for Christmas this year - while a mountain of perfectly good toys rots in the weather, never to be touched by a child.
Give me a break! They couldn't wait to throw the other toys and items away!! There was not a single thought on the A fam's part to "helping other unfortunate children" at any time prior to this statement!! The other items went from their donor straight into the trash can out of SPITE and for no other reason. The A fam does NOT do anything for anyone else out of the "kindness of their hearts"...at least I have seen NOT one iota of anything to say or suggest they do!

This, imo, was a suggestion from BC to lessen them removing what they deemed to be "inappropriate" again. If Cindy were allowed on cam to blast people for leaving the darn toys and messages...I assure you it would sound like a repeat of her prior damnations to John Q. Public.
Give me a break! They couldn't wait to throw the other toys and items away!! There was not a single thought on the A fam's part to "helping other unfortunate children" at any time prior to this statement!! The other items went from their donor straight into the trash can out of SPITE and for no other reason. The A fam does NOT do anything for anyone else out of the "kindness of their hearts"...at least I have seen NOT one iota of anything to say or suggest they do!

This, imo, was a suggestion from BC to lessen them removing what they deemed to be "inappropriate" again. If Cindy were allowed on cam to blast people for leaving the darn toys and messages...I assure you it would sound like a repeat of her prior damnations to John Q. Public.
ITA. :clap:
Every time I see this thread I'm reminded of a very old Saturday Night Live skit with Dan Akroyd. Dan was doing a spoof of a commercial for a product, which looked like an aerosol spray can of whipped cream. He asked "Is it a floor wax?" (while spraying it on the floor and mopping) "or is it a dessert topping?" (while spraying it on a desert). Then he says "It's a dessert topping AND a floor wax!!!"

I think Brad is a very good attorney, and a very good spinmaster. Exactly what the As need. I like him. He's doing a great job. Look how already so many people have begun turning around and sticking up for the As, defending them, saying to back off them. I do think a good amount of that is due to Brad's influence. He's irresistible. Sincere, well spoken, smart, good at wording things in a way that's extremely hard to refute.

Let me also say that I don't see anything wrong with a good attorney being a good spinmaster. It's become more and more necessary with cases that receive a lot of media focus.
This thread has gone Off Topic in many posts. Please discuss/post your thoughts about the Attorney and stop the rants about what's going on with the Memorial Site.

Thanks a bunch!
I just found this:

On "The Early Show," Conway said he wasn't hired to defend the grandparents.

"They have done absolutely nothing wrong," Conway said. "The Anthonys cooperated fully from the beginning. In fact, they gave evidence before any warrants were ever issued or signed by a judge. So if they are charged, I"ll be ready to defend them aggressively and throughly, and at this point, of course, I've got the concern because they [law enforcement] can do what they want, but I've been told by the state attorney's office and the Orange County Sheriff's Office that no charges are in the works."

Conway said that George and Cindy have not been in touch with their daughter.

"They have no privacy with her," Conway said. "Every conversation they have is taped or videotaped and then immediately released and on the media the next day."


So what was he hired for?
He is a spin master IMO. He is very centered and very calm but he is still a spin master. The most dangerous kind IMO. Why?? You just don't see it coming! LOL

You nailed it! Some lawyers are good actors, he is definitely laying it on thick to gain support for C & G. Baez on the other hand lacks not only acting abilities but simple logic and comprehension as well.
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