B. Conway Poll - Good Attorney or all spin

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Good Attorney or all spin?

  • I don't like the A's behavior during this, but I do like the new attorney

    Votes: 159 70.0%
  • B. He is only interested in legal spin and public exposure

    Votes: 68 30.0%

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  • Poll closed .
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They have handled things so badly from the very beginning that they may not ever fully recover from it but you have to make the effort.

Snipped- They did handle things badly. But in all honesty, any effort they make right now is going to be ripped to shreds. And I don't put myself above being one of the shredders.

If they step out and cry they will be accused of trying to manipulate the public. If they don't they are cold hearted and not grateful for the outpouring of grief for their granddaughter.

Grief has five stages.

Denial- We have seen plenty of that from them.

Anger- We've seen lots of that too.

Bargaining- Plenty of this as well.

Depression- I believe this has been an underlying emotion for them since July when this first became evident.

Acceptance- They now have to accept the cold, hard reality that Caylee is gone forever. There is no choice. They have to plan a funeral and accept the circumstances surrounding her death, whatever they may be.

They are probably struggling with acceptance now- of more than the loss of that beautiful little girl. They now are forced to face the fact that their daughter lied to them. And with that, they have to accept that she was likely responsible for Caylee's death.

I believe strongly that is what's happening at that house on Hopespring Drive right now. They not only have to accept these things, but they have to acknowledge that they, out of desperation, believed Casey's lies even though they were so obviously lies.

They are probably devastated, humiliated, disappointed, and are also facing legal consequences for their actions in defense of their daughter.

And there is an angry world outside their door anxious to rub their faces in the fact that they believed in their daughter.

And I will add that I don't know that I'd be able to keep my mouth shut if I were near them- but I do feel compassion for where they are today.

And I sincerely hope that with Mr. Conway's help that they will understand they horrible mistake they made in trusting their daughter and will now assist with the prosecution.

Wishful thinking maybe, but I am trying so hard to find something that will help me to believe that Caylee enjoyed true and pure love from somebody in her life. We know that wasn't from her mother- but I think it may have been from her Grandparents.
Wow, this is beginning to sound like the Queen when princess Diana died. She needed to be told how to behave in public for the sake of all those who loved and supported Diana. She needed to be told how to behave in private for the sake of her two sons who love her dearly.

The only one who came out of that tragedy smelling good was Charles who had a mistress throughout his marriage, who played polo as his son had surgery on a compressed skull fracture and suddenly became Prince Mom to his boys who needed him desperately. Now married to his mistress Charlie is happy at last.

Anyone else seeing the similarities?

Maybe it seems that way but that was not my intention. I just think that their public image is tarnished and a little public show of grief might do that a world of good.

As for Charles, can't stand the man, have never been able to stand him and think he is a selfish prick who couldn't think of anyone but himself ever. Spoiled child, spoiled adult. Don't even get me started on him and what I think he is responsible for.
You should add an 'On the fence, not sure about this lawyer' on the poll - I'm not sure about him yet
Snipped- They did handle things badly. But in all honesty, any effort they make right now is going to be ripped to shreds. And I don't put myself above being one of the shredders.

If they step out and cry they will be accused of trying to manipulate the public. If they don't they are cold hearted and not grateful for the outpouring of grief for their granddaughter.

Grief has five stages.

Denial- We have seen plenty of that from them.

Anger- We've seen lots of that too.

Bargaining- Plenty of this as well.

Depression- I believe this has been an underlying emotion for them since July when this first became evident.

Acceptance- They now have to accept the cold, hard reality that Caylee is gone forever. There is no choice. They have to plan a funeral and accept the circumstances surrounding her death, whatever they may be.

They are probably struggling with acceptance now- of more than the loss of that beautiful little girl. They now are forced to face the fact that their daughter lied to them. And with that, they have to accept that she was likely responsible for Caylee's death.

I believe strongly that is what's happening at that house on Hopespring Drive right now. They not only have to accept these things, but they have to acknowledge that they, out of desperation, believed Casey's lies even though they were so obviously lies.

They are probably devastated, humiliated, disappointed, and are also facing legal consequences for their actions in defense of their daughter.

And there is an angry world outside their door anxious to rub their faces in the fact that they believed in their daughter.

And I will add that I don't know that I'd be able to keep my mouth shut if I were near them- but I do feel compassion for where they are today.

And I sincerely hope that with Mr. Conway's help that they will understand they horrible mistake they made in trusting their daughter and will now assist with the prosecution.

Wishful thinking maybe, but I am trying so hard to find something that will help me to believe that Caylee enjoyed true and pure love from somebody in her life. We know that wasn't from her mother- but I think it may have been from her Grandparents.

I see you just joined Websleuths----welcome! However, we have covered the stages of grieving ad nauseum over the last 4 months or so.
Brad Conway is also using little Caylee as his meal ticket to achieve fame & fortune. He will be tossing his hat into the ring as a judicial candidate in an upcoming election.

Brad C will not garner any sympathy representing C&G. If he is the man he appears to be, he doesn't care. His hat was already in the ring, before the A's
came along. As long as he makes sure Caylee is treated respectfully I don't care if he runs for President off this. Caylee needs to be given the respect her mother tried to take away when she left her in a trash bag.

Either he didn't know all the A's had done to be so hated by so many, or he choose to over look it and present a clean slate from the time he signed on. If they will listen to him they may come out of this with a few tail feathers intact. If he starts bowing to them, he's done in his bid for judge.

The A's need to follow his advice and he needs to keep them on a really short leash. If they obstructed, grieving grandparents or not they will be prosecuted. Maybe, just maybe he will be able to keep them out of jail. One more reason they need to listen to their lawyer.

Brad appears more approachable then MN did. As much as I think MN is an excellent attorney I think Brad will be better received, as long as he stays in charge. The first time he lets the A's start making the rules, he's toast.
I have not heard today's statement. If he mentioned the "Nanny" as some reported, I will become skeptical. The fact that he asked for special privileges has me on alert.

People are remarking about the skill of containing CA. I don't know how long he can contain her...IMO, not long.
I think he came into the situation at the right time. The discovery of the remains made the A's realize the legal morass they were in and now appreciate decent legal advice.

MN was in a totally different situation and couldn't with all good conscience continue with his representation.

Personally, I think Cindy and George each need their own attorney. There may be an occasion when their "cases" oppose each other's.

As for the memorial. I think it is a good thing that the toys will be donated. I would hate to see them ruined by the elements, as were Caylee's poor remains. Better a child in need have it. Since the memorial was set up on "iffy" territory, it's best that the A's make the decision, since they are in memory of Caylee.

I agree in theory donating the toys is a good idea, in actuality, not so much. Those are not their toys to give, they are not on their property and they are not Caylee's next of kin, KC is. They have no authority to touch anything that has been laid there in memory of Caylee and to do so is in poor taste. JMO, but I firmly believe this. Not only from an emotional point of view but as a public relations point of view this is just another, among many, really really bad choices the Anthony's continue to make.
With all due respect, Agave, if the Anthonys stepped outside and walked to that memorial they would have to face hecklers and aggressive behavior and I'm not sure that they should have to do that right now.

I do agree that they obstructed justice. I do agree that one or both of them should face charges. I do agree that they created the monster that is Casey.

But I do believe that they never dreamed Casey was capable of this. And I also believe that in their hearts they may have known that Caylee was gone but they grasped hope in the Zanny Nanny story and held on for dear life. That little bit of hope was so much nicer than facing the reality that their beautiful innoncent granddaughter was murdered in cold blood by the daughter they raised.

I do have some sympathy for them- I didn't know Caylee but my heart is raw. I cannot imagine what they are feeling right now since they did know her, nurture her, and love her before we all ever even heard of her.

They are facing something more horrifying even than losing a child- they are facing the fact that their own child is lost to them because she murdered her own child. It's a double tragedy and they do deserve some compassion for that. And putting ourselves in their shoes is virtually impossible but I have to think that I would exhaust every **possibility** before condemning a child I raised and recognizing them as a murderer.

They are far from perfect people. I'm not sure that they are what the average American would consider normal- but we have only seen them at the very worst time of their lives.

They have so much that they have to face and accept right now- facing the public in the wake of their support of their murderous daughter is more than any human being could handle right now.

With regard to the toys, time is of the essence. Christmas is four days away and the toys would need to be distributed immediately. This may not seem ideal to some people, but again, they are now dam*** no matter what they do.

I agree with this completely, and bolded the end, as I think this is a unique time for their grief with Christmas so quickly approaching.

There are many children who are in need, and to receive a teddy bear or any stuffed animal would be an enormous highlight to their awful situation. I don't think the A's would be doing this if Christmas wasn't fast approaching.

I also believe that although in the dark recesses of their minds, they must have known the truth, they held out for any semblance of hope: even JB was saying Caylee was alive 2 days before the ME announced the final identification.

The A's also have to deal with that Sunshine law in FL, which means any contact they have with KC will be released and broadcast on NG and other shows. As much as I am curious, this again is a damned if you do, damned if you don't. They know they made some major misstatements. I'm hoping they are ready to come clean and this lawyer is going to guide them. I just cannot imagine going all this time without physically seeing my daughter, no matter what she did.

I cannot imagine not being able to talk, even hold my daughter at this time, despite all the evidence, and grieve. At the same time, I can't imagine not being able to ask her, face to face, one time, what happened. If it could be recorded for authorities, but not released to the public, it would be so much better. When you get down to it, it's a nightmare situation.

This lawyer seems to be dealing with common sense so far. He is not sensationalistic in his approach to their situation. Please understand, I do not condone their actions, and I do think they may have more involvement post Caylee's death, some possible crimes of commission, other crimes of omission.
I know nothing of Brad Coway, though he appears to be a good man, and I remember hearing Marc Nejame say that he was a superb attorney when he came onboard. I really liked Nejame and knew when he stepped into this mess, he would have his hands full. I believe the same is going to be true for Brad Coway. He has his work cut out for him, that's a given.
I hope he can assist Cindy and George with seeing the truth in all of this. I really do. And I think to do anything less will hurt his career. I had not heard that he spoke of 'the nanny' , that's news to me. That's not a good sign at all. You know the man is privy to all of the court house talk, and then some, he knows as well as we do that there is NO NANNY!!!

I can't understand at all why the pastor that has been offering his support to C & G and now this new attorney can't help these people to face the reality and the truth! Cindy knows that no nanny ever existed. No one has seen the nanny, met the nanny, spoken to the nanny, or saw pictures of the nanny!
Why oh why do intelligent people want to play along with the sick games?
I just don't comprehend their rationale. Some day, some how, some way, it has to stop!
I have not heard today's statement. If he mentioned the "Nanny" as some reported, I will become skeptical. The fact that he asked for special privileges has me on alert.

People are remarking about the skill of containing CA. I don't know how long he can contain her...IMO, not long.

The "Nanny" is the A's new euphemism for baby killer. As long as KC's defense sticks by the nanny story anyone representing the rest of the family has no choice but to use the same.

The less said by Brad about KC or the nanny the more credibility he will retain.

Regardless of the charges, KC is still their daughter and their grand daughter has just been confirmed dead. There is nothing sinister or wrong for the A's atty to request a few minutes in private to see their daughter. For the A's to keep their grief private. The jail was able to arrange a private meeting between GA and KC in July. JB talked her out of seeing him.

This time I believe it will be left up to a judge to decide and I can live with whatever he says. KC hasn't been convicted yet.
I like him for the fact that he got them to zip it.
I liked him at first and thought he was good and was representing them well. However lately he has started the Anthony spin. They must hypnotize people or something. I haven't felt as highly of him the last couple of days.
Kathryn, that's exactly how I feel!
3. I'm just going this way--I don't trust anyone representing anyone in that family....the way things be spinned-------

I do think he is good but realize that there is also a reason....

I vote for #3
Wow, this is beginning to sound like the Queen when princess Diana died. She needed to be told how to behave in public for the sake of all those who loved and supported Diana. She needed to be told how to behave in private for the sake of her two sons who love her dearly.

The only one who came out of that tragedy smelling good was Charles who had a mistress throughout his marriage, who played polo as his son had surgery on a compressed skull fracture and suddenly became Prince Mom to his boys who needed him desperately. Now married to his mistress Charlie is happy at last.

Anyone else seeing the similarities?

My thoughts exactly!
I agree in theory donating the toys is a good idea, in actuality, not so much. Those are not their toys to give, they are not on their property and they are not Caylee's next of kin, KC is. They have no authority to touch anything that has been laid there in memory of Caylee and to do so is in poor taste. JMO, but I firmly believe this. Not only from an emotional point of view but as a public relations point of view this is just another, among many, really really bad choices the Anthony's continue to make.

Sorry I disagree and I think it is a wonderful idea especially at this time of the year. Hope they have already been taken in as a front is moving through Central FL and it just rained here. It would be shame to just let them sit out in the rain when so many kids have to do without. I think Caylee would love to share them. JMO
Brad C will not garner any sympathy representing C&G. If he is the man he appears to be, he doesn't care. His hat was already in the ring, before the A's
came along. As long as he makes sure Caylee is treated respectfully I don't care if he runs for President off this. Caylee needs to be given the respect her mother tried to take away when she left her in a trash bag.

Either he didn't know all the A's had done to be so hated by so many, or he choose to over look it and present a clean slate from the time he signed on. If they will listen to him they may come out of this with a few tail feathers intact. If he starts bowing to them, he's done in his bid for judge.

The A's need to follow his advice and he needs to keep them on a really short leash. If they obstructed, grieving grandparents or not they will be prosecuted. Maybe, just maybe he will be able to keep them out of jail. One more reason they need to listen to their lawyer.

Brad appears more approachable then MN did. As much as I think MN is an excellent attorney I think Brad will be better received, as long as he stays in charge. The first time he lets the A's start making the rules, he's toast.

VERY good post!
I like the new attorney. He appears to be a genuine caring person and not full of himself - down to earth.
I really really hate to be rude, But why is it that the A's are showing so much care & compassion for toys & gifts for Caylee that are laying on the ground, When for the past 6 months they could not show the same for there Grandaughter that was laying in the exact same spot...Do you really think that everytime it rained they worried about where Caylee was laying...I know they love her and I would not doubt that for a second..But dear god listening to BC today made me want to throw up...I just dont get it I am so mad I can't sit still and I just had to say something...They dont want the toys to rot in the ground...WELL...But they are going to leave the cards & other stuff there....GRRRRRRR....
Originally Posted by JustMy2Cents
I agree in theory donating the toys is a good idea, in actuality, not so much. Those are not their toys to give, they are not on their property and they are not Caylee's next of kin, KC is. They have no authority to touch anything that has been laid there in memory of Caylee and to do so is in poor taste. JMO, but I firmly believe this. Not only from an emotional point of view but as a public relations point of view this is just another, among many, really really bad choices the Anthony's continue to make.

Sorry I disagree and I think it is a wonderful idea especially at this time of the year. Hope they have already been taken in as a front is moving through Central FL and it just rained here. It would be shame to just let them sit out in the rain when so many kids have to do without. I think Caylee would love to share them. JMO

MPO.... The toys and momentos were left for Caylee.... I do not feel they should be donated..... If I lived in FL knowing the memorial had been taken down.... I would make it a part of my day.. every morning to drive by the site and leave a rose... even if it was taken down there would be a new one the next morning... In Memory Of Caylee.......
I didn't vote because I can't decide. I need to see more of a track record.
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