Baez and KC's Press Conference - 10/14/08 (Tuesday)

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I thought that this forum was to help find Caylee. Some are looking for a live Caylee and some are looking for a dead Caylee but all are looking for Caylee.
Laying blame and trying this case because of photos or because we think something happened a certain way deprives each of us our freedom --the right to a fair trial and the "presumption of innocence". Are any of you aware of how many have been found guilty and later found innocent after many years of their lives ruined because of the "rush" to judgement or the "presumption of guilt"? I am 62 years old and have lived long enough to find out that things are not always what they seem. Yes, it does not look good for Casey. We have spent more time trying to "presume" she is guilty than to finding Caylee (dead or alive). Hey, if she is guilty our justice system will eventually prove that or our Father above will deal with it Himself.

I like everyone else feel that this child is dead but like Cindy, I hope. Went to church last night and the message was about hope as being the tool used mixed with faith to bring about miracles. I have in my life time experienced some real miracles so I can join Cindy in HOPE. There are many things that could have happened to Caylee with or without Casey's involvement. There is more to this case than any of us know and I believe in my heart that there are more people involved but if NOT, I believe it will all come out in the end.

When a jury of her peers examines ALL the evidence, those we believe we know and those we do not have knowledge of, they will be the ones to deliver the innocent or quilty verdict. Have we become a "lynch" mob thus mocking our dead soldiers and our live ones for their service to our country.
I never got to know my dad's brother. He gave his life for our country. Some of my class mates died in vietnam. They gave their lives. My nephew just got back from Iraq and promptly re-enlisted.

They have bought our justice system with their blood. We owe it to them to use that system. Lynching is just not the American way. Trusting our jurors to have the intelligence to sit in the courtroom and listen to all sides and make the right decision is all of our hope. Ladies and gentelmen, we DO NOT have all the facts. We cannot make the decision. We can only presume.
Is that what you want us to become? Who knows? It could happen to any of you. It has happened to many who were innocent and it CAN happen to you too.

I am not part of any lynch mob. I am an American who has the right of free speech. It is my OPINION that this GJ served the first plate of justice today for little Caylee. Until I am seated on KC's jury, I am entitled to state my opinion all I want, forming that opinion from what I see on TV and the internet, or read in newspapers. I am sure the majority of grown Americans realizes there is a difference between being observers on the sidelines and that of being part of a jury deciding another human beings fate. It is my opinion that you should redirect to the rants thread.
Wow, Baez really ticked off Channel 9 when he threw them out of the press conference. On the news tonight, all the broadcasters are refering to him as "Rookie" Attorney Jose Baez.
I mean really amazed. At first I completely despised her for them, and I realized how wrong that was-I am not sure what caused them...Jose's words about her being someone who has a missing child who was also a child...maybe that was it. I think she was terrified to be unable to dodge today-I mean her own father had to take the stand to detail her behavior.

I think the rubber will now meet the road-IMO. She cannot pretend it is not happening and that this is simply a vendetta, or a misunderstanding.

And as an aside, I am so saddened by the time and effort expended to try and locate what is left of little Caylee-her mother could at least end that part now and just bring her home.
Biaz is insulting all of us...Biaz claimed that if a Grand Jury was to seated and no testimony given and the prosecution walked in and asked for an incitement- the GJ is so tainted it would just hand one down......

why do these people keep making these insane statements.....if I was on the gj I would listen follow directions and adhere to the law and standards regardless of what I feel or the media......why is the Anthony family and her attorneys insulting all of us claiming we are not smart enough or savvy enough to have an educated opinion and still serve with out bias a judgment?

I can serve on a jury and have an opinion and still set it a side and start fresh the idea one is innocent until proven guilty by evidence. I can follow the judges instructions. I find this insulting and I am enraged.

I know I can...........can you?

I am tired of the lies and insults stating the grand jury can not or did not act in an educated manner.
Biaz is insulting all of us...Biaz claimed that if a Grand Jury was to seated and no testimony given and the prosecution walked in and asked for an incitement- the GJ is so tainted it would just hand one down......

why do these people keep making these insane statements.....if I was on the gj I would listen follow directions and adhere to the law and standards regardless of what I feel or the media......why is the Anthony family and her attorneys insulting all of us claiming we are not smart enough or savvy enough to have an educated opinion and still serve with out bias a judgment?

I can serve on a jury and have an opinion and still set it a side and start fresh the idea one is innocent until proven guilty by evidence. I can follow the judges instructions. I find this insulting and I am enraged.

I know I can...........can you?

I am tired of the lies and insults stating the grand jury can not or did not act in an educated manner.

ITA! JB did TRY to insult us, but he only ends up making himself look uneducated/ignorant.

He does not have a defense planned other than pointing the finger at the media, LE, the SA's office, and (rediculously) our justice system. :eek:
Wow, Baez really ticked off Channel 9 when he threw them out of the press conference. On the news tonight, all the broadcasters are refering to him as "Rookie" Attorney Jose Baez.

LOL. He seems that way to me so why not. Now he will feel what it is like to be insulted.
This pressor enabled me to gauge KC's reactions I was never able to observe before. Notably:

1.) KC will not make eye contact with anyone in the audience or even glance over the crowd while JB "speaks for her". KC only stares at the floor or JB's head and fidgits nervously like a scolded child caught coloring on the wall. Big difference from the tail-wagging, gum-chewing, smiling, high-fiving, carefree girl trotting into the courthouse we've otherwise seen her to be recently.

2.) KC has no instinctive reaction to hearing JB's statement that she is the "mother of a child", but reacts immediately, intensely and selfishly to hearing herself referred to as "someone's child". Pathetic.

3.) KC makes no effort to speak on behalf of herself and any desire to "find Caylee". She's content as always to sit back, cross her fingers, throw around some doe-eyes and hope we all swallow the lies coming out of JB's mouth.

Thank you JB. I appreciate the insight where I may have had some doubt.

*On a more personal note: I served in Iraq 2 years ago today. I had a lot of work on my plate, none of which was intended to support an absence of common sense in the determination of "reasonable doubt" in our judicial system. Fighting for your right to make an a$$ out of yourself in public is entirely different than agreeing with those who choose to exercise the option. Don't throw the military under your preverted bus by mistaking the dilineation between the two.

**Oh, and too bad if you don't like the negative things people say about you and KC. Guess you're just gonna have to "stand for it" because your ratings aren't getting any better with some of the statements and actions you and KC have made recently, like today...

Marlene, thank you for your service. God bless you. :blowkiss:
Yes isn't it wonderful. You have that right to say that. However, our country stands for much higher values than that and it is our soldiers who "when they fight, when they die" they do so not only to protect YOUR right to say that but they fight to maintain our nations VALUES. We don't have to like them but we surely should honor them. We would have complete chaos if we go back to lynching again. There are lots on this site who spend more time "lynching" Casey than finding Caylee. I want to find Caylee--dead or alive and I want justice to be done. We must first get to the truth and we are no where near that. We have a lot of speculation but we don't have ALL the facts yet. Let's get them. Let's have a fair trial after that. I believe our system works better than any other in the world.

When a jury of 12 intelligent Americans find Casey guilty after all the facts of both sides are brought to them, then we can rejoice that she gets what is due her.

No, I don't have to find her innocent until proven guilty. In the court of public opinion, including mine- she is guilty. I'm not on her jury, I can rejoice that she is back behind bars where she belongs- NOT baking brownies for her attorney, playing on her MySpace account, and high-fiving it and struting around in stolen sunglasses and clothing! Moreover, don't tell me to go search for Caylee- I live in California!:razz:
When a jury of 12 intelligent Americans find Casey guilty after all the facts of both sides are brought to them, then we can rejoice that she gets what is due her.

<snipped & bolded by me>

Well, that would NOT describe a jury of her peers. :crazy:


and back to jail she goes....
First off...I would like to say that what I'm getting ready to post is not intended to offend anyone here. It is not intended to make you change the way you feel. It is only intended to post my opinion on the matter, because I do believe that there are others here, that remain silent, that share this opinion. So I'm going to be brave in put my opinion on the matter out there. most of you already know, I do not know whether Caylee is alive or dead. For all I know, Casey murdered her. For all I know, Caylee is alive. The only reason I'm putting this statment out here is because I have been hesitant to post my feelings on certain subjects as they have in the past ended up in some debate. While I do understand the emotions, and the anger that are generated with this case (and I really do understand...I want you all to know that)...I will not be allow myself to be on the receiving end of that anger. Therefore, I will not explain my feelings...I will not debate them. They are my own just as you are entitled to your own.

In regards to Baez's briefing today, I believe there is a huge truth to what he had to say. That we need to be reminded that we do not know all the details of this case. We only know what has been released to the media. What has been released to the media is very one sided, and it does not contain all the facts. We need to be reminded that in this country...we have a justice system that I believe, most of the time, works. And that everyone in this country is entitled to a fair trial and our presumed innocent until proven guilty...including Casey Anthony. Baez's briefing reminded me of that fact today and I thought there was a lot of wisdom in what he had to say. The things that he had to say about the media and our justice system are the things that I will teach to my own children.
Coupla' questions I haven't seen addressed regarding Baez's comments during the presser...-

Baez says KC has been going thru hell for the "past 7 months." Counting backwards, that would be since mid-March? Huh?

He also said that when he offers his "explanation" for KC's actions that everyone will sit back and say "well, that explains it." If he has information that will exonerate his client, then why the hidey-ho hasn't he shared it before now?!

And why does he not realize what an azz he sounds like when he says stuff like that? :confused:
Coupla' questions I haven't seen addressed regarding Baez's comments during the presser...-

Baez says KC has been going thru hell for the "past 7 months." Counting backwards, that would be since mid-March? Huh?

That's when she looked up Missing Children's websites I believe... Just like Scott Peterson telling the truth in advance, "This is the first Christmas since I lost my wife"!!!
First off...I would like to say that what I'm getting ready to post is not intended to offend anyone here. It is not intended to make you change the way you feel. It is only intended to post my opinion on the matter, because I do believe that there are others here, that remain silent, that share this opinion. So I'm going to be brave in put my opinion on the matter out there. most of you already know, I do not know whether Caylee is alive or dead. For all I know, Casey murdered her. For all I know, Caylee is alive. The only reason I'm putting this statment out here is because I have been hesitant to post my feelings on certain subjects as they have in the past ended up in some debate. While I do understand the emotions, and the anger that are generated with this case (and I really do understand...I want you all to know that)...I will not be allow myself to be on the receiving end of that anger. Therefore, I will not explain my feelings...I will not debate them. They are my own just as you are entitled to your own.

In regards to Baez's briefing today, I believe there is a huge truth to what he had to say. That we need to be reminded that we do not know all the details of this case. We only know what has been released to the media. What has been released to the media is very one sided, and it does not contain all the facts. We need to be reminded that in this country...we have a justice system that I believe, most of the time, works. And that everyone in this country is entitled to a fair trial and our presumed innocent until proven guilty...including Casey Anthony. Baez's briefing reminded me of that fact today and I thought there was a lot of wisdom in what he had to say. The things that he had to say about the media and our justice system are the things that I will teach to my own children.
Seriously, the man needs to peruse a dictionary.

"I want to employ you" means that he is offering a job.

I believe he means to say "I want to IMPLORE you"

He's used this incorrect verbage before and it kills me.
Baez says KC has been going thru hell for the "past 7 months." Counting backwards, that would be since mid-March? Huh?

In listening to this several times today, I believe Baez is saying the "past SEVERAL months." I may be wrong but that is what I heard.
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