Baez & Geraldo to speak @ HNBA Convention in Dallas, TX. August 31-September 3!

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Two things really make me chuckle......Well more than two, but these two jump out at me.

The "Plenary Breakfast" Q&A session will be held in the Lone Star Ballroom
The "Lone Star" part just gets me cause JB probably thinks he IS the LONE STAR.

The CLE following the Plenary Breakfast is
9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
Business Track:
Location: Lone Star A1

Corporate Compliance and Business Ethics Programs

Now that's funny.

Oh the irony is indeed rich! :floorlaugh:
I can't believe they would even be asked to speak at this convention. They do know they are in the state of Texas and alot of Texans are packing heat!

Surprise surprise. Those two talkin in Texas at a convention. Wonders may never cease.
Are JB and MG talking about business ethics? :snake:

Surprise surprise. Those two talkin in Texas at a convention. Wonders may never cease.
Are JB and MG talking about business ethics? :snake:


Those two shouldn't be teaching any business ethics they should be taking a class to learn some ethics. lol
I love how no one asks why being informed is equated to being "biased".

yes, it is so sad they werent informed, for Caylees sake. :(

They didnt hear it all IMO
They saw a "grieving" Grandma all over the place with her head on the table etc. Saying she did chlorophyll test which somehow led to CHLOROFORM search. :banghead:
I dont know WHAT they thought of casey, looking at her so long.
I dont think they listened to the air sample specialist at all because I thought Dr Vass was very impressive myself.
Something tellsme even if the avg orlando jury wouldve been picked, it wouldve turned out the ssame:(
I dont think most people are informed sadly. And yes, the jurors wanted to get home. I dont think they shouldve had a sequestered jury, it makes people too unhappy and they want to get hom back into real life.
They obviously didnt pay much attention to the girl who said when she knocked at Tonees, a 2 yr old answered the door. Her Mother was too busy elsewhere.
But being clueless, biased, informed, whatever. Id rather be informed when or if I had to judge who murdered a 2 yr old helpless little girl.
Hope this makes sense. Its just sometimes I feel we are the only one who speaks for Caylee:(
Surprise surprise. Those two talkin in Texas at a convention. Wonders may never cease.
Are JB and MG talking about business ethics? :snake:


LOL - no that's the presentation following theirs - later in the morning! Baez and Geraldo are talking about picking a trial and instantaneous mass media or how to keep getting prompted on your IPhone by a media expert throughout the jury selection process.
LOL - no that's the presentation following theirs - later in the morning! Baez and Geraldo are talking about picking a trial and instantaneous mass media or how to keep getting prompted on your IPhone by a media expert throughout the jury selection process.

I couldn't resist. :crazy:
Love your comment. Has that much text messaging ever been done during a trial? lol
Actually I think it will be quite a farce - Baez is not a good "off the cuff" speaker at the best of times, and I understand he has fairly rudimentary Spanish skills - plus this breakfast starts at 8:00am and while there is an opening speaker, I think an 8:30 start for Baez to be articulate is going to be difficult also. I didn't hear whether or not he will have a list of questions that will be asked of him so he can practise his posing.....that he used at the trial.

Just typing that made me laugh because it reminded me of watching him with his Mr. Cool pose leaning on that podium at trial - there were a couple of times I was sure he was going to miss the "casual lean-in" and fall off.:great:

Every time I see something about JB getting up early,I think about Eggtree blog..where she writes- And Jose jumps out of his race car bed in his shamrock onies!!
LOLOL- That just cracks me up!!!!!
Every time I see something about JB getting up early,I think about Eggtree blog..where she writes- And Jose jumps out of his race car bed in his shamrock onies!!
LOLOL- That just cracks me up!!!!!

Thanks for the reminder and the bellylaugh - eggtree had some real classics and that was one of the better ones!
I guess they had to do this session at breakfast as an incentive to attend. I'd like to see the interest or attendance if it was later. As it is, everyone will be busy getting some coffee and sustenance to wake up. JB and technology and social networking ... What a laugh! I wonder if he will have some charts on posters with stick-ons or his paper whiteboard with marker pens?
If these attorneys attending this conference haven't figured out how to pick a jury that will benefit the defense, they should never receive a license to practice. It is not that difficult...good grief.

So now Baez is going to be paid BIG BUCKS to speak. I couldn't stand to hear him speak with his whiny voice and totally inept skills, not to mention questionable character.

These lawyers must be dumb....real dumb.
If these attorneys attending this conference haven't figured out how to pick a jury that will benefit the defense, they should never receive a license to practice. It is not that difficult...good grief.

So now Baez is going to be paid BIG BUCKS to speak. I couldn't stand to hear him speak with his whiny voice and totally inept skills, not to mention questionable character.

These lawyers must be dumb....real dumb.

Ugh imagine the jokes he'll tell
The blind leading the blind. What a farce.
Will Jose also be giving an insight into how to put together a visually pleasing easel chart?
I would be embarrassed to be a Hispanic lawyer if they were my association's guest speakers.

I would feel the same way!Those 2 are really using the Hispanic race card to benefit themselves, I have never read of either one of them doing anything to help any Hispanics except themselves.:innocent:
I really feel sorry for any future clients of Mr.Baez,what happened with FCA trial was a fluke the next client will not be so lucky. I personally would not hire him for a traffic ticket.Someone should make a movie of the trial as a comedy,it would be a hit. I laughed so hard at that legal team I almost peed my pants! :waitasec:The mumbling,bumbling,and stumbling of that team made them winning mind blowing.:waitasec:
I'm surprised Baez didn't take Cindy with him. She played such a big part in his defense of the Felon. She would have loved the attention.
Dallas Daily News: Hispanic Lawyers Convention Next Week Will Tackle Thorny Issues

From the Dallas Daily News, August 26, 2011

By Mercedes Olivera

In this age of Facebook and social media, how do you pick a jury that you hope will be unbiased?

It’s a question many lawyers increasingly face in this digital era we live in. And it’s one that José Baez will be asked at the four-day annual convention of the Hispanic National Bar Association in Dallas next week.

Baez was involved in what has been described as “the social media trial of the century.”

He was the attorney who represented Casey Anthony, the mother accused of murdering her 2-year-old daughter. Anthony was acquitted, and Baez became an instant success story.

Baez will be introduced by Geraldo Rivera at a Friday plenary session that will also feature Todd Robinson, deputy assistant secretary at the U.S. Department of State.

Just goes to show you not everyone has the same definition of success. Being first chair to the most hated mother on the planet, walking her out of jail and seeing a baby killer go free is not my ideal of success!! :dunno:
I have a very hard time believing Jose Baez is an instant success story among his "peers" in the Hispanic community. I feel confident that Hispanic lawyers are as "upstanding" as the majority of lawyers out there who work very hard for any success they have achieved. I don't see Baez enjoying any success among English speaking lawyers, so why are we so quick to assume Hispanic lawyers will be holding him up as some kind of a hero. Whatever language you speak, anyone who had read or watched anything about the trial realizes Baez is a bumbling inarticulate lawyer at best and this verdict was won by the unlikely event of having a ship of fools in the jury room.

If I remember correctly, Baez recently appeared on a Spanish speaking television program and he was treated far less respect than he is when he appears on mainstream media.

I don't think we need to be holding our breath waiting for accolades about his performance at the Bar Association Convention to come floating back to us.
Why would he be any different in front of a bunch of lawyers than he is in a court room being watched by millions? They may not necessarily criticize him in public, but among themselves I'd be willing to put money on it being an entirely different story.
If these attorneys attending this conference haven't figured out how to pick a jury that will benefit the defense, they should never receive a license to practice. It is not that difficult...good grief.

So now Baez is going to be paid BIG BUCKS to speak. I couldn't stand to hear him speak with his whiny voice and totally inept skills, not to mention questionable character.

These lawyers must be dumb....real dumb.

It was hard enough listening to Baez speak when it was free. :crazy:
Just goes to show you not everyone has the same definition of success. Being first chair to the most hated mother on the planet, walking her out of jail and seeing a baby killer go free is not my ideal of success!! :dunno:

Worth repeating. :clap:
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