Baez & Geraldo to speak @ HNBA Convention in Dallas, TX. August 31-September 3!

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I have a prediction that JVM will be covering this tomorrow night...luckily I boycott her show.
Well judging by the article for it, that basically places a halo on Jose's head, they don't know him at all. They're in for a huge disappointment! I wonder who wrote that article? Talk about sugarcoating Baez! Makes me want to barf, seriously!!!! Instant success? Where? I haven't seen any yet for him!

Well it is a panel, and there will be questions particularly by Lisa Blue Baron who will be leading the questions - so don't be too sure he'll get off that easy.
I suspect there will be some very sharp up and coming lawyers there who don't appreciate being tarnished by the Baez brush. It speaks volumes to me that his partner is Geraldo.
LOL.. how to pick a jury.. well... I guess thats the only success Baez had .. he got very lucky in selecting the right jury .. thats where he won the case. His success was mostly because of the selection process being rushed so much and allowing jurors who weren't really death qualified.

These jurors did not seem unbiased.. they were strangely biased toward the defense.. and completely disregarded the SA case... I'm still on the fence as to something fishy here.. but if Baez is involved..who knows.

I'm from the Dallas area and do not like the thought of him and Geraldo spreading their smarmyness around town. If picketing is involved, I would be afraid that Baez would just use this as proof that the media has made him out to be the bad guy.

Gee... I hope he doesn't bring the felon... I 'll warn everyone in the area to hang on to their checkbooks..
It's really sad when an organization that promotes the excellent work of Hispanic Lawyers must stoop to the level of using"Jerry Springeresque" speakers to draw attention.

IMO, the only thing JB and his "ferret on the face" friend have to offer this engagement is a bit of humor and parody to break up the schedule.

If the topic is really intended to cover the jury selection in relation to social media... why did they not invite those that actually labored in that effort? Does anyone think JB actually researched anything himself? Anyone can read an I-Phone.
What surprises me is the "remarks" atty is Barry Sorrels - and he's like "super lawyer" I'd love to hear the presentation, frankly
It's really sad when an organization that promotes the excellent work of Hispanic Lawyers must stoop to the level of using"Jerry Springeresque" speakers to draw attention.

IMO, the only thing JB and his "ferret on the face" friend have to offer this engagement is a bit of humor and parody to break up the schedule.

If the topic is really intended to cover the jury selection in relation to social media... why did they not invite those that actually labored in that effort? Does anyone think JB actually researched anything himself? Anyone can read an I-Phone.

Actually I think it will be quite a farce - Baez is not a good "off the cuff" speaker at the best of times, and I understand he has fairly rudimentary Spanish skills - plus this breakfast starts at 8:00am and while there is an opening speaker, I think an 8:30 start for Baez to be articulate is going to be difficult also. I didn't hear whether or not he will have a list of questions that will be asked of him so he can practise his posing.....that he used at the trial.

Just typing that made me laugh because it reminded me of watching him with his Mr. Cool pose leaning on that podium at trial - there were a couple of times I was sure he was going to miss the "casual lean-in" and fall off.:great:
What surprises me is the "remarks" atty is Barry Sorrels - and he's like "super lawyer" I'd love to hear the presentation, frankly

I'd like to see the whole darned thing - don't like to miss any opportunity to witness Baez making a fool of front of his "beloved Hispanic" peers...
If Baez is going to give a speech at the convention on 9/2/11, I wonder who will be in court on Friday 9/2/11 to represent Casey regarding the investigation charges?
If Baez is going to give a speech at the convention on 9/2/11, I wonder who will be in court on Friday 9/2/11 to represent Casey regarding the investigation charges?

I believe that would be Lady Fryer...
I can't believe they would even be asked to speak at this convention. They do know they are in the state of Texas and alot of Texans are packing heat!
If Baez is going to give a speech at the convention on 9/2/11, I wonder who will be in court on Friday 9/2/11 to represent Casey regarding the investigation charges?

Is there any chance questions about "where did Casey's money go?" might come up?
Or maybe "what income is Casey getting now? What do you ,her lawyer / media agent expect it to be in the future? " will rear it's ugly head in regards to a repayment schedule?

How convenient for JB to be otherwise occupied.

Oh,but we know he can send and receive texts anywhere ,even in the middle of a conversation with a judge,so I'm sure Ms. Fryer will be able to reach him if necessary.
Dallas Daily News: Hispanic Lawyers Convention Next Week Will Tackle Thorny Issues

From the Dallas Daily News, August 26, 2011

By Mercedes Olivera

In this age of Facebook and social media, how do you pick a jury that you hope will be unbiased?

It’s a question many lawyers increasingly face in this digital era we live in. And it’s one that José Baez will be asked at the four-day annual convention of the Hispanic National Bar Association in Dallas next week.

Baez was involved in what has been described as “the social media trial of the century.”

He was the attorney who represented Casey Anthony, the mother accused of murdering her 2-year-old daughter. Anthony was acquitted, and Baez became an instant success story.

Baez will be introduced by Geraldo Rivera at a Friday plenary session that will also feature Todd Robinson, deputy assistant secretary at the U.S. Department of State.

Baez and Success, really????? I've always believed success meant something positive. I can not think of anything positive about JB!
Actually I think it will be quite a farce - Baez is not a good "off the cuff" speaker at the best of times, and I understand he has fairly rudimentary Spanish skills - plus this breakfast starts at 8:00am and while there is an opening speaker, I think an 8:30 start for Baez to be articulate is going to be difficult also. I didn't hear whether or not he will have a list of questions that will be asked of him so he can practise his posing.....that he used at the trial.

Just typing that made me laugh because it reminded me of watching him with his Mr. Cool pose leaning on that podium at trial - there were a couple of times I was sure he was going to miss the "casual lean-in" and fall off.:great:

Hope that pocket square doubles as an airbag.
If Baez is going to give a speech at the convention on 9/2/11, I wonder who will be in court on Friday 9/2/11 to represent Casey regarding the investigation charges?

I believe it is Mr. Mason and Ms. Fryer - she'll do the heavy lifting and he'll make a quick intro as he usually does...
Is there any chance questions about "where did Casey's money go?" might come up?
Or maybe "what income is Casey getting now? What do you ,her lawyer / media agent expect it to be in the future? " will rear it's ugly head in regards to a repayment schedule?

How convenient for JB to be otherwise occupied.

Oh,but we know he can send and receive texts anywhere ,even in the middle of a conversation with a judge,so I'm sure Ms. Fryer will be able to reach him if necessary.

Which reminds me - while I was thumbing through the old News Discussions looking for who the two lawyers meant to be Baez's co-presenters as initially discussed in the media release - I came across an article that said Jose's house is no longer in foreclosure - he is completely paid up. did he manage that?
Two things really make me chuckle......Well more than two, but these two jump out at me.

The "Plenary Breakfast" Q&A session will be held in the Lone Star Ballroom
The "Lone Star" part just gets me cause JB probably thinks he IS the LONE STAR.

The CLE following the Plenary Breakfast is
9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
Business Track:
Location: Lone Star A1

Corporate Compliance and Business Ethics Programs

Now that's funny.
Dallas Daily News: Hispanic Lawyers Convention Next Week Will Tackle Thorny Issues

From the Dallas Daily News, August 26, 2011

By Mercedes Olivera

In this age of Facebook and social media, how do you pick a jury that you hope will be unbiased?

It’s a question many lawyers increasingly face in this digital era we live in. And it’s one that José Baez will be asked at the four-day annual convention of the Hispanic National Bar Association in Dallas next week.

Baez was involved in what has been described as “the social media trial of the century.”

He was the attorney who represented Casey Anthony, the mother accused of murdering her 2-year-old daughter. Anthony was acquitted, and Baez became an instant success story.

Baez will be introduced by Geraldo Rivera at a Friday plenary session that will also feature Todd Robinson, deputy assistant secretary at the U.S. Department of State.

I love how no one asks why being informed is equated to being "biased".
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