Baez on the Today Show 12/9

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It's all about timing IMO, this is definitely planned and no coincidence.

If they can convince a handful of potential jurors that there are "credible" leads or sightings of Caylee somewhere, they're going to go to the ends of the earth to try to protect Casey.

I realize that no one, especially parents, want to accept that their offspring/loved one is a monster... but for the love of all that is holy... are they THIS stupid?

I tend to think it is more a case of denial rather than stupidity. These two adults have been keeping up a facade of normalcy for so long that I don't think they even know what normal is anymore! I have an 11 year old daughter that was just diagnosed with bipolar disorder and the worst thing a parent could ever do is deny and "fix" problems created by their child. Loving, gentle, parenting with an emphasis on consequence and consistency is key in the upbringing of a child with a mental disorder.

In my opinion Cindy and George know exactly what Casey did to Caylee, but their modis operandum since probably the begining of Casey's life has been to hide, fix, pacify and spoil any chance Casey had at being a productive person. Right now they are spinning their wheels trying to create a diversion in this hole pitiful masterpiece that their daughter has created. I have serious doubts that Cindy and George ever sought out proper treatment for their child with obvious emotional and mental disorders, instead enabled her to become what she is today. Casey and Casey alone murdered her child for no other reason than she was an inconvienence. In my opinion, she should spend an eternity...and then some behind bars. This coming from a mother of a child with a mental condition BECAUSE even though there is a diagnosis there, I STILL teach my child right from wrong and consequence for her actions while loving her with all my heart. Bipolar is not a defense, it is an excuse and a poor one at that.
JB is stringing this out to make as much money as possible before trial. It's why he didn't want the gag order, IMO. It's part of his pre-book sale publicity.
Baez responds that his client is innocent and she wants her day in court to tell her side of the story.
Oh, please God, let Casey testify! Please, please, please.

I am so baffled by Baez. Adamantly stating that Caylee is alive, and that's how they'll prove Casey's innocent. Then neglecting to pick up CDs detailing 1000s of tips/sightings. Too busy for that sort of thing--yet plenty o'time to fly to NY to chat with Matt Lauer.

Caylee just isn't that important, is she?


I realize that every defendant has a fundamental right to counsel. And I believe that most defense attorneys are, in fact, decent people who are ensuring that their clients' Constitutional rights are upheld.

I don't think that of Jose Baez.
What I find interesting is that everyone keeps going on the Today show. IMO, they are using this as a testing ground. Baez seems to step where there are very limited challenges to his hollow statements.

Wouldn't it be great if just one time Matt would say 'Lets unleash the lawyers' when he's interviewing one of Casey OJ Marie's defenders.
I doubt she'll ever take the stand and tell her story - as Baez is claiming. I think they are in the middle of trying to work out a plea deal, jmo.
It looks like we will have to. Who else is going to tell it? Is JB going to testify on behalf of his client? And, if it's in his opening statement, who is he going to produce to back up this story? ZFG? The lady at the airport? Her ex-firends? Looks like it'll have to be KC. Although somehow I don't think she will take the stand.

I agree completely DebC

The only way to get her "story" or "her side of it" will be for her to take the stand, since it's her that's not dead. Bring it on! I would love, love, love to see her cross examined. If she isn't going to take the stand, who is going to tell this "story". It isn't a freaking "story". It's a killing. The only story we will not get to hear is Caylee's sad little story.

They have no evidence to back up KC's spun-out tale. If they do, they will have to submit it before trial, along with witnesses. I have tried my best to look at this case with objectivity, and to consider that perhaps this little sharp-tongued hussy might be telling the truth, but the first judge had it right on when he openly stated that the truth & Ms Anthony are strangers. My gag reflex is getting weaker by the moment.
JB is stringing this out to make as much money as possible before trial. It's why he didn't want the gag order, IMO. It's part of his pre-book sale publicity.

I agree. That is the only payment he'll receive - publicity!
just my opinion.
JB is stringing this out to make as much money as possible before trial. It's why he didn't want the gag order, IMO. It's part of his pre-book sale publicity.

I agree and I don't think he is going to trial but trying to put some type of plea together before his flame burns out.
I'm torn between two things:

1. Either she and (with or without) Baez' help has spun some elaborate tale that they are going to spring on everyone at trial.


2. They are saying all of this to bait the public and then at trial, they will have nothing BLOCKBUSTERS....just same old ZFG tale.

You are moxie.:clap:
I'm torn between two things:

1. Either she and (with or without) Baez' help has spun some elaborate tale that they are going to spring on everyone at trial.


2. They are saying all of this to bait the public and then at trial, they will have nothing BLOCKBUSTERS....just same old ZFG tale.

I didn't see this segment this AM (are you sure it was today or was it yesterday?) Anyways - I go with #2 - if there was bombshell evidence proclaiming Casey's innocence Baez would have high tailed it to the DA to get his client out of the pokey - the pokey is NOT where Casey wants to be

ALSO the A's would have blabbed this long ago - there would have been a pressor, all kinds of media

I don't believe a word from Baez, he's done nothing but um, um, um....and waste the courts time - I'm waiting for him to go to the press and complain that the mall and other stores that Caylee seems to be running errands at won't give the defense their survelliance tapes
Baez we don't want a story - we want the effin truth!
Why are you going on the today show and others if you have nothing new to share?
Are you making money because your client can't pay you herself? So now you are also exploiting this child for your own needs?

Enough is enough!

If you have information that will clear your client then you need to present it to the judge and not drag everyone through the mud wasting time for your profit.

JB is the snake in the woods.

The A's are borderline brain dead if they think we believe for a second that their daughter is telling the truth. they don't believe her either.

Cindy's "Let me look in your eyes, you know I have to" comment in the jail house visit is enough to convince me this is all an act to now muddle through it all.

I am so very tired of this.
It's all about timing IMO, this is definitely planned and no coincidence.

If they can convince a handful of potential jurors that there are "credible" leads or sightings of Caylee somewhere, they're going to go to the ends of the earth to try to protect Casey.

I realize that no one, especially parents, want to accept that their offspring/loved one is a monster... but for the love of all that is holy... are they THIS stupid?

Unfortunately, they will be successful convincing many people that Caylee is out there somewhere.:banghead: The A's and Baez have also launched a campaign to try and build animosity against LE. LE won't help these poor people find their GD.
What I don't get is if she truly has a story that will shock the world and clear her name, why wait until the trial? They should be getting as much of her story as possible out in the public to prove that LE has the wrong person before trial and to help the public to look for Kaylee or at the least to help LE to look for her.

This has never made sense to me. I understand the need for the defense lawyer to state and restate his clients innocence but it seems that they usually have some kind of story to tell not just saying that we will all understand at trail.

Isn't it also your defense attorney's job to try to avoid a trail by showing that she is innocent with proof provide to the prosecution so they would consider dropping the charges?

I mean if the defense had a truly bombshell piece of evidence that she is innocent wouldn't they present this to LE/Prosecution before the trail and get her released?

Only one reason I can think of.....She is NOT innocent. If she was JB could have hired LP paid him $1 and told him the whole story, had Caylee found.

You are so right. If there was a "true" story of the perp's innocence, the perp would not be in jail awaiting a murder trial. It would have been told, would be followed up on, and the perp would be free (of the murder charge not the financial charges).
I am starting to think, this is nothing more then a ploy to make money. The longer JB and team can hold out the more money they can make. Same with Cindy and George, they all know that baby is gone.
I am so done with the Anthonys, Baez and the lying murderer!
This is the craziest mess that I have ever seen or heard of!
It irritates me that the national media is now playing the game with them!:banghead:
Now they're all doing a media blitz? WTH? What about Caylee?

If Casey were innocent, she would have reported her child missing the instant it happened! She would have cooperated with LE! She would have told the truth!

I better stop now, or I'll say something , uh, er, ugly.
And I don't want to get banned.
I think it's horrible what this girl (Casey) has done this to her parents, whether she harmed Caylee or not. She is an irresponsible child and had no business being the parental figure in Caylee's life, whether she gave the baby away, left her with someone who would take her, or hurt her. It just disgusts me that as far as her parents and daughter go she has no conscience. I don't care what she has to say because everything she has said thus far is a lie.
I am starting to think, this is nothing more then a ploy to make money. The longer JB and team can hold out the more money they can make. Same with Cindy and George, they all know that baby is gone.
I agree, Julie. Sad, really sad.
I'm torn between two things:

1. Either she and (with or without) Baez' help has spun some elaborate tale that they are going to spring on everyone at trial.


2. They are saying all of this to bait the public and then at trial, they will have nothing BLOCKBUSTERS....just same old ZFG tale.

I'm going with #2!!!! :innocent:
Casey will never take the stand. It's a bunch of BS.

Also, I would love to know why George keeps calling Caylee "THAT LITTLE GIRL". That man hardly ever calls his grand-daughter by name. What the h*ll is up with that???
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