Baez' Statement Regarding DP News

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oh jose should just give it up he wont practice after this case ... no one will want him this case is a farce and they are ALL aside from LE spitting on caylees grave IMHO

if he knows that caylee was killed by casey ..then what kind of a man is he to defend her pro bono ?

Well, Mark Garagos seems to still be around after all the outrageous high profile cases he's LOST lately.

They (the team) will have to keep Jose on board to "handle" Casey if nothing else. The first time any other new attorney on board would tell her something she doesn't want to hear she'll just up and fire them all.
That sounds exactly like something KC would think or say....that forces are out to get her. Of course in her mind, she is the victim....nothing has changed with her. She will never own up to anything she has ever done. I have no respect for JB what-so-ever to defend this 'thing'. I am so glad the DP is back on the table!!!!
"Forces out to get her" ? Yes, Jose those "forces" are the people and the state of Florida ! Jose said that the state is sadly mistaken if they are trying to get a plea from Casey, have you thought that maybe, Jose, the state and the people of Florida just want to put Casey to death for what she did to her daughter ?

This statement by JB is as about as juvenile as Casey's writen amendment to his response to the state's motion to compell where she wrote that the SA is just mad at her for not confessing to a crime she did not commit.
JB is sounding more dillusional by the minute....:mad:

I did make a prediction the other night that JB would be off this case in the next few weeks, but I thought it would be because he recused or got booted because of the Judge filing a complaint with the bar.
But it looks like the SA did the trick with reinstating the DP and kicking him off the crazy train, or at the very, least making him ride coach.
Well, Mark Garagos seems to still be around after all the outrageous high profile cases he's LOST lately.

They (the team) will have to keep Jose on board to "handle" Casey if nothing else. The first time any other new attorney on board would tell her something she doesn't want to hear she'll just up and fire them all.
oh carp i forgot about him lol i was too busy thinking about starwars :blowkiss:
Forces are out to get her? OMG no wonder she's smiling every time she comes into the court room. She's living in lala land thanks to her attorney. Does he think this is a game and that Darth Vader is waiting around the corner to get her? KC has thought it was a game since the beginning. He needs to tell her to face realility and that the cards aren't in her favor. She needs to know that everyone doesn't buy her lies and how very serious this is.

I cannot believe how utterly unproffessional that statement is. Your client is charged with murdering her two year old daughter. The evidence and circumstances surrounding this case are "what's out to get her." Not the district attorney. Ridiculous. Absolutely!

I am against the death penalty. I don't believe in it but when it is put forward in a case, you better be pretty darn sure that you can prove your client innocent or plead them out. It's the client who is put to death, not the dream team that surrounds her. What a shame.
Just watched the video. All I could do was grin, then by the time it was over I was LOL.
oh carp i forgot about him lol i was too busy thinking about starwars :blowkiss:

They are both all about fantasy tales, so you were in the right ballpark.:blowkiss:
Why does JB and crew think that anyone is out to get them? She is not that important, she is a mother accused of killing her child with quite a bit of evidence to support that fact. No one is out to get them in there paranoid rantings, if anything she has access to the elite group of lawyers using pictures of the very child she is accused of killing. Blood money. I believe in our judicial system and everyone has a right to a fair trial. The spin from the defense is getting worn thin. She is finally facing consequences for her actions, nothing more. If I were the defense I would stop playing these silly games and get to work. You are now facing the same consequence that her child had no choice in. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.
The "forces" that are out to get KC are the spirits of all the people she has pointed her finger at in accusations! I hope the "forces" gather as one strength and take her down! LOL
"out to get KC???" isn't that kind of the definition of Prosecution?
I wonder how much reassuring Jose had to do with his "client" after she received those Intent to seek DP papers ? Casey, wise up, your lawyer is going home at the end of the are not !
Just watched the video. All I could do was grin, then by the time it was over I was LOL.

I was shaking my head. Who does he think buys what he is selling.:confused:
This statement by JB is as about as juvenile as Casey's writen amendment to his response to the state's motion to compell where she wrote that the SA is just mad at her for not confessing to a crime she did not commit.
JB is sounding more dillusional by the minute....:mad:

I did make a prediction the other night that JB would be off this case in the next few weeks, but I thought it would be because he recused or got booted because of the Judge filing a complaint with the bar.
But it looks like the SA did the trick with reinstating the DP and kicking him off the crazy train, or at the very, least making him ride coach.

I still think he might get recused due to the complaints. That isn't over yet.
JB spoke last night as he left the jail after a half hour visit with KC

From the media thread (Thanks Angel Who Cares!)

VIDEO~Baez: Forces Out To Get Casey Anthony


Cliff notes:
1. Baez says, "... anyone who thinks this will force Casey to plea is sadly mistaken. She won't." 1:07
2. costs to tax payers will triple. 2:08
3. He mentions the total of 8 lawyers currently 3 of whom we know are DP qualified; LBK, Mike W, and Terry L. 2:19
4. The video also goes on to state that there are 3 additional unnamed DP qualified attorneys working on the case. 2:40

So, who are the additional 3 lawyers?
Too bad JB sees this as just a prosecution "tactic." He'd do better serving his client if he started focusing the defense on the merits of the case and realizing that the prosecution believes this case merits the DP. Dysfunctional people always try to re-create their circumstance around dysfunctional relationships instead of focusing on the realities of the task at hand. Forget about a plea deal. If KC doesn't want it she's the only one who will ultimately have to pay whatever the price is from the verdict and sentencing. Forget about disqualifying any counsel -- get the game faces on and start prepping for trial on the merits. Of course the prosecution is "out to get" KC -- but not because of the dysfunctional relationships -- SA isn't "playing" that game. SA is doing the job the taxpayers pay him to do -- try cases and get the criminals. Note to SA: Keep your staff from being drawn into primary roles in this dysfunctional relationship stuff. Defense is going to try to defend by pounding government staff so they need some back-up on this.
Why is this case filled with wanna-be martyrs? "Aware of the forces out to get her?" Are you kidding me? Quit playing the "victim" and realize it's the People and the State of Florida looking to do justice. If your client is so innocent, Baez, your job should be easy.

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