Baez Visits Experts at Academy Meeting?

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Hyatt Regency Hotel
151 East Wacker Drive
Chicago, IL, USA, 60601

For some reason, I find it funny and ironic that the lawyer who thought whackos would work out for him in defending Casey wanted to go to a conference on Wacker drive in the vain hope his experts would want to talk to him. Nothing against the conference, but the street name is hilarious.
:twocents: I :innocent:doubt that it's a common experience :waitasec: ! I will testify :rocker: that I have never been tracked down at any meeting I have ever attended....Weightwatchers, AAFS. NAME, CAP,Girl Scouts, ASCLS, ASCP, Junior achievers.....:floorlaugh:

Bold mine

You are so funny, girl! I love your sense of humor! :takeabow:
Next hearing JB: "Well, judge - These experts, they laughed at me, they thought I was joking. None of them wanted to jump at this unique opportunity. Besides, none of them wanted the job seeing as how they'd only get slave labor wages."
And he saved $$$$ by signing up early! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

Well I'll be darned...I thought he would have given them a check and asked them not to cash it. Or maybe ask for an extension for payment. JB is all about extensions (and I don't mean hair) these days.


And Jose representing his "unique opportunity" to the court... his purported experts eager to get together for a high powered exchange of critical information with this high profile attorney. hmmm. what on earth makes JB believe that he would be able to contact these folks at the conference and set up a meeting at times convenient for all of them with no planning what so ever. Don't presenters generally only appear at a conference on the day of their session? What makes him think these busy people remember the details of the case and could discuss the evidence competently with no notes or reports to review first. I mean, it's not as if they would be tucking this info into their carry-ons just in case JB were to ambush them at the conference. I think the experts would certainly think Jose is "unique". What unbelievable arrogance.
And Jose representing his "unique opportunity" to the court... his purported experts eager to get together for a high powered exchange of critical information with this high profile attorney. hmmm. what on earth makes JB believe that he would be able to contact these folks at the conference and set up a meeting at times convenient for all of them with no planning what so ever. Don't presenters generally only appear at a conference on the day of their session? What makes him think these busy people remember the details of the case and could discuss the evidence competently with no notes or reports to review first. I mean, it's not as if they would be tucking this info into their carry-ons just in case JB were to ambush them at the conference. I think the experts would certainly think Jose is "unique". What unbelievable arrogance.

BBM...just what I was thinking...Yeah, these experts would have their reports ready and waiting for Baez to show up for this "unique opportunity"! What makes him think these experts who have been dodging his calls/emails have their alleged reports in hand for his case? I would think if these experts are ignoring my calls, then that would mean, they don't concur with his theory, so maybe a little note telling Baez they don't agree?

I just feel this was his ignorant, arrogant way of getting this extension, using any trick in the book to delay, delay, delay...Only His Honor is a step ahead and is much aware of his foolishness...I would imagine His Honor was not impressed and very insulted by this.

I do hope at the next hearing he gets in on record out of the horse's mouth, that ICA is very pleased with her representation....for she must be to keep him on board. AT first I thought ICA kept him on just to stick it to her parents who made it very clear, THEY wanted to replace Baez...and of course, she does the opposite..How's that working for you, ICA??? Are you pleased so far??? Do you still think you will walk? JMHO

Justice for Caylee
No, he made a call to the Psychic Network. They have 24 hour service and answer the phone.

Considering the outcome of the hearing, that call obviously went to Gale St. John. *snicker*
You guys are killing me!! :floorlaugh:

There once was a Lawyer named Jose,
Representing a client named CA,
He was one of her boys,
and was making lots of noise,
until HHJP got on board!

The AAFS is an umbrella group of the forensic community, rather well presented by the theme of this year's meeting (IMHO & voted on opinion!). Yep, interested parties may attend, in fact membership includes those of the legal community not just scientists and there are even a rare breed of hybrids that have BOTH backgrounds~


The American Academy of Forensic Sciences is a multi-disciplinary professional organization that provides leadership to advance science and its application to the legal system. The objectives of the Academy are to promote integrity, competency, education, foster research, improve practice, and encourage collaboration in the forensic sciences.

He can't crash the workshops & seminars, costs $$$$ for those but as was mentioned in other posts >>>>>>> jumping out from behind potted palms/conifers, might be his style! :floorlaugh:

Here's a link to the general site:

Maybe he'll steal (or purchase?) a lab coat, put on some glasses that "a smart person would wear" and blend in.............take some notes.............and be his own expert!!!!!:seeya::floorlaugh:
I keep picturing him dressed in a maids outfit and going in their rooms with towels and acosting them as they get out of the shower!


Knock, knock, knock.

"Who's there?"

"Landshark!" ;)
No Wait! I can see it all clearly now! This isn't a meeting of the AAFS......its a cleverly disguised intervention! When JB shows up....:great:.............all these experts are going to sit HIM down...:loser:....and try to get him to admit he has a problem!!!! That they don't want to be on his "Dream Team"

:loser: :snooty: :hand: :slap: :bang: :liar: :razz: :behindbar:
For some reason, I find it funny and ironic that the lawyer who thought whackos would work out for him in defending Casey wanted to go to a conference on Wacker drive in the vain hope his experts would want to talk to him. Nothing against the conference, but the street name is hilarious.

Sometimes I just don't believe in coincidences........
Just got home and saw this awesome thread and had a few good laughs. Fact is, I'm with those of you who are of the belief that JB has not been in contact with his experts and that perhaps these experts' opinions are not to his liking.

One note here... remember in the court hearing that Baez told HHJP that he has some "NEW" information to share with the experts at their confab in Chicago? He mentioned something (but pleaso don't quote me) that it would have an effect on their opinions. That was a clue to me that they are all not on board with him and he is pestering them to change their minds.

Sound like a possible former TES scenario?

An expert will not change their minds because a "lawyer" stalks them to another City. My dad was an expert wittness many times and he knew in his head EVERYTHING and believe me, a surprise visit from an attorney would not have changed his mind on his findings. I guar-N-Tee it.
WELL.. I can't help but wish Jose Baez could be less transparent...I mean this eagerness to go the this conference. GAWD, it has been missed on no one. Casey sits in the clink, while Jose goes to Chicago with some fresh pocket squares. He doesn't care about KC, he doesn't care about Caylee. It's all about advancing himself. sigh.
If he" bothers" them too much can they have him tossed out?
They are there for conferences on their profession not for unscheduled meetings.:crazy:
If he" bothers" them too much can they have him tossed out?
They are there for conferences on their profession not for unscheduled meetings.:crazy:

Oh yeah, the hyatt will toss him out if he is a pita.
My family has had at least a hundred "engagements, affairs" there and I'd be sitting on a sofa being offered a mimosa while he'd be tossed.

Knock, knock, knock.

"Who's there?"

"Landshark!" ;)

:floorlaugh:Now the theme song from Jaws will forever be stuck in my head when I see JB!! Duh Dunt Duh Dunt Dunt dunt dunt....:floorlaugh:

TWA, Is that MN at the file cabinet looking over the TES records???? I know who the other guy is by his "Gray" suit he always wears to court. lol
No refunds after February 7, 2011
2. REGISTRATION FEES - SCIENTIFIC SESSIONS Information from the pre-program booklet!

BTW: There are benefits in membership regarding the cost paid:

Pre-Registration On-Site

* 1. AAFS Members & Trainees​
 $275  $400

* 2. Applicants
 $275  $400

AND :twocents: I :innocent: heard via a little birdie and some paperwork that a certain high profile Florida, Hispanic defense Esquire:waitasec: has completed paperwork for provisional/associate membership! Now before anybody wonders if he/she might qualify, I :innocent: did take the time to research the membership requirements in the JURISPRUDENCE section

B. Trainee Affiliate
  1. AAFS Basic Requirements for Trainee Affiliate must be fulfilled, and
  2. Applicant must have been awarded a law degree or otherwise be qualified
    to take the Bar examination or have a license in good standing to practice
    law, and be fulfilling the experience requirement for Associate Membership
    in the Jurisprudence Section.
C. Associate Member
  1. AAFS Basic Requirements for Associate Member must be fulfilled, and
  2. Applicant must have received a law degree at least two (2) years prior to
    the date of application for Associate Member, or
  3. Have had a license in good standing to practice law for at least two (2) years
    immediately prior to application for Associate Member, or
  4. Have received a law degree at least one (1) year prior to the date of application
    for Associate Member and have participated in a minimum of one (1) program of
    the Academy prior to becoming an Associate Member. Participation may include
    the presentation of papers, acting as a moderator or panelist of a program, or
    serving as an active member of a committee of the Jurisprudence Section, or
  5. Have a license in good standing to practice law at least one (1) year immediately
    prior to the date of application for Associate Member and have participated in
    a minimum of one (1) program of the Academy prior to becoming an Associate Member.
    Participation may include the presentation of papers, acting as a moderator or
    panelist of a program, or serving as an active member of a committee of the Jurisprudence Section, or
  6. Have received a law degree or a license in good standing to practice law during
    the year immediately prior to the meeting at which Associate Member is considered
    and have participated in a minimum of one (1) program of the Academy as a Student
    Affiliate, or
  7. Have completed such other academic and professional achievements, both in
    law and in forensic science, in a foreign country over a period of not less than
    six (6) years deemed to be substantially equivalent to the requirements of the
    Academy by the section chair and secretary at the time of the application, and
  8. Two (2) letters of reference. References are not required to be members of
    the AAFS, but must be able to comment knowledgeably on the applicant's qualifications.
Since it is :woohoo: SUNDAY:woohoo: and I'm :innocent: hoping to reach salvation :seeya: someday, I :innocent: WILL refrain from any snarky comments regarding the applicant's possible/probable identity. (BUT you all may feel free to Just Assume Bunches!)

Joypath - excellent work - and very interesting!

I see 2 immediate possible impediments to JB gaining his provisional/associate membership:

1) YOU took the time to research the requirements - I'm betting JB did NOT.

2) That little phrase "license in good standing" is going to be causing him a bit of a problem I predict.

:floorlaugh: :great:

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