Baez wants detectives investigated

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DNA Solves
Oh, investigate THIS,Baez!! Please, OCSO has been nothing but professional and thorough in this case--with a dash of compassion as well--Come on, JB is creating his own flavor of the A's koolaid--Attack Apple... I just am so annoyed by him.
I wonder if the judges are all sitting around a Judges Table laughing their robes off saying" Hey,did ya hear the one about JoseB?
“I understand the circumstances as they are would lead most people to believe that these are Caylee’s remains. But I must stress it’s not,” Baez said “People have been wrong before.”

“So unfortunately we can’t make any comments and I think it would be inappropriate for me to make any comments until the medical examiners office makes their determination.” Baez added. “Once that determination is made…this obviously takes the case in a different direction but I have done and am doing everything I can as Casey’s representative and attorney to put us in the position to defend her.”

Baez fended off questions concerning any interaction he had with his client during the day Thursday at the Orange County Jail when the remains were found. According to reports Casey was given a sedative and said she was having an anxiety attack.

“From day one,” said Baez in closing, “We have been preparing for the worst and hoping


this was posted on foxorlando--apparently he didn't get the memo--it wasn't day one....count ahead----

OMG!!! What a complete idiot! I wouldn't allow him to defend my dog. Ugh!
Dunno what will be worse...watching HIM in court or watching Linda Baden.Arghhh

Hahahahaha~ Can't win this case because your client is guilty so might as well go after the good guys to try and discredit them instead. Doesn't surprise me. Good luck, JB! They are two of the best detectives OCSO has and they aren't afraid of you. Would you like the personnel files on the FBI agents, too?!

Perhaps it is time for a deeper background check on JB?!

I'm betting Casey has told him some new lie about how and why she doesn't trust local LE and that's why she didn't report Caylee missing.

Now with the discovery of remains, I'd like to see if JB is still interested in persuing this ridiculus notion.
“I understand the circumstances as they are would lead most people to believe that these are Caylee’s remains. But I must stress it’s not,” Baez said “People have been wrong before.”

“So unfortunately we can’t make any comments and I think it would be inappropriate for me to make any comments until the medical examiners office makes their determination.” Baez added. “Once that determination is made…this obviously takes the case in a different direction but I have done and am doing everything I can as Casey’s representative and attorney to put us in the position to defend her.”

Baez fended off questions concerning any interaction he had with his client during the day Thursday at the Orange County Jail when the remains were found. According to reports Casey was given a sedative and said she was having an anxiety attack.

“From day one,” said Baez in closing, “We have been preparing for the worst and hoping


this was posted on foxorlando--apparently he didn't get the memo--it wasn't day one....count ahead----


Watching Baez last night on tv I noticed he was, at times, having a more difficult time getting his words and thoughts across.
He is in shock,IMO, and now has to regroup.
I have been of the belief that Casey has been lying to Baez, as well as her family, since (excuse the pun) Day 1.
I would hope that she finally decides to tell the truth now. Yes, I HOPE but she may not.
I am simply amazed at all the smokescreens and drama. It is one thing when her family buys into the bs, conspiracy or whatever theories.....But an Attorney?? Professional??
They certainly tend to divert from the real story.
I am simply amazed at all the smokescreens and drama. It is one thing when her family buys into the bs, conspiracy or whatever theories.....But an Attorney?? Professional??
They certainly tend to divert from the real story.

I have a feeling the attorney b.s. stopped yesterday.
Watching Baez last night on tv I noticed he was, at times, having a more difficult time getting his words and thoughts across.
He is in shock,IMO, and now has to regroup.
I have been of the belief that Casey has been lying to Baez, as well as her family, since (excuse the pun) Day 1.
I would hope that she finally decides to tell the truth now. Yes, I HOPE but she may not.

I hope the perp did NOT tell him the truth, and doubt she did. I really think Baez was shocked yesterday, maybe he beleived the perp's kidnapper story, who knows. Doesn't matter now. There is a very well established defense attorney on the case, Baez can now watch and learn how to handle a case like this appropriately.
Watching Baez last night on tv I noticed he was, at times, having a more difficult time getting his words and thoughts across.
He is in shock,IMO, and now has to regroup.
I have been of the belief that Casey has been lying to Baez, as well as her family, since (excuse the pun) Day 1.
I would hope that she finally decides to tell the truth now. Yes, I HOPE but she may not.

according to GR--they spent some quality time togehter....I find it fascinating that this man can't seem to grip what he should do without help....



Jose Baez wants to investigate detectives from the Orange County Sheriff's Office. Wednesday, Baez sent someone to the sheriff's office to get the personnel files of detectives John Allen and Yuri Melich.

However, he didn't pick up the list of 1,800 Caylee sightings that he requested over a month ago. Despite all the evidence, the Anthonys insist Caylee is alive.

Because KC doesn't "like" them. They weren't "nice" to KC!
Watching Baez last night on tv I noticed he was, at times, having a more difficult time getting his words and thoughts across.
He is in shock,IMO, and now has to regroup.
I have been of the belief that Casey has been lying to Baez, as well as her family, since (excuse the pun) Day 1.
I would hope that she finally decides to tell the truth now. Yes, I HOPE but she may not.

Because he believed her ... hook, line and sinker.

He lost all credibility when he stated to the media that KC is innocent.

I gave him the benefit of the doubt all along until he made that ridiculous admission to the media. He believed her and possibly still does.

This guy has given me pause quite a few times over the past months about his ability to represent with excellence.

I hope that Judge Strickland is watching and paying attention to the lack of common sense and reasoning in all regards to the defense.

We demand excellence on all sides.

A baby is dead. A young mother's life is on the line.

This is no game.


Reminds me of that song "he fought the law and the law won" Didn't he learn anything from watching the Anthony's fight with LE? I don't think he had better wave that "red flag" at the wrong bull.
Sorry to resurrect this thread from page 3, but I missed this JB "doozy" yesterday. Of course, as he was reciting this brilliance, a utility worker was stumbling upon poor Caylee's remains, but wow, wow, wow, Jose. :mad:

His unsolicited suspicion makes me want to point something out. I noticed Yuri last night, in the wee hours, as the search warrant was being executed and I saw him sitting front and center (behind Baez) in court this morning.

Yuri never ONCE needed to don go-go boots and dance at Fusion to conduct his investigation. :rolleyes: I'd compare thirty days of HIS hard work to Casey's so-called month long investigation any day of the week. Not once has Yuri "strutted" around or "high fived" other officers. These detectives treated this case with dignity.

We've seen all the reports and paperwork this investigation has generated and I believe the Anthony family got a team of LE and FBI who truly cared about Caylee. LE's statement to Larry King on Wednesday was heartfelt and not mean-spirited (unlike the accusations that same night from George and Cindy). The fact that they phoned the grandparents to avoid their hearing the devastating news through the media was more than kind.

Baez--you have some serious legal battles ahead. LE has treated your client better than she treated her family members. Investigate that....:waitasec:
Reminds me of that song "he fought the law and the law won" Didn't he learn anything from watching the Anthony's fight with LE? I don't think he had better wave that "red flag" at the wrong bull.

JB would be much safer waving a white flag up against these guys. OCSD reputation speaks for itself and the one JB has earned does the same.:HBwhiteflag:

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