Baez wants detectives investigated

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OMG, I can't stop laughing!!!

This guy is absolutely out of his mind!!!
I would love to see Baez investigated himself! He wants the investigators investigated??? GMAB
He is! Remember the Florida Bar is investigating all the "hugging" incidents with KC at the jail. IMO nothing good is going to come of that! I guess JB feels turn about is fair play.

As for JB's future in law - please. After this he will write his book and make the talk show circuit. I think its a crime that anyone will profit off this horrible event. But, unless he gets implicated and charged he is the only one so far that will be able to.

Shame ain't it?
Of course he wants the government employees processing a criminal case investigated. :furious:

When you don't have the facts on your side and you don't have the law on your side, you pound tables.


If your client is very sympathetic, you blame society, the parents etc.. If your client is not very sympathetic, you have to shift the focus and try to make it look and feel like law enforcement and the prosecutors are on trial for their mistakes and offenses.


The laws are only slowly getting a grip on this problem.

Part of the issue is the defendant's right to counsel and the right to due process.

So far, defense is winning this battle and it is devestating to recruiting, training and retraining excellent law enforcement and prosecution personnel. Why should they spend their lives in public service being attacked when they can make more money with less stress and virtually no exposure to being devestated by litigation, either to professional reputation or personal financial devestation, by working for IBM?

This is a huge social issue and it is very well past time for the American people to wake up and take control here. Voice those opinions, people. :dj::dj::dj:

Allow internal investigations to handle any problem performers and put the restraints on defense.

Okay. I'm stepping down from the soap box.

WTG Go Themis!!! :clap:

My son is graduating this month with a bachelor's degree and majored in criminal justice with minors in psychology and computer forensics. He says what you've stated above many times. He does plan to go on to seek a master's as well.............

Anywhoo I think that JB is such a creep. Ever since the very 1st moment he came on the scene he has creeped me out. not sure what it is but he sets off my hinky meter big time. I also agree that he's got relatively low possibilities IMO as far as a career in law after this fiasco! Everytime he steps into court and opens his mouth he may as well insert his big ole foot in it. Yesterday it seemed to me that Judge Strickland wanted to smack him and was quite irritated at being back on the same issues basically.
Deflect, deflect, deflect... like the man behind the curtain.. anything to distract from the real truth. Creat 3 rings circuses, lie, point fingers, insinuate and tarnish repuations of real or ficticious people whatever it takes for a buck or to defend your guilty client.

Total slight of hand actions so that perhaps if we all focus on the detectives we wont notice that forensic evidence, the string of lies, etc that point a huge blazing red sign directly at the woman behind bars... must be the first thing defense attorneys learn post OJ in law school

while I understand he has to defned his client and use whatever tools at his discretion to do so or at least create doubt in the minds of jurors.. for me it just underlines the sleezy protzoaic level this guy oporates on..

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