GUILTY Bali - Sheila von Wiese Mack, 62, found dead in suitcase, 12 Aug 2014 #4

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Heather Mack gave birth via a Caesarian delivery at about 5 a.m. Tuesday Chicago time at an Indonesian hospital, according to attorney Anthony Scifo.

The baby, whom Mack earlier told the Tribune would be named Stella Schaefer, weighed 6.1 pounds. No other details were immediately provided.

"Mom and baby are being reunited momentarily," Scifo said.,0,4962303.story
So the baby is full term? 38 weeks? One of mine weighed a little less and I had great trouble breastfeeding him. If the baby can't breastfeed or loses weight, can the baby still stay in prison?
The Chicago reporter HM keeps in touch with says HM is very aware of how she's been portrayed in the media. I think that's obvious from the way she plays to the cameras. I enjoy it when a news article chooses an unflattering picture of her - like the one of her crying after her meltdown after her US attorneys got to Bali and failed to spring her.

The picture of her going to the hospital isn't one she's going to like seeing splashed over the media. No nice court clothes, no contacts, hair not styled.

She will certainly want the baby in court. She's in no danger of the death penalty, but she will be hoping it will soften the judges' attitude towards TS.

It will be interesting to see what happens when she gets back to Kerobokan. Apparently guys with enough money can get private or semi-private cells. I don't know how much that costs, but I don't recall ever seeing a picture of Schappelle Corby or any other female prisoner in anything but rather crowded cells - perhaps things are a bit different on the women's side. (I don't recall hearing about the awful solitary confinement cells on the women's side either).

Look at the bedrolls spread out on the sleep platform. That's adequate space for a single sleeper who doesn't toss and turn the way I do. HM isn't a large woman, but it's still going to be very crowded for a baby and mum on one sleep pad. Even if she buys fries and shares the internet and phone with her cellmates, it only takes one to start complaining and things will get uncomfortable quickly. If that happens, I hope the jail authorities force her to give Stella a home outside the prison. I don't want HM using Stella to get better accommodations for herself.
Why is it that they need the military and armoured vehicles to transport AC and MS but whenever they transport HM anywhere she's just strolling along unrestrained in any way like she's strolling around in a shopping mall? ;)
One thing for sure: HM and Soenardi won't dare use the suicide threat again. If they pull that trick, the authorities wouldn't dare leave the baby with HM.

I think the head of the jail was sincere when he said that thankfully, the baby was born healthy. He knew that if anything went wrong with the birth, people would point the finger at the prison authorities.

Oh! I haven't seen any mention of Favia being there to represent Stella's interests! Is she doing it long-distance now? I would really like to see the Chicago news media contact Favia to see how her 'client' is doing and what she's currently doing for her 'client'.
One thing for sure: HM and Soenardi won't dare use the suicide threat again. If they pull that trick, the authorities wouldn't dare leave the baby with HM.

I think the head of the jail was sincere when he said that thankfully, the baby was born healthy. He knew that if anything went wrong with the birth, people would point the finger at the prison authorities.

Oh! I haven't seen any mention of Favia being there to represent Stella's interests! Is she doing it long-distance now? I would really like to see the Chicago news media contact Favia to see how her 'client' is doing and what she's currently doing for her 'client'.

What authorities? Apparently there are no authorities in Indonesia to prevent a newborn from being raised in a prison cell in a dirty filthy drug infested prison. So who would care if HM's lawyer was guilting a US judge into giving him more bribe money by saying she was suicidal?

There don't appear to be any human rights advocates other than the foreigners who are just seen as a nuisance to the Indonesian authorities IMO. Unless of course there's money to be had.

A friend who accompanied her to the hospital told nursing staff that Mack will be taking the baby back to the prison with her.
It means that within the first few hours of her life, the baby will be a prisoner, locked in behind bars with her teenage mother.

There was speculation that if judges in her trial decide that the proceedings should continue next week, Mack will take the baby to court with her.
Unless he is granted special privileges, that might be the first time that Schaefer lays eyes on his baby daughter.

As soon as I read this, I thought to myself that THIS is why she wanted a C section before her due date. This way she can parade her PREMIE daughter in court to try to gain sympathy before the prosecutors say what they think should happen to her and TS. This woman's selfishness knows no bounds. Having a baby early for no reason puts the baby at risk. Exposing her to the jail, van, court room, etc when she is not fully developed is NOT what is in the best interest of the baby. Sheila's money probably paid for all the bribes to make this happen.

Why in the world would the authorities in Bali agree to this?? Obviously my opinion.
I wish they would conduct a DNA test on the baby now that she is here to determine if TS is the father. Wouldn't that be something if it was found that TS was not the father before the end of the trial????? Just dreaming. :thinking:
Oh!! She did have a c-section. Small baby + first time mom + c-section= may not have an easy time breastfeeding.

Did anyone answer above... I thought I remembered breastfeeding was a necessary component for keeping the baby in prison.
I'm not sure about it being a requirement. IIRC, Indonesia did pass a law requiring all new mothers to breast feed for 6 months, but no one expected mothers to actually be arrested.

I have scoured the internet, but like so much about Indonesian law, it's difficult to find things. I can't find anything about a mother bringing an infant to trial. I did find an old link where one mother had the baby while in prison but had an outsider baby-sit the infant while she was in court.

HM is a force to be reckoned with, spoiled monster that she is - her 'attitude', you know. OTOH, things haven't all gone entirely her way. I suspect because it's an infant and because she's an obnoxious foreigner with $$, they may allow Stella in the court room. I can see her standing in her cell, clutching Stella and refusing to budge unless the baby goes with her. Are the prison authorities really going to snatch the baby away from her? Especially if Soenardi can make the problem go away with a liberal application of $$$?
This happy occasion has a very sad feel to it. Welcome to life on the planet Earth, Baby Stella. You get to live in a dangerous prison with your mother who helped kill your grandmother while you were developing inside the womb.
I will pray for you, little Stella. You don't deserve to start life in a prison.
This happy occasion has a very sad feel to it. Welcome to life on the planet Earth, Baby Stella. You get to live in a dangerous prison with your mother who helped kill your grandmother while you were developing inside the womb.
I will pray for you, little Stella. You don't deserve to start life in a prison.

You are so right, Curious Me. The baby does not deserve to start her life in a prison. Are the US consulate going to allow this to happen, and not get the relevant department involved? Will they just monitor the baby in a drug infested environment to make sure she is okay? How are they going to be able to guarantee that? There are no separate nursery facilities. Are they going to try to find separate accommodation for HM and the baby in this overcrowded prison? I find this so bewildering. Surely Stella is an at-risk baby.
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