GUILTY Bali - Sheila von Wiese Mack, 62, found dead in suitcase, 12 Aug 2014 #5

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Tommy is already hated by the westerners, apparently.

We have heard this from one publication only, the Daily Mail.

The article relies on a single, unnamed source, who is embarrassingly and unreservedly pro-Tommy. The aim of the piece is clearly to generate sympathy if not money for him.

And it massively contradicts a previous Mail story not 36 hours cold.

I don't believe that eight Western prisoners attacked Tommy with blocks of wood or anything else. I am persuaded by ajaylee's pointing out that strange phrases like "blocks of wood" and "higher up on the committee" (see her post #1230) mean that something is off in this article. My own conclusion, thanks to her keen eye, is that the attack as reported is simply rubbish. (This is not meant to imply that ajaylee agrees with me here.)

He should leave his self pity alone, and try do something altruistic - like sharing any talent he has with the other prisoners, and for their benefit. After all, he may be undergoing a long prison sentence, but he still has karma to deal with yet. And it will come for him.

I completely agree. You put it very well, and without the baggage of anger or judgement. It is often very hard for me to do that.
I should have written above, ajaylee's post #2130. I noticed this too late to make the correction where my mistake occurred. Oops!

It's a good post. Go back and have a gander.
We have heard this from one publication only, the Daily Mail.

The article relies on a single, unnamed source, who is embarrassingly and unreservedly pro-Tommy. The aim of the piece is clearly to generate sympathy if not money for him.

And it massively contradicts a previous Mail story not 36 hours cold.

I don't believe that eight Western prisoners attacked Tommy with blocks of wood or anything else. I am persuaded by ajaylee's pointing out that strange phrases like "blocks of wood" and "higher up on the committee" (see her post #1230) mean that something is off in this article. My own conclusion, thanks to her keen eye, is that the attack as reported is simply rubbish. (This is not meant to imply that ajaylee agrees with me here.)

I completely agree. You put it very well, and without the baggage of anger or judgement. It is often very hard for me to do that.

I think it is more likely that eight prisoners tried to contain Tommy when he was swinging an iron bar at another prisoner. And if they used pieces of wood to deflect blows from the iron bar, that is very understandable.
Tommy did not get 3 weeks in solitary for nothing. That is quite a long time, so the infraction was quite serious.

Who knows if he has a drug debt in Kerobokan, too. If his stipend has been cut off, he may have accumulated a debt with another prisoner ... possibly the one he attacked.

If he has been moved in with the Indonesians, who he probably cannot even communicate with very well, I think they would be anticipating further trouble in the westerners block if they kept Tommy with them.

'He was put in solitary confinement for three weeks after attacking another prisoner with an iron bar recently and has been telling everyone he is a prophet from God.'
After being released from solitary confinement, Schaefer was moved to a block occupied mostly by Muslim prisoners, the inmate said.
From memory, because I don't have time right now to go back and double-check both reports:

I think there were two reports about TS getting in an altercation and being sent to solitary. IIRC, in one version, he attacked someone with an iron bar, got beaten down, and got three weeks in solitary. In the other version, prisoners attacked him with 'blocks' of wood and he got a week in solitary.

IIRC, aside from the differences in the details of the accounts, I thought the language differed, making me suspect there were two different sources reporting. We don't know who is reporting or exactly for what purpose.

I'm inclined to think there must be some basis for the reports - some kind of fracas took place. I'm inclined to think that if there was a rumble, TS started it by lashing out at someone. It could be because of drug debts, it could be because other prisoners were laughing at him because his gf has made a monkey out of him. It could be that there was some kind of crackdown after HM claimed that TS must have posted HM's 'confession' video. Maybe it was nothing more than the prison guards raiding the cells of the 'westerners'. I think it's certainly possible that the guards could have used the episode to justify confiscating TS's contraband phone.
One detail that particularly persuades me TS is losing it and inclines me to believe something did happen: the report that he's telling people he's a prophet.

That really sounds like drugs talking. It also seems an awfully odd detail for someone to include if the story is completely fabricated.

It looked like at one time he was hanging with non-westerners, getting involved in building a chapel. Perhaps he sought refuge with them, even if only temporarily. Better to be surrounded by people whose language you don't understand than to be surrounded by folks saying things you don't want to hear, I guess.

HM is handling Stella's departure about the way we might have expected: two days of dancing, singing, and hanging out in bed with her lesbian 'lover', Rafe.
Well, here is someone else saying that Tommy is easily led. Something we have all thought for a long time, after he was led by that little pyscho to help murder her mother.

No wonder he still carries a torch for his previous girlfriend, who seemed to lead him in a much better way. I noticed in the picture of him and Stella, before she left the prison, that he is still wearing his blue wristband ... I have always thought it has something to do with his previous girlfriend.

'He's lost it and has become a sort of religious psycho,' said a fellow prisoner. 'It's a shame because he was a nice guy before. He's fallen in with some very bad characters inside prison and he's easily led. There's just too much alcohol and shabu (crystal meth) floating around inside.'
I really do wonder where all these "sources" are coming from. Do I believe that HM is going about her business like nothing has happened, yes. Do I believe the part of her spending all day in bed with her lesbian lover? Who knows. It's sounds rather sensational, which is the DM's specialty.

As for TS, I bet he's loosing it too. He's not as good a manipulator as HM and he keeps getting the short end of the stick. That video business had to be him...something he had under wraps. Then he got his butt beat for it. Tried to get mom to adopt the baby, but, hello???? She waited until the month Stella was moving which looked incredibly suspicious. And she got shut down, so no money for TS.

BTW-you think of Kia Walker was so concerned about Stella, she might've been sending TS some money these last two years.

He is screwed. And will be for at least another 16 years. HM is getting out in 7. I don't know if TS will survive. He seems to follow the most shiny thing instead of reaching inside to find strength.

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He is indeed screwed. Some people have to hit rock bottom before they see the light. Unfortunately, some people hit rock bottom and stay there. It wouldn't surprise me if TS falls in the latter category. Depression, a willingness to get violent, and nasty drugs - not a good combination, especially for someone with a bad conscience.

I was thinking about what it was that finally broke TS and HM up and left TS sooo bitter. It's hard to tell for sure, but I think RB's arrest and subsequent conviction (after months of house arrest) might have been the final straw.

Yes, TS and RB are adults and had months to consider and reconsider their actions, but they're both trying to act like innocent boys who got possessed by an evil woman.

Plus, RB's conviction makes it that much more likely that the feds will be waiting for TS when he gets back to the US and he knows it.
Well, here is someone else saying that Tommy is easily led. Something we have all thought for a long time, after he was led by that little pyscho to help murder her mother.

No wonder he still carries a torch for his previous girlfriend, who seemed to lead him in a much better way. I noticed in the picture of him and Stella, before she left the prison, that he is still wearing his blue wristband ... I have always thought it has something to do with his previous girlfriend.

'He's lost it and has become a sort of religious psycho,' said a fellow prisoner. 'It's a shame because he was a nice guy before. He's fallen in with some very bad characters inside prison and he's easily led. There's just too much alcohol and shabu (crystal meth) floating around inside.'

The blue wristband is for his girlfriend who was killed in an accident during a mission trip to South Africa. Can't remember off the top of my head what it said.

Too bad Andrew Chan is not still there to minister to his obvious need for religion...and for the benefit of all he helped. I still can't believe what happened :(

I think he's been getting his religious ideas from online strangers and a lot of meth. I wonder if KW is trying some "tough love" by refusing to send him any money that she knows he'll just use for his next fix? I find it hard to believe that she wouldn't be able to come up with at least a hundred bucks a month to send to him for food. Perhaps she has been and he's been using it for alcohol and drugs?

Always interesting to go back on some things when new information becomes available. I believe TS told us about this Crime Watch Daily exclusive interview that HM did (and supposedly got paid for) but what I found interesting is the blond woman right at the beginning walking along the beach with the reporter. None other than OS. I guess she doubles as HM`s booking agent?

Wow - fantastic catch, Kamille!

So there's been much more to the Oshar-HM friendship than I suspected. Very interesting indeed.
Always interesting to go back on some things when new information becomes available. I believe TS told us about this Crime Watch Daily exclusive interview that HM did (and supposedly got paid for) but what I found interesting is the blond woman right at the beginning walking along the beach with the reporter. None other than OS. I guess she doubles as HM`s booking agent?


I notice this is only part 1 of the Crime Watch Daily story. Parts 2, 3 and 4 are all on YouTube. It's very interesting.

Part 2: [video=youtube;hGbts8eZUfA][/video]

Part 3: [video=youtube;BSfN9eF8B2g][/video]
Crime Watch Daily story

Part 4: [video=youtube;_bwqw4QO5_c][/video]
He is indeed screwed. Some people have to hit rock bottom before they see the light. Unfortunately, some people hit rock bottom and stay there. It wouldn't surprise me if TS falls in the latter category. Depression, a willingness to get violent, and nasty drugs - not a good combination, especially for someone with a bad conscience.

I was thinking about what it was that finally broke TS and HM up and left TS sooo bitter. It's hard to tell for sure, but I think RB's arrest and subsequent conviction (after months of house arrest) might have been the final straw.

Yes, TS and RB are adults and had months to consider and reconsider their actions, but they're both trying to act like innocent boys who got possessed by an evil woman.

Plus, RB's conviction makes it that much more likely that the feds will be waiting for TS when he gets back to the US and he knows it.

Very true about TS and his rock bottom. As for the feds, TS WAS convicted of murder, so, correct me if I'm wrong, but once he has served his time in Indonesia for murder, he won't be charged a second time in the US. HM is another story, because she was charged with accessory (after the fact?), not conspiracy. Someone here mentioned that maybe that was her game plan when she said SHE murdered her mom on the video. Thinking it would get her out of conspiracy charges.

Now that I think about it, I wonder if TS convinced HM to make the tape so she could "prove" that she already served her time for murder as well, therefore, would not have to face conspiracy charges once she was released. Then, maybe HM talked to her lawyer who said, "hell, no" and she thought TS erased it?? TS might have thought this was a way to punish HM further, clear his name, get him released soon. Just speculating out loud.
I think that both TS and HM can still be tried on a conspiracy charge (like Bibbs) when they return to the US.

I don't think HM can be retried for murder, unfortunately, because although she was only convicted of 'accessory', she was actually tried on a premeditated murder charge, so she can't be re-tried for the same crime. That's why she was recently trying to negotiate a deal where she's guaranteed she won't be charged with conspiracy when she comes back to the US.

A conspiracy charge against either HM or TS would be an easy win for the FBI, now that they've already convicted RB of the crime. It's certainly a possibility and one that will be hanging over both their heads until they get back. They recently finally got HM's cellphone from the Indonesians and they've got the warrant to open it and examine it. They've done that since Bibbs got convicted, so they're clearly not done. I was surprised when the FBI said they want to examine HM's phone to see if anyone else was possibly involved.
I notice this is only part 1 of the Crime Watch Daily story. Parts 2, 3 and 4 are all on YouTube. It's very interesting.

Yes it is. And as was noted by the reporter, who spent an hour talking with HM off the record before the recorded interview that they showed parts of, HM is a master manipulator who had him fooled at times. And, as we discussed back when this first came out, it is very interesting how she just hung up from and broke off all contact with this reporter when she realized that he had the text message information from the FBI reports and was going to question her about it. That's just something that she cannot argue and lie her way out of and she knows it.

I think that both TS and HM can still be tried on a conspiracy charge (like Bibbs) when they return to the US.

I don't think HM can be retried for murder, unfortunately, because although she was only convicted of 'accessory', she was actually tried on a premeditated murder charge, so she can't be re-tried for the same crime. That's why she was recently trying to negotiate a deal where she's guaranteed she won't be charged with conspiracy when she comes back to the US.

A conspiracy charge against either HM or TS would be an easy win for the FBI, now that they've already convicted RB of the crime. It's certainly a possibility and one that will be hanging over both their heads until they get back. They recently finally got HM's cellphone from the Indonesians and they've got the warrant to open it and examine it. They've done that since Bibbs got convicted, so they're clearly not done. I was surprised when the FBI said they want to examine HM's phone to see if anyone else was possibly involved.


I think they can both be charged with the conspiracy portion of the crime in the US as well. The conspiracy took place in the US and is separate from the murder that took place in another country I believe.

Yes, I think a federal US conspiracy charge is the only chance of seeing HM get the time behind bars she deserves. It may be why the feds are still interested in her phone. With RB's conviction, it's clear that they have enough evidence to get HM already, but the stronger and uglier the case they make, the longer the sentence.
Is this the person you were talking about - is this Osher on the video Kamille?



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