GUILTY Bali - Sheila von Wiese Mack, 62, found dead in suitcase, 12 Aug 2014 #5

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No news lately? Well other than the daily hen party going on over there in Hotel Kerobokan? :rolleyes:
I haven't seen anything. I believe there's a court date sometime around the beginning of February.

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I am hoping the Bibbs trial starts soon.

I worry that HM might still slip away.

Her sentence in Bali is under discussion, IIRC. If she was convicted of pre-meditated murder, like TS was, then the slayer statute would preclude her inheriting. However...if I understand it correctly, she can't be retried for murder in the US because that would be double jeopardy. That would mean that she could possibly finish her sentence in a few more years and come back to the US scot-free.

She could still be tried on conspiracy to commit murder.

If the US decides that the crime she was found guilty of in Bali equals a lesser US crime - say, assisting in the disposal of a body - then she probably isn't disinherited under the slayer statute. But...that would open the door for possibly trying her for premeditated murder when she gets back to the US.

Of course, she seems to think that she's got enough clout to gain some kind of permanent residency in Bali. If she can lay her hands on the money, Soenardi can probably take care of that problem for her. With all the corruption in Indonesia, any money delivered for Stella will be used to fund a posh life style for HM and TS and there will be nothing US authorities can do about it.

There's always the chance that cutting Stella off financially unless HM surrenders custody would 'encourage' HM to do the right thing, but I doubt it.
Interesting development

Has 'body in a suitcase' killer Heather Mack dumped the boyfriend who murdered her mother? Love triangle as Mack is seen getting close to another man in Bali jail

So putting your arm around a guy during an art class means you're in a love triangle? Please. :rolleyes:

I'm more interested in what she does with Stella while she's in this "art class". I guess she has lots of built in babysitters. I wonder if one of them is the one who killed her stepson? :notgood:

And are we supposed to believe that Tommy's mother does not send him any money? Or that HM doesn't supply him with what he needs? I'm sure either of them would make sure he has enough for his "medicine". They both have cell phones, I'm sure he can buy "medicine" if he wants or needs it. More likely he doesn't want it and can't afford his drug of choice. ;)

Interesting development

Has 'body in a suitcase' killer Heather Mack dumped the boyfriend who murdered her mother? Love triangle as Mack is seen getting close to another man in Bali jail
Soooo! killer helper Heather if true has a few choice words for the FBI. The shine of FBI hand cuffs would knock that God awful smile off of her face. Still hoping for justice for Sheila. Jmo

So putting your arm around a guy during an art class means you're in a love triangle? Please. :rolleyes:

I'm more interested in what she does with Stella while she's in this "art class". I guess she has lots of built in babysitters. I wonder if one of them is the one who killed her stepson? :notgood:

And are we supposed to believe that Tommy's mother does not send him any money? Or that HM doesn't supply him with what he needs? I'm sure either of them would make sure he has enough for his "medicine". They both have cell phones, I'm sure he can buy "medicine" if he wants or needs it. More likely he doesn't want it and can't afford his drug of choice. ;)


I took two things from this article, pure speculation of course:

1) TS is most likely a heroin addict
2) If HM really does dump TS, he could start talking about the real role she played in the death of her mother.
Remember this from Aug 31st Daily Mail?

"Schaefer has also been receiving medical attention in recent weeks, prison sources revealed - being given methadone for a previously unreported drug habit."

Methadone is also addictive. Had a family member that was taking it for pain. Her Dr. decided he didn't want to handle methadone patients anymore, (he prescribed it in the first place), and wouldn't renew her Rx. She went into severe withdrawal. Unethical doc didn't help with that either btw. So, I'm sure TS is hooked on methadone or another opioid. Probably wants to sleep for the next 17 years!!

Of course, drugs take money. And I am positive he feels HM owes him. I'm sure he bothers her for money every day. Good!! I don't want either one feeling comfy and secure there.

Wondering how WW is providing for Stella? He's not stupid, so he's not sending money with no strings attached unless he had no choice.

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Or if TS killed one woman, he could surely kill another

I don't think he'll do that if he believes there still a chance he could get some money. If a HM disappears, he doesn't have a chance at anything.

I do believe however, that he will blackmail HM to tell the whole truth about the scenario, if she doesn't pay up.

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I think TS needs HM; HM doesn't need TS.

I think the money is tight, very tight - probably not enough to fund TS's drug habit, hard stuff or methadone. 'Charity' or the Australian family HM's hooked up with are making sure Stella gets what she needs, and that doesn't cost much at all. HM's going to cover her own food and cellphone; TS will get what's left over.

I doubt if TS is getting much of anything from his mother.

I don't think TS is a threat to HM now. The text messages have pretty much said it all. The only thing that TS could reveal is that HM actually struck blows. I don't think that would make her more or less guilty in the eyes of the law, however, and I suspect she cleverly kept her hands 'clean', so to speak.

HM said it herself - her only real concern now is the FBI. She thought if she could beat the murder rap in Indonesia, she was home free. She could finish her sentence in Bali and come home to her inheritance. Now she's realizing it might not be that easy. If she comes back to the US, she could still face conspiracy to murder charges, and IIRC, that carries up to a 20 year sentence. She's got to figure out a way to keep Stella, get her hands on her inheritance through Stella, and stay in Indonesia permanently (or at least somewhere out of the US).

I do think it's interesting that she thought her inheritance was ten times more than it is. I wonder where she got that idea. She told TS he would earn $11 million for doing the deed. TS even texted Bibbs, saying that he expected in a year or two to have a couple million in his own name. Now it appears that there was never that much money in total. Very strange.
Remember this from Aug 31st Daily Mail?

"Schaefer has also been receiving medical attention in recent weeks, prison sources revealed - being given methadone for a previously unreported drug habit."

Methadone is also addictive. Had a family member that was taking it for pain. Her Dr. decided he didn't want to handle methadone patients anymore, (he prescribed it in the first place), and wouldn't renew her Rx. She went into severe withdrawal. Unethical doc didn't help with that either btw. So, I'm sure TS is hooked on methadone or another opioid. Probably wants to sleep for the next 17 years!!

Of course, drugs take money. And I am positive he feels HM owes him. I'm sure he bothers her for money every day. Good!! I don't want either one feeling comfy and secure there.

Wondering how WW is providing for Stella? He's not stupid, so he's not sending money with no strings attached unless he had no choice.

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Yes, I remembered that, which is why I made my previous comment. Methadone (as a heroin substitute) is usually given for heroin addiction. We know TS smoked weed in the past but has he progressed to the stronger stuff in Kerobokan? If so, then it's not taken long for him to be needing methadone.
Did we ever hear how much the original lawsuit to the cruise line was for? I believe the eventual payout was a settlement was it not? Which is usually significantly less than the amount that is originally requested. Perhaps HM always thought that they won the lawsuit and therefore got the amount that the original suit was for?

Funds may be a little tighter now but they need to be stopped altogether to save Stella IMO. And that's not going to happen so she will always be a just a pawn to her "parents".

I agree that TS has nothing over HM to bribe her with. The texts say it all. And I doubt she can be retried in the US for the crime anyway. Plus why believe TS? He's proven himself to be a liar also.

I don't remember how much the original lawsuit was for, but you may be on to something. They may very well have sued for $12 million, been awared $2 million and pocketed $1.5 million after attorney's fees.

For the next year, the estate could cut HM's funds off completely and Stella would be fine. IIRC, in the last round of court proceedings, there was an indication that Stella's current needs (which aren't many!) are being covered by local charity.

At the very least, if HM's funds are cut off completely, Stella will be fine.

I don't think HM's getting much money now, and that may be part of the problem. Someone (HM?) was paying for TS's drugs - whatever he got hooked on, and then his methadone (which may be more expensive than hard drugs!).

The trouble is, TS has nothing to threaten HM with. She's the one with potential access to money, she's the one that seems to get all the notoriety and favorable prison treatment, she's the one with a connected local pals (the Australians and her connected cellmate).
Video: Heather Mack and baby inside Indonesian prison

Via Michael Elkin...who still claims to be her attorney. Just to show that Stella is "doing great" and HM is capable of raising Stella in the prison. :rolleyes:

Doing great?! She's stuck in a f@#king prison in Indonesia?!? Crawling around in dirt, filth and squalor and across multiple mattress pads of other convicted criminals who sleep beside her in her CELL every night. Yeah Elkin...that's just how I'd describe a baby as doing great. Have you seen the pics and videos of them all partying and smoking in there? SMH :gaah:
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