Bankrupt Casey Anthony interviewed by KPHO CBS in Phoenix

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Why would the judge even need to hold a hearing?
Was there a motion made by the DT to deny or argue the sale that we don't know about?
Since FCA has sworn she has no plans for a book, interview, any deal, it shouldn't matter to her at all. Right?
Teeeheeeheee. (I feel like I'm the dastardly dog covering my mouth right now.)
Do we actually know that or did one of her heels rip a big hole in her tights while Mason had her headlocked and was dragging her to the door.

I like the "peed herself" story but as with most stories, I have my doubts that it's true.
that is a valid point and I considered it that day, but then I figured that if there was visible damage to her or her clothing she/they would have promoted any "battle scars", to bolster the claims that she is in danger from the public. it warms my heart to think that her fear caused her to void urine, because I suspect that Caylee did the same during her final moments in the company of her (for lack of a better term) mother

also, some said that she probably took the tights off because it was warmer when she left court than it was when she arrived. I should have added "IMO" to my post
Why would the judge even need to hold a hearing?
Was there a motion made by the DT to deny or argue the sale that we don't know about?
Since FCA has sworn she has no plans for a book, interview, any deal, it shouldn't matter to her at all. Right?
Teeeheeeheee. (I feel like I'm the dastardly dog covering my mouth right now.)

The Trustee filed a Motion in BK court

Last Page.

The Trustee is requesting the BK Judge to grant his motion authorizing him to sell and auction her property according to the terms and condition in the Motion,0,7837634.story

The judge in Casey Anthony's Chapter 7 bankruptcy has set a date next month to hear argument on whether her life story is an asset which can be sold in order to pay her debts.

The hearing was set for the morning of April 9 at the Sam M. Gibbons United States Courthouse in Tampa.

p.s. The photo they used is perfect

Red by me. In the original filing, it said bids would be received by trustee's council no later than 21 days from date of the mailing of the document. I can't see a mailing date, but there is a date that it was filed 03/15/2013. 21 days from then would be approximately April 5th. I guess if the Judge approves the sale, he will have to adjust that date.

Red by me. In the original filing, it said bids would be received by trustee's council no later than 21 days from date of the mailing of the document. I can't see a mailing date, but there is a date that it was filed 03/15/2013. 21 days from then would be approximately April 5th. I guess if the Judge approves the sale, he will have to adjust that date.


I suppose the Trustee and his lawyer can receive bids(because he has received 1 already) but the Trustee can not sell the property or auction the property, if more than 1 bid is submitted, until the Judge grants an Order authorizing him to do so
You know - I have noticed something very strange about this whole bankruptcy and media thing.

Don't you think in the past we always saw headlines almost instantly that anything was happeing with FCA - BOOM! - Click Orlando, the Orlando Sentinel, Wesh, RadaronLine, TMZ, and a whole raft of others would be right on it.

I know I always thought wow - these outlets really are watching what is going on with FCA - doesn't seem to be any lack of interest at all.

AND YET....the Trustee wants to sell FCA's assets story - it's a BIG one - right? I think bigger than the bankruptcy itself. And yet, Mr. Greene has been .....SILENT. Mr. Baez...SILENT...Mr Mason...SILENT.

Why? I think because she isn't likely to win this one! So why aren't the news channels carrying it?


Now we know where all this so-called media intensity has come from - the Defense has obviously been deliberately generating it! While hollering "leave her alone!"

Too bad so sad!....:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: Oh Hi Jose! :seeya:


I too noticed that main stream media did not pick up this story right away. Most of the articles that did appear were from sources that seemed to get their info from TMZ. I also wondered why her "team" was not making any comments.

In answer to your question about "sugar daddy", it was mentioned in some of those sources.

Bankruptcy documents on Google docs

Casey Anthony Bankruptcy Hearing on Deposition by Zenaida atty

April 9, 2013


Casey Anthony Bankruptcy Hearing to sell property

April 9, 2013

Judge must not anticipate either taking much time as they are both scheduled for the same time. Maybe he anticipated the same information/questions for each; therefore killing two birds with one stone.

I too noticed that main stream media did not pick up this story right away. Most of the articles that did appear were from sources that seemed to get their info from TMZ. I also wondered why her "team" was not making any comments.

In answer to your question about "sugar daddy", it was mentioned in some of those sources.


the ones in the last couple of days seem to be getting it from some other source but TMZ since they are publishing the "real" story - and yes, I saw the couple of nutty ones we had posted here.

And I figured the sugar daddy came from the "same place" thanks - but what kind of a cheapo sugar daddy does she have if he won't pay her bills. Maybe we should be sending her an open letter on the web, explaining what a sugar daddy actually does.....

IMO it's not about a haircut and a new pair of shoes...:floorlaugh:
Sorry for the premature celebration. I must have misunderstood what they said on the news. I am home sick today and my mind is a bit fuzzy from meds.
Oh Wait! Does this mean we'll never get to hear her version of her relationship with Baez??

Oh Darn!! :floorlaugh:
I can't view the OS stories any more, they want me to pay $ to subscribe.
What was the photo?

It was from the trial, just a random photo - but her expression was if she was just told something that did not go her way.
Oh Wait! Does this mean we'll never get to hear her version of her relationship with Baez??

Oh Darn!! :floorlaugh:

She could tell it, just couldn't get any money for it if the Judge grants the motion by the trustee.

Console yourself with the fact that we may get to see her to do another grandoise appearance for the hearing!! I notice that there was instructions on how one's appearance should be for BK hearings.

mark mooney ‏@mxmooney #caseyanthony's story could be auctioned to highest bidder.
March 19, 2013
Retweeted by Matt Morgan [Zenaida Gonzalez' civil attorney]


Casey Anthony's Story Could be Auctioned to the Highest Bidder
By CHRISTINA NG (@ChristinaNg27)
March 19, 2013


The rights to the controversial life story of Casey Anthony could be auctioned to the highest bidder if a Florida judge approves a motion filed by the trustee overseeing Anthony's bankruptcy plans.


"My job is to liquidate any potential assets for the benefit of her creditors," Meininger told "Whatever we're able to get for it would be distributed to her creditors."

Allan Watkins, Meininger's attorney, said the sale can made without Anthony's consent since she filed for bankruptcy.

When asked if Anthony has consented or objected to the sale, Watkins told, "She hasn't filed anything yet…I'm sure if she's unhappy with it, she'll raise it in court."


Because of the expected interest, the trustee asked the judge for permission to set terms for bidding in order to "maximize the value for the Estate and its creditors."


CA would not have to write her story, she could just write a story. After listening to all the things she created about the nanny, the boyfriends, jobs, etc., she really has a vivid imagination. Anyway who would believe anything that she would write about herself.

CA would not have to write her story, she could just write a story. After listening to all the things she created about the nanny, the boyfriends, jobs, etc., she really has a vivid imagination. Anyway who would believe anything that she would write about herself.


Did you ever read any of the court documents where she wrote her description of the events of the case? :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:

The woman is no Danielle Steele. :great:

Seriously I think anything she wrote would be very seriously scrutinized before it was published if this motion is granted.
What I really appreciate about this solution is that it preserves all of Casey's liberties. She still retains her first amendment rights; she can tell any and as many stories as she desires ~ she just cannot be paid for them.
So far, it seems that the Trustee and his bankruptcy lawyer are brilliant! No?
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