Bankrupt Casey Anthony interviewed by KPHO CBS in Phoenix

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Yes, LIke what the heck is this about?? And why didn't she claim it as income?

"Anthony testified she only has $484 in cash to her name, and that since her acquittal, Jose Baez gave her $3,400. She also said that Baez had her participate in photographs in September 2012 and then sold the photos."

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I just find this totally bizarre. I wish the attorneys here would weigh in about the ethics of this by her attorney. Pimping her out ... WTH?
ETA: Not that I CARE that they pimp her out....I think she should be standing on a corner somewhere. Bet she could make some money that way.
Jason Olson‏@knightproducer

JUST IN: the audio recording of #CaseyAnthony bankruptcy hearing. Listening to now. @TonyPipitone will have much more at 5. #Local6
Hi gitana1 - I'm not sure we can compare how she looks now to when she was in trial. She word specific looks dictated by her lawyers on how to wear her hair - no makeup etc. We'd maybe get an more accurate picture of then and now if we used her pics in the 31 days before she was arrested and the ones now to judge the toll it's taken on her.

Also - do you think she is bitter and twisted now because of killing her baby or has she always been that way but hasn't got a social or any kind of an outlet to keep it under control?

I'm not sure I believe she was ever "normal" - I think maybe she has always been "odd" - just manifested differently because of her isolation.
What do you mean no makeup? I can clearly see eyeshadow and eyeliner in the trial pix.
What do you mean no makeup? I can clearly see eyeshadow and eyeliner in the trial pix.

Shovels of Kim Kardashian makeup to look better - not her pinched trial makeup to make her look pitiful.....I don't think she was allowed her full warpaint bag in the clink.
Wow page 72 ! what page did I leave off last night??....I swear it was in the 50's...
I'll catch up...LOL
I nominate Casey to play Jodi Arias in the TV movie that will inevitably be made. Casey won't have to act!!!

I like that idea. Or Jodi Arias play herself. :floorlaugh: :innocent: :crazy:
So, what happens next ?[Ljava.lang.String;@557f625f

Zenaida's attorney said Casey's answers didn't "pass the smell test!" >>>
The session became tense when Zenaida Gonzalez' attorney, Scott Shuker, turned the session into an apparent cross examination.
Shuker protested that Greene coached Anthony on what to say, and Greene responded, "Take a breath."
"It's not about taking a breath. What you are doing is improper," said Shuker.After the session, Shuker said that Anthony's answers do not "pass the smell test."
He said his next step is to take a deposition of her.
When I look both Casey Anthony, Jodi Arias, and even Lori Drew before and after/during trial. They look really stressed out.

Jodi Arias Before Trial

Jodi Arias During Trial

Casey Anthony Before Trial

Most Recent Casey Anthony

Lori Drew Before

Lori Drew After

They show extreme fear and rage in their eyes as they are so consumed by them. Their anger is more bottled up over time as they repress it.
from what i understand there was a reporter( god bless her!) who kept yelling "casey did you get away with murder?" ( part of the reason for her being frazzled? LOL)
i look at her outfit ...mmm very appropriate that it was almost all black..2nd though, she looks like a decent outfit surely not one a pauper or broke person ( like she claims to be) would wear? JMOO
i did LOL on the post earlier saying she was upset bc the hearing wasnt in AZ to steal jodi's "thunder"
I don't hear it in this video. Off to listen again. --------------> OMG I finally heard it when I closed my eyes from watching the train wreck! 1:11. WOW - still Classy cheney...................... NOT

PS Weebles can you please resize your pic - you are blowing the margin for me anyway.
OMG! I heard it!! What a professional! I hope his wife is proud.
from what i understand there was a reporter( god bless her!) who kept yelling "casey did you get away with murder?" ( part of the reason for her being frazzled? LOL)
i look at her outfit ...mmm very appropriate that it was almost all black..2nd though, she looks like a decent outfit surely not one a pauper or broke person ( like she claims to be) would wear? JMOO
i did LOL on the post earlier saying she was upset bc the hearing wasnt in AZ to steal jodi's "thunder"

Kathi Belich! :great:
Or, as Cindy Anthony calls her "that *advertiser censored* from Channel 9! :great:
I keep getting bumped off and losing WS...unable to connect to WS server....boohoo
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