Bankrupt Casey Anthony interviewed by KPHO CBS in Phoenix

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Sept 2008 is when she gave Baez the rights to the photos- and according to RH this is against Fla Bar rules. Good to know..
I'm going to read through the various news reports but one thing I don't see is what the next step is. it sounds like she is taken at her word and signature and that's that - no digging around to see if what she said is at all true.

It just sounds like a stamping them through process with some pretty lax expectations - unlike up here where it's a big tougher.

And Mr. Greene sounds like 'not a nice guy" at all. More "in your face like it or not too bad."

Is there a next step or is that it - boom she's in bankruptcy??:banghead:
Isn't it the 2012 ones that are the big no-no?

I can't get the audio to play after 13 minutes, but she describes the sale to ABC to fund her defense, of less than 15 photos, for $200K.
Richard Hornsby's tweet states "Casey claims Baez may have accquired media rights to pics during case? Florida Bar rule 4-1.8 prohibits this.

Haven't got to the part about 2012 photos yet...
She is questioned about the realtor Mutter being listed as a creditor but says she has no knowledge of him... IIRC it was speculated he rented the condo at Ocean Woods to her..
From the first audio file - very beginning -

"The debtor has produced a Florida driver's license and a Social Security card"

I didn't think she had a driver's license??
"There will be no tell-all book, there is no tell-all movie," he said.

I am quite certain you guys covered this quote-it is from her bankruptcy atty in a January interview. It is hard for me not to read this as pointing to a movie that will eventually be in the works.


I guess I need the rights to her story and her ability to make money off of those rights explained to me in words of one syllable. I realize that they could be considered an asset which can be attached by her creditors-is this correct?

The grey area is whether or not Jose can be considered a creditor since he was paid his 80 odd thousand and agreed that she didnt owe him any more. And, there is some question as to who has rights to photos.

I am off to dig up Azlaw's posts on the threads about this. :)

Do I have it right so far?......

In 2008 Casey paid Baez $89,000 out of the $200,00 from ABC (received in 2008) and owes him no further money. We know she was in jail and did not personally broker the deal herself...someone else did this on her behalf.

She says Baez BILLED her $500,000 (no date given)

She says Baez GAVE her $3,400 to live on (no date given)

According to her BK filing she MAY HAVE relinquished rights to photos on Sept 9, 2012
She says in Sept 2012 Baez HAD her participate in photos, Baez sold those photos

Also, according to RHornsby's tweets she may have relinquished media rights to Baez during the case...would that be the photos to ABC? or is there another time we don't know of?
From the first audio file - very beginning -

"The debtor has produced a Florida driver's license and a Social Security card"

I didn't think she had a driver's license??

I checked this morning and it still shows expired.
How can she have a current license without it showing on public records?:what:

"Have you relinquished any of your rights to any book or movie, any book deal?" asked bankruptcy trustee Stephen Meininger.

"No, sir," Anthony responded.

"And have you relinquished your rights to any movie, movie rights to your story?" asked Meininger.

"No, sir," Anthony replied.

"And have you relinquished any rights, anything regarding your story to any third party?" Meininger asked.

"No, sir," said Anthony."

WHAT About the rights she supposedly signed over to JB that he has spoken of so many times??
Why did JB give her $3400, a laptop and a camera (her get out of jail gift) if she owes him $500,000??????????

Sure seems JB might be in more trouble than KC at this moment in time - AZ, Gitana1 ???? Is he?

I did like seeing her escorted by a US marshall - I will dream he is taking her to Rikers Island forever!

Just wondering (prob stated before but I can't find anything about it),,, can creditors put some kind of lien on future money made (like a book or movie deal). I hope so!!!
From the first audio file - very beginning -

"The debtor has produced a Florida driver's license and a Social Security card"

I didn't think she had a driver's license??

From what others have posted she has an EXPIRED licence, I guess the Gov't takes expired, unlicensed, not valid DL as ID.
Just more lies and deception. An "indigent" woman shows up to court with how many attorneys? To do what? Declare bankruptcy...with how many attorneys at her side? And she is in full black winter mode...coat, stockings, infinity scarf, floppy FLORIDA! with temps in the mid-60s today (with matching black nail polish to boot). All the latests styles. She's still working it. (There is money everywhere in this case or no one would be around her just out of the goodness of their heart)

P.s...shouldn't maybe the title of this thread be re- named?,0,4525591.story

She states Friends and her attorneys have been arranging where she lives
She does pay for rent or utilities
Basically she's living for Free off the kindness of others


Casey said 2 times that she relinquished pictures of herself to Baez.
The first time in 2008 to ABC for $200,000 and that money was used for her Defense
She goes on to say the 2nd set of pictures she relinquished were in Sept 2011(Baez was legally still her lawyer right?)
she was asked to participate in and pose for these pictures. (Are we talking the photos of her walking around with the coffee in her hand?)
She claims Baez sold the pictures but doesn't know how much money he made from them..

Do I have it right so far?......

In 2008 Casey paid Baez $89,000 out of the $200,00 from ABC (received in 2008) and owes him no further money. We know she was in jail and did not personally broker the deal herself...someone else did this on her behalf.

She says Baez BILLED her $500,000 (no date given)

She says Baez GAVE her $3,400 to live on (no date given)

According to her BK filing she MAY HAVE relinquished rights to photos on Sept 9, 2012
She says in Sept 2012 Baez HAD her participate in photos, Baez sold those photos

Also, according to RHornsby's tweets she may have relinquished media rights to Baez during the case...would that be the photos to ABC? or is there another time we don't know of?

Funny you should ask. I am just at the part of the audio where she says $3,400.
What a modsnip! The trustee just told Greene CMA can consult him but they need an answer. He goes "I'll play the part of attorney you play the part of trustee."
BBM But, is it possible that a court would, if it were pointed out, at the time the statement was made, it was highly anticipated that not only would Casey Anthony have an means of income, she would at best, spending life in prison, or, at worst, the death penalty? Virtually no one expected Casey Anthony to "get some money down the road".

Rossva, I understand what you're trying to say, but I promise you 100% that no court is going to look at a statement that, IIRC, was signed under oath saying ZERO more dollars were anticipated to be paid and read it that way. Zero is not an estimate. Zero does not mean "hey, if you get some money down the road you need to pay me my regular hourly fee." Zero is "we're done." What it sounds like, unfortunately, is that either Baez & Casey misled the Florida court in order to get her indigency status or Baez & Casey are misleading the BK court in order to get her a discharge. (I included Baez in the second part--re the BK court--because now that he's filed an affidavit with the court I have to assume he's aware that Casey listed him as her biggest creditor.)
She makes it sound like she is living WITH someone. She says she doesn't pay rent to the people she is living WITH.
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