Becky Sue Turner and related

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
POSTED AGAIN ON FACEBOOK LINK TO NEWS ARTICLE. Got a reply. A person in one of my mom groups who was a distant acquaintance with Lori from 2000-2008. She did not want to answer questions which leads me to believe she was maybe a dancer... Anyway... She said the one thing that stood out is Lori kept to herself and wore striking blue contact lenses!!!!! I am now posting in all my groups around the DFW area hoping for more hits..

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I'm curious why you think the distant acquaintance was possibly a dancer. I was looking over FLEK's resume again and 2000 forward has her doing marketing and tech support. Of course this doesn't mean that she wasn't still dancing.
I think way to much is being made out of how she got her new identity. It was pretty easy to do just required a little knowledge and some tenacity. Search old obituaries for a dead child born in another county or state. Request bc. Getting an Id was simple then, I got one in my brothers name when my license was suspended and a few years later he got one in my name so he could drink. The legal name change in a 3rd state was brilliant but again very easy to do. I think your putting way to much into this. It really wasn't to difficult. Imo if she went through some "identity broker" said broker would of already had BC and ssn, she did this on her own. Someone may have helped or told her what to do but she did it. I remember as a kid hearing on a tv show how it could be done.
I'm curious why you think the distant acquaintance was possibly a dancer. I was looking over FLEK's resume again and 2000 forward has her doing marketing and tech support. Of course this doesn't mean that she wasn't still dancing.

Because the person who messaged me was very evasive with details and not answer where she knew her from. She is a " upstanding" mom in a well to do town now so... Just an intuitive guess.

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I agree. When I was sixteen, I got a fake id with my cousin's info so I could be 21. I just handed over her birth certificate (that I picked up myself with no id). No one at the DMV questioned me.

IMO, it was much easier to steal an identity in the 80's.

I think way to much is being made out of how she got her new identity. It was pretty easy to do just required a little knowledge and some tenacity. Search old obituaries for a dead child born in another county or state. Request bc. Getting an Id was simple then, I got one in my brothers name when my license was suspended and a few years later he got one in my name so he could drink. The legal name change in a 3rd state was brilliant but again very easy to do. I think your putting way to much into this. It really wasn't to difficult. Imo if she went through some "identity broker" said broker would of already had BC and ssn, she did this on her own. Someone may have helped or told her what to do but she did it. I remember as a kid hearing on a tv show how it could be done.
I agree. When I was sixteen, I got a fake id with my cousin's info so I could be 21. I just handed over her birth certificate (that I picked up myself with no id). No one at the DMV questioned me.

IMO, it was much easier to steal an identity in the 80's.

I am typing on my phone so bear with me...
It was much easier, we are talking pre Internet, pre networking, pre 911! In 1985 or 86 someone stole mine and my parents tax refund check out of our mailbox, opened up a bank account in my name or my dad's (I'm a Jr) and cashed the checks. A photo I'd wasn't even required! It simply wasn't that hard to do these things.

Plus SSN were not issued we had to go and apply for one. I got mine in 1984 when shortly before I turned 15 so I could get a job. Every thing was also done by filling out hand written forms and sending them off. Mistakes were much more common as far as spelling of names, addresses, and such because of penmanship. I've been racking my brain but I just can't place where I first heard /learned about assuming a new identity this way but I'm pretty sure it was a tv show, probably a 60 minutes or 20/20, when I was about 16/19. I am the same age as she claimed. I was born in 1969. It stuck with me because I wanted a fake id to buy beer. I was much too lazy to do all the leg work. It really wasn't a big secret that this was how to assume a new ID and you didn't need to have connections do do this.

Another thing that I disagree with is that she was "much older" than she claimed. I say a year or two max, if at all. The pictures don't look out of line for the ages to me. Especially the later ones. To me, it just doesn't make sense to risk it, 25 passing for 18 is possible, I guess, just not probable. 20 for 18 yeah but anymore I have a hard time believing.

I think the key is this case getting her younger pictures out there until someone from her past recognizes her. I don't think there is a clue in what we know so far.
This is a woman who ran away/moved away in her late teen early 20s in 1988/89. Police most likely wouldn't have taken a missing persons report if it was believed she simply moved away. That doesn't mean someone didn't try, Somewhere there is a broken-hearted parent or sibling looking for her. I just know it. Is there any record of people that knew her other than the ex bf? She had to have slipped at some point about where she is from originally. what kind of problems did she have that the ex didn't want to deal with?
If LEK really is BST, then why the name change?
Even if BST never died in the fire, and was adopted out, wouldn't she want to keep her true identity once she got older and figured out what had happened many years ago?
I know that the Idaho ID is a valid ID but has it been inspected to see if the lamination has been removed and the picture been replaced and then re laminated? (This was popular in Ohio in the 80's to obtain a fake id). I'm wondering if someone else got the ID for her and sent it to her.

I ask because it lists LEK as 5'6'' and she was what 5'11"?

I'm thinking that an DMV employee would have noticed if a female that tall was claiming to be 5 inches shorter and maybe questioned it? Its definitely possible that it wasn't noticed but really? I bet a lot of us noticed the height discrepancy right away.

Maybe they did and didn't say anything or as usual for DMVs they were busy that day.:thinking:
I know that the Idaho ID is a valid ID but has it been inspected to see if the lamination has been removed and the picture been replaced and then re laminated? (This was popular in Ohio in the 80's to obtain a fake id). I'm wondering if someone else got the ID for her and sent it to her.

I ask because it lists LEK as 5'6'' and she was what 5'11"?

I'm thinking that an DMV employee would have noticed if a female that tall was claiming to be 5 inches shorter and maybe questioned it? Its definitely possible that it wasn't noticed but really? I bet a lot of us noticed the height discrepancy right away.

Maybe they did and didn't say anything or as usual for DMVs they were busy that day.:thinking:

that was exactly the way we did our fake id's in high school!
If LEK really is BST, then why the name change?
Even if BST never died in the fire, and was adopted out, wouldn't she want to keep her true identity once she got older and figured out what had happened many years ago?

I don't think she was BST im just wondering if the Rebecca mentioned up thread is a possible It would be much easier if her name was the same , Rebecca , Becky sue ?
If FLEK created the fake ID by replacing an original pic with hers, then who created the original ID with the BST info on it and gave it to FLEK? Identity broker? (Also, this scenario would explain why she is looking up and not straight ahead like most DMV photos are.)
Magoo, I emailed Velling, the Det working on the case, his reply was they have the receipt from the county, no mention of a date, not sure if it was paid for in person or via mail post.

I have a copy of the receipt. It came from a set of files that went along with the full Seattle Times article. This is the link that is was found at, but I don't the link still works.

It really does not show much it is just a simple cash register receipt from the Kern County Clerk Recorder, dated May 23, 1988. It shows the amount of $7.00 with the comment BCOP and $4.00 with Btrst for a total amount of $11.00 paid by check. There is also an image of a document that went with the birth certificate that shows it is a certified copy of the birth certificate dated May 20, 1988.
I think way to much is being made out of how she got her new identity. It was pretty easy to do just required a little knowledge and some tenacity. Search old obituaries for a dead child born in another county or state. Request bc. Getting an Id was simple then, I got one in my brothers name when my license was suspended and a few years later he got one in my name so he could drink. The legal name change in a 3rd state was brilliant but again very easy to do. I think your putting way to much into this. It really wasn't to difficult. Imo if she went through some "identity broker" said broker would of already had BC and ssn, she did this on her own. Someone may have helped or told her what to do but she did it. I remember as a kid hearing on a tv show how it could be done.

The countercultural press of the late 1960's and 1970's published several pamphlets on how to do this (notably The Paper Trip). There were a few other suggestions in these types of pamphlets that LEK seems to have followed. In particular, she chose two states (Idaho and Texas) that don't use a social security number for a license ID (well, nobody does this anymore), and she filed for a US passport two years after falsifying her identity (typically the recommendation was at least 18 months). With a passport in hand (I don't think she ever intended to leave the country), there would have been virtually no situations where she would have had to use a birth certificate or social security card (both traceable to the deceased Becky Sue Turner) as proof of identity.
If FLEK created the fake ID by replacing an original pic with hers, then who created the original ID with the BST info on it and gave it to FLEK? Identity broker? (Also, this scenario would explain why she is looking up and not straight ahead like most DMV photos are.)

One of my theories is that someone close to her knows who she is and helped her disappear and reinvent herself. And maybe for one reason or another didn't come forward when she committed suicide.
Magoo, I emailed Velling, the Det working on the case, his reply was they have the receipt from the county, no mention of a date, not sure if it was paid for in person or via mail post.


In my practically 65 years of life I have never seen a receipt of any kind with no date on it. Why wasn't there? Just wondering. Everything about this case is screwed up, lol!

*I take it Velling is being very closemouthed concerning any progress, right? I firmly believe the Ruff's now know who FLEK was.
Whoa - awesome, Linda! Social media strikes again!

That's a long time that she apparently knew her. Maybe she will message you with more info if she's assured it's confidential?

Keep her identity confidential but not the information! I want to know what she knows. If we can't know what this person knows about FLEK, she can at least talk with Velling!
Could she have been part of the Witness Protection program, from my understanding the person totally goes off the grid and given a new life and new name and new identity, maybe something compromised her other identity and she had to have a new name and such. Just a thought and not sure if anyone mentioned it yet or not, if that is the case with her, then no, there would be nothing found.
Welcome Gravebabe! Glad you decided to join us.

We have discussed Witness Protection in the past. The government keeps track of people in the program so the Social Security Administration wouldn't be trying to identify her if she was in witness protection.
So...what if...

Becky Sue Turner didn't really die in a fire? What if there were no deceased children in a fire? What if...

dun dun dun

In the times article, the pictures...the nose is all the same, BUT the one picture in pink/hat, her teeth are massively different(I'm thinking she usually wore some form of fake teeth, but not in this picture, and her eyebrows stand out as being bushy.

Hello, this is my first time posting and there is so much to catch up on. I'm just wondering if DNA was ever done to confirm is is not really Becky Sue. I find it kind of odd that the girls were buried the very next day. No mention, (from what I've read in numerous articles)of an autopsy or even confirmation the bodies were pulled out of the burning house. Of course DNA would debunk that. I believe I saw an article where the surviving sibling said our Lori wasn't her sister but would she know for sure unless DNA was taken. Looks may change as people age. JMO.
:greetings: Hi everyone, it's my first time posting but I've been following this case since the Seattle Times article. There have been times where I have read the boards a lot, and times where I didn't give the case any thought for months - but I keep going back to the photo comparison of LEK and TJT.

I am convinced LEK is related somehow to TJT. It's not only the familiarity in the face, it's her posture in the red sweater pic compared to TJT's posture in the old photo. I literally gasped when I saw that - it's way, way closer than any of the missing persons reports in the Possible Matches thread. Add in the sketchy details of the death certificate and I am firmly in the "LEK could be a Turner" camp. I don't think we should rule it out just because TJT and his wife said they didn't recognize FLEK. She could be a niece they never met, or they might not recognize her because they haven't seen her since she was a child... there are plenty of explanations for why they might not recognize her. My gut's saying they're closely related though. I know others have said the same and I'm not really adding anything new - I just wanted to bring it up again because the similarities floored me. msrica972... I have wondered the same thing.

I've been sifting through threads trying to find the photo comparison or the morph video - does anyone remember where it was posted?

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