Becky Sue Turner and related

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My concern about morphs is that they're almost TOO good; I feel like any two people, regardless of similarity, could be morphed together and have me seeing connections. That being said, there's a definite resemblance between these two. There are, without a doubt, specific features they have in common.
Could you guys please quote the referenced posts that you're referring to so that we all know where you're coming from ? TIA :wave:
marse, 02-08-2014, 03:06pm, General Discussions & Theories Thread:
A picture of Becky Sue Turner's father. Anyone else see some similarities??....

marse, 02-10-2014, 5:07pm, General Discussions & Theories Thread:
Too bad they wrote on the notice in the newspaper that Becky Sue was mentioned twice about her birth place but no mention of Ann Marie. Must be a huge typo.
I googled 1404 Tidehaven Road Puyallup WA. No homes, only industrial buildings.

Appears they meant Ann was born in Auburn.
Still, this is probably better editing than what we see in the media nowadays :)

Here's another comparison for those who saw the resemblance between BST's father and FLEK. This time, both are depicted in their mid-20's.

CarlK90245, 02-11-2014, 02:44pm, General Discussions & Theories Thread:

Tulessa asked me to do a morph of Lori Ruff and "BST's Father".

I dialed up the contrast and saturation of the BST Father photo so that it can be seen more clearly.

Lori Ruff Morph with BST's Father - YouTube (

Lori has wider-set eyes, but otherwise, the alignment is pretty close.

I agree that morphs can be almost too perfect but I think the resemblance still cannot be ignored.
Just throwing a crazy idea out there.....
Some tend to believe that Mr Turner and LEK resemble each other.
Could it be that LEK could in fact be the child of Mr Turner? Perhaps she was a result from an affair, or even a relationship before he married the real BST's mother?

My first post...this case has led me to Web Sleuths. I think
Lori Ruff aka Lori Kennedy aka Becky Sue Turner could be the missing girl: Sheri Lynn Johnson.

Her mother was Freda Denman who was likely killed by her husband. There was blood at the scene and her two children, Sheri Lynn (age 4) and baby brother were missing. The kids clothes and the husbands clothes were missing but Freda's was still there.

This all happened in Independence, Missouri (Jackson county). Note the name "Jackson" on the scribbled paper that belonged to Lori Ruff.

Becky Sue Turner looks a lot like the mother of Sheri Lynn:

Compare the pics of Freda to the pics of the Becky Sue Turner license from Idaho.

When you look at the young pictures of Sheri Lynn Johnson...the ears are the same as Lori Ruff. In addition, little Sheri Lynn Johnson was very tall for her age at the age of four.

Worth doing a DNA comparison, IMO.

My reply
I have been interested in the 402 months. I felt that it related to significant events in the life of Lori Ruff.
Just suppose that Lori Ruff was actually Sheri Lynn Johnson.

In November 1974, Sheri Lynn was taken from her home in Jackson County Missouri.
1974- Count Dec. as 1 month
1975-2007- Count this as 33 years or 396 months.
2008- Count this as 5 months- Lori Ruff gave birth in the summer of 2008.
Do the addition. 1 + 396 + 5 = 402 months.
My reply
I have been interested in the 402 months. I felt that it related to significant events in the life of Lori Ruff.
Just suppose that Lori Ruff was actually Sheri Lynn Johnson.

In November 1974, Sheri Lynn was taken from her home in Jackson County Missouri.
1974- Count Dec. as 1 month
1975-2007- Count this as 33 years or 396 months.
2008- Count this as 5 months- Lori Ruff gave birth in the summer of 2008.
Do the addition. 1 + 396 + 5 = 402 months.

- what shakes my head in all this is, who counts in months? Esp 402!
The baby wasn't born yet per the scribble sheet with 402.
I can't see her nose changing that much, she has a distinct nose however, your theory is interesting. Contact Velling, the Det about your thoughts!
Can someone send this to Det. Velling for his opinion?

The morphing!!
Despite the program as some say, they look like twins. Stare at his eyebrows as hers appear. It is remarkable.
- what shakes my head in all this is, who counts in months? Esp 402!
The baby wasn't born yet per the scribble sheet with 402.
I can't see her nose changing that much, she has a distinct nose however, your theory is interesting. Contact Velling, the Det about your thoughts!

The reference to the '402 months' was found in 2010, after Lori Ruff became deceased. We have no way of knowing when she actually wrote '402 months' as it wasn't a dated reference.
I have no idea of how to contact Joe Velling, the investigator into the identity of Lori Ruff. But I would like to know how to contact him.
If Sheri Lynn Johnson is Lori Ruff, it would be difficult to prove as we do not have dna or any photos of Sheri Lynne Johnson to my knowledge.
It is a mystery to me how a child can grow up in America and not have an identity. One would think that an identity would be required to interact with the health system. If Sheri Lynn Johnson grew up in a cult, then it might have been possible
for her not to interact with the formal medical system or the educational system. In an earlier post, someone mentioned the connection of her father to a group, that might have this capability. It does seem to me that Sheri might have been taken to a farm community of some type to grow up.
The reference to the '402 months' was found in 2010, after Lori Ruff became deceased. We have no way of knowing when she actually wrote '402 months' as it wasn't a dated reference.
I have no idea of how to contact Joe Velling, the investigator into the identity of Lori Ruff. But I would like to know how to contact him.
If Sheri Lynn Johnson is Lori Ruff, it would be difficult to prove as we do not have dna or any photos of Sheri Lynne Johnson to my knowledge.
It is a mystery to me how a child can grow up in America and not have an identity. One would think that an identity would be required to interact with the health system. If Sheri Lynn Johnson grew up in a cult, then it might have been possible
for her not to interact with the formal medical system or the educational system. In an earlier post, someone mentioned the connection of her father to a group, that might have this capability. It does seem to me that Sheri might have been taken to a farm community of some type to grow up.
Doe Network page for Sheri Lynn Johnson says DNA is available. Just call the contact for FLEK and ask them to run it if you feel strongly enough.
Personally I feel the resemblance between FLEK and BST's father is strong enough to wonder if she was a Turner relative. Does anyone know if the parents were very tall?
I think less of some of the other theories. The Agent Double O FLEK theory is ridiculous, the witness protection program does not depend on names taken from tombstones, and the "escaping a cult" theory is a chestnut that is proposed in many cases but no one ever turns out to have escaped from a cult. Honestly, if I ever start my own cult I will put extra guards on the compound, if that many people are really escaping from them.
Joe Velling

I do know where the 402 originated, thanks.
I'm saying it is unusual to count in months and assuming 402 was a past scribble not including her recent life in 2008 while with Mr. R.

Here is J Velling's email and I agree to try to confirm about Lori and Turners. The resemblance is beyond vast.
Joe Velling

I do know where the 402 originated, thanks.
I'm saying it is unusual to count in months and assuming 402 was a past scribble not including her recent life in 2008 while with Mr. R.

Here is J Velling's email and I agree to try to confirm about Lori and Turners. The resemblance is beyond vast.

BBM. I agree. That's one of the odd things to me. I just think about when people ask you how old your kids are... For a while it's 6 months, 10 months, 18 months, etc. but eventually you just say they're 2, 5, whatever. Even thinking in terms of a prison sentence, wouldn't you just say 33 years?
BBM. I agree. That's one of the odd things to me. I just think about when people ask you how old your kids are... For a while it's 6 months, 10 months, 18 months, etc. but eventually you just say they're 2, 5, whatever. Even thinking in terms of a prison sentence, wouldn't you just say 33 years?

If one is anxious for an event to occur, then one might count the months. In this case, Lori Ruff could have actually calculated the time period by checking out herself online and noting that her family had gone missing in November 1974. Then it would be a simple matter to calculate the time period in months from November of 1974 to the time in which she gave birth to a child. I am assuming that Lori Ruff is Sheri Lynn Johnson, a fact that is not yet proven.
Great first post :) Sheri Lynn Johnson has been suggested as a match to Lori... and I even RE-suggested her just a few pages back, lol! I share your opinion... the resemblance is quite remarkable!

In the website that is suggested by Fred and Edna, the church of the new song is referred to. I am going to be trying to look into this church. But if others have any ideas on this, it would be good to hear from you.
In the website that is suggested by Fred and Edna, the church of the new song is referred to. I am going to be trying to look into this church. But if others have any ideas on this, it would be good to hear from you.

I wasn't very clear on the connection with Church of the new song. But Sheri Lynn Johnson, who has been put forth as a candidate for being Lori Ruff, was mentioned by Fred and Edna. The father of Sheri seemed to have a connection to the Church of the new song. On page 3 of this blog, Fred and Edna put forth Sheri Lynn Johnson as a candidate. A person can go back to page 3 and review that posting. It was so interesting to me.

On a side note, I tried to reach Joseph Velling yesterday, but the auto reply to my email said that Joseph Velling was now retired and other people were taking over the case.
Yes, Franklin Floyd was also running with the CONS cons. Scary stuff. I know people did some real investigating into Sharon Marshall being Sheri Lynn Johnson so there is a lot of research out there about CONS - probably buried in Sharon's old closed threads.

Thanks for the update on Velling - that is interesting.
On a side note, I tried to reach Joseph Velling yesterday, but the auto reply to my email said that Joseph Velling was now retired and other people were taking over the case.

Was there any direction as to who to email now? I was going to email about the Turners (if nobody has already).
Was there any direction as to who to email now? I was going to email about the Turners (if nobody has already).

You can email to Joseph Velling. You will get an auto reply back. It lists several people. We can choose any one of them to email with the same wording after the name, as emails directed to Joseph Velling.
I wasn't very clear on the connection with Church of the new song. But Sheri Lynn Johnson, who has been put forth as a candidate for being Lori Ruff, was mentioned by Fred and Edna. The father of Sheri seemed to have a connection to the Church of the new song. On page 3 of this blog, Fred and Edna put forth Sheri Lynn Johnson as a candidate. A person can go back to page 3 and review that posting. It was so interesting to me.

On a side note, I tried to reach Joseph Velling yesterday, but the auto reply to my email said that Joseph Velling was now retired and other people were taking over the case.

I did a google search on Church of the New Song, and it seems a dead end. It seems to be a front for a national prisoner's organization. I visualized something else, a rural settlement of sorts. I thought that the family could have settled in a rural area and lived without being found by law enforcement. So it all continues to be a mystery. My best bet for Sheri Lynn's family relocation in Nov. of 1974 might be Mexico. So man people can escape to Mexico and live there. The man, who ressembled Sheri Lynn's father, who was found with several sets of identification on him, including 'Peter Turner' (page 3 on this thread), was in a Texas city, so close to Mexico likely.

I have been researching this case for over 1 year. This thread has been the most helpful to me. It's very addictive. I find myself thinking about it during the day, mulling over possibilities.
I think the truth is much less interesting. In the US, birth certs (BC) are typically held by the county government offices. BCs that reflect an adoption are held by the state, or at least that's the case in California.
After a BC is filed, the county stores them in big books or files, as well as rolls of microfiche so that an individual BC can be found for future reference. The roll/book/file numbers are always listed on the BC as a sort of redundant reverse database. My own BC, for instance, is in local file 752 and film roll 97 in my local county health dept.
For example, when a person needs a copy of their own BC to go get an ID card or apply for a marriage license. The basic info is kept in a searchable database for employees to find the physical location of a person's BC. The clerk can then go and print an official copy for the customer.

The birth certificate information is interesting. But I am also interested in the passport information that Joe Velling would have had access to. In Canada, when one gets a passport, you need to provide references, someone with a passport already, who can vouch that they have known you at least 5 years, and that your identity is your actual identity. I just wonder how Lori Kennedy was able to get a passport in 1990, if she had to fulfill this requirement. Who is the person who vouched for her. Why hasn't anyone else picked up on this fact to this point. Are the passport requirements different in the U.S. than in Canada perhaps. I would appreciate some input on this. Thanks for all your hard work out there.

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