Belize - Francesca Matus, 52, & Drew De Voursney, 36, murdered, Corozal, 25 Apr 2017

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
Belize has never been a wealthy country. It used to be called British Honduras. It was a British colony. It became independent 36 years ago. I can only think you are confusing it with another country. If this crime has put you off moving to Belize, I suspect Belize is probably not for you. In the same way America is not for me. The constant mass shootings make me very worried about going to America. You can be sitting in a theater or restaurant and someone just walks in and starts shooting everyone. I can say that is not something I ever worry about in Belize.

Maybe it's comparing apples to oranges, but I found this 2012 report interesting. It's not terribly lengthy so it's worthwhile to "click to read more".
I hope that the journalists will be asking about:

-Drew's head injury at Scotty's bar that night. Just how bad was it?

-Red/Brownish substance on the side of the vehicle

-Time of Death

-Security Video that has been acquired from that Tuesday and the days following
And another thing, there must have been another vehicle involved. Car batteries are heavy, and even someone in decent shape could only carry one for several hundred yards at best. So if the perp acted alone, he'd have to leave his vehicle close to where Francesca's car was found, then he'd have to get to the bar to carry out the abduction. Makes more sense to me that this crime was carried out by more than one person.

I'm thinking along those lines more and more. I am wondering what happened between leaving the restaurant and the location of the bodies ... who did they encounter and where?
CBC News - Canada's prominent news agency - has verified FBI Involvement

Can anyone determine the fruit logo on JD's shirt? Looks like there is a website address on it also.

This is headlining on CBC tonight.

Also, Franscesca's BODY is in Canada now.

My big fat guess regarding his shirt:

?? construction
Belize’s real estate boom for expats emerged as a side product of tourism. North American and European visitors increasingly become enthralled by the easy Belizean lifestyle against the backdrop of pristine beaches, coral islands on azure seas and vivid rainforests with breathtaking views. This boom has led to acquisition and exchange of a commodity that Belizeans took for granted, and has led to an appreciation in prices that are now beyond the reach of the average local citizen. The market, now largely void of local participation, has evolved among foreign interests to where values are ascertained not by North American standards of valuation, but by impulse and emotion. This market is wrought with imperfect titles, uncertain shareholdings, and boundaries based on unclear paperwork and surveys. This Gold Rush ease of acquisition of Belizean property has brought all types to Belize, and the culture clash that has resulted, fueled by intolerance by both locals and foreigners, seems to be leading to incidents of violence among their own and to a lesser extent, between expats and locals.

Keep in mind that the link is for a blog - someone's interpretation of Belize through Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness. Interesting viewpoint, but not fact.
My big fat guess regarding his shirt:

?? construction

Great guess!


Now, can you tell me whereabouts on the Chan Chen Rd. they were found? The North or the South side of where the Northern Highway cuts across perpendicular? I'm guessing it's the south side. Also - if you were booking it North out of Corozal on the highway, the Chan Chen Rd. is pretty much the first "main" road, according to the maps, although it is still a dirt road, I think.

There a few Google Streetview images for the Chan Chen Rd. here, just click beside the yellow google walkabout guy, and click "show imagery":,-88.4208247,15z


So two people have lost their lives
The reporting is wrong and there is doubt that the FBI is involved
It is highly unlikely that this crime will ever be solved

I think I am reading your (PaxBelise) posts correctly

It is a sad sad state of affairs
To lose someone you love in such a manner is difficult to say the least.But to know nothing will be done about it is brutal

Is the Toronto newspaper typically "wrong" when reporting facts?

I don't see anything blatantly incorrect or along the lines of "poor reporting" in the news article. I don't think that claims of inaccuracy in the Toronto newspaper are valid.

I'm still perusing, but.... have we seen that "stone" structure in news reports???
That particular outlet has been incredibly inaccurate with reporting this case. I wouldn't count on anything they say. If you work on reading the local press and read between the lines, it's easier to wrangle fact over incompetence with them. There are probably always agents in Belize. It also happens to be a very popular place for retired spooks and a great place to capture America's most wanted when they are on the lam. It would not be normal for a foreign criminal investigation agency to do anything but act on an advisory level in another country. I believe they said the FBI also worked on the case of the journalist who was so tragically murdered on the Guatemalan border. We never heard a thing afterwards about that either.

How has the Toronto newspaper been inaccurate with reporting the case? What has been incorrectly reported?
Maybe Patchakan is aka Northern Hwy??

Anyway, I found this October 2014 news report about murders in Corozal rather interesting.

... while the murder rate for 2014 is similar to that of 2013 in Corozal, statistics also reveal that all murders committed so far for 2014, are registered in the rural areas and 60% of the murder cases have been solved." (ETA: Even possibly without fingerprint kits and DNA labs)


"... Jones Senior and Junior that happened in Ranchito village and then we had the female unidentified that was found between the Chan Chen and Patchakan road.”

Of particular concern to the Corozal Police Department is the Yo Chen/Patchakan road as several dead bodies have been dumped in the area."

"... the Chan Chen/Patchakan road seems to be a dumping ground for serious issues... "

Makes me wonder if Matus and Devoursney were found close to the aforementioned "dumping area".
Reading this news report, I'm trying to figure out if/how Patchakan Rd intersects with Chan Chen... ??? (I really stink at maps) And, maybe Patchakan was tossed in there as a "general area"??

On Monday 01 May 2017, police visited a cane field along the Chan Chen /Patchakan Road, Corozal
I will look into this.

This is an excellent article, as it gives all the roads in question. Pax indicated that addresses and named roads are few and far between, and I can see by digging around on the country, that there are some glaring contrasts with western norms as we know them (and as has been stated previously).

Pax - I have read that very few people drive at night in Belize. Is that true? Also, where would someone go to get a head wound looked at there?
Reading this news report, I'm trying to figure out if/how Patchakan Rd intersects with Chan Chen... ??? (I really stink at maps) And, maybe Patchakan was tossed in there as a "general area"??

On Monday 01 May 2017, police visited a cane field along the Chan Chen /Patchakan Road, Corozal

There's a road map here, but I don't see that road on it

The road is marked on this map

Belize a.jpg
My guess is that the Patchakan Rd is the road from that town to Chan Chen ... also known as the highway.
I guess it was reported and I just hadn't noticed where Devoursney lived. So for anyone else who might be like me...

"Drew owned a home in the more modest area of southside Corozal, Ranchito Village."

Sorry, for my blitz-posting. I'll sit quiet for awhile :)

Reposting my post #13 on Page 1 - Locations are not exact, but gives an overall idea.

According to Google maps, it takes:

7 minutes (3.5 Km) from Scotty's Bar and Grill to Ranchito Village (link)

22 minutes (11.2 Km) from Scotty's to Serenity Sands on Consejo Rd. (which is in the opposite direction) (link)

Which way did they go?
Unfortunately, there's no Google Street View to see if there are any cliffs. I don't see any bridges/rivers.
Reading this news report, I'm trying to figure out if/how Patchakan Rd intersects with Chan Chen... ??? (I really stink at maps) And, maybe Patchakan was tossed in there as a "general area"??

On Monday 01 May 2017, police visited a cane field along the Chan Chen /Patchakan Road, Corozal

Reposting my post # 108

According to the Corozal Daily Facebook page, crime scene is "... located between Chan Chen Village and Patchakan Village on a feeder road leading to a sugar cane field ... "


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