Belize - Francesca Matus, 52, & Drew De Voursney, 36, murdered, Corozal, 25 Apr 2017

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Key Notes from this News Video from May 2nd, 2017 - 14:00 minutes to 20:00 minutes


-strict armed guard on the sugar road, that the field was adjacent to (bodies found)

-bodies were located 150 feet down the sugar road IN Chan Chen Village, which is less than 1 MILE from the Mexican Border

-6 ½ miles from the centre of Corozal Village where Drew and Francesca last seen

-the autopsy was done on site and was determined that the COD was massive strangulation

-vehicle was found deep down a sugar field about 6 miles away from the bodies in Paraiso Village



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-JD took police to Matus' house to show them the casino items that he is accused of stealing, and they took the items to the police station

-LE is shuttling JD between north and south police stations in Belize

9:00 to 12:00

-JD was hired by one of the Casino shareholders to remove the items he has been accused of stealing and does claim he was doing his job

-North American forensic investigators arrived to help process the 3 vehicles

Okay, last post for the evening (sorry for the prolific posting, but, lots of things for me to document this evening)

Here are the google satellite and map views for the Bridge that was closed today, between Belize and Mexico (I think, lol)

As you can see, extremely close to the recovery location.

I will leave the rest for conjecture.



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Okay, this is my last post for tonight (promise - sorry, I spoke to soon above)

Wanted to keep this separate.

An SUV was discovered burnt and a body in it, the day after the recovery of Drew and Francesca (I believe it was the day after, it was immediately after one of the video's I posted upthread tonight)

It seems a teacher is still missing, and it was her SUV that was found burning.

Throwing this out there for others to dig on if possible, but, could these events be related?

Could someone investigate the teacher's disappearance and it's possibility of being related to this crime? If nobody does, I will dig in tomorrow.

Wondering if the "data" that was oddly found that would necessitate the closing of that bridge, is related to the teachers vehicle (or video or cell phone pings???)
Okay, this is my last post for tonight (promise - sorry, I spoke to soon above)

Wanted to keep this separate.

An SUV was discovered burnt and a body in it, the day after the recovery of Drew and Francesca (I believe it was the day after, it was immediately after one of the video's I posted upthread tonight)

It seems a teacher is still missing, and it was her SUV that was found burning.

Throwing this out there for others to dig on if possible, but, could these events be related?

Could someone investigate the teacher's disappearance and it's possibility of being related to this crime? If nobody does, I will dig in tomorrow.

Wondering if the "data" that was oddly found that would necessitate the closing of that bridge, is related to the teachers vehicle (or video or cell phone pings???)

Thanks so much for all the excellent posts, please keep the hits coming!
Pamela Lino, an Information Technology instructor at Belmopan Baptist High School, has been missing since Monday evening, following the discovery of a sports utility vehicle registered in her name. The Kia Sportage was headed in the direction of Belize City in the wee early hours of Tuesday when upon reaching the checkpoint near the Hattieville Police Station the driver made a u-turn. That abrupt change in course prompted officers to pursue the vehicle along the George Price Highway towards Belmopan. By the time they rounded the curve near mile twenty-one, the SUV was already engulfed in flames

...police is continuing its work to search and find evidence at the home, at Pamela’s home in Santa Elena.”
That residence in the Hill View area of Santa Elena has reportedly been the subject of much controversy. It is alleged that Lino has been embroiled in a bitter dispute over ownership of the property. Many are of the firmly held opinion that it may have been the cause of her demise.
While Matus's family declined a request for an interview, a statement sent to CBC Toronto reads in part:

"Today a beautiful service was held in honour of Francesca. Behind those walls, all the ugliness and brutality surrounding her death didn't exist. Instead we chose to celebrate Francesca's life with friends and family from both Toronto and Ottawa. Messages from as far as Belize and Italy, and the beautiful eulogies given, were a true testament of the amazing human being that Francesca was."
The full statement from cousin Ivana Pucci on behalf of the family of Francesca Matus expressed gratitude for the support they have received, some of it from strangers.

"The family would like to extend a special thank you to Marshall's Funeral Home in Richmond Hill for their professionalism and compassion during this difficult time.To Deacon Gary our heartfelt gratitude for providing us comfort and hope through his wonderful sermon. Lastly, for the outpour of love and support from all over the world, including people we have never met, we appreciate your thoughtfulness," the statement read.
Okay, this is my last post for tonight (promise - sorry, I spoke to soon above)

Wanted to keep this separate.

An SUV was discovered burnt and a body in it, the day after the recovery of Drew and Francesca (I believe it was the day after, it was immediately after one of the video's I posted upthread tonight)

It seems a teacher is still missing, and it was her SUV that was found burning.

Throwing this out there for others to dig on if possible, but, could these events be related?

Could someone investigate the teacher's disappearance and it's possibility of being related to this crime? If nobody does, I will dig in tomorrow.

Wondering if the "data" that was oddly found that would necessitate the closing of that bridge, is related to the teachers vehicle (or video or cell phone pings???)

Wait a minute, omg, are you saying a teacher was missing there in Belize, more or less immediately after these other two missing persons? And, the teachers SUV was found burned ? Again, how close was it to these two missing persons? Sorry if I've misunderstood. TIA
Well I guess that answers my question about the bridges and border between Belize and Mexico :eek:

Seems like the FBI may not think that JD is responsible for the murders either. And not surprisingly, he is likely being treated pretty poorly in whatever jail he's in.

I'm also not following why there are rumours of this being related to the drug trade. :waitasec:

Interesting information regarding the woman who is missing and her issues regarding land ownership. :thinking:

R.I.P. Francesca :rose: I'm glad her family were able to have a beautiful service for her today and that her body was found before the field was burned.

Has there been any word of when the service for Drew will be?

Wait a minute, omg, are you saying a teacher was missing there in Belize, more or less immediately after these other two missing persons? And, the teachers SUV was found burned ? Again, how close was it to these two missing persons? Sorry if I've misunderstood. TIA

It appears that way. I think there is a lot more going on in the country with regards to corruption, violent crime and murders, that are not gang related, than anyone is willing to admit.

It appears that this incident happened between Belmopan and Belize City, which is about 150km south of where FM and DD were found.

I've always found it odd, if what's been reported is true, that JD was allegedly hire by some of the shareholders of the Casino to remove $57,000 worth of items from said Casino (data servers, computers, casino game machines etc) and that he's defended himself by claiming "he was just doing his job, that's what he'd been hired to do." Okay, fine. But then why were these items located in the home you're renting? It would seem to me that if a business hires someone to remove equipment from said business, they wouldn't be expecting/requiring the person hired to do the removal to store those items in their home - but instead more ?realistic arrangements would be made such that the moved items would be relocated to a storage facility, or if nothing else to the garage/home of one of the business owners if no storage facility.

This has always made it appear like one (or more) of the Casino shareholders wanted this stuff out of there because it was evidence of something shady. And IF it was simply a case of a misunderstanding....that JD was innocent here, that he had been hired to remove and store stuff, why wouldn't that (those) shareholder come forward to clear things up and admit "yes, I hired him to remove and store X, Y and Z."

Also.....maybe JD, in addition to getting paid to remove this stuff/equipment from the Casino, was also getting paid to store it (?hide it)......but if JD was aware that FM was negotiating the sale of her home with someone, there's a very good chance a new owner wouldn't agree to keep JD on as the tenant living on the lower floor..and as such, JD would have to move.....and ....would have to move all of this "stuff" out of the house and move it somewhere else.....and that was going to be a possible motive to kill FM would be to at least temporarily stop the sale of her home and buy him more time?

Great post, thank-you.

Head Injury - You're absolutely right. It's possible that Drew's head injury was not caused by the diving incident, but, by an altercation with someone PRIOR to that night (the head injuries are now coming out as "rumour" from autopsy, but, we already know from their friend's testimony that Drew had a head injury that night at the bar, and the friend's suggested he have it looked at before he went home).

Local Buy & Sell Groups - We all know from the horror of the Tim Bosma case here in Canada that people can go to a home to look at something listed online for sale, and then murder the unsuspecting sellers. This is a good theory - did JD's GF have buyers to the home, and they were casing FM as a result?

Blue Truck for Sale - Hmm. This is interesting. Will have to look. By the rumored accounts, there were money issues, but, how does that tie to FM?

I've always found it odd, if what's been reported is true, that JD was allegedly hire by some of the shareholders of the Casino to remove $57,000 worth of items from said Casino (data servers, computers, casino game machines etc) and that he's defended himself by claiming "he was just doing his job, that's what he'd been hired to do." Okay, fine. But then why were these items located in the home you're renting? It would seem to me that if a business hires someone to remove equipment from said business, they wouldn't be expecting/requiring the person hired to do the removal to store those items in their home - but instead more ?realistic arrangements would be made such that the moved items would be relocated to a storage facility, or if nothing else to the garage/home of one of the business owners if no storage facility.

This has always made it appear like one (or more) of the Casino shareholders wanted this stuff out of there because it was evidence of something shady. And IF it was simply a case of a misunderstanding....that JD was innocent here, that he had been hired to remove and store stuff, why wouldn't that (those) shareholder come forward to clear things up and admit "yes, I hired him to remove and store X, Y and Z."

Also.....maybe JD, in addition to getting paid to remove this stuff/equipment from the Casino, was also getting paid to store it (?hide it)......but if JD was aware that FM was negotiating the sale of her home with someone, there's a very good chance a new owner wouldn't agree to keep JD on as the tenant living on the lower floor..and as such, JD would have to move.....and ....would have to move all of this "stuff" out of the house and move it somewhere else.....and that was going to be a possible motive to kill FM would be to at least temporarily stop the sale of her home and buy him more time?

Any chance that FM and/or DD were those shareholders at the casino?
speculation, imo.
It appears that way. I think there is a lot more going on in the country with regards to corruption, violent crime and murders, that are not gang related, than anyone is willing to admit.

It appears that this incident happened between Belmopan and Belize City, which is about 150km south of where FM and DD were found.


Yes, indeed. But I'm not sure how we can verify they aren't gang related. We have so little information. jmo
So other then the crusty older neighbor Mr R, who alleges that JD had not paid rent in months, has anyone else confirmed this to be true? A few days ago I was on the Belize Channel 5 News FB page and someone there with initials "MH" or "MR" (first name Mike) went off big time about how JD was a shameful Canadian because he hadn't paid rent in months and that JD was evil and should essentially rot in heII. At the time, I thought this was way "out there", and someone asked this guy for proof of his allegations but there was never a response. THis was all before Mr R was interviewed and made the allegation that JD and FM had been fighting about him not paying rent.

By the way, I must have missed it.....where has it been reported (and is there a picture?) that DD had an obvious head injury prior to going missing?
It appears that way. I think there is a lot more going on in the country with regards to corruption, violent crime and murders, that are not gang related, than anyone is willing to admit.

It appears that this incident happened between Belmopan and Belize City, which is about 150km south of where FM and DD were found.


ITA with you


it's the distance that makes me doubt these cases are related.
Yes, indeed. But I'm not sure how we can verify they aren't gang related. We have so little information. jmo

Not sure about that either. Apparently there was a body in the back seat of the missing school teacher's burnt out vehicle, which they believe is that of the missing woman, but because there is no DNA lab in the country, they have sent out samples to try to verify it. But as PaxBelize has been telling us, that will take some time and it's probably pretty rare that they are even doing it.

I think the chances are pretty good that the body in the back seat was likely the owner of the vehicle. Now why she was in the back seat and why the driver(s) were taking her and her vehicle to Belize City is anyone's guess.

So other then the crusty older neighbor Mr R, who alleges that JD had not paid rent in months, has anyone else confirmed this to be true? A few days ago I was on the Belize Channel 5 News FB page and someone there with initials "MH" or "MR" (first name Mike) went off big time about how JD was a shameful Canadian because he hadn't paid rent in months and that JD was evil and should essentially rot in heII. At the time, I thought this was way "out there", and someone asked this guy for proof of his allegations but there was never a response. THis was all before Mr R was interviewed and made the allegation that JD and FM had been fighting about him not paying rent.

By the way, I must have missed it.....where has it been reported (and is there a picture?) that DD had an obvious head injury prior to going missing?

I saw that post by that person on FB too. It was on the Belize expats FB page , but cannot find his comment right now. Hee had stated that JD had not paid his rent was MH who lives outside of Calgary, Alberta. Judging from his FB page he is a senior fireman. What he knows or how he knows JD is beyond me.
FBI Shuts Down Belize/Mexico Chactemal Bridge

The article in Spanish contains TWO "details" that are not in the English version. Although, it could have been a misunderstanding or lost in translation.

A few of the original news articles reported that the bodies showed "obvious signs of trauma".

Here is one of those articles:
Decomposition made it difficult to determine the cause of death without an autopsy, the police official said; there were obvious signs of trauma.

In today's news, the article in Spanish states that the "bodies showed signs of torture" (cuerpos presentaron muestras de tortura.)

TWO: The other "detail" that caught my attention, and it could be a mistake, it's possible they confused FM's sons with JL's kids (lthough JL's kids are not John D's).

The article says: " ... John Deshaies, 54, of Canadian nationality, ex-husband of Francesca Matus with whom he fathered two children ..." (... John Deshaies, de 54 años de edad, de nacionalidad canadiense, expareja de Francesca Matus con la que procreó dos hijos; ...)
I'm not sure the closing of the bridge is related to this case, it seems to be an ongoing issue, as indicated by the Belize news story below. Also, it seems unlikely either country would alow the FBI to interfere with their sovereignty. I wonder if someone confused them with the 'federales' closing the bridge, that's the slang name for the Mexican national police force.

Back in the month of January, we reported of a violent confrontation between Belize Customs and armed Mexican smugglers at the northern border. As reported the clash erupted when Belize Customs officials attempted to confiscate goods that were being illegally stockpiled near the Belize-side of the Rio Hondo River. The problem, as we understand it, started after Mexican border officials were in constant odds with Mexican smugglers known as fayuqueros over attempts to smuggle goods from the Commercial Free Zone. Because of a crackdown by Mexican officials, the fayuqueros started to hide the goods under the Subteniente Lopez Bridge. This prompted Belizean authorities to crack down on the situation, leading to January’s violent clash which resulted in one Corozal police officer to suffer an injury to the head.

While things had seemingly been calm in the area since then, today our news team received a report indicating that trouble was once more brewing in the area. According to reports from persons in the area, the problem with Mexican ‘fayuqueros’ has been ongoing and today prompted both Mexican and Belizeans officials to make an appearance in the area. Indications are that today’s operation was to close down the border at the Subteniente Lopez Bridge.

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