GUILTY Belize - Superintendent Henry Jemmott, shot/body in sea, San Pedro Town, 28 May 2021 *arrest*

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When I first heard the story, my initial reaction was that JH was involved in something shady and Jermott (who as the top policeman would know a lot of what goes down on the island) came to confront her about it. Perhaps shake her down for money or sexual favors in exchange for his silence. Pure speculation, of course, but she wanted to make the problem go away so she lured him out to the pier where she saw her opportunity. If they were drinking heavily it wouldn’t have been hard to get the gun off him. I think she didn’t have her story straight for the police because she didn’t think she would be arrested.

The red flags to me were the “massage” and the body being pushed into the water. These two things didn’t make sense to me. This is speculation on my part and just a gut feeling when I first learned of the shooting.
When I first heard the story, my initial reaction was that JH was involved in something shady and Jermott (who as the top policeman would know a lot of what goes down on the island) came to confront her about it. Perhaps shake her down for money or sexual favors in exchange for his silence. Pure speculation, of course, but she wanted to make the problem go away so she lured him out to the pier where she saw her opportunity. If they were drinking heavily it wouldn’t have been hard to get the gun off him. I think she didn’t have her story straight for the police because she didn’t think she would be arrested.

The red flags to me were the “massage” and the body being pushed into the water. These two things didn’t make sense to me. This is speculation on my part and just a gut feeling when I first learned of the shooting.

Right there with you!
Belize has a law like we do that you can’t hold someone for more than a certain number of hours (48 or 72?) unless you charge them. I read that they released her after the 2 days or whatever, then REARRESTED her on her way out and put her in jail again so they could gather more evidence. I know every country has their own laws but this just seems cruel. You know, tell someone they’re getting out then arrest them as they’re walking out the door.
Cannot help wondering if the new position in a new unit, was one that many coveted?
Jasmine Hartin Accused in Henry Jemmott Death in Belize |
rbbm. imo, speculation.
''Sister Cherry Jemmott, an assistant superintendent with Belize Police, told the Daily Mail: “My brother would never ever kill himself. He had his plans. In September he was to be promoted to Senior Superintendent and he was to be transferred to another unit. My brother is a very top cop with a big dream.”

''Cherry Jemmott added: “He had a gunshot behind his ear like an assassination. He is so skillful after 24 years [as an officer], he would never have left his guard down. He was a top cop. I don’t know how he let down his guard to be shot with his own gun.”
Jasmine Hartin’s bail money withdrawn as she is charged with assault | World | The Times

"The Canadian socialite Jasmine Hartin wept in a Belize courtroom on Friday as the bail money that had secured her release from jail was withdrawn and prosecutors added counts of assault and cocaine possession to the manslaughter charge she was facing over the death of a police superintendent.

The reversal followed a bitter public row with her erstwhile partner Andrew Ashcroft, 43, the father of her two children and the son of Lord Ashcroft, the Tory peer who wields considerable influence in the small country. She was expected to remain in jail until she was able to make bail and a prosecutor indicated that the new charges raised questions over whether she should be given bail at all
I find it weird that, inspite of being estranged from her husband, the Ashcroft family did not help Jasmine out with her bail money which would be peanuts for them and she is nevertheless the mother of the son's children.

Also that the only comment made by the Ashcroft's spokesman when news of the case emerged was to say they were not married..

Why she was denied access to her children?

We know from MSM that the Ashcroft dynasty has huge control in Belize, due to their wealth, investment, political involvement, ownership of banks, generous donations to the police etc.

Beats me why in a country where money and influence speak so loudly, they appear to have chosen this path, which in the end is not showing them in a very good light?

Al IMO, based on MSM available.
Jasmine Hartin’s bail money withdrawn as she is charged with assault | World | The Times

"The Canadian socialite Jasmine Hartin wept in a Belize courtroom on Friday as the bail money that had secured her release from jail was withdrawn and prosecutors added counts of assault and cocaine possession to the manslaughter charge she was facing over the death of a police superintendent.

The reversal followed a bitter public row with her erstwhile partner Andrew Ashcroft, 43, the father of her two children and the son of Lord Ashcroft, the Tory peer who wields considerable influence in the small country. She was expected to remain in jail until she was able to make bail and a prosecutor indicated that the new charges raised questions over whether she should be given bail at all

$30,000 bail was okay for shooting a cop but "no bail should be given" for confronting her baby daddy over not being allowed to see her children at the home they all shared, oh and an added charge for 1/3 gram of cocaine that had no charges previously?
I seriously doubt he doesn't do cocaine too, with the woman he's hooked up with for years.
Baby daddy and fam sure put her in her place, in the worst way.
Maybe she thought they cared about her?

Belize cocaine side story for perspective: I have a friend who owns a condo in San Pedro, I was talking to him about this story and he told me about getting very upset with a friend who came to visit.
On the way from the airport to his house, the friend said he started talking to the driver that it was his first time in Belize and how he had heard about the good cocaine. The driver then pulls over somewhere and comes back to the car with a baseball size of cocaine for some ridiculous small price. So he brought this to my friend's house who freaked out and asked him to get rid of it or stay somewhere else, he was terrified of losing his expat lifestyle in Belize over a coke charge.
The guest tried to tell him it's no big deal, that it's so prevalent and acceptable, a stranger can buy it cheap and pure from a driver as soon as they land. My friend who actually lives there was not convinced and told him in a foriegn country if they turn on you for whatever reason, that cocaine will be your downfall.
So the guest chose to stay at a hotel with his cocaine baseball which was way too much to completely consume during his vacation so he gave it away to the next driver on his way back to the airport. Got to give him a tiny bit of credit for his coke fueled brain not thinking he could take it home on the plane.
Some tourists and expats go to the cocaine countries just for the high purity, free flowing, cheap cocaine.
When I first heard the story, my initial reaction was that JH was involved in something shady and Jermott (who as the top policeman would know a lot of what goes down on the island) came to confront her about it. Perhaps shake her down for money or sexual favors in exchange for his silence. Pure speculation, of course, but she wanted to make the problem go away so she lured him out to the pier where she saw her opportunity. If they were drinking heavily it wouldn’t have been hard to get the gun off him. I think she didn’t have her story straight for the police because she didn’t think she would be arrested.

The red flags to me were the “massage” and the body being pushed into the water. These two things didn’t make sense to me. This is speculation on my part and just a gut feeling when I first learned of the shooting.

I could not agree more. It’s been very surprising to me how many people believe her version of the story without hesitation. And I’d be willing to bet if the roles were reversed and he “accidentally” shot her in the head, not only would he still be in prison but public opinion would absolutely not be on his side. Nobody would believe that story for a second.

Right from the beginning this has been very very hinky, red flag after red flag.

As an aside, the media blitz put on by her was a brilliant move. Not only has it convinced people that *she’s* the real victim here, it’s also now led to people to constantly criticizing her common law husband for not taking her side after she shot and killed somebody at point blank range.
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Thats exactly the point if you read back to the beginning of thread. Nobody believes her story or her explanation as to why she was there.

Mam of 4 behaving maybe as one perhaps wouldn´t with small children. According to MSM, dancing on table tops, recently claims she was almost raped when out dancing.

There should be reports of this and probably she should be able to raise own bail money.
June 27 2021 rbbm.
''Belizean authorities accused her of common assault upon resort manager Sarah Lee Grisham-Clothier during the incident at the Grand Colony.

They also added a new charge of possession over a small quantity of cocaine found on her on the night she shot Jemmott.''

''Hartin’s new legal team – who replaced former Belizean attorney general Godrey Smith – described it as an “ambush” and are attempting to raise new funds for her bail so she can be released next week.''

“This is persecution and it is totally unjustified. There was no cocaine, that is a trumped up charge and a complete lie. My daughter is nothing like that.

“There’s so many people rooting for Jasmine right now who understand the corruption involved in what’s happening. It’s absurd.''

“This is the mother of his children, you would think that he would show some compassion towards her. All of this is horses**t.

“We don’t know what Andrew’s motives are, it’s bizarre. This is a set up.

“Eventually this is all going to go in a documentary, all of it.''

“Jasmine can’t even get into her bank account because we believe Andrew has frozen it. Her cards don’t work.”

Jasmine Hartin shunned high society, dance on countertops at bar

It’s where the socialite caroused with locals, sang karaoke, and performed ‘*advertiser censored*-shaking’ Caribbean dance moves on countertops, owner Gene Lopez revealed

''She would have one or two cocktails. I’ve never seen her drunk, ever. Whatever she did she could always remember it in the morning.

‘A time would come when of course she would bring friends and they got drunk. She was very liberal, she would spend and they would have a good time.

‘A lot of people misinterpreted her kindness, they exploited her. At times the bartender would have to say, hey your bill is 200 dollars and she would say, that’s ok, let them have fun.

‘People were pumping her for drinks, money, whatever they could get their hands on.''
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I don't see how her history of buying drinks for people and dancing in bars relates to this case. It sounds to me like Hartin's story is changing a lot. Always new information coming out to explain away questions, like the sudden revelation that the reason she went to the victim was because she was almost sexually assaulted. I believe victims of sexual assault but in this manslaughter case I'm not sure I'm buying her story. I also doubt they were having an affair because it makes no sense to jeopardize her already tenuous relationship and it's in her best interest to keep her family together at least from a $$$ perspective. So I am guessing she had been doing cocaine and was drunk and somehow shot this poor man.

I don't understand why Jemmott would bring his service weapon for socializing. Is it normal in Belize for people to carry weapons at all times like it is in some American states? I don't believe for a second that Jemmott decided to teach Hartin how to shoot a gun in the middle of the night while they were ostensibly drinking and doing drugs. Jemmott was LE and would know it's not safe to mix drugs with deadly weapons, so unless he was completely intoxicated, this "teaching me how to shoot" scenario is rubbish (did they do a tox screen on Hartin and Jemmott? That would be very helpful information). Why teach her in the middle of the night on a pier how to shoot a gun? That is incredibly unsafe! Why not go to a shooting range to train during daylight?

I think Hartin is lying and the fact that she is going around trying to turn herself into a victim when she just KILLED someone is deplorable. She doesn't seem concerned about the fact that took a man's life. She's just worried about herself and comes across like a narcissist to me. I can see why her husband/boyfriend would want to distance himself and the kids from her, frankly. If she's going around accidentally shooting people in the head I wouldn't want her around my family either.
Agree 100%. It’s the story changing that makes me suspicious. She’s on at least her 3rd version of what happened. First it was someone else fired a shot, then she was giving him a massage, then he was teaching her how to use a gun. It’s difficult because she is the only witness and also the perpetrator. Jemmott isn’t alive to tell his side of the story. Seems to me like she is trying out the story she thinks will be most believable when she faces a judge or jury. And she has to be careful because Jemmott was popular on the island and the locals are very upset about his death. I think that’s why in her latest version she describes him as her “protector” and it was all a tragic accident.
I do find it strange that Lord Ashcroft’s son isn’t helping her out at all. Even though they’ve been estranged for awhile, she IS the mother of their children. You’d think they’d want to get her out on bail, have the trial and put this behind them. Weird dynamic here.
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Jasmine Hartin ‘cussed at officers and demanded special treatment’ behind bars, inmate claims
''An inmate who spent hours behind bars with Jasmine Hartin claims the socialite cursed at officers, demanded special treatment and smiled as he offered her warped congratulations for killing a Belize cop.''

''After throwing a tantrum because jailers wouldn’t let her smoke or access her ‘pills’, Jose says she offered him a radically different version of the fatal shooting of Superintendent Henry Jemmott, claiming the top cop was gunned down by a passing boat.

The account is completely at odds with a formal statement given days later in the presence of Hartin’s attorney, in which the petite hotelier claimed she was handing Jemmott, 42, his service weapon when it accidentally blasted him in the head.''

''‘I wanted to know what was going on between them. She said they were friends. Lovers? No.’''

Jun 28, 2021
Channel 5 Belize
Jasmine Hartin ‘cussed at officers and demanded special treatment’ behind bars, inmate claims
''An inmate who spent hours behind bars with Jasmine Hartin claims the socialite cursed at officers, demanded special treatment and smiled as he offered her warped congratulations for killing a Belize cop.''

''After throwing a tantrum because jailers wouldn’t let her smoke or access her ‘pills’, Jose says she offered him a radically different version
She might be a truly awful person, and if she takes a lot of pills and does coke, the comedown would be hard. This, combined with her privilege, is probably why she was throwing tantrums. She’s in for a rough time ahead. But I don’t feel sorry for her. A man is dead.
I had no idea it was still going. My friend used to watch it so I watched it with him.
It was a bit of fun and just like some other shows, it's amazing how many people died in a place that wasn't that big.
I'm now referring more to Murder She Wrote.

I would have said Midsomer Murders, except the area there is not just one small island or one village.

Great comparison, great show, we're waiting for another season to be released!

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