Besides Casey, who "knows" the most about the actual crime?

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DNA Solves
DNA Solves

Besides Casey, who "knows" the most about the crime?

  • George Anthony

    Votes: 24 6.5%
  • Cindy Anthony

    Votes: 28 7.6%
  • Lee Anthony

    Votes: 220 59.8%
  • Jose Baez

    Votes: 80 21.7%
  • Dominic Casey

    Votes: 3 0.8%
  • Leonard Padilla

    Votes: 13 3.5%

  • Total voters
I really don't think Casey has told another living soul anything about what really happened. I think Lee's testimony about their close bond was truthful, in that he believes it to be the truth, but I think its really just what Casey wants him to believe. She plays this whole family like a fiddle. It is really too bad that they didn't have Casey arrested after she stole her grandpa's money. Then maybe they'd be free of her while she's in jail for the theft and little Caylee would still be alive. For Lee and his lawyer to keep talking about OJ charges, though, that makes me wonder if he did know something and kept it secret. If so, I still think he just figured something out, and it wasn't that Casey told him anything.
My vote would be for the Orange County Sheriffs Department, and the State Attorney's office, however they were not in the poll!:woohoo:

My thoughts exactly...another choice that I'm sure some might disagree with (sorry, I can't help my gut feeling about this) but, TonE would have been my next choice and then LA whom I voted for.
I think Baez made a point of not asking direct questions. I've had a lawyer tell me what he needed to hear and also in the same sentence explain what he didn't want to hear. I don't think Baez knows more than his hunch that she is guilty.

I think Lee knows the most because the parents say they are close, the high fives and how in the beginning he was playing detective. He probably stumbled upon the truth.

I couldnt vote because there is no ' none of the above,' I think Casey is the only one who knows and the rest of us are speculating what may have occured. I doubt Casey will ever confess and we will never know the whole truth.
I really don't think Casey has told another living soul anything about what really happened. I think Lee's testimony about their close bond was truthful, in that he believes it to be the truth, but I think its really just what Casey wants him to believe. She plays this whole family like a fiddle. It is really too bad that they didn't have Casey arrested after she stole her grandpa's money. Then maybe they'd be free of her while she's in jail for the theft and little Caylee would still be alive. For Lee and his lawyer to keep talking about OJ charges, though, that makes me wonder if he did know something and kept it secret. If so, I still think he just figured something out, and it wasn't that Casey told him anything.

:dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::clap::clap::clap::clap: You said it!
I don't think anyone knows what really happened except for KC. All the people you mention can only make up what they think may have happened and why just like us who have seen everything these others have seen. I do not believe kc has told ANYONE what she did. She doesn't want anyone to know the monster that she really is. I think she bs's Jose just like anyone else. Whether he just goes along with her so he can hopefully get her free, I don't know but I don't think JB wants to know the truth either. How can he defend her if he knows the truth. I don't think he even asks her the truth.

I think attorneys tell their clients NOT to tell them. Some ethical obligations or such...? Don't ask Don't tell.
lee anthony is a 26 year old man who's still a star wars fan, posts his mood on myspace as 'JEDI' and looks like the kind of &^%*$! who spends hours, days looking at lint and wondering where it comes from :waitasec: i don't think he knows JACK ... and if he ever did - he forgot!

sorry but i had to get that out.

heh... I'm not sticking up for LA or anything, but my myspace mood says JEDI most of the time, and I think Star Wars is pretty cool. ?? I certainly don't think that's any indication of an underlying brain issue. I am 34 years old, happily married to a man who leads his troops across enemy lines and risks his life every day for his country, I have two gorgeous and well adjusted girls who are in honors classes... and they like Star Wars too. hmmmm. Not sure where you're going with the LA thing.
I have to agree with the others who stated that KC is the only one who really knows what happened, she ain't telling and IMHO, I don't think she ever will.
I doubt that KC sat down and actually told anyone in her family the whole truth...I think they , LA first, picked apart things she said and came to their own conclusions. I believe JB knows the basic truth as well, but do I think she told him that truth, NO WAY ! It would be interesting to know who knew what and when they knew it. The PI has been pretty quiet lately.
He might be deluding himself, though. A lot of what she "confided" in him steered him towards Blanchard Park. She may be playing him. like she did the rest of the family.

I think your right, and I bet Lee is the one who told LP and thats why he was convinced in the beginning Caylee was there.I voted JB
Positively LEE Anthony knows the most and that is why he is seeking immunity!! IMO

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