Bi Partisan Health Care Bill does not fund abortions

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Sep 26, 2007
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The bill takes this issue one step further and denies someone from seeking a private insurance option that covers abortion if they have the public option.

Let's review-Abortion is legal in the US. There are cases when it is even deemed medically necessary. And yet, this massive bill will not cover what is a LEGAL option in reproductive health care.

What century are we living in? I hope and pray Obama has the balls to veto this bill. Even though it is his baby. JMO.
Just as my insurance (when I had it) denied my endometriosis treatment. It's "cosmetic" they say. WOn't kill me, Just hurt me :( in the cases where the abortions are needed medically for a mother, yes, that is a little frightening :( I hope that all of this can get sorted and straightened :( Thank you for the link.
Just as my insurance (when I had it) denied my endometriosis treatment. It's "cosmetic" they say. WOn't kill me, Just hurt me :( in the cases where the abortions are needed medically for a mother, yes, that is a little frightening :( I hope that all of this can get sorted and straightened :( Thank you for the link.

COSMETIC??? Oh my land. Oh my. :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:
Then there are those like myself who don't want their tax dollars going anywhere near abortion. I think it depends on which side of the fence you are on, and there's a lot of citizens on each side of this issue.

BTW, let's be really careful we don't get into an abortion debate. Newbies, such debates are frowned upon here...We all wuv each other even if we don't agree with each other! :grouphug: :blowkiss: <and all the other love smilies inserted here>
What Kimster said...'cause my fingers aren't eloquent enough to not get a TO. :D
I would like to pick and choose what my tax dollars go for as well, but none of us have that luxury.

The fact is that this procedure is legal. Therefore, it should be included in the list of covered services. Isolating a single medical procedure that is a right covered by law is shameful. I get that there are all sides to an abortion debate. This is not an abortion debate-this is cherry picking and pandering to try and get the bill passed with the least amount of hassle.

I am INCREDIBLY disappointed.
Then there are those like myself who don't want their tax dollars going anywhere near abortion. I think it depends on which side of the fence you are on, and there's a lot of citizens on each side of this issue.

BTW, let's be really careful we don't get into an abortion debate. Newbies, such debates are frowned upon here...We all wuv each other even if we don't agree with each other! :grouphug: :blowkiss: <and all the other love smilies inserted here>


I do not want my tax dollars supporting anyone;s abortion.
I see. What about tax dollars that are earmarked for other things that end lives like war, the death penalty, euthanasia? Is there a lack of appetite for those things as well?

In any case, I don't like the fact that my tax dollars go towards enforcing things that I disagree with, but I am not trying to find a way to get around those laws. This is blatant pandering. Again, JMO.

Does the bill refuse to pay for illnesses that are treated with stem cells I wonder?
I thought it only didn't cover elective abortions...? (And yes, covers the ones Vicki mentioned as well as medically indicated ones.)

(And are they seriously calling it Bipartisan? LOL)

But to answer you, Believe, if they asked me to write that section of the bill, I'd write, "Free birth control and morning after pills. After that, you're on your own, unless your physical heath requires a termination."
There is really no medical necessity for an abortion. The medical necessities all cite "mental health" not physical life or death issues. If there's a life or death issue (which would be so rare) then I'd like to know about it and I would of course, support that. But that is NOT what has been happening. Would I feel sorry for someone impregnated by incest or rape? yeah. I would urge them to give the baby up for adoption.
There is really no medical necessity for an abortion. The medical necessities all cite "mental health" not physical life or death issues. If there's a life or death issue (which would be so rare) then I'd like to know about it and I would of course, support that. But that is NOT what has been happening. Would I feel sorry for someone impregnated by incest or rape? yeah. I would urge them to give the baby up for adoption.

There actually are times an abortion is a medical necessity to save the life or physical health of the mother. (I won't list examples, unless you really wish me to.)

You are right that the "health of the mother" clause has been corrupted, however. The Bolton (?) decision following Roe v Wade deemed that the health clause should include emotional distress. (That's also why I specified "physical heath" in my post.)
Won't that cause girls to lie about rape and incest to get an abortion?

That would be a real concern, but not one I would personally put above forcing a victim to endure such a pregnancy. Rape victims are offered the morning after pill in the ER of most hospitals, thankfully.
I would prefer the government fight the war on marijuana without my money, but it doesn't work that way.
If they were going to write abortion out of the health care bill, then they need to make the very next bill that CPS reform bill, because their caseload, nationwide, will double. The women that can't get rid of the child before it's born will just do whatever they can to get rid of it afterward. Forced parenthood does not make good mothers...or fathers, fr that matter.
I think I'm gonna leave this country.
I would like to pick and choose what my tax dollars go for as well, but none of us have that luxury.

The fact is that this procedure is legal. Therefore, it should be included in the list of covered services. Isolating a single medical procedure that is a right covered by law is shameful. I get that there are all sides to an abortion debate. This is not an abortion debate-this is cherry picking and pandering to try and get the bill passed with the least amount of hassle.

I am INCREDIBLY disappointed.

Lots of legal things are not covered by insurance. Cosmetic surgery, OTC meds, many infertility treatments and, often, experimental treatments that might actually SAVE lives, just to mention a few.

How many cancer patients have to fight for last chance experimental drugs that are outrageously expensive? I would rather my money go to those people. Despite how some are acting, the money bucket is not bottomless.
There is really no medical necessity for an abortion. The medical necessities all cite "mental health" not physical life or death issues. If there's a life or death issue (which would be so rare) then I'd like to know about it and I would of course, support that. But that is NOT what has been happening. Would I feel sorry for someone impregnated by incest or rape? yeah. I would urge them to give the baby up for adoption.

Do you know anyone who has been impregnated by incest or rape?
I will be the first to agree that the right to an abortion in the US is premised on bad law. Or at least weak. IE Right to Privacy. HOWEVER, I think it is ludicrous for someone to tell me under what circumstances I will or will not bear a child.

Thanks to those of you who read the finer print with the circumstances where it is covered.

Voluntary and involuntary unprotected sex happens. Personally, the belief that I should bear the consequences of both whether or not I wish to is HUGELY antiquated in my view. I completely realize and understand the opposite side of that coin...I am a mature adult and have met many who cannot bear the idea that a life could be terminated voluntarily. For any reason.

But, getting back to this bill, I am disappointed in the ramifications if this is signed into law as it stands. What we will be saying, yet again, is that choice no longer exists. JMO.
I would like the FDA to be overhauled and drug companies to provide experimental drugs to those who are fighting diseases as well-but not at the expense of someone else. AS WELL as. Maybe a drug company should be given incentives for working around coverage caps. Or maybe there should not be caps for catastrophic illness.

I realize you cannot please all of the people all of the time-but reproductive health issues? I hate sacrificing dollars to an area that is going to affect 100% of all women in this country from the time they are 12 to the time they are 50+.
I would like to pick and choose what my tax dollars go for as well, but none of us have that luxury.

The fact is that this procedure is legal. Therefore, it should be included in the list of covered services. Isolating a single medical procedure that is a right covered by law is shameful. I get that there are all sides to an abortion debate. This is not an abortion debate-this is cherry picking and pandering to try and get the bill passed with the least amount of hassle.

I am INCREDIBLY disappointed.


Well said, believe!

If it helps people who need to personalize the issue, such a minute amount of your taxes go towards abortion and quite possibly none. You are making an issue personal when it's not about you! At all! It's about a woman and the rights she has to her own body and the choices surrounding it. I also find it quite ironic that the same concerns are not made for unjust war where many more living, breathing people (mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, daughters, sons, aunts and uncles) die daily than by abortion.

But if you'd rather force people to have children they don't want, you will be paying in end through welfare, Medicaid and other needed interventions and services. And an increase in child abandonment and violence against children.

People are going to have abortions. They have since the beginning of time. This is not going to stop. I'd rather them have safe abortions in the care of a medical professional rather than in the basement with their cousin's friend and some ill-advised medical advice.

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