'Big beast' spotted in Plymouth, UK

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Oct 1, 2012
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Office worker Carol Desforges of Tamerton in Plymouth, UK, was looking out of her window at home when she spotted a weird fox sloping past. When she showed other people though, they didn't think it was any kind of fox at all. It's started a great debate in the area, with one wit declaring 'I can tell you what it's not - a frog!'

The area is a residential one and the surrounding countryside of the county of Devon is better known for its sheep and cows, rather than any large wildlife. A few miles away in Cornwall, there have been several sightings over the years of the 'Beast of Bodmin' moor. That's a black, puma-like creature though.

The mystery of the new, 'Beast of Tamerton' looks set to run for years.



  • beast_3362883b.jpg
    128.5 KB · Views: 97
That looks like a leopard!! Definitely some kind of big cat tho!!


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ABC -- perhaps another alien big cat on an island famous for them!
My immediate reaction was that it's a cat, no way is it a fox......but when I covered the front part of the creature (head and very front portion of body) it looks like a fox ! The blurriness of the photo obviously doesn't help.
My immediate reaction was that it's a cat, no way is it a fox......but when I covered the front part of the creature (head and very front portion of body) it looks like a fox ! The blurriness of the photo obviously doesn't help.
Except the tail, also. Foxes have thick, bushy tails.

Is it a chupacabra??? :scared:



It does look like a cat but, with no reference, I'm not sure how big it is. I was hoping for a misprint and that it was actually Big breast spotted in Plymouth.
someone's pet dog



"'Beast of Tamerton' is actually a German vizsla dog belonging to a woman who lives in the nearby area."

Read more: http://www.plymouthherald.co.uk/Bea...tory-26827718-detail/story.html#ixzz3f4sgr8Rc
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When I looked at the picture close up, the face does look like a dog -- sort of like a Husky. But that tail!

Does not look like a vizsla to me, but the description of the tail does fit:

I live only about a mile and a half away from there! But down here in southwest England we hear tales of big cats roaming quite often, usually associated with the nearby Dartmoor National Park. Tales and sightings like this have been cropping up regularly for literally decades. This one is the closest to home for me though.

My own suspicion relates to new laws brought in two or three decades back, greatly tightening up the rules regarding the keeping of highly dangerous animals, thus adding greatly to the costs and hassle of doing so. I suspect that this led to some people in rural communities simply releasing theirs. And perhaps - just maybe - there are as a result just enough large cats of a certain breed roaming around to breed and sustain themselves. There are after all many farm animals in the countryside around these parts to provide easy kills.

Most large cats, though, hail from warmer climates than ours, so I am curious as to what breed this is which must be hardy enough to survive our British winters.

Definetly a photo-shop creation

The cat-like animal has been placed on this side of the top board of the fence .... it should be behind the top grey board and the very top of its head should be hidden (behind the board)

Also blow up the picture and the very back of the animal has a vertical line on it with some red showing , a whole "square" behind the animal has been modified including that tan spot covering green grass and part of the top board.

The hanging rope from the top of the post should have a continuous natural curve (sag) in it ... but it is much too straight starting at the front shoulder and directly out to the front of the animal .

Definitely an amateur photo shop ... sorry guys ... !!!!!!

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