BIG HOLES in the defense theory

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GA being a detective would not have allowed that car to be used as evidence-it would have been burned up, dropped in a canal, or crashed.

GA also would not have left the tape laying around-it would have been long gone.

GA also would not have had the body around the corner from the house.

GA would not have let a sticker from the house to be put on the tape.
Yes, the sticker thing does not square with a grown man, ex-cop image, and a TH on NG said that very thing. It does square with Casey.
KC's arms around Tony at Blockbuster just hours after Caylee accidently drowned leaving her daughter's dead body in the arms of her father/abuser.

I hope that evening is revisted and emphasized in testimony.

And spending the entire next day with TL, in bed........something she likely wouldn't have been able to do if Caylee weren't dead and if she didn't want Caylee out of the way.

This is not a big hole, per se, but JB made a big deal about how would George KNOW to bring gas cans to the tow-yard? How did he KNOW the car was out of gas? Well, for starters, the tow-yard empties the gas tanks when the vehicles come in. At least that was the policy when my car was stolen and then recovered in San Jose in 2008. They said it was for safety reasons. Maybe so. Or maybe they just say that so they can get free gas. Whatever the REAL reason is, that's what they DO. I had to use a gas can to put gas in my car when I got it back.

George used to work in a Stolen Car unit when he was a police officer in Ohio; he specifically mentioned that on the stand. So if that is standard policy for tow-yards, George would have easily known that tidbit. It may even be on the official notice or if he called the tow-yard about it, someone may have mentioned it to him (they didn't mention it to ME until I asked why there was no gas in my car, because the police had told me the tank was still 3/4 full when they found it).

It's a red-herring by JB to try to make George look like he's part of a set-up.
George knew the gas needle didn't work, so he brought gas, IIRC. When it wouldn't start, he went back to the front office where Cindy was waiting, and retrieved the can of gas from her car.
I don't feel sorry for her, she would not be where she is now if she did not kill Caylee.
Yes, she deserves him. I also think no other defense lawyer wanted to take her case, given all the lies and the actual facts. Jose has been practicing only 6 years. Also, don't forget, Casey has no money, she drained her parents.
Chipping away at the defense.

Baez сlаrіfіеd Anthony‘s behavior — partying аnd lying іn thіѕ area thе child’s whereabouts — іn thе month subsequent hеr disappearance bу saying “Casey dіd whаt ѕhе′s bееn doing аll hеr life, οr mοѕt οf іt: hiding hеr pain.”

Remember the "anything but clothes" party?

AD transcript via

(this is copied from the above website -- the poor grammar and misspellings are NOT my own!) :)

"AD tells ocso intvw casey pulled (BS) aside and he was intoxicated, pulled him aside to talk out front. I don't know what was said. They were out front. Casey came running hysterically getting the people she came with to leave. casey telling him I still love you, i want to be with you ... she had told me she had gotten pregnant by him and she miscarried on valentine's day." she said she was pregnant by BS, she didn't want her parents to know. (58:21) i had doubt she was pregnant, she told me "i was pregnant."

Also attributed to AD:
says casey called her said she was feeling crazy and needed someone to talk to, shortly after casey told her she had a miscarriage, "she was thinking about getting herself committed. She had imagined this life with brandon and they were going to live on base and she was supposed to have her baby in october

casey claimed she had a miscarriage with bsnow, very, upset seeing him at anything-but-clothes party, missing for 90 minutes

Now, does this sound like someone who is incapable of showing emotion after a loss? Are we supposed to believe that KC would grieve and emote more for the (accidental) loss of an unborn child than she would for the (accidental) loss of a child that she had bonded with for two years. The only way this makes sense is if she was responsible for the loss of Caylee.
That's very good! Send that point to the prosecution!

Also, she was bawling when TonE was on the stand, today. Grieving for their lost love, no doubt. But no tears for Caylee.
I don't know if this has been brought up already but I just watched JB's opening statement again and maybe I'm crazy but it seems to me that Jose was trying to plant a seed in the Juror's mind that George could be Caylee's father. Jose said that things w/Lee got so bad that the State tested him regarding Caylee's paternity but he NEVER said that George was tested, didn't bring that up at all. Funny, he did say the sexual abuse didn't go as far w/Lee as it did w/George BUT it got so bad they tested Lee?!? Sure sounds like a contradiction to me.

Also, is he comparing KC's home life to the book/movie, Flowers In The Attic? JB stated that THEY (GA & CA) hid that child like a Flower in the Attic, as I recall a young child about Caylee's age died in that book/movie. IF KC is telling JB this story then I can totally see her making it all up based on reading the book or watching the movie....with all the lies in the past & her imaginary life. I just can't see a grown man/lawyer at that, trying to sell this story to anyone but KC after all the lies, I can see her thinking it will fly since she loves to live in fantasy land. I just hope the Jury can see it.
George knew the gas needle didn't work, so he brought gas, IIRC. When it wouldn't start, he went back to the front office where Cindy was waiting, and retrieved the can of gas from her car.

Didn't the FBI, when doing tests on the car, prove that the needle DID in fact work? Not to say that she didn't lie to her parents about it, since she is such a great liar, but I thought that the needle being broken was another lie??
My sister stopped over today and she watched JB's OS. She knows the basics of the case and few things I've told her here and there, but she doesn't really follow it. After she watched the whole thing she looks at me and says "So her attorney wants everyone to know what a good liar she is and he wants them to believe just what she told him?" :crazy:
I think there should be another poll option: Yes, they did change my mind, they solidified my conviction that she is guilty and deserves the death penalty! She is a narcissistic liar and JB better beware. I wouldn't put it past her to reveal some sort of sexual relationship with him to get a mistrial declared or an appeal. He better watch his back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was thinking the exact things including serving JB's butt up as her next victim. Anyone capable of putting their family through so much pain and suffering has no conscience. I think it's fairly obvious she did not care for Caylee, she isn't capable. As soon as I heard JB's opening statement and what he was saying about the Anthony's my first thought was they are going to give her the needle over this. As if she wasn't already the most hated woman what the hell is he doing?
In order to plug some of the major holes in the DT theory, Casey will have to testify. She will be required to if the sexual abuse allegations continue to be the main issue in the DT theory. THey are saying that because of that abuse, Casey learned to lie, to never let on when something was wrong, to go about life with a straight face and a smile even in the midst of emotional trauma. That is their case in a nutshell, and while the defense does not have a burden of proof, if they do not get someone to testify to the validity of the claims, the jurors cannot consider those allegations when they deliberate. It was all brought up in the defense opening statement and thus it is not evidence, so it cannot be considered by the jury as a proven fact unless someone testifies to it. It is looking at least for now like the only person who can do that is Casey.

If Casey were called to testify to this, the state would not be allowed to ask her about anything in cross that was not brought up in direct. Yeah OK, the DT has gotten away with doing this but I really do not see that the state would get away with it. No further comment on that because I do love HHJP and it really is too early for me to say that I think he is letting the DT get by with transgressions that he will not allow the state to get by with. Reality is that neither side should get away with shenanigans. But when push comes to shove, I think the state will have to tow the line perfectly, even though I have seen instances where the DT was given leeway that IMO they shouldn't have been given.

This does concern me, of course. But I am going to wait and see how HHJP works this over the course of the trial, and hopefully we will see him become more asssertive about improper tactics by attorneys. I mean really...if the judge admonishes an attorney about something and it continues to be a problem over and over, there comes a time when the judge must hold the attorney in contempt.
Upon reflection this morning, I find myself thinking that the sexual abuse and penis comment was completely and distracting and shocking, and that every other thing that he argued was a big empty hole.

He might have had something if he had left it at accident/abuse dysfunction but then, man oh man, the rest of his argument was vapor, which even discredits the possibility of accident.

The other thing is that the jury doesn't know the details we know, so I would imagine the rest of his argument was a complete disconnect.


Who could ever* have guessed the promised A-Ha moment would turn out to be a horrid Ugh-Blah one instead.

*Please don't list names, the site will crash.

It appears the Truth and the Mutha/Daughter of the Year have progressed from being strangers to being sworn enemies.
This is not a big hole, per se, but JB made a big deal about how would George KNOW to bring gas cans to the tow-yard? How did he KNOW the car was out of gas? Well, for starters, the tow-yard empties the gas tanks when the vehicles come in. At least that was the policy when my car was stolen and then recovered in San Jose in 2008. They said it was for safety reasons. Maybe so. Or maybe they just say that so they can get free gas. Whatever the REAL reason is, that's what they DO. I had to use a gas can to put gas in my car when I got it back.

George used to work in a Stolen Car unit when he was a police officer in Ohio; he specifically mentioned that on the stand. So if that is standard policy for tow-yards, George would have easily known that tidbit. It may even be on the official notice or if he called the tow-yard about it, someone may have mentioned it to him (they didn't mention it to ME until I asked why there was no gas in my car, because the police had told me the tank was still 3/4 full when they found it).

It's a red-herring by JB to try to make George look like he's part of a set-up.

My father owned a towing business here in Sacramento for many years. He towed for SACPD including evidence tows ,which would include vehicles involved in homicides. I can assure you that there is no safety reason to remove the gas from a car that is being stored.Maybe in your case they stole your gas as gas prices were sky high in 2008. My guess for why George brought gas with him to the tow yard was that he knew that Casey would run out of gas at times. There had to be a reason why the car was left at Amscot. Running out of gas was a good possibility.
The DT theory expects the jury to believe that the ONE time ICA tells the truth just ALSO happens to be when she is facing the death penalty and that it just happens to blame everyone else, and completely exonerate her and also makes HER out to be the victim?

Yeah right!
JB is off his rocker. He's trying to sell the jury on the fact that ICA parties after her child drowns because, as a survivor of sexual abuse, she has turned to avoidance as a coping mechanism. What is one of the things JB does to attempt to establish this sexual abuse actually occured? Ask TL to recount for the jury how ICA confided in him about abuse.

So...this avoidance coping mechanism just comes and goes at will?

(In best churchlady voice) How conveeeeenient.
In order to plug some of the major holes in the DT theory, Casey will have to testify. She will be required to if the sexual abuse allegations continue to be the main issue in the DT theory. THey are saying that because of that abuse, Casey learned to lie, to never let on when something was wrong, to go about life with a straight face and a smile even in the midst of emotional trauma. That is their case in a nutshell, and while the defense does not have a burden of proof, if they do not get someone to testify to the validity of the claims, the jurors cannot consider those allegations when they deliberate. It was all brought up in the defense opening statement and thus it is not evidence, so it cannot be considered by the jury as a proven fact unless someone testifies to it. It is looking at least for now like the only person who can do that is Casey.

If Casey were called to testify to this, the state would not be allowed to ask her about anything in cross that was not brought up in direct. Yeah OK, the DT has gotten away with doing this but I really do not see that the state would get away with it. No further comment on that because I do love HHJP and it really is too early for me to say that I think he is letting the DT get by with transgressions that he will not allow the state to get by with. Reality is that neither side should get away with shenanigans. But when push comes to shove, I think the state will have to tow the line perfectly, even though I have seen instances where the DT was given leeway that IMO they shouldn't have been given.

This does concern me, of course. But I am going to wait and see how HHJP works this over the course of the trial, and hopefully we will see him become more asssertive about improper tactics by attorneys. I mean really...if the judge admonishes an attorney about something and it continues to be a problem over and over, there comes a time when the judge must hold the attorney in contempt.

Hi, Krkrjx. Actually, as I understand it, cross-examination can cover whatever the other side wants to address. The stipulation about limiting questions only snaps into effect in the second and subsequent rounds.
No wonder the DT is refusing interviews....LOL...sorry, had to say it.....LOL
Yeah, change her into a cute t-shirt, add some duct tape to her face, bag, then toss? This makes no. sense. at. all!

What is JB thinking?

Since the nice people of Florida are being stuck with paying for ICA's defense, surely you could have come up with a little more money to pay a competient lawyer for CA. Talk about 'wasted tax dollars'!
It's late and I am blanking. What ever came of the Casey/Caylee sighting at Walmart on the morning of 6/16? Was that ever substantiated? Any video? Was the witness discredited? It'd be awfully hard to drown at home if you're at a Walmart.
Don't know if this has been mentioned yet, but how will DT explain why a couple of years ago, Jose petitioned the court for ICA to be released to "help search" for her daughter without telling WHERE she was searching. Seems to me that if Baby Caylee was already dead, there would be no need for such an urgent plea to have ICA released to search in slealth mode.
Exactly!! That is what loving mothers do.. they do everything they can, and if that fails, they reach out to anyone and everyone they can find to do something!! ETA..that is what loving parents and family do!!! everytime

I know someone very well that was in the same scenerio as your 16 yr old and husband, they worked diligently till the ambulance arrived and still held out hope....

I am so thankful I cannot get into the mindset of ICA....I simply do not want to understand that kind of dark place.

My mother woke up one morning to find my six month old little sister not breathing, cold and lifeless but she made someone drive her 30 miles to the nearest hospital while she help the baby swaddled in blankets and sang to her.

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