BIG HOLES in the defense theory

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According to the DT, George and KC were so afraid of Cindy's wrath after Caylee drowned that they hid the fact, yet George isn't so afraid of Cindy that he proceeded to have an affair with River/Crystal?

Come on now....

A gambler afraid of his wife? Yeah right..:waitasec: A gambler who testified against his daughter through a grand jury which may have led to an indictment...yeah right:waitasec:
Apparently her body was given to Kronk to place in Casey's car trunk. It's all so ridiculously unbelievable.

It's the old my-client-has-been-a-liar-all-her-life-but-you-can-believe-her-now defense.

The unique twists:
My client 'learned to lie' at an early age because of how dysfunctional her family is.

Oh, and she was molested by her father.

Yeesh, has this defense ever worked before?

Baez's opening statement was so unbelievable to me I was almost hoping the prosecution would stand up after Baez finished and simply say: "The prosecution rests." It would have been an option again after George's testimony that no, he never molested Casey.

BBM with a hearty :floorlaugh: and a thank you for the best laugh I have had all evening!
I've been thinking about this accident theory the DT is trying to use and agree with alot of whats been said here.

If I were on the DT I think I would go with an accident theory as well. It's the only thing they have other then a plea imho. However this DT is going about this accident theory all wrong. You already admitted that Caylee was dead on the 16th of June to the jury. So by arguing with the forensics you are just confusing the matter and making your theory unbelievable.

Then they added in RK. Why on earth even do that? It's just a plain and simple case of let sleeping dogs lie. Going after RK does nothing for your case. Ok the body may not have been in the "exact" location where ICA left her. Perhaps DC was more in the right location or the body was further in the woods ect. The jury is going to hear about the weather, and water, and animals. It seems a pretty logical conclusion that the body might have moved do to those factors (unless ICA wants to testify that the body was placed in a completely different location miles away from Suburban Dr.)

Then they brought in the whole thing with GA. Ok bring up the sexual abuse and the family dynamic and why ICA might have been scared to do the right thing, or that ICA was taught to cover up "mistake" blah blah blah. That's fine get it in the juries mind but it's not really something that your going to be able to prove or disprove at this juncture unless GA admits to it (we all know how that turned out). Next they said GA was there and involved with the cover up. Ok but then during cross the DT never pushed any of these accusations. So why even bring it up if your not going to go down that road during questioning. It just made your OS seem disingenuous and an out right lie. Especially when LDB explains that when ICA is caught doing something she creates bigger and better lies. The DT played right into that.

So yeah go with an accident it's all you have but why on earth bring in these other factors and fight the forensics? To me this defense is already shot and it's only day 1.

What everyone is overlooking is the fact that........this all just proves that ICA is VERY actively participating in her defense! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
Did you catch the date on that? We knew about that and had mulled it over some time ago here.

Did someone asks for dates? Here are dates in extreme detail I have this link saved for the entire trial to pull up at anytime during testimony - may be helpful to others, especially those who may be not as well versed as others on this site.
I just loved watching the look on JA's face during the Opening Statement when JB was quacking away.

I'm under the impression that JB was insinuating that George is the one who got rid of the body, and if that is the case, then how does JB know where George put the body and how does he know that the body was moved??
Something I learned tonight and hopefully someone can correct me if I am wrong, but according to the Nancy Grace Entertainment show tonight, there is a way to prove, from bones, whether someone died of drowning. Okay. IF it were an accident and the defense knew it was an accident then their own expert witness that did the second autopsy on Caylee's remains should be able to prove it. Right?

Bring. It. On.
WOW some of the points I have made in another thread are exactly what some of you previously stated in this thread so I have to feel we are spot on.

I just loved watching the look on JA's face during the Opening Statement when JB was quacking away.

I'm under the impression that JB was insinuating that George is the one who got rid of the body, and if that is the case, then how does JB know where George put the body and how does he know that the body was moved??

Very good question. I haven't seen anything from TES searchers to indicate a disappearing act. Now you see me now you don't. We know how much time and trouble they went to over that not to have found something they think they can use.

Casey obviously is where the defense is coming up with this stuff. New story more lies and by repeating them when there is so much evidence to refute those claims makes JB look like an a$$ imo. They can use that little tidbit from one of the LE interviews when she was caught lying she insists she really doesn't know where Caylee is. A lot of posters here gave that claim a lot of merit and suggested there was an accomplice. I myself have never nor will I believe it.
What everyone is overlooking is the fact that........this all just proves that ICA is VERY actively participating in her defense! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

That is hilarious and very true. :dance: :great:
1. Who puts duct tape over the mouth of someone who is already dead?
2. Casey was a good mother because the child was fed and chlothed - Casey wasn't working - all of those benefits came from the GRANDPARENTS, not the mother.
3. What "good mother" would allow her daughter to be around a KNOWN sexual abuser?

The entire defense opening statement was a pack of lies.

I hope the jury took notice that the opening statements are NOT evidence.

I think Baez thinks everyone is stupid. He's been drinking too much koolade.

With Clint House and the other guys that were apart of Tony's group, they didn't know too much about Casey. Baez probably thinks their brief observations of Casey and Caylee will help him out a lot but I think when people like Amy H, Annie, Jesse, Ricardo and others who knew Casey longer testify, the jury will see that Caylee was being supported by her grandparents. Clint, Maria, Nate and Cameron didn't know any better in regards to Casey. But Maria did find some things odd about Casey such as the balcony incident and Casey staying in the room with Tony while Caylee was in the living room with Clint and other people.
I wonder if JB concocted this tale by all by himself, or if ICA contributed some ideas to make the story sound "sexy". JB stated that LE wouldn't even consider anyone else for a suspect, reason being it wouldn't be "sexy" enough. Does that mean that LE regarded ICA as "sexy" or that JB can't get "sexy" out of his head when it comes to ICA? JB probably imagines himself as Richard Gere in the movie "Chicago". Naturally, ICA is Roxy, and he, the hot shot defense lawyer that he is, is going to wow the audience.

One of the "biggest holes" I see by the DT used in the opening today is when JB made the allegation that GA had his "p****" in ICA's mouth when she was 8 years old" ... This statement made by JB still has me "reeling" !

There is NO proof -- NO medical or psychiatric expert to back this up -- NOTHING ! ONLY ICA -- so she will have to "take the stand" -- and WHO would believe her ? After all the "fairy tales" she has told over and over ... NO WAY the Jury will buy it !

My Opinion Only ... the A's may NOT be the "Cleavers", but I do NOT believe this allegation at all ... NO WAY JOSE !

IF .. IF -- this were true, Cindy would have known and done something about it a LONG LONG TIME AGO !

Jose did NOT win the Jury's sympathy with this "sexual abuse allegation" -- he INSULTED the Jury's intelligence on this one !!!

when this was said even my jaw dropped to the floor. why did george not blink an eye and cindy i don't think even looked up from whatever she's been writing or reading every day.
Something I learned tonight and hopefully someone can correct me if I am wrong, but according to the Nancy Grace Entertainment show tonight, there is a way to prove, from bones, whether someone died of drowning. Okay. IF it were an accident and the defense knew it was an accident then their own expert witness that did the second autopsy on Caylee's remains should be able to prove it. Right?

Bring. It. On.

I did a bit of research on this tonight and found the following:

The autopsy report:

Page 6474 states that tests were conducted on Bone marrow. I am sure specimens were kept because (from memory - it is late and I can't see anymore lol) the defense also wanted specimens for their specialists to examine.

The reading on diatroms can be found in this medical mumbo jumbo paper:

From my understanding ( and please do read it if interested) is that a lack of diatoms in the marrow is relative to the time it took to die. Quicker deaths, therefore, less circulation of getting the diatroms into the bone marrow. The water where the drowning occurred also plays a role in determination of diatroms.

This is another (easier to read) article:

News out of forensicindia: Analysis of diatoms present in the lungs, liver, spleen, blood and bone marrow has for many years been undertaken as a confirmatory test in possible downing cases. However, the diatom test has been controversial since numerous cases of false negative and false positive results have been documented. Careful analysis of diatoms is a useful means of determining whether or not death occurred while the face was submerged in water. Before diagnosis of death by drowning an emphasis must be made on the morphological and morphometric studies of diatoms from the putative drowning medium because penetration of a diatom in lung capillaries depends upon its size and density Hurlimann et al. (2000).

I also recall that when JM was interviewing KC at Universal, the specifically asked KC if there had been an accident with Caylee and if KC was afraid to mention it because of what people would think of her, she said NO to both questions, so for the DT to now claim an accident is just a load of BS plus I would think that if my father and brother molested me and then GA did whatever with Caylee's body until Kronk could jump in and help, KC would have been in the safest environment while being questioned by LE to say well you see my dad found my daughter dead in the pool but I have no idea what he has done with her....This Kronk playing hide & seek with Caylee is just the most asinine think I have ever heard.What a waste a huge waste.

I also really think that JB thinks that his OS was his Perry Mason moment, the only thing is he has the wrong Mason and I think that is evident.
OMG-I did not get a look at Valhall's comments on JB's opening statements until just now. 'Bout to pee my pants, better grab a Depends before you go over to her blog. Just.Awesome.
Thanks as always, Val.
The one liners never cease to amaze :)
I think the biggest mistake Jose made was attacking the smell of death in the trunk by saying it was garbage and the state let the garbage dry out so it would not smell anymore. That is a test so easily recreated.

There are just way to many people who know the smell of death in the professional lives and know the difference between the rankest garbage and the smell of decomposition. Think of all the people who have searched dumps for bodies.
I think the biggest mistake Jose made was attacking the smell of death in the trunk by saying it was garbage and the state let the garbage dry out so it would not smell anymore. That is a test so easily recreated.

There are just way to many people who know the smell of death in the professional lives and know the difference between the rankest garbage and the smell of decomposition. Think of all the people who have searched dumps for bodies.


There was nothing in the trash to "dry out" No cockadoody foodstuffs, JB!

And before they go there, no frappin' chlorine in the pool!

Did you catch the date on that? We knew about that and had mulled it over some time ago here.

Around the 25th of June, KC tells Amy there’s a horrible smell in her car and she can’t figure out what it is.

The next day she tells her the smell is getting worse and that her father must have ran over something when he used the car. She said "It smelled like something died in my car."
She also mentioned that the smell was coming from the engine area.

June 27 she sent the text saying that "There was definitely part of a dead animal plastered to the frame of my car." That was the same day she ran out of gas. Caylee, on that date, was at the beach with the nanny and CA was going to the beach too.

(These are from my notes)
Just want to toss this out before I forget to post it!

Could DT have purposely dated Caylee 'drowning' earlier, hoping that the testimony of the people in the car not smelling anything would validate that Caylee had not been in the car? IE - was the exact date a red herring and the actual date of the murder was later?
Still on cup one of coffee - what date were others riding in car?

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