BIG HOLES in the defense theory

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One would think if the molestation was true, wouldn't she be afraid that George would molest her baby???

Yet George got up every morning... Caylee came out and had breakfast with him. And he helped her "use the facilities." I am guessing when she was smaller he changed her diaper.

Then he was helping her with potty training.

My Uncle is not even allowed in the same building as my children unless I have no choice like my own grandmother's funeral. Then, my children have the same rules as if we were in the street, they hold my hand.

I can believe Casey was abused.

I just can't believe George is the one who did it.

I would be very interested to know if there is anyone that Casey did NOT want Caylee around. (Well besides Lee, you know... because she told somebody that.)

I also love that we went from LEE abusing her and her "thinking" that George "might have" done something similar when she was "much younger"... to these SPECIFIC accusations.
Yet George got up every morning... Caylee came out and had breakfast with him. And he helped her "use the facilities." I am guessing when she was smaller he changed her diaper.

Then he was helping her with potty training.

My Uncle is not even allowed in the same building as my children unless I have no choice like my own grandmother's funeral. Then, my children have the same rules as if we were in the street, they hold my hand.

I can believe Casey was abused.

I just can't believe George is the one who did it.

I would be very interested to know if there is anyone that Casey did NOT want Caylee around. (Well besides Lee, you know... because she told somebody that.)

I also love that we went from LEE abusing her and her "thinking" that George "might have" done something similar when she was "much younger"... to these SPECIFIC accusations.

EXACTLY. My uncle was never anywhere near my children. I would have never allowed him to touch them, let alone bathe them or change them.

And it is very strange that she went from 'wondering' if her dad ever came into her room at night when she was young, to PUBLICLY accusing him of forcing her to have oral sex before school in the mornings at age 13. THAT IS RIDICULOUS that the DT was allowed to make that claim imo.
Huge Hole: George was encouraging Casey to speak with LE and the FBI in the very beginning. If he had something to hide, he would never have told her that. MOO
1. Who puts duct tape over the mouth of someone who is already dead?
2. Casey was a good mother because the child was fed and chlothed - Casey wasn't working - all of those benefits came from the GRANDPARENTS, not the mother.
3. What "good mother" would allow her daughter to be around a KNOWN sexual abuser?

The entire defense opening statement was a pack of lies.

I hope the jury took notice that the opening statements are NOT evidence.

I think Baez thinks everyone is stupid. He's been drinking too much koolade.


Hence the reason the DT is grasping at straws to discredit RK. Someone must have put duct tape over that child's mouth...and if it wasn't Casey Anthony, then who on earth could it possibly be? Why the crafty Mr. Kronk, naturally. :innocent:

As for the alleged sexual abuse...maybe it happened, maybe it didn't, but either way, it is completely irrelevant to what happened to this poor child, imo.
There's no real proof of any pool drowning. Other than if Casey possibly takes the stand and states this, this is the only evidence. Since, Casey's a known liar, its not credible, even if she lies because of the alleged sexual abuse.

As to Roy Kronk, its not believable that he would take the bag of Caylee's remains and hide it somewhere and than put it back in the woods. There's no proof and nobody will attest to this either. Its only a speculation and not plausible. The only believable thing about RK is that he was possibly he seeking a bit of fame and a possible reward, but it doesn't make me believe that he would move Caylee's remains.

George Anthony being in the middle of a cover-up is not plausible at all.
Can anyone explain why Casey's statement said she last saw Caylee on June 9th? Did she mess up the date?

Yeah the state is going to have to address that , I really dont know why it wasnt asked about by the defence when Chad House was on the stand.

He called LE and reported seeing Caylee alive after LE said she she was missing then.
Apparently her body was given to Kronk to place in Casey's car trunk. It's all so ridiculously unbelievable.

It's the old my-client-has-been-a-liar-all-her-life-but-you-can-believe-her-now defense.

The unique twists:
My client 'learned to lie' at an early age because of how dysfunctional her family is.

Oh, and she was molested by her father.

Yeesh, has this defense ever worked before?

Baez's opening statement was so unbelievable to me I was almost hoping the prosecution would stand up after Baez finished and simply say: "The prosecution rests." It would have been an option again after George's testimony that no, he never molested Casey.

No matter how or when she 'learned to lie" it still makes her a liar, doesn't it?
I just commented to my husband that surely God has a special place in Hell for mothers that murder their little children, and he answered - Yes, and their lawyers!

He never comments about things like this, he considers it gossip, but I think Caylee is tugging at his heart too.
So what that there are people who never smelled the decomp in Casey's car. Let us not forget that KC herself texted Amy about the smell, so whoever rode in the car and did not smell anything rode in it before Caylee's dead body was in there.
So what that there are people who never smelled the decomp in Casey's car. Let us not forget that KC herself texted Amy about the smell, so whoever rode in the car and did not smell anything rode in it before Caylee's dead body was in there.

Did you catch the date on that? We knew about that and had mulled it over some time ago here.

Hence the reason the DT is grasping at straws to discredit RK. Someone must have put duct tape over that child's mouth...and if it wasn't Casey Anthony, then who on earth could it possibly be? Why the crafty Mr. Kronk, naturally. :innocent:

As for the alleged sexual abuse...maybe it happened, maybe it didn't, but either way, it is completely irrelevant to what happened to this poor child, imo.
IIRC, the duct tape would have to be placed on Caylee either before death or shortly afterward, not during advanced decomposition, in order for it to adhere. So how, even in the defense "theory", would RK have been able to do that? When was he supposed to have gotten Caylee's remains? :waitasec:
So she didn't necessarily drown before everyone woke up, ICA was already out of the house, returned and found GA holding a drowned child. Okay, then the DT is smart enough to have her story worked in between all her cell phone calls and pings, right? Because now we have to pick that day apart with a fine tooth comb and nail down an alleged drowning time.

I thought JB said Casey came around the house and found GA holding Caylee. I assumed he meant Casey had been home the whole time and came out the back door to the yard.
JMO - the DT's entire OS was filled with holes.

Drowning with GA involved: No way would GA not do everything in his power and knowledge to save little Caylee, including immediately calling 911. Not to mention, what did they do to her once they decided it was better to cover up than ask for help?

Molestation allegations: I don't believe for a moment GA molested ICA. IMO, ICA is a liar because she's a liar. No reason, no trauma. She enjoyed lying to make herself seem more important.

Kronk: I can't even begin to understand this one. Hide and seek with remains for reward money.

Yeah, the DT has gotten themselves in pretty deep. Lots-o-holes.
The DT certainly has some ordering and organizational difficulties to overcome. Among other glaring omissions in the OS, JB skipped from June 17th with their claim of faulty forensics regarding the ladder and ignoring Cindy's statements about the ladder to characterizing George's reasoning and his anticipation of a hypothetical investigation involving the disappearance of Caylee in which (according to George) Casey is lying her butt off and who is going to believe a liar? Thus, George takes certain steps to distance himself from the situation and makes Casey take all of the blame, but then JB does not enumerate any of the supposed steps.

They would have done better with the hypothetical situation that Caylee's accident happened under Casey's watch alone, she panicked and eventually put her in the trunk.

The trunk evidence will be too difficult to overcome. The State has already begun to establish that there was no foul odor in the car before the time that Caylee was last seen.
Kronk stealing Caylee's body. Huge problem with that: From where did he take it?

GA helping to cover up Caylee's death: Why didn't Baez ask GA where Caylee's remains originally lay?
GA sexually abusing KC: Why didn't Baez at least ask GA about it on cross?

The big hole in the opening statement is that Baez ignored it, when he should have locked GA in, if Baez's version of events were true. Not that it had any merit to begin with, but he negated his own opening statement; it's worthless now, for sure.

Not to mention Baez's opening statement ignored KC happily prancing around Orlando for 31 days.

My opinions.

bbm actually I could have bolded the whole thing. ITA I think JB wants the idea of sexual abuse to brew a bit before he is shut down jmo. Great question about asking GA where the baby was placed...
Did JB address what time this alleged drowning occurred? GA was at work after 3:00pm on 6/16. :waitasec:
And he often left in the early afternoon. But then when you're making up stories, why bother checking any facts based in reality?
ETA: And we do have those pesky phone pings to substantiate the whereabouts of major players. . HHmmmmm
According to the DT, George and KC were so afraid of Cindy's wrath after Caylee drowned that they hid the fact, yet George isn't so afraid of Cindy that he proceeded to have an affair with River/Crystal?

Come on now....
Another hole...

Why would Casey call police on protesters who were threatening her abusive father and not call LE for a drowning child?
I just don't understand where they think they are going with this?

Had I been abused in that way by my father, I more than likely would have stripped the phone out of the wall so no one could call 911 to help him!

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