BIG HOLES in the defense theory

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At what point did the child ALLEGEDLY get into the pool? Was it before everyone was awake? Is that the story they're running with? If that's the case, then why was she in day clothes? A child of 2 isn't going to get up first thing in the morning, put on their day clothes and then go hop in the pool. Nope. Not gonna happen.

My 18 year old daugher asked why did they dress her again after she died. If it was a drowning. In her mind if Caylee had wanted to go swimming she would have put on her bathing suit. She was old enough to be able to put it on or at least taken off her clothes knowing you put your suit on first not your clothes.

This was just thrown out there. Of course children do fall into pools everyday with street clothes on but their point was she loved to go swimming and just went by herself with a tragic ending.
Yep, that's the story: Caylee somehow drown in the pool and Casey came home and found George with a dead Caylee in his arms, he then tells her "Your Mother will never forgive you" and they both attempt to cover it up.

Somehow, RK find's Caylee's body, keeps it for a while, and then discards it in the woods.

So she didn't necessarily drown before everyone woke up, ICA was already out of the house, returned and found GA holding a drowned child. Okay, then the DT is smart enough to have her story worked in between all her cell phone calls and pings, right? Because now we have to pick that day apart with a fine tooth comb and nail down an alleged drowning time.
Here's where it falls apart for me.

Casey is not dumb. In fact, if Baez's story were true, Casey has a high sense of self-protection. She entered into this scam to hide her dead child's body simply to protect herself from her Mother's wrath. So let's say I take Baez at his word.

Now comes the hard part. Somewhere, a long, long time ago,even the most dim-witted of criminally charged defendants must have twigged to the fact that she faced something scarier from the State of Florida than from Mommy Dearest.

In all this time, with all the opportunities, all the interviews and court appearances...all THAT, Casey Anthony waited till yesterday to decide facing the DEATH PENALTY was a little less in her interest than letting Cindy know Caylee drowned in the pool?

The moment Casey was indicted, she had zero reason to continue with her Zanny the Nanny story, zero reason to allow her supposed Molester to be free, while she faced the death penalty. Casey is no tragic heroine. This cover-up supposedly began to save her from Cindy's makes no sense, even factoring in sex abuse, for her to continue to lie and maintain minute after she was indicted.

"Let's see: Mom furious with me? or...Death penalty? What to do? What to do?"

Casey's 31 days give the lie to her attempt to be the grieving Mother...and the HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of days she has sat silently in jail...give the lie to Baez's Opening Argument.

Going to jail for neglect (not likely in an accident) was more scary than going to death row for 1st degree murder. I don't think so.
What about those flurry of calls ICA made to both parents?

I do hope LDB/JA/FG bring in those phone records and prove that GA was at work, CA was at work and ICA was panicked and phoned them but they didn't answser...gapping holes in her 'new' story or shall I say lie :loser:

ICA isn't worth I wonder if she just had Baez sign her death warrant...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
My 18 year old daugher asked why did they dress her again after she died. If it was a drowning. In her mind if Caylee had wanted to go swimming she would have put on her bathing suit. She was old enough to be able to put it on or at least taken off her clothes knowing you put your suit on first not your clothes.

This was just thrown out there. Of course children do fall into pools everyday with street clothes on but their point was she loved to go swimming and just went by herself with a tragic ending.

Well, I would think that at 2, a bathing suit would be tricky for her to put on alone (or maybe my kids are slow). But I thought of that too. If she put on anything before "swimming", then it would logically be a suit, not day clothes.

It all hinges on exactly what time of the day she took this alleged swim. She was wearing day clothes, so I will assume that someone in the house was already up and helped her dress for the day. If that's the case, then what distracted them, so that she was able to go for this tragic swim? They can't run with the story that she woke up and went to the pool before anyone was awake.

Unless she slept in the "big trouble" shirt and shorts.

This new theory raises more questions than it answers.
I've been thinking about this accident theory the DT is trying to use and agree with alot of whats been said here.

If I were on the DT I think I would go with an accident theory as well. It's the only thing they have other then a plea imho. However this DT is going about this accident theory all wrong. You already admitted that Caylee was dead on the 16th of June to the jury. So by arguing with the forensics you are just confusing the matter and making your theory unbelievable.

Then they added in RK. Why on earth even do that? It's just a plain and simple case of let sleeping dogs lie. Going after RK does nothing for your case. Ok the body may not have been in the "exact" location where ICA left her. Perhaps DC was more in the right location or the body was further in the woods ect. The jury is going to hear about the weather, and water, and animals. It seems a pretty logical conclusion that the body might have moved do to those factors (unless ICA wants to testify that the body was placed in a completely different location miles away from Suburban Dr.)

Then they brought in the whole thing with GA. Ok bring up the sexual abuse and the family dynamic and why ICA might have been scared to do the right thing, or that ICA was taught to cover up "mistake" blah blah blah. That's fine get it in the juries mind but it's not really something that your going to be able to prove or disprove at this juncture unless GA admits to it (we all know how that turned out). Next they said GA was there and involved with the cover up. Ok but then during cross the DT never pushed any of these accusations. So why even bring it up if your not going to go down that road during questioning. It just made your OS seem disingenuous and an out right lie. Especially when LDB explains that when ICA is caught doing something she creates bigger and better lies. The DT played right into that.

So yeah go with an accident it's all you have but why on earth bring in these other factors and fight the forensics? To me this defense is already shot and it's only day 1.
I wonder if Baez has yet another theory holed up in his mind, in case the drowning doesn't work. Can you do that, change your argument in the middle of a trial? It just doesn't make sense that they'd dispute the cadaver dogs hitting at the scene if they're just saying that Caylee died at the pool. If they have some alternate scenario in which Caylee died elsewhere they'd have to explain the cadaver dog hits away.

Dunno, maybe it's just because the trunk hits seem so damning and if George disposed of her they've got to explain why Casey didn't really cart Caylee's remains around in her trunk. If you can't debunk just the trunk hits you gotta try and debunk everything.
Just getting on and have not read through the thread...someone may have already posted this but here goes....

JB never explained if George was there with KC and found Caylee drowned, what happened after that???...he went right to Roy Kronk and him being money grubbing and why he wanted to find her and even saying Roy placed her there...Where was she before that??? JB never said what supposedly George and KC did with the body after Caylee was supposedly dead in his arms????

Apparently her body was given to Kronk to place in Casey's car trunk. It's all so ridiculously unbelievable.

It's the old my-client-has-been-a-liar-all-her-life-but-you-can-believe-her-now defense.

The unique twists:
My client 'learned to lie' at an early age because of how dysfunctional her family is.

Oh, and she was molested by her father.

Yeesh, has this defense ever worked before?

Baez's opening statement was so unbelievable to me I was almost hoping the prosecution would stand up after Baez finished and simply say: "The prosecution rests." It would have been an option again after George's testimony that no, he never molested Casey.
Exactly! It was ridiculous for JB to point out that "It got so bad" that they gave LA a paternity test. Rumors were flying, it would have been negligent to not test them both just to rule them out, it's proof of nothing.

My guess is the paternity test(s) were to eliminate any speculation that was going on in the media at the time. It had nothing to do with "it got so bad".
What was it Cindy said one time - something about there's always truth in Casey's lies? Or even when Casey lies, she tells the truth?
Can anyone explain why Casey's statement said she last saw Caylee on June 9th? Did she mess up the date?
As someone else posted and I had not even thought about, I think the reason, other than the duct tape, that KC did not report a drowning or say it ws an accident was because if LE found Caylee's body-again, in addition to the duct tape-they could have done an autopsy and found out she did not drown.
1. Who puts duct tape over the mouth of someone who is already dead?
2. Casey was a good mother because the child was fed and chlothed - Casey wasn't working - all of those benefits came from the GRANDPARENTS, not the mother.
3. What "good mother" would allow her daughter to be around a KNOWN sexual abuser?

The entire defense opening statement was a pack of lies.

I hope the jury took notice that the opening statements are NOT evidence.

I think Baez thinks everyone is stupid. He's been drinking too much koolade.
1. Who puts duct tape over the mouth of someone who is already dead?
2. Casey was a good mother because the child was fed and chlothed - Casey wasn't working - all of those benefits came from the GRANDPARENTS, not the mother.
3. What "good mother" would allow her daughter to be around a KNOWN sexual abuser?

The entire defense opening statement was a pack of lies.

I hope the jury took notice that the opening statements are NOT evidence.

I think Baez thinks everyone is stupid. He's been drinking too much koolade.

What good mother would allow her dad to take an "accident" to another level, when it's so completely unnecessary. Just call for help.
Why is it that ICA has so much information about what happened and then draws a total blank to what happened to the body? If ICA was not at fault she should be able to recall exactly what happened to her daughter's body. She should be able to explain exactly how Roy Kronk got a hold of her daughter's corpse.

This is beyond belief. This is why people hate defense attorneys.
Why is it that ICA has so much information about what happened and then draws a total blank to what happened to the body? If ICA was not at fault she should be able to recall exactly what happened to her daughter's body. She should be able to explain exactly how Roy Kronk got a hold of her daughter's corpse.

This is beyond belief. This is why people hate defense attorneys.

Exactly. They didn't even say what George or Casey did with Caylee's body after they pulled her out of the pool. If this happened (Big IF) then they would know what they did with the body. You don't forget something as important as where you placed your child's body. The jury is never going to believe this story.
Is it at all ethical for an attorney to allow his client to spend nearly 3 years in jail before disclosing that the death in question was actually an accident? Are there no rules, no guidelines in the legal profession that prohibit such derelict representation?
I think the defense had to add RK into the mix. I think that they were willing to throw GA under the bus for not telling but i think they knew they woul never get him for taping/bagging/throwing out the body. Either they knew that sounded non-believable or KC just couldnt take it *that* far. I totally see why they had to drag RK into it.
Fay (no "e") was NOT a hurricane. It was a tropical storm. Albeit a bad one, but still, only a tropical storm. It was in the Orlando area Aug 20 and 21.

Add into the equation Hurricane Faye, which struck shortly after Roy Kronk called the police in August.
I feel sorry for George and Cindy. In my opinion (and opinion only) this is a truly dysfunctional family but I think that Casey and her team are just not only throwing them under the bus but the train the tractor trailor and everything else you can imagine.
I have a great family but under examination we have our own dysfunction as well.
If I am wrong and Casey was abused that is awful but there is still Caley's death and accident or murder the fact that it was not reported is not normal even if you are a "damaged" person.

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