bill stanton~independent investigator hired by anonymous man and woman benefactors

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Well, I guess the family felt like they couldn't send the aunt out to do interviews anymore after this morning. Maybe they were refusing to do anymore interviews so the networks hired this guy?
I feel like I've been rode hard and put away wet.

I miss Ashley already.
Bill Stanton.

Excuse me, "Wild Bill" Stanton.

Reporter who revealed this info didn't know her mic was live.

Said networks usually are responsible for bringing this guy in, signing his paycheck.

Did not say specifically that that was the case here.

Said strongly that family didn't hire this guy.

So why is he acting as spokesperson for the family? "Go figure."

Exactly. It is not clear who hired him. He didn't say, and the reporter comment was just an offhand guess. He's a slimy publicity hound and celebrity chaser. Three years in the NYPD and he quit to start this circus business of his. He makes me wanna puke.

My dad was a PI, and I know a lot of PI's. I respect the good ones. The bad ones are unethical and sleazy. This guy is off the charts. He's probably not being paid by anyone. He's there for himself, and he has completely duped that crowd of poor slobs who followed him out there.

He also needs a wardrobe consultant.

I really think I'm gonna be sick.
um. I need a minute here. I honestly don't know what to say about this development.

ETA looking for a Kit Kat bar

I think that it is good that there is a PI; they have leeway LE doesn't. Kudos for networks. [media or lost child networks?]

ooooh please share, I'll trade you York Peppermint Patties.
Sorry don't have video...
Is his priority to locate Lisa ?
Bill Stanton's statement was basically saying there is a perp or perps and he is here to find them. He first said he was representing the family but, then also said he was not there to represent the family. He is not here to defend anyone, just to investigate the case and be a liaison of sorts between LE and media and the family. He hopes to sit down and go over the investigation so far with law enforcement if they will talk with him.

Also, he was not hired by family. He was hired by networks. Reporter accidentally stated this on live stream. Not sure if she was supposed to reveal that.

Interesting, I'm guessing the media isn't getting information they want from LE, so bring in Wild Bill to "leak" info to them??
Well, I guess the family felt like they couldn't send the aunt out to do interviews anymore after this morning. Maybe they were refusing to do anymore interviews so the networks hired this guy?

What did the aunt do this morning? Is that she suggested that the mother expecting to be arrested?
Exactly. It is not clear who hired him. He didn't say, and the reporter comment was just an offhand guess. He's a slimy publicity hound and celebrity chaser. Three years in the NYPD and he quit to start this circus business of his. He makes me wanna puke.

My dad was a PI, and I know a lot of PI's. I respect the good ones. The bad ones are unethical and sleazy. This guy is off the charts. He's probably not being paid by anyone. He's there for himself, and he has completely duped that crowd of poor slobs who followed him out there.

He also needs a wardrobe consultant.

Ick, I really think I'm gonna be sick.

Just what we need, another media HO. Was he in Manhatten/Bronx/Brooklyn...?
I also heard him say something in the background about a 2 hour Today show.... no idea what else was said. But I think that might tell us something.

I think he was giving the family his credentials. Appears they just met with him this evening and they don't really know him either. He totally sounded like a Baez character except a PI in this case. I think he is just there to take advantage of a media opportunity.
So did the networks hire him to find Lisa? Protect the family? dig up dirt on the family? I'm new to this, what exactly was he hired to do?

If I had to guess, it would be to dig up dirt on the family.

Mark Fuhrman wrote a book, and he said that the media prefers to cover missing children stories because they are much more sensational. You can have pleas from the parents, talk about the search effort, what did they find, what didn't they find, etc etc. I won't go as far to say the media doesn't want Lisa to be found, but if what he's saying is correct, I don't think they're going to put in a personal effort (hiring a PI) to end their "Search for Lisa" story.
Wow. I can't wrap my head around this. Again.. timing.. at 9:45pm this guy is going to come out with the grandparents and family to make this statement? I think we'll see him on the Today show in the morning.. that's what that was about.

I'm not sure we can take the reporters slip to the bank just yet.. it could have been nothing more than speculation on her part.
Sorry don't have video...
Is his priority to locate Lisa ?

Yes, he stated this several times. He wants to investigate leads into finding the perp or perps and believes "there is a bad guy out there." I'm not so sure of his sincerity just yet.
Personally I don't care who hired him or what their motives were; if it helps find Lisa, dead or alive, and who did this, that is all that matters IMO.
What did the aunt do this morning? Is that she suggested that the mother expecting to be arrested?

That interview this morning imo was pretty sketchy. She kind of smirked through the whole thing and said that DB is expecting to be arrested. Admitting that during a media interview in this situation, probably wasn't the most savvy thing to do.
I am so sick of the way missing children are treated in this country...really! In the midst of the three ring circus, the baby fades into the background.

I hope that LE comes back swinging and makes an arrest before he has a chance to be all over the airwaves..JMOO

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