Bio-Mom Crystal

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For starters if what you state is true..then shes missing Haleigh and Jnr out totally which is even worse as that would mean she doesnt look after her kids at all. MOO

ITA..I looked and I have more pics of my nieces and nephews on my page than she does of her own kids. I don't think she was really involved in thier life except for the weekend visits. Seems like the new baby has taken all the attention from them, although I have to admit from the court docs it doesn't seem like she was there b4 then IMO
For starters if what you state is true..then shes missing Haleigh and Jnr out totally which is even worse as that would mean she doesnt look after her kids at all. MOO

A judge decided that since the dad had a job and she was unemployed, she was only allowed to see them every other weekend.
She couldn't see them more without violating a court order. It wasn't her choice. Chloe, in addition to being the new baby, was the only child in whose life Crystal was permitted to play an active role. I can't imagine only being allowed to see my child four days out of the month.
The bio mom is 19 yo, correct? She has three kids? All I can say is wow, that's awfully young for that kind of responsibility... Her maturity (or lack there of) shows on the myspace page, but certainly correlates with that of a 19 yo, not that of a mom to three. JMO

23. she had Haleigh at 17 and Jr at 19. That is what her mother, Marie Griffis said and her myspace says 23.
ITA..I looked and I have more pics of my nieces and nephews on my page than she does of her own kids. I don't think she was really involved in thier life except for the weekend visits. Seems like the new baby has taken all the attention from them, although I have to admit from the court docs it doesn't seem like she was there b4 then IMO

I didn't see anything that suggested that in the docs. Are you talking about the kids spending a month on vacation with their dad ? I wouldn't want to deprive my kids of an opportunity like that. I must be a lousy mom too because I have a lot more pics of my new grandson than my children, then again I recently bought a new camera, so I actually have the cord to attach it to my computer.
Besides that, she's only allowed to see them on her weekend visits.
I can't judge bio mom based on her age and number of kids, since I am in exactly the same boat, 23 with three kids and as of May, it will be 23 with 4 kids.
I also can't judge her on the age that she had Haleigh, since I had my oldest at 17.

However, I will say, the utter lack of emotion disturbs me. If it were me, you wouldn't be able to make me QUIT begging for her safe return, but bio mom has to be prompted. Not to mention she does seem to show a totally different attitude in respect to Haleigh and RJ as compared to the new baby.
She strikes me as a disturbing combonation of two things.
1. She seems to have the mentality of "oh , look, a cute little baby" but seems to lose interest once they get older.
2. She seems to have a very low grasp of what is expected of her, and only acts when she is told what to do or say. Very robotic.

All of the above fully my opinion.
A judge decided that since the dad had a job and she was unemployed, she was only allowed to see them every other weekend.
She couldn't see them more without violating a court order. It wasn't her choice. Chloe, in addition to being the new baby, was the only child in whose life Crystal was permitted to play an active role. I can't imagine only being allowed to see my child four days out of the month.

IMO according to RC's comment in regards to custody of the children there is WAY more to it then he had a job and she did not. CS wouldn't go into when she was asked by the media either. I've read some of the court docs regarding custody, CS made some pretty serious allegations against RC. For a judge to give him custody IMO there is way more to the story. Custody tends to favor mothers..yes I said it, but it's true. IMO CS had to do something big to not have custody of her own children. I'm not buying that it wasn't her choice but that is just my opinion.
IMO according to RC's comment in regards to custody of the children there is WAY more to it then he had a job and she did not. CS wouldn't go into when she was asked by the media either. I've read some of the court docs regarding custody, CS made some pretty serious allegations against RC. For a judge to give him custody IMO there is way more to the story. Custody tends to favor mothers..yes I said it, but it's true. IMO CS had to do something big to not have custody of her own children. I'm not buying that it wasn't her choice but that is just my opinion.

Not to be rude, but this is one subject I have researched and obsessed over.
I had issues with my teen daughter when she didn't like the house rules and she got a friend's grandfather to call social services. I made the childless caseworker mad and my life was pure hell for a year. I couldn't believe what they were allowed to do and nobody would listen to me.
You wouldn't believe the things that go on in family court. Google CPS corruption and you'll learn more than you ever wanted about an agency that is supposed to look out for a child's best interests.
Nobody understands or believes what I'm saying unless they actually know me or have experienced it themselves. And I wouldn't wish it on anybody.
You read the docs, that was what the judge based his decision on, she was never accused of abusing her children. It was a he said, she said deal and the kids were already in his custody. More or less, they're with him now, they're doing well, he has a job, let's not disrupt their lives. Case closed.
Until now. Poor Haleigh.
I'm not going down that path of judging this mother. Personally, i dont think either one parent was "better" over the other. It was what it was then. She has a new relationship and a new child, her times with Haleigh & Jr. Seemed to be stable on their visits. If LE learns that RC has any part of being responsible for her missing, he runs the risk of losing Jr. to the Bio-mom for sure. No one knows that she is currently using drugs or whatever. The dirt that was dished out on her, was prior to this year. IMO
How do we know that she wasn't talking about some kids she was babysitting??
I don't think rocking back and fourth is drug withdrawel. I think she upset.
I think they are holding up the best they can. I do not think she look like she on drugs.
I do think the Gf looks like she on something.
Crystal has been in front camera pleading for the return of her child.
She is acting like any concern mother should act.
I think two family are close to each other. that more that we can say about the Anthonys.
A judge decided that since the dad had a job and she was unemployed, she was only allowed to see them every other weekend.
She couldn't see them more without violating a court order. It wasn't her choice. Chloe, in addition to being the new baby, was the only child in whose life Crystal was permitted to play an active role. I can't imagine only being allowed to see my child four days out of the month.

Actually my husband only gets to see his daughter one weekend a month because of his ex.

But still he wouldnt put anything like that on his myspace. He would put all the childrens names together. Not just his latest ones names and then brats.
Crystal reminds me very much of another teen mother of 3. Her name is Candice. She lost her children to their father bc she has "issues" and is extremely immature. Her sister is named Cressa, also a teen mother and single, but somehow managed to keep her kids. What is it with these families?? This girl is 23 and reading gives her "headackes"!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Never never name all of your daughters names that start with "C" and for God's sake educate them. Sorry to throw stones, but I think many times, perps choose situations that make it easy for abduction to occur. With a Biomom like Crystal, a 17 yr old low IQ babysitter, and a dad that works nights......
She said the other night that she had Haleigh when she was 17 and could not judge Misti........IIRC

She said she got pregnant at 17, not that she was 17 when Haleigh was born.
I don't find it all that offensive that she called the other two brats... that is fairly common in the South, but it is not meant in a bad way. A lot of young parents call their kids brats, or rug rats, or similar names, it's a way of teasing. Does not mean they are not loved and cherished, it's just very common in this part of the country, with lower middle class people. I'm sure she was not inferring that she didn't love them too.
I think she wasn't close to Haleigh,she doesn't fake cry very well.But,she seriously needs to take down those pics of the pot drying out on a string from doorway,ya think?The blacklight pot posters don't set well either with CSA,either.After this settles,there could be a custody hearing of her getting Jr,I believe this is why their side has "made amends" after having Jr last weekend.Maybe something he told them that could be the tip that Misty wasn't home that night.Now,Misty has changed her story and said when she laid down he was awake and walked out of her bedroom.I don't think Ronald will get him back if he's with Misty still.Interesting how bio Mom has been hugging and leaning on Ronald in some pics,seems like she still has feelings for him.
She's added more pics of Haleigh,I think she would have taken that down when she went back on the page,if she thought it would sound offensive.It was probably just a joke for her to put that up.When mine were all little,I'd say things like you all are such little brats,just joking around and we'd all laugh,or "come here,ya little brat".Maybe it's just a southern thing,like I say one of them is wretched when they say or do something,four of them are grown now,so I guess they've went from being a brat to wretched.LOL And,I am obsessed and spoil all my kids.
Not to be rude, but this is one subject I have researched and obsessed over.
I had issues with my teen daughter when she didn't like the house rules and she got a friend's grandfather to call social services. I made the childless caseworker mad and my life was pure hell for a year. I couldn't believe what they were allowed to do and nobody would listen to me.
You wouldn't believe the things that go on in family court. Google CPS corruption and you'll learn more than you ever wanted about an agency that is supposed to look out for a child's best interests.
Nobody understands or believes what I'm saying unless they actually know me or have experienced it themselves. And I wouldn't wish it on anybody.
You read the docs, that was what the judge based his decision on, she was never accused of abusing her children. It was a he said, she said deal and the kids were already in his custody. More or less, they're with him now, they're doing well, he has a job, let's not disrupt their lives. Case closed.
Until now. Poor Haleigh.

I agree with you, I am aware of what CPS can do to parents, mother OR father. I had a male cousin years ago, who took his daughter away from her mother. I was friends with the mom, and it broke her heart to only get to see her daughter once a month. He made allegations against her that were totally false, and she did not have the means to fight him over it.
I'm not going to judge Crystal too harshly. If she had Haleigh and Junior when she was very young, and had drug problems then, she probably didn't form a real close bond with them. She made mistakes, but the way I see it, Ron hasn't been an angel, either. And the kids living in that environment with a live-in g/f who is not that stable, either... the courts just might rethink their original decision, if it's pointed out to them.
I think CPS or DCF, whatever it's called there, has already been called fairly recently, so it's possible that things are not all that they appear.
As for Crystal's lack of emotions... I've seen several clips of her crying and upset. Just because she is not crying every second, people say she is like a robot. That's unfair, she could be in a state of shock right now, just numb more or less. I might be reacting the same way, who knows? Maybe she feels like it's all a bad dream and wondering when she is going to wake up.
I was on as a commenter on the KC case and had to wait for HLN Mike to say my name,so I could make my comment.I was waiting and started shaking on the inside,I couldn't believe how nervous I had become.I don't even remember what all I said,it was like my brain just became empty for a little bit.Bio Mom was live on tv,besides what is happening,I would have rocked that chair right off it's rockers.LOL
Is Crystal deliberately and consciously acting "vague" and "spaced out" (my words) because she had something to do with the disappearance?

Then I question this, because articles point out that she was in church sitting next to her ex. Who could hold all of that in?

Then again, the friends/relatives of Misty and the SO or wannabe SO are still suspect.
I don't feel she had Haleigh taken for herself,because why take only one?All the pics of her new baby and she seems totally involved w/her fiancee and new baby.Her fiancee said the kids would cry and beg to stay with them when it was time to go home.I wonder if that started when gf started watching them?Does anyone else think that down the road we might hear of her and RC seeing each other again?She sure hangs on him and if he stays with gf,he might not get to keep Jr.
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