Bizarre Manorville news

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LISK Liaison, Verified Forensic Psychology Special
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Feb 16, 2006
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While searching for other unsolved murders in manorville, I found some bizarre crimes that might be worth cataloging. Will post those here.
June 29, 2009

The pit bulls were found in a wooded area off North Street. The Suffolk SPCA says the dogs, two males and two females, were all adults. They also say it appears one of the dogs had its neck broken.
Article link
April 16th, 2011

Eighteen decapitated chickens were found on a Manorville side street on Friday night, Suffolk County SPCA said.

Suffolk County police and SPCA officers responded to corner of South Street and Weeks Avenue where the dead birds were found laid out.
Article link
Pitbulls and chickens are players in underground dog fights and *advertiser censored* fights. These are very popular to the West in Queens & Nassau (and sometimes in Western Suffolk) but the problem (as in with human remains) is what to do with the bodies of the animals that lose their lives during the events.

It is truly my gut feeling that the Pine Barrens as well as Ocean Parkway has become the "go to" place for crime organizations to use as a dumping ground.

Many moons ago it was the Meadowlands of New Jersey as well as the Catskill Mountains of upstate New York. But since heightened security & survealance cameras at all of the bridges and tunnels since 9/11/2001, Long Island has become the easiest place to dump a body (human or animal) with very little risk of getting caught!
Pitbulls and chickens are players in underground dog fights and *advertiser censored* fights. These are very popular to the West in Queens & Nassau (and sometimes in Western Suffolk) but the problem (as in with human remains) is what to do with the bodies of the animals that lose their lives during the events.

It is truly my gut feeling that the Pine Barrens as well as Ocean Parkway has become the "go to" place for crime organizations to use as a dumping ground.

Many moons ago it was the Meadowlands of New Jersey as well as the Catskill Mountains of upstate New York. But since heightened security & survealance cameras at all of the bridges and tunnels since 9/11/2001, Long Island has become the easiest place to dump a body (human or animal) with very little risk of getting caught!

With all the missing people and all of the empty, desolate open land in the US, makes you wonder how common such large dumping grounds are.
April 16th, 2011

Eighteen decapitated chickens were found on a Manorville side street on Friday night, Suffolk County SPCA said.

Suffolk County police and SPCA officers responded to corner of South Street and Weeks Avenue where the dead birds were found laid out.
Article link

Dont know about the dogs but im sure LE already knows who is responsible for the chickens similar things have happened before, really dont want to say anymore
Dont know about the dogs but im sure LE already knows who is responsible for the chickens similar things have happened before, really dont want to say anymore

Sounds like maybe Santeria, or another religious offering? What is the demographic of Manorville? Is there a population of people from the west Indies in Manorville?

[ame=""]Santería - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:Flag_of_Cuba.svg" class="image"><img alt="Flag of Cuba.svg" src=""@@AMEPARAM@@commons/thumb/b/bd/Flag_of_Cuba.svg/56px-Flag_of_Cuba.svg.png[/ame]
theres a crazy farmer lives right there thats left deer heads in the street before, this is 15 minutes from where i live, they know who it is but havent been able to prove it, sometimes i wonder if hes the sk, scares me much to close to home
This is from a thread about strange people in Manorville. If you go to the third page nocturnal396 posts a google maps link and it appears that the location of this story is right by Halsey Manor Road.

08-09-2008, 11:46 AM
Last night my friends and I were doing some off roading in mannorville at around 1AM when we stumped upon a long row of CARS at the end of a trail. Needless to say, this was pretty weird being that we were having slight trouble getting through the puddles in a lifted jeep on 33's so there was really no way in hell a fwd kia would be making it through. We thought it was really weird but I figured there must have been a different trail that we missed that gave much easier access. Anyway, I figured it was a bunch of kids hanging out but I was mistaken. I decided to go up to the group of people, who seemed to have stopped what they were doing and huddled in a group looking at us when we stumbled upon them, and ask them how they got in. I was kind of thrown off to see that it wasn't a bunch of kids, but actually what appeared to be mostly adults i'd say from early 40's to possibly early 50's, all wearing ALL black and some in what seemed like fairly nice clothing for a woods. I talked to them briefly about how they got in the trails and they seemed nice enough. They really didn't give me any incite as to what they were doing, not that they had to or should have but...

Then we noticed that on the ground, scattered out throughout the area were red painted rocks with numbers on them. I think more than a few had the number 20 on them and one that I saw had the number 30 painted on it. Im pretty sure these rocks had something to do with the people there as I have never seen the rocks before and the people had a large bucket next to the car which may have been used to hold the rocks.

Anyway, im not one to pass judgment. I mean, any paranormal investigation team or group of urban explorers can easily look like a bunch of weirdos to somebody else and im not going to jump to conclusions saying it was a cult or satin worshipers. They seemed like nice people. Just wondering if anyone knows what they may have been doing, if anyone has any idea what red numbered rocks relates to? I really should have just asked them point blank but I just sensed that they really didn't want to tell me. Didn't want to put them on the spot just out of respect as they were being helpful in telling me about the trails and where to go ect... Curiosity is getting the best of me now.
I had mentioned Manorville 4x4 trails before. Really weird stuff goes on out there and I have seen groups of cars when driving through there at night. At stated above the people were not college kids off roading and drinking some beers. I won't say a date, but I'll get the truck out there one day soon with a few people and spend some time in the woods.

The animal fighting is a really interesting thing to bring up too. Remember someone was talking about Remy's Angels a while back?
I had mentioned Manorville 4x4 trails before. Really weird stuff goes on out there and I have seen groups of cars when driving through there at night. At stated above the people were not college kids off roading and drinking some beers. I won't say a date, but I'll get the truck out there one day soon with a few people and spend some time in the woods.

The animal fighting is a really interesting thing to bring up too. Remember someone was talking about Remy's Angels a while back?

That subject came up as a result of the partial tattoo recovered from the remains of Jessica Taylor. I thought it was perhaps a pimp "branding" (still do), but when I looked up "Remy's Angel" it lead me to the Remy's Angels links. Odd, and I'm not sure there's any connection, but then I recalled the bodies of several dog carcasses being found in the area (you can't make this stuff up, seriously). And chicken carcasses were found there too. The only thing that came to mind from the animal bodies was, of course, dog fighting and chicken fighting. Loosely organized criminal ring, maybe? Not the mob, not a gang, but...well, you get the idea. But I don't know squat about Remy's Angels. Even after reading some websites, I STILL don't really get it. It was a novel or something...but there are also groups? I dunno.

I DO know that an acquaintance of Taylor's was called Remy (Real name? Street name? I dunno.) If memory serves, LE didn't have enough to hold the guy on.

So...I guess this is a long way of saying, "I got squat." ;)
MK, I also remember reading that JT had a friend/acquaintance named Remy and that he wasn't a suspect but the details on him and the nature of their relationship were incredibly scant (I also assumed some sort of "pimp-branding").

Anyway, while looking for a link, I found this:

This is a great article. It's been posted before but definitely worth re-reading.

Interesting quote from article
Taylor&#8217;s was the third body to turn up along this patch of woods since Nov. 19, 2000. The first body belonged to a white woman in her 30s with brown hair. She had been dead for several weeks before her nude, headless body was found, cut into pieces and stuffed in plastic bags. Her hands and right foot were never located, and police say the woman must have had some kind of identifying mark, like a tattoo, on her ankle that the killer had wanted to get rid of.

It's really too bad that by the time they found Jane Doe's foot on Ocean Parkway it was skeletonized so any hope of identifying her by a tattoo was lost :-( I wonder if they have tried facial reconstruction on her skull, this poor woman needs a name!
MK, I also remember reading that JT had a friend/acquaintance named Remy and that he wasn't a suspect but the details on him and the nature of their relationship were incredibly scant (I also assumed some sort of "pimp-branding").

Anyway, while looking for a link, I found this:

This is a great article. It's been posted before but definitely worth re-reading.

Interesting quote from article

It's really too bad that by the time they found Jane Doe's foot on Ocean Parkway it was skeletonized so any hope of identifying her by a tattoo was lost :-( I wonder if they have tried facial reconstruction on her skull, this poor woman needs a name!

A few things that stand out to me from that article:

Taylor was an upstate New York native, last seen on the streets of Manhattan, working near the Port Authority Bus Terminal

Again, we have a mention of the NY Port Authority Bus terminal. MBB's last call to friends was from NY Port Authority Bus Terminal, and the LISK called the sister of MB from somewhere close to there.

When Taylor got into a car in this area, she ended up 70 miles away in Manorville, where police say she was merely dumped, after being killed somewhere else.

So, Taylor is last seen in Manhatten and ends up in Manorville and Oak Beach. Melissa is last seen in the Bronx, and ends up in Oak Beach. Maureen is last heard from at NYPA Bus terminal, and ends up in Oak Beach.

&#8220;If you live here and you knew the woods, you wouldn&#8217;t pull over and leave [a body] practically on the side of the road,&#8221; says Danny, adamant that the &#8220;Butcher of Manorville&#8221; is a butcher from somewhere else. &#8220;Unless you want it to be found.&#8221;

That's an interesting point, imo. Especially considering that JT's body was found in Manorville, but her skull ended up in Oak beach. Someone went to the trouble of trying to make the Remy's Angel tat unreadable. Why DO that, when you could have cut out the tat altogether and burned it? Rushed? I don't think so...the killer had time to remove JT's head. Another point, why bother to discard the skull somewhere different from the rest of her remains? You have to dump twice, which increases your chances of getting caught, and why not just dump the body intact in Oak Beach, where it was less likely to be found than Manorville? UNLESS, the head and the other remains had been separated for some period of time prior to dumping. But then, that would mean the killer had some use for the lower half or the skull, dumped one half one place, then later needed to dump the other remains and probably had to do so in a different place due to the first place now being unsuitable for some reason.OR, perhaps the killer did want the remains in Manorville found, but the skull well hidden closer to home. Which brings to mind my theory that Oak Beach is a "trophy case" for the LISK. But then, we don't know that the Manorville victims WERE the victims of the Oak Beach killer. Many things make me think they AREN'T related.

What bugs me about the remains being found in 2 different places is that there's no logical reason for it (in terms of identification of victim)...just like there's no logical reason to try to make a tattoo unrecognizable when you could simply get rid of it altogether. This isn't 1950, right? LE doesn't need dental records to identify an unknown victim anymore.

The whole thing is just...bewildering.
There are some little details that bother me. First of all, the bags with the body parts were found ON TOP of one of those piles. That dismisses any idea about "hiding a body". This body was placed there to be found. This is a form of explicit staging.
Then there is that weird detail about transporting body parts, especially the head, to Oak Beach. It reminded me a bit of the Ted Bundy case, who also drove heads around. Decapitation usually can have one of two meanings: Forensic counter measure or a somewhat delusional kind of relation (I wrote more about it under Ted Bundy on my website).
The destruction of the tattoo is interesting too. Because it seems to be no work for the mere purpose of destruction in the first place. To destroy the tattoo because the killer would fear it could lead to him, he could just have cut it out. But the cuts are all in one direction (vertically), thus explicitly enabling an ME to get it back together. To me, this indicates rather disgust than the serious wish to destroy evidence. Of course, I can be wrong and the guy who just dismembered a body suddenly became too afraid of blood to cut the thing out. But I don't think so. So the question is, why was the killer disgusted by this tattoo? Was it it's meaning? Was it where it was? There is a relation between JT and the killer, but it is not a pimp/prostitute relation. My guess is, we will be smarter when we know more about the two men that were found too.
This is moo but perhaps he defaced the tatoo because of the implication that Jessica was 'Remy's' angel instead of God's angel. Maybe he is some kind of religious nut, who knows???

This is an interesting thread. Glad I revisited it as I learned a little more about Jessica Taylor.

Thanks Slim, I sure wish we could give this victim her name and identity back. There are talented and dedicated folks who work in the unidentified forum so I am not giving up hope of finding a match.

It just makes me sad for her, ya know? It's kind of like a rude slap in the face for me to realize that a human being could just disappear and nobody notices or searches for them. My 'people'* (*term for close knit relatives and friends in my neck of the woods) would be all over this if a family member or friend disappeared.

What smarts even more is the fact that a career Serial Murderer has possibly outsmarted area LE for a number of years before they (LE) admitted possible connections.

The following article discusses the disconnect between LEAs. The link is to page 3 and the discussion is on the following pages, IIRC.


Take a closer look and try to free from what the media and LE indicate as "by the book" explanations, what do you see then:

- two Caucasian females, dismembered/beheaded, one identified as a prostitute working streets (opposite to Craigslist).

- Two males, not dismembered, one Caucasian, one Hispanic

- the males and one female not identified after years

- The males strangulated, for the females hard to say due to dismemberment.

Put all of that together:

a.) the victims come from the fringe of society, they are probably estranged to their families since many years. Otherwise, there would be missing person reports.

b.) In the Jessica Taylor case, he left the tattoo (it would be much easier just to cut it out than to make dozens of this cuts through it and we know, this guy isn't shy when it comes to do some messy work). So he wanted LE to see the tattoo or at least he wanted to see it, the way he left it. It is a statement, not forensic counter measure.

c.) Jessica's body was left where it would be found soon. The first female victim was out there for some time before found. To place a torso in a place, where obviously people come along, then setting the remains on top of a pile of wood, that is not hiding, that is staging. Another statement.

d.) The males weren't dismembered as far as I know, nor were their bodies mutilated. Which means, we have either a different signature or he is just not that interested in men, what means, he killed them because they came in his way, but that's it. The key remains with the dead women. However, what kind of man would come in the way of a prostitute killer? Pimps and boyfriends. So maybe, the sketches of the men would trigger some more reactions when shown around in Manhattan's pimp circles.

e.) We know in the meantime, where hands and missing feet appeared. Years later on LI. Means, the killer has kept them. Either frozen or in another way preserved. The ME better has a very close look on cellular level. The question is not, how long those victims were dead. We know that from the earlier finds. The real question is, how long were those remains on LI? It would make a profound difference if they were dropped their only after the news of the GB4 hit the news. Because it would mean, the old dismemberer reacted to the appearance of the younger LISK.

f.) The basic problem with staging dismemberers is, they are not very good with the media, but they want their fame at some point. They can go on for years without sending letters to police or newspapers, but when suddenly one colleague of them pops up in the media, they have a tendency to get nasty. You can read what I wrote about London Torso II and Jack the Ripper on my website, which you would find by googling my name. The ugly thing is, if this guy is still able to do what he did years ago, there is some chance, he will grab another woman at some point and stage her in a very ostentatious manner just to show, who is the scarier daddy.

g.) Staging dismemberers are all suspected of being from the medical field because they have allegedly anatomic knowledge. Well, they have, but often not more than what one can learn from books or the internet. The real key to determine the killers medical and scientific knowledge would be the way, he keeps the body parts.

h.) Statistically, the chance to catch one of that kind alive is near to zero. Those guys have regularly psychopathic and sadistic traits and they have their own special relationship to mortality. There are some good chances, if cornered, this killer would rather commit suicide by cop than letting himself being arrested. The more, since in this case, the dismembering is not COD but post-mortem (I see nothing, that would hint tourniquet use). This could indicate, for this special guy, the play with mortality is more important than to express his sadism.

i.) This guy is from Manorville or around. Any kind of staging in a local frequented place calls for knowledge not only about the location (this could be achieved by scouting the place out) but also knowledge about the usual motions of the locals (for example were do they illegally drop their trash). And also, a staging dismemberer usually makes his statement to the society he lives in. So this one lives or has lived in Manorville or had and still has some connection to the area. He is no inhabitant of LI, especially not the Islands, the body parts drop there was just showing off when LISK2 got all the media attention (IMO).

Admittedly, I would ant to do a formal profile for him yet, too many facts are unknown. And because they are a rare occurrence, there isn't much to compare too. But those are some points as food for thought.

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