Bodies of Mom & Baby Found Naked 200 Yards from Crashed Car

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I agree EmiLove832

Was she in the habit of disappearing with the baby overnight without saying where she was going? That would seem totally out of character if the picture of her in the news reports was accurate and there is no reason to think it was not.


Perhaps they were one of those families where the baby doesn't sleep well and a parent gets up and drives around with the baby to get them to sleep?
The baby is young enough that it is possible that the mom is still suffering from some sort of severe postpartum depression. If a doctor was trying to help her by trying different medications it could be a bad reaction to a new medication. Or, if she was on a medication that seems to be working but missed a dose or two or ran out of it that could have a very bad outcome as well. Even when a doctor decides that a certain anti-anxiety or depression medication needs to be stopped they wean a person off of it because stopping it suddenly can be disastrous.

That still wouldn't explain why the husband didn't have the decency to try to find her or report her missing, unless he did but police aren't telling the public. I can't imagine why they would keep the actions of a normal loving husband or any family member a secret. Of course one very common cause of severe depression in women is living with an emotionally indifferent or cruel man. My doctor, (a very well respected and experienced male doctor) told me that. MOO

That still wouldn't explain why the husband didn't have the decency to try to find her or report her missing, unless he did but police aren't telling the public. I can't imagine why they would keep the actions of a normal loving husband or any family member a secret. Of course one very common cause of severe depression in women is living with an emotionally indifferent or cruel man. My doctor, (a very well respected and experienced male doctor) told me that. MOO

I wondered whether that was the case, but thinking about it, if the husband had reported his wife and baby missing and had given police details of her car, surely when her car was found crashed just five miles away there would have been a much greater focus on finding the passengers. The reports read as if:
  1. the bodies were almost found by accident by the guy fixing the fence, not due to a police search
  2. it took some time before they were identified

Surely if the husband had reported them missing in a timely fashion and provided police with descriptions of mother, baby and car, neither of the two things above would have happened that way.........
Even if the police knew the owner of the car was a missing person they might easily do just a casual search around the immediate vicinity of the car and conclude that the people in the car left the scene if there is nothing immediately seen, and these people were eventually found 200 yards away from the car.
Even if the police knew the owner of the car was a missing person they might easily do just a casual search around the immediate vicinity of the car and conclude that the people in the car left the scene if there is nothing immediately seen, and these people were eventually found 200 yards away from the car.

I'm not blaming, but I'm confused-200 yards is a relatively short distance. Even a cursory glance I would think would spot something like a body lying on top of another. Strange.
The baby is young enough that it is possible that the mom is still suffering from some sort of severe postpartum depression. If a doctor was trying to help her by trying different medications it could be a bad reaction to a new medication. Or, if she was on a medication that seems to be working but missed a dose or two or ran out of it that could have a very bad outcome as well. Even when a doctor decides that a certain anti-anxiety or depression medication needs to be stopped they wean a person off of it because stopping it suddenly can be disastrous.

That still wouldn't explain why the husband didn't have the decency to try to find her or report her missing, unless he did but police aren't telling the public. I can't imagine why they would keep the actions of a normal loving husband or any family member a secret. Of course one very common cause of severe depression in women is living with an emotionally indifferent or cruel man. My doctor, (a very well respected and experienced male doctor) told me that. MOO


How to say this delicately....the husband does not look like he could hurt a fly. I'm not getting a rocket scientist vibe from him, either....perhaps he was wrapped up in video games or something and didn't notice she was missing??? It would be helpful to know where she was going or coming from the night before.
I've seen patients who were hypoxic start tearing their clothes off. I wonder also if there was a drug reaction.

Very big mystery at this time, and very sad. The young mother's friends had nothing but wonderful things to say about her as a person and as a mother.
I'm not blaming, but I'm confused-200 yards is a relatively short distance. Even a cursory glance I would think would spot something like a body lying on top of another. Strange.

There's a video from the scene in the DM link and it looks like there are shrubs and plants that could obstruct the view. JMO.
200 yards is LONG way! I'm sure LE that came to investigate the accident did NOT look that far. It's more than a city block. I'm sure the LE did NOT look in a 200 yard radius, as Donjeta said, the view was most certainly obstructed. Something as simple as tall (dead brown winter grass) would have obstructed the view. Even if LE glanced around, and they had no reason to think they were looking for prone bodies. I'm sure they assumed the accident victims had gotten out of the car and walked away for help, or even called for help on a cellphone and been picked up by a friend or family. They had very little reason to guess they'd find her dead so far from the car, or search in a 200 yard radius&#8230; now if she'd been reported missing by then&#8230; that might have been a different story.
I followed the links and noticed a few things I had not seen mentioned:

1. Seems like an awful long way off the road to loose control and end up in that location.
2. Doesn't appear to be any spent up dirt from trying to do an emergency stop near the trees.
3. Car is hitting the trees head on not from an angle which would be consistent with a car loosing control... appears to me like the car was meaning to go in that direction.
4. The weather that night was low of 31 degrees but visibility was 9 miles and only trace rain... no road warnings for ice conditions.
5. Short turn on a dirt road which I would think means a car would have to take that turn slow and then get the vehicle up to 25 mph in order for the air bags to deploy. Front end damage seems consistent with 45 mph accidents IMO. Again that vehicle would have to get up to those speeds quick.


1. Why would she head for the trees and bushes and not the roads?
2. Why didn't the baby sitter call the husband or the police when she didn't drop the child of there b4 going to work... unless husband watches child? So who watches the baby usually?
3. History of mental illness?
4. Drug and/or alcohol use? Doesn't seem like it.
5. Medical conditions such as Diabetes or Hypoglacemia?
6. Any dilusional behaviors or attitudes recently noticed?


1. Mother was possibly taking the baby out to get her to sleep a lolliby ride like my mother used to do for my twin and I. She became lost... I had seen on a earlier post about them possibly new to this area. Looked away from the road to either pick something up off the floor board that her child threw, or looked back at the child to give a pacifier... etc. Then the car hit the trees. Mother becomes disorientated and scared with no cell phone. She then takes the child out of the car and doesn't realize how far off the road she is heads towards a possible light through the bush and trees. Due to impact gets light headed and possibly passes out. She awake in a state of hypothermia and wants to cover her child and feels hot so takes off her clothes and thinks her direct body heat will warm her and her child. Possibly the husband doesn't know that she is missing because he works a night shift... or in some way they have different schedules.

2. Mother feels or is in danger and she thinks she is on another dirt road keeps going and doesn't realize she is about to hit the trees. Instead of going towards the road because she feels that the danger is still persistent hides in the woods. She takes off her clothes because she believes her direct body heat will keep her and her child warm and gets on top of the baby to stop the child from crying.

She seems to appear as a small woman and the tempratures again in the low 30's for the evening and probably would not take long for her body to start dropping in temprature. Also from shock of the accident and carrying a car seat with a baby inside over a wooded area.
Too much missing from this story IMO. It appears LE has really not given any information out which makes me believe they are investigating this story. The pieces we know of just do not fit. IMO
Spencer said Lindsay frequently posted insightful and positive comments on the group’s page and was well-liked by the women.

“The community came together for her during the summer. She was going through a rough time. We all just embraced and helped her,” Spencer said. “It’s hitting our women so hard.”

Kind of supports the post-Partum depression concerns, or at least makes one wonder what kind of rough time she had last summer and if it was really all behind her.
I need to see her tox screens before making a good opinionated thought.
"Homicide Sgt. Joe Loughman said Thursday that there were no indications of foul play on the bodies and that autopsies did not reveal a possible cause of death for either mother or child.

The Tarrant County Medical Examiner&#8217;s Office is now awaiting results of toxicology tests, which could take several weeks."

Read more here:

It is always surprising to me when an autopsy does not show the cause of death. This rules out any head injury or the issues discussed above. Of course mental issues cannot be detected. While waiting on the tox reports, the friends mentioned in this article may have the key as they know what the hard time this summer was about. Her family must not have been aware of her problems or at least they have not spoken out.
I noticed the father works at an Amazon fulfillment center and recently started. I imagine they have 3rd shift, and I also imagine that's the shift new employees get stuck with. Maybe she was on her way home from dropping him off from work when the accident happened. Maybe it was first noticed something was wrong when she did not arrive to pick him up in the morning (or was not at home when he was dropped off by a coworker, etc.). There's obviously missing information that would make this tragedy make more sense to us on the outside.

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