Bones Found on Property

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
just curious - i havent really been around the past 3-4 days...have the said for sure that they haven't found anything? or is that just the speculation?
just curious - i havent really been around the past 3-4 days...have the said for sure that they haven't found anything? or is that just the speculation?

from what i read here the teeth are animal teeth and the human bones the found are most likely "historical' (native american probably)
How does everyone feel about this right now? That the digging concluded with no conclusive evidence to tie PG to Michael's kidnapping or Ilene's disappearance? I can't imagine how the searchers feel because I feel spent just watching this part of the investigation unfold.
Mixed emotions, one one hand there's no proof of Ilene's death, on the other hand, I want the family to have closure. I just don't see Ilene being rescued from somewhere the way Jaycee was, that's a rarity.
Until that house is dismantled piece by piece, deep beyond the basement and crawl spaces, and up into the ceiling, and in between the walls, and every inch of that yard is thoroughly searched including Molina's wrecking yard and his homes and his abadoned vehicles are totally checked out there are still places to look. There are other associates. Too late for slacking.
absolutely right. good over evil.......jaycee and her girls and how they survived.
to me this is gonna help alot. im glad there are no miscarried babies back there for one. jaycee and how she was able to carry two healthy babies to term in that nightamre, that is incredible.

Remember, absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
Until that house is dismantled piece by piece, deep beyond the basement and crawl spaces, and up into the ceiling, and in between the walls, and every inch of that yard is thoroughly searched including Molina's wrecking yard and his homes and his abadoned vehicles are totally checked out there are still places to look. There are other associates. Too late for slacking.

You are making a very strong point here.

Does anyone know what was done inside the house - - other than sifting through all the "junque" and rubbish, was the GPR and/or other devices used there - - did they indeed look into the walls, etc., etc.?

This is such an important point about the vehicles (secreted at the Molino wrecking yard at the moment?). I hope that LE is looking into this!!!

Interesting statement, "There are other associates". What are you thinking here?
yes< I feel like they are waiting to uncover more forensics, like computer hard drives etc. perhaps the search has only concluded for now, remember that search warrants are very specific and you have to have cause to search a specif place for a specific item.

I find it hard to believe they are completely done. Also Phillip is a guy who has "places"...
I wonder what kind of woods are nearby or near places he frequented like out by Walmart...he likes warehouses and industrial parks, like where he took his first rape victim and where Molino has his biz that just happens to have dead prostitutes hanging on the fence...

Phillip needs to start talking...or we aren't going to know. Maybe they can hook him up to his box....
yes< I feel like they are waiting to uncover more forensics, like computer hard drives etc. perhaps the search has only concluded for now, remember that search warrants are very specific and you have to have cause to search a specif place for a specific item.

I find it hard to believe they are completely done. Also Phillip is a guy who has "places"...
I wonder what kind of woods are nearby or near places he frequented like out by Walmart...he likes warehouses and industrial parks, like where he took his first rape victim and where Molino has his biz that just happens to have dead prostitutes hanging on the fence...

Phillip needs to start talking...or we aren't going to know. Maybe they can hook him up to his box....

Yes, thank you, I had forgotten that the FBI had taken a computer from the house next door during their search. I am sure that this is being evaluated, and just because the public or the media have not been TOLD anything, doesn't mean that the wheels aren't turning. And that computer is just one example.

What's this about Wal-mart?!! GREAT point about Molino - - that bit about the dead prostitute sure needs to be examined by LE.

Why do I think that the BOX is going to make an appearance at the trial? :waitasec:
You are making a very strong point here.

Does anyone know what was done inside the house - - other than sifting through all the "junque" and rubbish, was the GPR and/or other devices used there - - did they indeed look into the walls, etc., etc.?

This is such an important point about the vehicles (secreted at the Molino wrecking yard at the moment?). I hope that LE is looking into this!!!

Interesting statement, "There are other associates". What are you thinking here?

I would like these activities to be sorted out:
*advertiser censored*, prostitution, photos, pedophaelia. EVERY single one of his printing customers. This caravan of misfits, these appearances of varying groups of girls with good haircuts. The Molinas are involved up to their teeth. Cultish.
Ringish. Too many *interests* overlapping. Every single piece of trash, every single scrap of whatever/orders from the "Printing" business, every single computer from his customer list. Every single "Mexican" worker/presence. Rings within rings.

These guys (Garrido, Molina, + many John Does & etc) are SNEAKY--AND they are SUCCESSFULLY SNEAKY. There needs to be more sources than just Jaycee. Her comments need to be verified by EVIDENCE. She may not necessarily have the whole picture, as the victim of repeated ABUSE and BRAINWASHING.

FBI: can you hear us now? Crimes against women and children are elaborate and far-reaching.
I would like these activities to be sorted out:
*advertiser censored*, prostitution, photos, pedophaelia. EVERY single one of his printing customers. This caravan of misfits, these appearances of varying groups of girls with good haircuts. The Molinas are involved up to their teeth. Cultish.
Ringish. Too many *interests* overlapping. Every single piece of trash, every single scrap of whatever/orders from the "Printing" business, every single computer from his customer list. Every single "Mexican" worker/presence. Rings within rings.

These guys (Garrido, Molina, + many John Does & etc) are SNEAKY--AND they are SUCCESSFULLY SNEAKY. There needs to be more sources than just Jaycee. Her comments need to be verified by EVIDENCE. She may not necessarily have the whole picture, as the victim of repeated ABUSE and BRAINWASHING.

FBI: can you hear us now? Crimes against women and children are elaborate and far-reaching.

Yes. Great. I've posted elswhere about a man who had a lawsuit against Garrido; I posted in the timeline thread, but it didn't get much play. I think that LE ought to see what the deal was with him:

Here's something I don't think we've discussed, to perhaps be added to the timeline for 2001-2 . . . a COURT CASE in Contra Costa County Superior Court, Toler vs. Garrido!

If y'all can figure out just what it was all about, that would be swell.

Anyhoo, the information is HERE:


There is a Detailed Case Report HERE:
I wonder how this man met Garrido in order to sue him.

Also, what do you mean by good haircuts? Are you talking about the daughters? IMHO, the clothing that the daughters are wearing to the Sweet 16 birthday party looks "newish" . . . not like second-hand clothing that doesn't fit. I find this interesting and worth consideration. The visits of the daughters to the party and to "clients" need to be thoroughly investigated.
Yes. Great. I've posted elswhere about a man who had a lawsuit against Garrido; I posted in the timeline thread, but it didn't get much play. I think that LE ought to see what the deal was with him:

I wonder how this man met Garrido in order to sue him.

I've been hoping, too, that someone could figure it out, MBK. All I could tell was that Toler sued Garrido for personal injury and damages but the suit was dismissed one year later. I tried Googling it and didn't come up with satisfactory results but I'm sure more clever people could discover more about this.

WS member BillyLee said he found ERNESTO TOLER lived on Lipton Street, a short distance from Garrido, but I think that's all we've learned so far. Toler isn't listed in the phone book (though listings change year to year, and publisher by publisher).

Detailed Case Report:
Yes. Great. I've posted elswhere about a man who had a lawsuit against Garrido; I posted in the timeline thread, but it didn't get much play. I think that LE ought to see what the deal was with him:

I wonder how this man met Garrido in order to sue him.

Also, what do you mean by good haircuts? Are you talking about the daughters? IMHO, the clothing that the daughters are wearing to the Sweet 16 birthday party looks "newish" . . . not like second-hand clothing that doesn't fit. I find this interesting and worth consideration. The visits of the daughters to the party and to "clients" need to be thoroughly investigated.

About the picture at the Sweet 16 party, I noticed that the girls were wearing nice looking (and maybe even matching) dresses. It looked like one girl had a little purse slung over her shoulder and across her body. Their hair was short and light brown. I had assumed it would be blonde since JC is blond. Their body language did not seem uneasy. From what I remember, they seemed to look pretty normal, not like kids who have never been around people.

How does everyone feel about this right now? That the digging concluded with no conclusive evidence to tie PG to Michael's kidnapping or Ilene's disappearance? I can't imagine how the searchers feel because I feel spent just watching this part of the investigation unfold.

I've thought a lot about your question, Cali, and I feel like something just isn't right - almost like it was all a smokescreen. I may be really off base on this, but it is how I feel in my gut.

In the beginning of the investigation there was much talk from Molino and others that led me to think that this story was going in a different direction than it has thus far. Rumors (in other forums) suggested that this area, in the 80s and 90s, was corrupt and that Jim Molino had quite a hand in illegal activities - along with the Sheriff's department.

Throughout the years, I've heard stories about this area during those times, so it came as no surprise. I really thought that would be more the direction the investigation would take. It seems like there was a dramatic "CSI" episode at the Garrido property that diverted our attention. I'm curious what the Contra Costa County Sheriff's Department was up to (if anything) during the past week.

Some things just didn't sit right with me. One being the photos released to the media with no mention that they were taken AFTER LE had torn the place up. All of our and the media's eyes were on Garrido which would have allowed one week for cover-ups with no one paying attention to anything else.
I've thought a lot about your question, Cali, and I feel like something just isn't right - almost like it was all a smokescreen. I may be really off base on this, but it is how I feel in my gut.

In the beginning of the investigation there was much talk from Molino and others that led me to think that this story was going in a different direction than it has thus far. Rumors (in other forums) suggested that this area, in the 80s and 90s, was corrupt and that Jim Molino had quite a hand in illegal activities - along with the Sheriff's department.

Throughout the years, I've heard stories about this area during those times, so it came as no surprise. I really thought that would be more the direction the investigation would take. It seems like there was a dramatic "CSI" episode at the Garrido property that diverted our attention. I'm curious what the Contra Costa County Sheriff's Department was up to (if anything) during the past week.

Some things just didn't sit right with me. One being the photos released to the media with no mention that they were taken AFTER LE had torn the place up. All of our and the media's eyes were on Garrido which would have allowed one week for cover-ups with no one paying attention to anything else.

I appreciate your take on the situation! Do you think that Lt Orrey and Lt von Savoye (sp.) had their hearts in the search - - what did you think of their demeanor?

What about the earlier search of the Molino properties? Maybe there is investigation going on related to that, but it's "in process"? Hmmm.

As I mentioned in another thread today, there's also the computer which was taken by the FBI from the property next door. THAT struck me as more helpful than anything . . . and probably a key piece of the week's "digging", literal and otherwise, as it relates to the Garrido matter.
I appreciate your take on the situation! Do you think that Lt Orrey and Lt von Savoye (sp.) had their hearts in the search - - what did you think of their demeanor?

What about the earlier search of the Molino properties? Maybe there is investigation going on related to that, but it's "in process"? Hmmm.

As I mentioned in another thread today, there's also the computer which was taken by the FBI from the property next door. THAT struck me as more helpful than anything . . . and probably a key piece of the week's "digging", literal and otherwise, as it relates to the Garrido matter.

I think they did a wonderful job with the information they were given and they had no choice but to do exactly what they did. Remember that they are in a different county - not Contra Costa County.
What timing that the Contra Costa County Sheriff announced his resignation today!!!
I appreciate your take on the situation! Do you think that Lt Orrey and Lt von Savoye (sp.) had their hearts in the search - - what did you think of their demeanor?

What about the earlier search of the Molino properties? Maybe there is investigation going on related to that, but it's "in process"? Hmmm.

As I mentioned in another thread today, there's also the computer which was taken by the FBI from the property next door. THAT struck me as more helpful than anything . . . and probably a key piece of the week's "digging", literal and otherwise, as it relates to the Garrido matter.
I trust Lt's. von Savoye and Orrey far more than Sheriff Rupf. Did you see today's article that coincidentally he's decided to retire and not run for re-election? Good! The man should have been forced out of office for this debacle if you ask me. :furious::furious::furious:
Until that house is dismantled piece by piece, deep beyond the basement and crawl spaces, and up into the ceiling, and in between the walls, and every inch of that yard is thoroughly searched including Molina's wrecking yard and his homes and his abadoned vehicles are totally checked out there are still places to look. There are other associates. Too late for slacking.

In every recent picture, including live shots with reporters standing outside the property, it looks like LE still has a lot to clear from the backyard. Tons of stuff is still there. I wonder if that unused pool has been removed? They really need to clear it all out and use the ground penetrating radar on the whole property. I wonder if they've taken the cadaver dogs inside the house?
i doubt they find anything at this point. either he's really hidden the bodies in other spots, or he's just being blamed for everything, about the only thing molino said that makes sense
i doubt they find anything at this point. either he's really hidden the bodies in other spots, or he's just being blamed for everything, about the only thing molino said that makes sense
Well, I don't think he committed every murder in the state of California, it makes no sense to link him to the ones in Southern CA, but I'll just bet he used Molino's wrecking yard to dispose of bodies. Maybe that's why they're such good buddies, but what's in it for J. Molino, other than Garrido testifying for him at the city council meeting???

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