Book released by Defense Atty Nov 2015 #1

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I read his introduction, thanks to Sam's heads-up about Amazon book-peeping.

Nurmi says that he is writing his book because (listed in the order he presented these, IIRC):

1. For himself, hoping the process of writing will help him understand the "gift" in representing the killer.
What gift???
2. For himself, as therapy.
3. Because he feels very misunderstood. It bothers him to be so disliked when people don't anything about him as a person or as an attorney.
His writing makes it clear what he's all about and we still don't like him!!!
4. Because he wants to help prevent another avoidable tragedy like this, and believes his extensive knowledge of criminal law and of psychology, as evidenced by his book, can contribute to that outcome .
Exactly how would that be preventative???
5. Last, he says, is that he seeks redemption.

About his audience. He says if he wanted to make money off the book he would have directed it to Travis supporters and sold thousands and thousands of books, or have written it for her supporters and sold a couple of copies (zing, zing).
It's obvious he's appealing to everyone and noone at the same time- a kind of scorched earth approach. I find the parts about Jodi juicy, but the rest is so distasteful, there's no way I'd spend money on it.
He says he wrote it for neither, believing "taking sides" is distasteful in such a tragedy.

Also, he says those who thought he was inept don't understand the magnitude of what he achieved. That he saved the life of "the most hated woman in America, " and indeed, maybe in the entire world. ??? Huh? Ego much?

His first chapter is titled: Who is Nurmi?
My responses are in red.
BBM. He's undoubtedly mostly right. It was quite an achievement that his client is not on DR: seriously. He did manage to do what he was hired to do. Ironically, the still bigger gift, as he doesn't seem to realize, is that thanks to him, Jodi gets to rot under her very eyes for 99 more years. If he took responsibility for this "I did you all a big favor" idea—as head of the DT, I believe he'd have a right to make this claim—he'd probably sell a lot more books. He also, though, the trial process should have made him at least vaguely aware that he cannot write and that he obviously didn't apply himself in school/college. Nurms, you're ignorant, get it?

And also, Nurms, if you want to sell a book that you don't have the talent to write, you get an editor. Just sayin'...

Nurmi is explicit that he doesn't care about the sales volume, but, hey, Amazon is for sales. if you charge a fee for your magnum opus and put it out there for people to buy, you are definitely interested in selling it. Otherwise, you'd shelve the thing in your man cave or pack it away in the tool shed.

I disagree, I think the main reason Jodi got Life was not because of Nurmi, but solely because of the stealth juror. Had it not been for Juror 17, who clearly came in with an agenda and closed mind-anti-Juan, Jodi would have gotten Death. 11 other people didn't buy what he was selling.
The killer and her trials have taken up 7 years and counting of Nurmi's life. That's a big chunk of time, especially when most of one's non-trial related life gets suspended. Even JM, when asked what stands out most to him about the whole thing, responded " just how long it was."

So I can understand that all things killer have assumed a place of monumental significance to Nurmi. Truth is, he'd be better off if he understood that the killer was never the most hated woman in the US, much less in the whole great big wide world. Her trial was a big deal on SM for a fairly short while, largely because HLN exploited it for ratings, yammering away and gasping endlessly about Nurmi's sex diversion. Most interest evaporated after the first hung verdict. The audience for Act II was pretty dang minimal, consisting largely of hardcore trial followers.

To give Nurmi whatever due is due on the first trial, yep, she didn't get the DP. He should be able to claim that as a major victory, and he should feel gratified as a DP opponent and as a defense attorney. So why isn't that enough for him?

Casey Anthony is probably hated more because she killed her own 2-year-old child and got away with it.
Nurmi's first chapter is titled- Who is Nurmi?

Now that we know more about him, how about a running collective reply to the question? I'll start.

Who are you?

1. An attorney who doesn't care who he hurts or how he gets there, as long as he can convince himself he's right.
IMO they knew she was never coming back so didn't care if they got damaged being in a shed, but maybe promised her (under threat of another screaming tantrum) not to throw her things out.

They can get rid of them now!
I disagree, I think the main reason Jodi got Life was not because of Nurmi, but solely because of the stealth juror. Had it not been for Juror 17, who clearly came in with an agenda and closed mind-anti-Juan, Jodi would have gotten Death. 11 other people didn't buy what he was selling.

My understanding is that somehow the #17 vote was orchestrated by the DT. So I'm including that in situations he created in order to get Jodi off the DP. I don't believe #17 was a free agent: I think she was selected and coached.

And, to emphasize, IMO this is all despicable.
So one second to last page, KN gets to what this trial is all about. Sex. He maintains that these two were having regular, wild, every which way sex. Often. And that TA was just using JA for sex. He didn't love her, he just wanted her for sex. He said he thought this was important because even if the jury didn't connect with JA they might spare her life because she was used by a man who called her a stalker.

To those of us who would say he dragged Travis' good name through the mud he offers this, "face it, no matter what kind of horrible *advertiser censored* you want to make Ms. Arias out to be, Mr. Alexander was still having sex with her."

She was a stalker and a *advertiser censored* and every other bad thing Travis ever called her, so therefore he deserved to be murdered for having sex with her??? Uh, how about Jodi could've just walked away once she realized Travis no longer viewed her as winning the wife lottery.
How do these relate to Juan Martinez? He didn't represent JA. As long as he sticks to facts which arose during the trial, and avoids talking about anything sealed, etc., how is he making a breech of ethics?

I guess this Code of Ethics applies to Nurms. I am not sure about Juan. Like I said, I was reading on the other side, and came across this.
I disagree, I think the main reason Jodi got Life was not because of Nurmi, but solely because of the stealth juror. Had it not been for Juror 17, who clearly came in with an agenda and closed mind-anti-Juan, Jodi would have gotten Death. 11 other people didn't buy what he was selling.

I agree - I think Juror 17 would not have voted DP in any event, for her own reasons - that had nothing to do with Nurmi.
He's quick to take credit for it though - shouldn't he also take responsiblility for the 11 DP votes? He has some ego for such thin skin, in my opinion.

The WS site is acting up. Too many of us on?
Nurmi's first chapter is titled- Who is Nurmi?

Now that we know more about him, how about a running collective reply to the question? I'll start.

Who are you?

1. An attorney who doesn't care who he hurts or how he gets there, as long as he can convince himself he's right.

BBM ~ As long as he can convince 1 juror, he's right. :rolleyes:
So one second to last page, KN gets to what this trial is all about. Sex. He maintains that these two were having regular, wild, every which way sex. Often. And that TA was just using JA for sex. He didn't love her, he just wanted her for sex. He said he thought this was important because even if the jury didn't connect with JA they might spare her life because she was used by a man who called her a stalker.

To those of us who would say he dragged Travis' good name through the mud he offers this, "face it, no matter what kind of horrible *advertiser censored* you want to make Ms. Arias out to be, Mr. Alexander was still having sex with her."


To that I say... SO WHAT? Travis appeared to be somewhat naive about sex, and especially kinky sex.. if the "horrible *advertiser censored*" was shoving it in his face (literally) why would he not go for it? Besides, I for one question "lots of sex". The big oaf, nose picker makes me sick.. still trashing Travis. :maddening: POOF BE GONE Nurmi.
My understanding is that somehow the #17 vote was orchestrated by the DT. So I'm including that in situations he created in order to get Jodi off the DP. I don't believe #17 was a free agent: I think she was selected and coached.

And, to emphasize, IMO this is all despicable.

Juror #17 should of never been part of this jury considering Juan prosecuted her ex! :pullhair: She bought into the whole abuse story. SMH.
My understanding is that somehow the #17 vote was orchestrated by the DT. So I'm including that in situations he created in order to get Jodi off the DP. I don't believe #17 was a free agent: I think she was selected and coached.

And, to emphasize, IMO this is all despicable.

#17 I think was more a failure of the Prosecution Team to properly vet her/ use one of their peremptory strikes to get rid of her. The DT couldn't have selected her for Jury Duty, but I do think somehow she was a stealth juror. Maybe she even had ties to MDLR.
My understanding is that somehow the #17 vote was orchestrated by the DT. So I'm including that in situations he created in order to get Jodi off the DP. I don't believe #17 was a free agent: I think she was selected and coached.

And, to emphasize, IMO this is all despicable.

I completely agree, and think most of us know just who did the coaching. If only that could be part of the AG investigation.
Maybe it's the only book in that category? I mean, how may books have been released over the weekend in the "Murder and Mayhem True Accounts" category? Methinks we're looking at #1 of 1.

They have Juan's book in a different category ...Medical, Forensic Psychology, When you look at Nurmi's it says #1 new release in that mayhem cat. but if you look at the other books in that category, they all have more stars than his book. I think what the #1 means is that it is the newest book out in that category. He has 30 reviews and 50% are 4 or 5 stars. So if you take him and his family and fiends posting good reviews, that leaves very few others. I posted on Amazon my review and told the truth, that I had read only parts of the book, but what I had read was amateurish also an unethical colored version that rehashed his attacks on the victim. I gave it a one star.
She was a stalker and a *advertiser censored* and every other bad thing Travis ever called her, so therefore he deserved to be murderer for having sex with her??? Uh, how about Jodi could've just walked away once she realized Travis no longer viewed her as winning the wife lottery.

Sex was only the only that kept the two connected. She tried to help with his blog etc., but really, it was all about the sex. Did JA just show in the dark of night at Travis'? Did he invite her? Ugh. So many questions.

I was re-watching JA - Det. Flores interviews, and when he pins her on the murder, she said did you find a gun?! She knew darn well she ditched the gun and knife(ves) and would impossible to find.
Juror #17 should of never been part of this jury considering Juan prosecuted her ex! :pullhair: She bought into the whole abuse story. SMH.

Totally agree! She should have been automatically excused/disqualified from this particular case.
Juror #17 should of never been part of this jury considering Juan prosecuted her ex! :pullhair: She bought into the whole abuse story. SMH.

I read up thread that Heinous is involved in a criminal case, but no further info was given/available. Could the case involve Juror 17? Would jury tampering be considered a criminal case? TIA
With that last no apology for sliming Travis, I get it. His book is not only a FU to the killer, its a FU to "The Trial Watchers, " both fans and Travis supporters, because we're the ones who hurt his feelings.
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