Book released by Defense Atty Nov 2015 #1

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The Vegas trip came about after KN listened to some of JA's jail cell phone calls. He was concerned she was hiding evidence from him. He was certain she cared more about her image than her case and so he thought if she was hiding information it was probably because it was too embarrassing but his job isn't to conceal her embarrassment but rather to keep her off death row. This witness is described as a JA "fan" who was "simply talking to a girl in jail that he thought was attractive. . . . This was no longer just some bizarre sexual fantasy that existed only in his head."

There is no discussion of what he thought she was hiding, or what he found in LV. Typical of this book it is all about the process and not the results.

I am not sure of the connection between the "Bob White" "letters" and the trip to LV. They are in different parts of the book. I don't get the sense that LV guy was "Bob White." I think someone was asking about that last night.

I didn't take it as Bob White was the Vegas guy either. I apologize if anyone took my post that way. I recall reading about the two PPL guys Nurmi tried to locate and only found one (the one Nurmi called Frank) and the lies about seeing the bruising, (it didn't happen) but without my book to reference I won't try to give details, it was interesting. Nurmi is like a 48 Hours episode.. back and forth from one thing to another.
This is what I think, too. The only way Jodi can raise more money for her "fund" is to have a current appeal to "charity". Nurmi's book gives her this opportunity. She's never going to have enough money in that fund for an appeal anyway. Plus, when she's hell bent on revenge, she loses sight of the bigger goal and shoots herself in the foot. I say she goes after Nurmi.

I say Nurmi is deliberately provoking her in this direction. He's flaunting how much c***p he has on her and how willing he is to unravel her in public. Revenge. And, ya know, much as we hate the Nurms, we might relish this little strategy of his....

Karma is a full blown b**ch, the butcheress tried to trash Travis and expose his rather normal (IMO) sex life (maybe not so normal in his Mormon teachings tho'), so buckle up and enjoy the ride Ms. Arias... his book has reserved you a seat on the karma train... ALL ABOARD!!!
Nurmi says that he had to go with Ms. Arias' defense of bashing Travis because she had PPL lawyers on stand by. I wish I had my book to reference but I lent it to a friend to read. Dammit!!
Hah! What lawyers might those be- Gus Searcy??? If she did, she never would have had to use a Public Defender in the first place. She probably wasn't paid up with PPL. Did she ever make any sales for them???
Nurmi: "I received an email from a person named "Bob White". The subject of the email was *you might be interested in these.* Mr. White's email stated that he didn't want to get in involved with the case but thought I might be interested in the documents. The attachment contained 10 letters.

When more information became available, I became much more suspect of who wrote these letters. Why? Ms. Arias' cell was searched by deputies and pens were found. A 3x5 note card was found in the cell with handwriting on it. The States expert concluded that it was handwriting that was an attempt to simulate the handwriting of Travis Alexander. If Ms. Arias wrote these letters, how did she get them out of the jail and have them emailed to me? Once the 3x5 card was found, it was my belief that she wrote those letters.

Nurmi: "With out going into detail, I had every reason to believe that my client was trying to do self-destructive things behind my back. From listening to her jail calls, I became very suspicious that she, with the help of another individual (a person who lived in Las Vegas) was hiding evidence from me. I didn't know for sure if this was evidence that would help her or hurt her.

It was a situation that forced myself and a few other members of the defense team to travel to Las Vegas. If there was evidence out there that would have helped her case, but at the same time would be extremely humiliating to her personally, she would hide it from me because she valued her image more than her freedom or her life. As crazy as it sounds, image was everything to her.

Jennifer, Bud and I headed to Las Vegas on a covert mission. We knew where our target lived but did not know where he worked. We went to this mans apartment and fitting with the stereotype, he lived with his mother. The mother would not open the door. We left my card on the screen door and left. He called me later that afternoon. He really seemed intent on unburdening himself of all things Ms. Arias. Given his attitude, I assumed his mom gave him quite a bit of grief. I could almost hear her yelling at him for talking to some girl in jail for murder. He wanted to meet the next morning and we agreed to meet at a coffee shop at the MGM Grand. Perhaps it was the wrath of his mother or his own embarrassment, but this man gave up everything he had related to Jodi. Beyond that, he even kept the promise to send me even more stuff in the mail. Why? I am assuming he did this because he was scared. Scared of his mother, but I sensed something more than that. When we showed up to his moms door, it was no longer just fun and games, things became real to him.

This was no longer just some bizarre sexual fantasy that only existed in his head. It seemed to me that when we showed up, it became something different to him. Jodi Arias was a real person with a real case that this man clearly wanted no part of, period. The result of all this was that yes, Ms. Arias was hiding something from me, but it was really nothing of importance to her case."

"I still did not and do not like Ms. Arias.... Let me repeat myself, I did not, and I do not like Ms. Arias."

Oh my, it appears even Casey Anthony was smarter than Jodi Arias. Even she knew to flushy-flushy evidence in her cell!
So who was the mystery man in Las Vegas that lived with his mother? Doesn't appear to be Marc McGee or Matt M.
Interesting. What are all those other email addresses in that piece? Do we know their contents?

I was just assuming Bob White was a made up alias for someone. He's a real person??? The guy in LV??
Oh my, it appears even Casey Anthony was smarter than Jodi Arias. Even she knew to flushy-flushy evidence in her cell!
So who was the mystery man in Las Vegas that lived with his mother? Doesn't appear to be Marc McGee or Matt M.

The mystery man is never revealed but reading between the lines it seems like it is some random older dude JA was leading on and/or having phone sex with while she was in jail. I don't think she ever met him IRL or knew him before jail.
Hope4More, I have to be honest - I never heard of JA until a few days into her first trial. I knew vaguely about some forged pedo letters but not the nitty gritty behind them. So I apologize if you already know this - this was news to me from the book.

Re: Bob White....

-on a Monday morning in April, 2010 KN goes into his office and sees an email, with 10 PDF attachments, from a Yahoo email account of someone named "Bob White"
-the attachments contain a scanned, handwritten letter from TA stating that he is attracted to the Hughes' son, that it would be easy to act on these feelings, and that he (TA) is sorry he broke JA's finger (no idea if this is all in one letter, or what is contained in each of the 10 attachments)
-KN questions why TA would have written and mailed these letters to JA when all of their communication was electronic and telephonic. KN wonders who "Bob White" is and how "Bob White" came to possess such letters. These questions are not answered in the book
-KN says his trying to figure who Bob White was and why he had the purported letters was "the beginning of the end of the relatively harmonious relationship I had with Ms. Arias." (gee, I wonder why?)
-the defense expert concluded that it was "highly probable" that the letters were written by TA. "Highly probable" is the highest level of authenticity that can be bestowed on something without seeing the original (according, of course, to KN). With this finding of "highly probable" KN decided to turn over to the state as evidence of "Ms. Arias' claims of physical abuse and her claim that Mr. Alexander had a sexual interest in young children." (oh, how lucky for JA - a twofer.)
-later on KN became much more suspect of these letters. Enter the 3x5 card of practice handwriting found in JA's cell. If she wrote them, KN wonders how they got out of the jail. (reading between the lines, this card is found after the defense expert made her conclusion).
-KN says the state could never conclude with absolute certainty that the letters were forged. The state expert said no conclusive analysis could be done because these were copies of the letter and not originals.
-KN tells us what he thought of the letters makes no difference. If his expert says it is "highly probable" that TA wrote them, then that is what he has to go with.

As far as I can tell, KN does not know who "Bob White" actually is. Any guesses? Matt? Donovan? MDLR (or does this predate her)? KN says these letters are posted "all over the internet." FWIW.

Yeah, I was thinking Bob White might be Donovan...
:tyou: VERY much Hope4More for ALL the tweets related to JA and Travis - and :tyou: everyone else who is posting from Nurmi's book!

VERY much appreciated!! :happydance:
I hope it's worth the wait - afraid this could be a long one!

I did add to my post ^ because I realized they actually filed two responses..

I still think it has to do with juror #17. I remember her attorney saying he was going to the FBI because of juror names being released, and I think his name was Ryan (last name) I can't recall where I read it though. I just think Juror misconduct is at the root of the investigation, but I have been wrong many times in this case. I'll bet a lot of people are shaking like Chihuahuas about "whatever" it is.
Nurmi is going on interviews about the book - BethK is having him on, some other guy is doing a podcast with him, and now William Pitts has posted these pics. The pics are generating some (cough) comments on twitter...

Link is active. Just came through my 'Twitter' account.

Justice4Travis ‏@Justice4TravisA 6m6 minutes ago
#JodiArias' defense attorney talks 'Trapped With Ms. Arias'
Hi about the mirrors~ don't think they are allowed to have mirrors in prison unless it's GI. You know, suicide and all , JA.
she'd never!!! :chicken:

They probably polish the toilets to use as mirrors.
In his book Nurmi says she shot him first as he came at her to knock the gun away, she shoots him and then the gun jammed and she had to get a knife while he was at the sink. WRONG. He didn't come at her because of the way the bullet went into his head a downward projection. She was standing over him in the shower IF the shot came first because of the downward projection and where the bullet casing landed. There was no linebacker attack.
Nurmi is going on interviews about the book - BethK is having him on, some other guy is doing a podcast with him, and now William Pitts has posted these pics. The pics are generating some (cough) comments on twitter...

View attachment 84682View attachment 84683

Chapter 67: My funny hat collection

"Often during trial, after a stressful day of being berated by Ms. Arias for trying to save her life, I would don one of my funny hats and retire to my hall of mirrors room. I always emerged refreshed with a new perspective, ready to meet the challenges of another day, as bad as I knew they would be."
Chapter 67: My funny hat collection

"Often during trial, after a stressful day of being berated by Ms. Arias for trying to save her life, I would don one of my funny hats and retire to my hall of mirrors room. I always emerged refreshed with a new perspective, ready to meet the challenges of another day, as bad as I knew they would be."

"You may ask yourself what do I mean by funny hats. Before I can answer that let me back up a minute."
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