Bosma Murder Trial 02.09.16 - Day 6

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Tim Bosma trial: How police used cellphone records to investigate
By Adam Carter, CBC News Feb 09, 2016

A Hamilton court is expected to hear testimony today from an expert witness about exactly how cellphone records and tower locations helped police investigate Tim Bosma's disappearance.

The trial of the two men accused of killing the Hamilton man after he disappeared in 2013 while out on a test drive of his truck continues Tuesday.

​​​Sgt. Stuart Oxley testified Monday that the arrest of Dellen Millard was made at gunpoint on May 10, 2013, days after Bosma vanished.

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Adam Carter
Feb 9 2016 12:09 PM
I'm in court now for the Tim Bosma trial. We're currently in a "voir dire" session -- procedural matters related to the trial are being discussed without the jury in the room.

Adam Carter
Feb 9 2016 12:10 PM
Because the jury isn't in the room, I can't report on anything that's being said.

Adam Carter
Feb 9 2016 12:10 PM
Open court is scheduled to start at 1 p.m. today. Check back for updates and follow along throughout the afternoon.

Adam Carter
Feb 9 2016 12:27 PM
If you're looking to catch up on the entire investigation, here's a timeline:
Adam Carter
Feb 9 2016 12:54 PM
We're inside the courtroom now. Things should be getting underway shortly.
Adam Carter
Feb 9 2016 12:57 PM
There's a high school law class here in the body of the court today watching the proceedings.
Adam Carter
Feb 9 2016 1:04 PM
Justice Goodman now in the courtroom. Just waiting on the jury.
Adam Carter
Feb 9 2016 1:07 PM
The jury is now being led in.
Shannon Martin ‏@ShannonMartinTV 3m3 minutes ago Hamilton, Ontario
#Millard walks into courtroom, looks directly at Sharlene Bosma and smiles #TimBosma #HamOnt
Adam Carter
Feb 9 2016 1:11 PM
First witness is Frank Cianfarani. He was visited by York Regional police back in May of 2013.

Adam Carter
Feb 9 2016 1:11 PM
He lives in Kleinburg, Ont. It's in the Vaughn area.

Adam Carter
Feb 9 2016 1:13 PM
He describes the neighbourhood as "very tight knit." Crown Craig Fraser asks if Madeline Burns lived there, he says yes. Burns is Millard's mother.
Adam Carter
Feb 9 2016 1:13 PM
He says he and burns had a "hi, bye" relationship. Just neighbourly and saying hello, but no dinners together or anything like that.

Adam Carter
Feb 9 2016 1:14 PM
Cianfarani says Millard originally moved with his mom when she bought her home several years ago. He had "small interactions with him." The last time he saw Millard was five or six years ago. "We haven't had a conversation for the better part of five or six years," he says.
Shannon Martin ‏@ShannonMartinTV 3m3 minutes ago Hamilton, Ontario
#Millard walks into courtroom, looks directly at Sharlene Bosma and smiles #TimBosma #HamOnt

I feel sick when I read about his behaviour in court. Literally chills go up my spine.....he just doesn't care or have any sense of remorse. And I know those who think he wasn't involved will say he's just being his friendly old genuine self.....but a typical person (even innocent) would have SOME flipping compassion for the widow of the victim. Because we can all agree that TB was a victim.
Shannon Martin ‏@ShannonMartinTV 3m3 minutes ago Hamilton, Ontario
#Millard walks into courtroom, looks directly at Sharlene Bosma and smiles #TimBosma #HamOnt

I'm getting really, really sick of this. One can only endure so much heartache and strength and then to step foot in the court room again and BAM! *advertiser censored*.
I feel sick when I read about his behaviour in court. Literally chills go up my spine.....he just doesn't care or have any sense of remorse. And I know those who think he wasn't involved will say he's just being his friendly old genuine self.....but a typical person (even innocent) would have SOME flipping compassion for the widow of the victim. Because we can all agree that TB was a victim.

I've mentioned it before, but it faintly echoes the behavior of Polly Klaas's killer in court.
Adam Carter
Feb 9 2016 1:16 PM
Cianfarani says a reporter came to his home on the 11th (the day after Millard was arrested) to ask him about photos. The reporter showed him some pictures on his phone. "I did notice there was a trailer in the background of the photo - and that same trailer was parked in the driveway next to my home," Cianfarani says.

Adam Carter
Feb 9 2016 1:18 PM
Court is now seeing a big black trailer in a driveway in a photo at Tinsmith Court back in 2013.
Mark Carcasole ‏@MarkCarcGlobal 10m10 minutes ago
Court in #MillardSmich trial has reconvened. Jury not in the room yet at this point.

Mark Carcasole ‏@MarkCarcGlobal 11m11 minutes ago
Crown prosecutors hoping to get through about 7 witnesses over the next few hours. #MillardSmich

Mark Carcasole ‏@MarkCarcGlobal 8m8 minutes ago
#MillardSmich jury now in the room. Crown's first witness: Frank Cianfarani.

Mark Carcasole ‏@MarkCarcGlobal 7m7 minutes ago
Cianfarani spoke to @YRP in May of 2013. Called them "based on concerns, or information" that he had. #MillardSmich

Mark Carcasole ‏@MarkCarcGlobal 7m7 minutes ago
Cianfarani has lived in #Kleinberg since 1997. That's where #TimBosma's truck was found.

Mark Carcasole ‏@MarkCarcGlobal 5m5 minutes ago
Cianfarani knew Madelyn Smith. Mother of Dellen #Millard. Says he was not as "tight-knot" with them as with other neighbours. "Hi/bye."

Mark Carcasole ‏@MarkCarcGlobal 5m5 minutes ago
Cianfarani says he knew Dellen #Millard mainly by sight. Loved with his mom when they first moved in. "Small interactions" with him...

Mark Carcasole ‏@MarkCarcGlobal 4m4 minutes ago
Cianfarani said as of May 2013 he had t seen #Millard in about 5 or 6 years. Has moved out of his mom's #Kleinburg home.

Mark Carcasole ‏@MarkCarcGlobal 4m4 minutes ago
"In the Saturday there was a reporter that came to my door...Asking me to look at some pictures on his phone...Looked like the accused."

Mark Carcasole ‏@MarkCarcGlobal 3m3 minutes ago
Cianfarani says in the BG of the pics was a trailer that he'd seen on his neighbour's property. #MillardSmich

Mark Carcasole ‏@MarkCarcGlobal 2m2 minutes ago
Cianfarani says he wasn't 100% certain the man in picture was Dellen #Millard. Court now looking at pic of trailer. FC confirms it's the 1

Mark Carcasole ‏@MarkCarcGlobal 1m1 minute ago
Cianfarani says he was at godson's confirmation 1 day. When he got home that night he noticed the trailer had appeared in neighbour's drvwy.

Mark Carcasole ‏@MarkCarcGlobal 1m1 minute ago
Cianfarani noticed the trailer the evening of Fri May 10/13. Made a mental note of it. #MillardSmich

Mark Carcasole ‏@MarkCarcGlobal 29s30 seconds ago
Crown has no further questions for Cianfarani. #Millard lawyer Ravin Pillay begins cross. #MillardSmich

Mark Carcasole ‏@MarkCarcGlobal 2m2 minutes ago
Cianfarani confirming right relationship with most neighbours with Pillay. Says trailer stuck out. #MillardSmich

Mark Carcasole ‏@MarkCarcGlobal 2m2 minutes ago
Pillay asks if The trailer was out in the open? Anyone could see it anywhere on the street? Cianfarani replies "correct." #MillardSmich

Mark Carcasole ‏@MarkCarcGlobal 2m2 minutes ago
Cianfarani tells Pillay he didn't call police till he saw reporter's photos. #MillardSmich

Mark Carcasole ‏@MarkCarcGlobal 2m2 minutes ago
No further questions for Cianfarani. #MillardSmich
I feel sick when I read about his behaviour in court. Literally chills go up my spine.....he just doesn't care or have any sense of remorse. And I know those who think he wasn't involved will say he's just being his friendly old genuine self.....but a typical person (even innocent) would have SOME flipping compassion for the widow of the victim. Because we can all agree that TB was a victim.

I've said the same so many times. Normal people agree. You know, people with hearts and souls. This man is pure poison.
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