Bosma Murder Trial 03.07.16 - Day 20

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FYI: I'm going to make up a witness list based on witnesses who have given testimony thus far. HTH.
I agree that at this point there is little evidence against Smich. I think that video of the two of them firing up the eliminator is going to be the piece of evidence that ties all the smaller pieces together. The video puts him with Millard immediately after the crime. His cell phone records put him with Millard all evening.

Interesting thing however is that, assuming this video evidence comes from the DVR in CN's bedroom, LE arrested and charged SM with 1st M before they actually had the video. So you would think there was some other piece of evidence that solidly put SM there at the time of the murder
Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 3m3 minutes ago
Dungey: if the driver shoots Mr. Bosma and window is smashed, could it go to theory driver is shooter? Suggests bullet through neck.[/B]

Some thoughts on this...

1. Thomas Dungey is representing MS. So far, IIRC, not a single person has even speculated out loud, where (on his person) Tim was shot. Until now. And that information comes from MS's defense lawyer. So the question begs - did MS tell him that's where DM shot Tim? Or is he simply allowed to speculate out loud like that to sway the jury?

2. With all the testimony and evidence about blood spatter, testing, pics, etc. it's not been mentioned once that any blood was found on the broken passenger side window. You would think if there was blood found, it would have been mentioned (since they mentioned blood literally all over the truck - either from spatter or altered due to clean up attempts). Front dash, doors, cup holder, back seat, undercarriage, bed of the truck, side of the truck, taillight, etc. Absolutely nothing about the window.

I just have to wonder if, DM did actually shoot him in the neck and the impact of a shot at such close range caused Tim to jerk away toward the window and his head is what broke the glass? I wondered if that were even possible so I googled it, and sure enough, there's a youtube video of a drunk guy breaking a car door window with his head.

It still doesn't explain the lack of blood on the window, or the lack of information if there was actually blood on the window. Dungey's neck mention however, really makes me curious if that isn't what MS told him.
I've been struggling with the whole window thing. My instincts are telling me that it was broken after the fact, maybe when they were stripping the seats etc. from inside the vehicle. No way they would have been able to clean blood off of that window after it had been shot like that. MOO

Reading your comment made me think of something. Aren't we just assuming the window was rolled up when he was allegedly shot? What if it was partially rolled down? They could have removed the piece that was sticking up while removing the car seats, carpet, etc. The glass that had blood spatter on it could have been burned / thrown out.

ETA: They also may not have been able to roll the window up in order to remove it all because it was stuck.
Lots of questions about the window. Personally, I think they cleared as much of the window as they could out of frame while on the road that night and the rest was either rolled down or perhaps was already rolled down? Is it possible that the window was slightly open when they were on the test drive? And after it shattered, it would not roll up or down so they just pulled or pushed as much of the rest of it out of the window frame as they could? All the glass was attached to a tint film so this would not have made the glass go all over the place.

I was looking at the cell phone exhibit over the weekend. One thing that stood out to me was the fact that DM's phone pinged off the Rogers tower closest to Kemira Water Solutions on Oak Park at 9:44pm. At 10:02pm, TB's phone powered down and was found there. They had to have stopped there for at least 15 minutes to do something, which also resulted in the phone being tossed over the fence. Perhaps this was when they may have been removing the shattered glass? And they could have pushed it all into the truck instead of outside of the truck which would explain why none was found in any obvious locations?

Reading your comment made me think of something. Aren't we just assuming the window was rolled up when he was allegedly shot? What if it was partially rolled down? They could have removed the piece that was sticking up while removing the car seats, carpet, etc. The glass that had blood spatter on it could have been burned / thrown out.

ETA: They also may not have been able to roll the window up in order to remove it all because it was stuck.

My thoughts as well as you can see in my post above. ^^
Lots of questions about the window. Personally, I think they pulled as much of the window as they could out of frame while on the road that night and the rest was either rolled down or perhaps was already rolled down? Is it possible that the window was slightly open when they were on the test drive? And after it shattered, it would not roll up or down so they just pulled or pushed as much of the rest of it out of the window frame as they could? All the glass was attached to a tint film so this would not have made the glass go all over the place.

I was looking at the cell phone exhibit over the weekend. One thing that stood out to me was the fact that DM's phone pinged off the Rogers tower closest to Kemira Water Solutions on Oak Park at 9:44pm. At 10:02pm, TB's phone powered down and was found there. They had to have stopped there for at least 15 minutes to do something, which also resulted in the phone being tossed over the fence. Perhaps this was when they may have been removing the shattered glass? And they could have pushed it all into the truck instead of outside of the truck which would explain why none was found in any obvious locations?


Tossed it into the bed of the truck and later dumped it into the fire while burning the front seats from Tim's truck?
I might be confused .... Q: Are we expecting to see two videos at the hangar taken the night TB was abducted and cremated?

I am thinking there is an airport surveillance camera & and one from within the hangar that was stashed in CN's bedroom? I Understand the bookkeeper's husband, who does computer networking and surveillance work, is set to testify, as well as a forensic analyst.
Yes, you would certain think so. I think it's pretty obvious at this point (to the jury) that these two were with Tim in that truck. In that I think the Crown has already provided reasonable evidence of it.

I'm no defense lawyer but it would seem the best they can do is just point fingers at each other now?

To me, if I was a juror, I would take the finger pointing as an admission that each is saying yes my client was there but the other guy did it. This to me makes is seem like the line of questioning is implicating each of the accused I would as a juror be even more inclined to find BOTH guilty of 1st degree murder.
Tossed it into the bed of the truck and later dumped it into the fire while burning the front seats from Tim's truck?

The glass? I was thinking they pushed it back into the passenger side of the truck and there may have been some on the seat when they burned it. I believe some glass was found in the burn area? Have we seen any evidence pictures of everything found in this area? Has the jury? :waitasec:

The glass? I was thinking they pushed it back into the passenger side of the truck and there may have been some on the seat when they burned it. I believe some glass was found in the burn area? Have we seen any evidence pictures of everything found in this area? Has the jury? :waitasec:


I don't think they've shown pics of the debris found in the burnt spots in the corn field, but we have heard testimony about the kinds of things found in there. Glass was one of those things.
[video=twitter;706982023831887872][/video] :(
To me, if I was a juror, I would take the finger pointing as an admission that each is saying yes my client was there but the other guy did it. This to me makes is seem like the line of questioning is implicating each of the accused I would as a juror be even more inclined to find BOTH guilty of 1st degree murder.

I suppose we're going to have to wait until it's the defense's turn to make their case(s) but so far, it sure doesn't sound like either of them is denying their clients were there, in that truck.
Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 31s31 seconds ago
Agrees it's possible for a casing "to go flying to the back."

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 18s18 seconds ago
#Smich lawyer Dungey now q's about why expert didn't make a note when he noticed the gun casing. Says his job was blood spatter analysis

Just thinking that if I were MS, and I knew DM was going to fire on TB, I would not want to be in the back of Tim's truck, knowing that shell casings would be flying in my direction, or there might be bullets bouncing off something, and flying into the back seat. Also, there would be the possibility that in a struggle, the gun could be fired in any direction. My guess is that he knew what was going to happen, and exited the truck with the excuse that he had to relieve himself. This would also have been a good excuse to drive off the road, into the lane, and around behind the hay bales. Of course if DM was in charge, and holding the gun, he might have made MS film it, or take a shot himself. IMO
I have a feeling that the glass shattered but stayed in a sheet. Safety glass does this, and if Tims truck had tinted windows, it definitely wouldn't break. I think that is why they drove off in to the countryside, to dispose of the glass. Then they came back and were videotaped along the logical route.

I beg to differ here. Side windows DO smash. I know this as my pass side window is currently sitting all over my truck in the form of tiny little cubes. The windshield will spider Crack and has shatter resistant glass. Very small tree hit my truck, windshield stayed intact looks like 3 rocks were thrown at it), pass window..not so lucky. And yes, all my windows were tinted black.

ETA: the weather strip/molding of the window would have stopped the blood from going down into the door panels. We'll majority of it, depends on how good of shape they were in.
[video=twitter;706982023831887872][/video] :(

:eek: WOW! A lot of blood found in the bed of TB's truck and also on the front passenger side fender. Perhaps you're right Kamille. When they pulled over near Kemira for approximately 15 minutes, the perps did some moving and clean up. Looks like they transferred TB to the bed of his truck doesn't it? All that blood. MOO.
If anyone has ever noticed, the majority of DM's photos show him with a closed mouth smile, where he's not showing his teeth, more so in his his late teen to early 20s. I posted a couple photos the other day of DM in his younger years of him smiling, showing his teeth.

I stole this from weekend 5 page 7,

If you look at images of DM during his arrest it appears that the left side of his face is drooping? i've noticed this in other images as well.

Does he have a medical issue, Cranial nerve disorder ? Or is it a mannerism?

Napper505 :),48/

edited post and added link
what about all the Kleinburg neighbors..3 other truck owners, paint shop guy..2 people that found Tim's phone

Good catches. BBM -

Clark Kingswood was witness number five. He had been working as a contractor at the Brantford company Kemira, mowing the lawn when he discovered a cellphone by its fence. “It was covered with a bit of dirt and a bird dropping as well,” he told the court. “It would have interfered with lawn cutting so I stopped the lawn mower.”

When he’d finished his work, he handed the phone over to Liz Rozwell, who was then the production manager at the company. “I cleaned it up,” she explained. Then, since she wasn’t familiar with Samsung phones, she got someone to help her plug it in and turn it on. “There was a whole bunch of dinging.”
:eek: WOW! A lot of blood found in the bed of TB's truck and also on the front passenger side fender. Perhaps you're right Kamille. When they pulled over near Kemira for approximately 15 minutes, the perps did some moving and clean up. Looks like they transferred TB to the bed of his truck doesn't it? All that blood. MOO.

If they transferred him to the bed of the truck in Brantford..I wonder if there is any video then to back this up? Surveillance cameras that show something in the back of the truck somewhere from Brantford to Ayr?
My daughter and I were looking at the picture of the back of the truck, it almost looks like there is void on the right side. moo
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