Bosma Murder Trial 04.07.16 - Day 32

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It was an emotional week of testimony, and it has left me, and probably many others here too, feeling exhausted as we await what's to come next week.

My mind and emotions are all over the place tonight, but one thing I do know, everyone here, whether or not in agreement on all the aspects of the trial, the lawyers, the accused, the witnesses and/or their testimony, or interpretations of evidence, are all great people - and smart and insightful too - and we all want justice for TB in the end. I'm sure everyone of us can agree upon that! :)


All MOO.
I've lost track since I left work, is the court done for the day now ?

Has MH finished on the stand...or will he be coming back ??
It may be difficult for a witness to express his/her personal feelings about the accused. I have testified in court before, and was coached by the prosecution to only answer the questions posed to me (i.e. don't add in anything extra - if yes/no is sufficient, don't expound). We may have had a better indication of MH's feelings if DM's lawyer didn't shut it down.

This reminded me of my own experience testifying (and part of why I've never closely followed a court case before).

Completely different situation (assault case, my own grandmother was the victim and I witnessed the entire thing) and the piece of human trash that did it, had a lawyer that was as vile as he was. I was only 17 but because I was the only one that witnessed the entire thing, I was the first one called to testify. (the cop who witnessed part of it was called after me) I was absolutely terrified. His lawyer started making all kinds of innuendo that I was lying or embellishing and it really really ticked me off. I mouthed off a few times and the judge had to have words with me (although I can't remember what he said, it was basically: keep your cool and just answer the questions). Of course I didn't realize it at the time but it was the creep's lawyer's JOB to make me look like an unreliable witness. It completely backfired though because eventually I just started crying and looked at the judge and said "he HIT my grandma and I watched him do it!" (I still feel like crying just thinking about it). In case anyone was wondering, he was found guilty, as he should have been and did some jail time.

Point being, unless you've testified in court or faced a defense attorney trying to make you look like scum (to get his or her scum client off), it's hard to understand or even explain how it feels up there on the stand. While I'm a HUGE proponent of a civilized justice system, it's pretty darn intimidating even when you're being 100% honest. I'm pretty sure this is part of why I feel sorry for MH. I do think he's trying to do the right thing now and this case is so dead serious, I can't even imagine what he's feeling.
It was an emotional week of testimony, and it has left me, and probably many others here too, feeling exhausted as we await what's to come next week.

My mind and emotions are all over the place tonight, but one thing I do know, everyone here, whether or not in agreement on all the aspects of the trial, the lawyers, the accused, the witnesses and/or their testimony, or interpretations of evidence, are all great people - and smart and insightful too - and we all want justice for TB in the end. I'm sure everyone of us can agree upon that! :)


All MOO.

Indeed, justice for the Bosma family is something I think we can ALL agree on!
And I probably would have taken at least a few deep breaths! :shame:

No shame in enjoying the smell of fresh cut bud. Some hate it, some love it, God made it... so, it is what it is. (and no, I'm not a pot smoker but the scent of fresh, not the smoke, smells pretty amazing to me).
My opinion is that TD, who has a great deal of experience reading people, is right, and the kid is crying for himself, because he and his family are suffering so much humiliation. I hope they do charge him with something. I think he is still lying to some extent. I do not have much sympathy for these friends of DM's and MS's at all. In fact, I really have none. They made choices to enter into criminal behaviour and now they are just trying to do damage control and protect themselves. If they had not been caught, probably none of them ever would have talked. IMO

Agreed. And had DM and MS not been caught, can we only imagine what these goons would be up to today? These guys were at an age where they knew what they were doing was morally and legally wrong and it wasn't all just for shitz and gigs. Their little "adventures" or "missions" were stealing expensive property, not just Gnome lawn ornaments or planters. Personally, I have no sympathy for any of them. What I see from TD treating MH on the stand is comparable to any decent, but upset father who found out his son had committed these illegal acts and questioning him to make him own up to his irresponsible and deliberate bad behaviour. Maybe this is why MH is snivelling; it's the first time in his life he's ever been spoken to in such an authoritative way, and being made responsible for owning up to what he has done. MOO.
I still find it really odd that Millard didn't just dump the gun when the heat was on him, I don't get it ? I'm sure that this has been discussed by you all, but what are the theories on this ?
I still find it really odd that Millard didn't just dump the gun when the heat was on him, I don't get it ? I'm sure that this has been discussed by you all, but what are the theories on this ?

Here is a start.

"Psychopathy is among the most difficult disorders to spot. The psychopath can appear normal, even charming. Underneath, they lack conscience and empathy, making them manipulative, volatile and often (but by no means always) criminal."

Why did he hide the truck at his mom's? Why not get rid of it?

I'm about halfway through reading on today's thread, sorry if this has come up today. Speaking of the Bobcats, IIRC it was Arnie who discovered there was another Bobcat in DM's possession. Wonder if this one was stolen also and will be brought out during testimony. One sitting in the yard at Maplegate and then the one taken from the farmland.

You have a good memory Swedie ..... yes there were two different Bobcats , an older one hauled away from the farm plus another at the Maplegate yard with the caterpillar-type tracks instead of wheels.

Interesting some of the the "stolen goods" info comes from witnesses .... I wonder how much effort police are putting into it .... my pet question has always been the woodchipper , an identical one was stolen in Oakville ..... and why would DM want one .... and did he come to the conclusion the incinerator would be better.

At least we now know the early suggestions about chop-shops and stolen vehicles was not far off the mark. I hope they keep peeling the onion back so we hear the rest of the story.
Here is a start.

"Psychopathy is among the most difficult disorders to spot. The psychopath can appear normal, even charming. Underneath, they lack conscience and empathy, making them manipulative, volatile and often (but by no means always) criminal."

Why did he hide the truck at his mom's? Why not get rid of it?


IMO... She's always been his enabler! Funny how she was there the night WM died too. Funny how she had access to both him in jail and CN outside of jail. Funny how LW2 got a $10,000 bonus from her! MOO
You have a good memory Swedie ..... yes there were two different Bobcats , an older one hauled away from the farm plus another at the Maplegate yard with the caterpillar-type tracks instead of wheels.

Interesting some of the the "stolen goods" info comes from witnesses .... I wonder how much effort police are putting into it .... my pet question has always been the woodchipper , an identical one was stolen in Oakville ..... and why would DM want one .... and did he come to the conclusion the incinerator would be better.

At least we now know the early suggestions about chop-shops and stolen vehicles was not far off the mark. I hope they keep peeling the onion back so we hear the rest of the story.

He had many things that didn't fit the DM toy want list.

Cement polisher, or something like that
Maple trees
Riding Lawn mowers ..... two of them. Didn't get them, but was planning to.

If the wood-chipper was on a trailer, and was an easy grab, I wouldn't put much thought into it being used for evil things. The Eliminator seemed to be on DM's mind for some time. When the homemade one didn't work out, he needed to go big.
You have a good memory Swedie ..... yes there were two different Bobcats , an older one hauled away from the farm plus another at the Maplegate yard with the caterpillar-type tracks instead of wheels.

Interesting some of the the "stolen goods" info comes from witnesses .... I wonder how much effort police are putting into it .... my pet question has always been the woodchipper , an identical one was stolen in Oakville ..... and why would DM want one .... and did he come to the conclusion the incinerator would be better.

At least we now know the early suggestions about chop-shops and stolen vehicles was not far off the mark. I hope they keep peeling the onion back so we hear the rest of the story.
IMO... She's always been his enabler! Funny how she was there the night WM died too. Funny how she had access to both him in jail and CN outside of jail. Funny how LW2 got a $10,000 bonus from her! MOO

I hope you're wrong. For the right reasons of course.

It does raise questions .......:twocents:
He had many things that didn't fit the DM toy want list.

Cement polisher, or something like that
Maple trees
Riding Lawn mowers ..... two of them. Didn't get them, but was planning to.

If the wood-chipper was on a trailer, and was an easy grab, I wouldn't put much thought into it being used for evil things. The Eliminator seemed to be on DM's mind for some time. When the homemade one didn't work out, he needed to go big.
I'm pretty sure the maple trees text was a cover and the real target that night was the construction equipment. They never stole any trees. That's how I interpreted the testimony anyway. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
I do agree with you on the wood-chipper...likely just an easy score
And some young, stupid kid that made some really horrible choices a few years ago is probably now quite understandably humiliated to have all his past transgressions exposed in court. Yes I know he's an adult now but the point is, HE isn't the one on trial. Nor did he have a thing to do with the horrifying crime that ripped Tim out of this world, aside from being dumb enough to think DM was actually his friend. When a grown man is bawling on the witness stand for his unwitting part after the fact, it seems rather cold hearted to mock him for it.

But that's just my opinion.

At the very least, it doesn't present a very positive image of the court system as a foundation of fairness and civility. Makes it seem rather bush league.
Here is a start.

"Psychopathy is among the most difficult disorders to spot. The psychopath can appear normal, even charming. Underneath, they lack conscience and empathy, making them manipulative, volatile and often (but by no means always) criminal."

Why did he hide the truck at his mom's? Why not get rid of it?


Point taken Inspector, but stealing the truck was part of the plan it seems... I mean if he really wanted to keep the gun, why give it to someone, why not hide it ? Of course none of us really knows the answer to these questions although it may become clearer when further evidence is brought to the court, particularly the testimony from AM, CN and MM. I think your implication is probably correct, that Millard is probably a psychopath. Not quite sure what to make of Smich, oh I certainly believe, at this point, that he too is guilty of murder, he may be a dodgy but not too bright bloke who has been manipulated.....still guilty though.

I'm pretty sure the maple trees text was a cover and the real target that night was the construction equipment. They never stole any trees. That's how I interpreted the testimony anyway. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
I do agree with you on the wood-chipper...likely just an easy score

That is exactly how I understood it too.
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