Bosma Murder Trial 04.13.16 - Day 34

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I don't know how to take snips from the video. When the Yukon passes by the camera, you can see MS has a black hoodie on. When they are leaving and MS has window down and pass camera.

ETA: unless I'm completely color blind, that looks black to me!

MS also looks Baby faced Clean shaven/d. Yes shirt or hoodie looks black or dark blue. Maybe wearing white rimmed sunglasses, I dunno.

Michalski said DM needed the truck, but he didn't need to steal the truck. JMO.

Thank you billandrew! I missed that important nuance which you explained very clearly for me.

Thank you, mozzagirl, as well! I'll go back to edit my reply to mozzagirl to put an end to any continuing confusion for others.

All MOO.
With regards to the hangar video...I'm of the belief that it is MS in his signature hoodie. The head is way too small for the body otherwise. MOO

I REALLY HOPE, that I don't EVER get implicated on a murder.....based on what I WEAR! I live in a hoodie, black or grey! Good thing I wasn't in that area on May 6th!!
I am not arguing there was no struggle. I am arguing that the post actions show they were ready to dispose of the victim. Which to me suggests premeditation. I have been saying all along that killing him in the truck was not planned.

I didn't expect to hear "Just swell. Marlena's a child and worries too easily." He didn't seemed rattled like I would assume a normal armed robber would respond when just finished murdering someone by mistake and cremating them.


I don't think there is enough here that suggests they were planning a cremation beyond a reasonable doubt. The thing had been purchased almost a year prior and the fact that it existed is not enough to prove premeditation to use it on that night. We don't know enough about why he wanted the generator either. It was a multi-use item and there are too many alternative possibilities. When you own a crematorium (!) it is going to be a natural thought if you suddenly find yourself with a body to dispose of. Also, there is that delay where it has been hypothesized that they went for propane, which is of course completely speculative, but interesting nonetheless. And so little of what they do seems to make sense anyway. They had two vehicles available to tow the Eliminator that night, and they choose the hot truck to haul the bizarre thing down the road rather than the Yukon. Why? Maybe because the guy sociopathic enough to not freak out about what had just happened and continue to drive the truck and the guy skilled enough to drive hauling a trailer were the same guy. Both the things that happened and the things that didn't happen in all the evidence thus far strongly suggest an armed robbery gone wrong IMO.
He cared more about his dog than he did TB. Total psychopath. IMO

MB had the trailer in her driveway and was at DM's house to get the dog, did she tell anyone about the trailer? Perhaps DM gets in honestly JMO
bbm Yes, I agree, and I posted this earlier this afternoon.

I am not convinced by AM's testimony on just what was said in the phone call between himself and MS. It seems to me AM wanted the heat off of himself and on to MS, if anything. As did MH, IMO. I think even more than being loyal to DM, which AM and MH seemed to demonstrate to some degree, IMO, they both were mostly concerned about their own situation and trying to avoid having any serious charges laid against them related to TB's crime, IMO.

All MOO.

Ok sorry this is kind of bugging me. I thought we aren't allowed to suggest someone as having guilt that hasn't been charged? AM didn't do stuff to avoid charges, he didn't escape any charges. LE said a long time ago that AM was cleared of any involvement in the theft and murder. So how can it still be suggested that he did things that LE has totally cleared him of?
Tomorrow, after the requisite legal arguments, AM is back under the Dungey cross examination. Dungey has all night to plan. :findinglink: Based on what we saw today, I'm thinking of all the witnesses so far, AM is likely to be the one to flare back at Dungey.
It's going to be an interesting day tomorrow. I have to work again... but will be catching up on the happenings at the end of the day.
Dungey....:bigfight:Goodman... :tos: then Dungey and AM... :slapfight:

My opinion only
Ok sorry this is kind of bugging me. I thought we aren't allowed to suggest someone as having guilt that hasn't been charged? AM didn't do stuff to avoid charges, he didn't escape any charges. LE said a long time ago that AM was cleared of any involvement in the theft and murder. So how can it still be suggested that he did things that LE has totally cleared him of?

I'm on legal thin ice here, but didn't he help hide drugs and a possible murder weapon?

When people talk about those in the close circle (besides the defendants) being sketchy or having some degree of guilt, I usually assume they mean because DM's little buddies tried to help him cover things up and may be lying on the stand. And of course no one called the police on Tim's behalf. But it's not that anyone thinks they were part of the murder. (Or I don't get that impression.)

There is guilt, and then there is guilt.
I wonder what DM's defense team was so worried about AM saying. MH already brought up other thefts.

Maybe DM stole a gun and AM knows about it? His defence team doesn't seem to argue that he was a thief but this question really seems to have hit a nerve with them.

I noticed how MH was asked by Pillay if he knew DM to be around or have guns. That was never asked of AM by Sachak. Probably because AM knew DM had a gun.

DM solo'd / qualified for both his Fixed-Wing and Helicopter's licence at age 14, on his birthday. It was a well-publicized Millard event. Whether he bothered to maintain his Pilot's qualifications along with such legal or regulatory peculiarities like an annual Pilot physical, certificate of airworthiness, insurance, inspection regimens, etc etc, is another question entirely.

I suspect not.

The minimum age for a pilot's licence in Canada is 17. He did not have a licence when he did those two solo flights. He had a student pilot permit.

Did he continue on to receive a license to fly either a helicoptor or airplane? We've heard nothing about him flying again or continuing his lessons after those 2 solo flights. Except for the couple of flights he took with AM. Which he may have done unlicensed?

Private Pilot Licence Requirements

Student Pilot Permit Age 14 (for solo flight), PPL Application Age 17
Valid Category 1 or 3 Medical Certificate (through CAME)
45 hours of Ground School
Successfully complete (60%) Transport Canada Private Pilot Written Exam
25 Hrs Dual Flight Training Minimum
20 Hrs Solo Flight Training Minimum
Successfully complete Private Pilot Flight Test
Instrument & Navigation Training

My wife asked me this question about the video of when they were picking up MM. Could she have given him a clean shirt and hat?
Maybe that is what she was getting out before getting in back of the Yukon.

Watching the video and time, I am not sure. It's easy and quick to change, thoughts?
Maybe DM stole a gun and AM knows about it? His defence team doesn't seem to argue that he was a thief but this question really seems to have hit a nerve with them.

I noticed how MH was asked by Pillay if he knew DM to be around or have guns. That was never asked of AM by Sachak. Probably because AM knew DM had a gun.


Good thought. Similarly, there must be a reason why the Crown didn't ask Michalski if he knew that DM had a gun. I don't believe it would just slip their mind. Hm.
I'm on legal thin ice here, but didn't he help hide drugs and a possible murder weapon?

When people talk about those in the close circle (besides the defendants) being sketchy or having some degree of guilt, I usually assume they mean because DM's little buddies tried to help him cover things up and may be lying on the stand. And of course no one called the police on Tim's behalf. Buts it's not that anyone thinks they were part of the murder. (Or I don't get that impression.)

There is guilt, and then there is guilt.

This has been suggested.....I believe that is what the original poster is referring to.....MOO
MB had the trailer in her driveway and was at DM's house to get the dog, did she tell anyone about the trailer? Perhaps DM gets in honestly JMO
lol Had to reread those tweets a few times. So MB and CN were together fetching DM's dog the day after DM was arrested? First of all, I didn't realize that MB and CN were that close. Wonder if MB asked CN about the trailer that was in her driveway or if CN told MB that she was with DM when they dropped the trailer off. This is all more than interesting. I'm surprised that MB hasn't been charged with obstructing justice. IMHO
I don't think there is enough here that suggests they were planning a cremation beyond a reasonable doubt. The thing had been purchased almost a year prior and the fact that it existed is not enough to prove premeditation to use it on that night. We don't know enough about why he wanted the generator either. It was a multi-use item and there are too many alternative possibilities. When you own a crematorium (!) it is going to be a natural thought if you suddenly find yourself with a body to dispose of. Also, there is that delay where it has been hypothesized that they went for propane, which is of course completely speculative, but interesting nonetheless. And so little of what they do seems to make sense anyway. They had two vehicles available to tow the Eliminator that night, and they choose the hot truck to haul the bizarre thing down the road rather than the Yukon. Why? Maybe because the guy sociopathic enough to not freak out about what had just happened and continue to drive the truck and the guy skilled enough to drive hauling a trailer were the same guy. Both the things that happened and the things that didn't happen in all the evidence thus far strongly suggest an armed robbery gone wrong IMO.

I said, suggested premeditation. All the evidence is not in, and by the lack of aggressiveness by the crown, I believe it's coming.
Good thought. Similarly, there must be a reason why the Crown didn't ask Michalski if he knew that DM had a gun. I don't believe it would just slip their mind. Hm.

Would that be a leading question for the Crown to ask that?
I haven't caught up fully on the thread so sorry if someone has already responded to this.

Those are not the same at all. Two different statements about different topics.

Yesterday, AM said that DM didn't need to steal a truck because he assumed DM could afford to buy one.

Today, Sachak suggested DM just wanted a truck like the ones in the kijiji ads (I guess saying he was looking at ads and daydreaming but had no need for one at the time) and AM corrected him to say no, DM needed a truck like one of those.

Completely different.

"I need a car to get to work"...yes
"I need to steal a car to get to work"

ETA - I see billandrew beat me to this
My feeling is that the core criminals, the core group operating on the thefts, was DM, MS and SS.

DM was the ideas guy and he set the tasks and promised reward. While DM was active in the thefts he directed, he needed a hand, and that was MS. Finally, it was extremely important for DM to have a mechanic in his pocket to get rid of pesky GPS trackers and swap VINs: SS.

Without any one of these three, the thefts would not be successful. Each makes a unique contribution.

MH and AM however have no special skills or roles so they are lookouts and patsies who cover for DM when DM leans on their long friendships.

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