Bosma Murder Trial 04.25.16 - Day 39

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If it's true that Meneses never mentioned the happy/celebratory vibe in the truck until April 2016, that is kind of significant IMO. By this point she's completely over Smich, has another boyfriend, and has been watching the progression of the trial for two and a half months. The statement is highly incriminating for both DM and MS because it shows that neither of them were phased by the fact that somebody was just killed and cremated. IMO it is fair for the defence to press her hard on this.
Exactly. Their conversations are out in the open. On the 5th she is with Smich ,Millard and AM and they are having a discussion about this mission. Do you honestly believe none of them actually asked how they were going to steal the truck whilst on a test drive? And are we honestly to believe that the only thing MM heard was that they were going to steal a truck? How many missions had Smich been on before? Did she ever beg him not to go? Why?

My gut feeling is she overheard and deduced a lot more than she is owning up to. At the time, I believe she was hanging on to what she considered a 'fun' lifestyle - free of parental control; lots of free weed and fun times; and visions of a loving husband, picket fence, and children. A selfish and very foolish teenager, I guess. Now she is being taken to task for those decisions.
I'm not talking about her protecting herself from prosecution. I'm talking about her, or any of them, protecting themselves from the public stigma of having knowingly watched as TBs life was taken.

Well that's a little rich. I really don't think she knew that they intended to kill.
molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 11s12 seconds ago
Smich apologized said his phone was dead. #Bosma

Well, at least we did find out it was a dead battery. And turning it back on an hour after getting home was most likely because it had charged enough to get all the messages.

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 53s53 seconds ago
Sachak says there's no reference in this statement to them being happy or wanting to celebrate. "Not on this page," she says. #Bosma

Shannon Martin ‏@ShannonMartinTV 56s57 seconds ago Mississauga, Ontario
Millard lawyer reads Meneses police statement, focusing in on if she ever told police about Smich and Millard being happy the morning after

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 27s28 seconds ago
Sachak goes to another page. says here essentially she's explaining why Mark would participate in a theft. (Needed $). #Bosma

Colin Butler ‏@ColinButlerCBC 25s26 seconds ago
Jury back. Marlena Meneses is reading from a statement she gave to police about why Smich was involved in a theft. #Bosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 12s13 seconds ago
She agrees, that's what she was telling them. #Bosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 50s50 seconds ago
Police asked her how much Dell would pay him. She said he didn't even get "all" the money. #Bosma
In her statement, she says Smich isn't good at saving money, and that Millard was "bribing" him, Sachak says. Meneses agrees.
by Adam Carter 11:48 AM

"In essence, Mark is doing this for money, and you considered that to be a bribe." Sachak says. Meneses agrees.
by Adam Carter 11:49 AM

She says in the statement that after May 6, Millard seemed happy with having a new vehicle.
by Adam Carter 11:51 AM
molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 38s38 seconds ago
Now another page. Here She says Dell "seemed very happy he got a new car." #Bosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 30s31 seconds ago
"I thought like when people are really happy they give things away." #Bosma

Colin Butler ‏@ColinButlerCBC 22s23 seconds ago
Marlena Meneses told police Millard gave Smich $300 for stealing the #Bosma truck and other odd jobs.

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 42s43 seconds ago
"I thought maybe Dell was going to give Mark a lot of money for being by his side type of thing." #Bosma

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 42s42 seconds ago
Meneses: #Millard seemed happy to have a new truck. "You could just tell they were happy. they were like jumping up and down in their seats.

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 32s32 seconds ago
She says they were laughing, bopping up and down in their seats. "they were hyper," Sachak says. She agrees. #Bosma
Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 37s37 seconds ago
"laughing and stuff too." What were they laughing about? I don't know I just got into the car. I wasn't paying attn to them. "

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 34s34 seconds ago
Meneses says she wasn't paying attention to them when she got in, but said it was very clear they were happy. #Bosma

Alex Pierson ‏@AlexpiersonAMP 30s30 seconds ago
Sachak presses Meneses on behaviour may 7th. MM says;"they were laughing. Jumping up and down in their seats" @AM900CHML

Colin Butler ‏@ColinButlerCBC 11s11 seconds ago
She says the morning after #Bosma vanished Millard and Smich were laughing, "bopping up and down" "you could clearly tell they were happy"

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 41s42 seconds ago
She said they were laughing. Sachak asks why. "They didn't tell me," she says. "do you really think they were going to tell me?" #Bosma

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 46s47 seconds ago
"They were clearly happy. They didn't tell me anything. Did you think they would say why they were happy?" Meneses bristles.
"You can just tell they were happy ... they were like jumping up and down, bopping up and down in their seats, all excited." Meneses says. Sachak says they were "hyper" and "agitated."
by Adam Carter 11:51 AM

"You really think they were going to say anything about the reason they were happy for?" Meneses says.
by Adam Carter 11:52 AM

Meneses says there was no discussion about any celebration that morning once she got back to Smich's mother's place.
by Adam Carter 11:54 AM
molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 1m1 minute ago
Sachak suggests Dell used to mock her for being so worried about Smich. She agrees. #Bosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 52s53 seconds ago
He suggests that could be why they were laughing but she just doesn't know. She agrees, she doesn't. #Bosma

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 43s44 seconds ago
#Millard would mock Meneses all the time, she says. After they got home Meneses didn't ask anything more of #Smich

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 46s47 seconds ago
Sachak asks if when she and Mark got home if she asked what they were laughing at or how they planned to celebrate. No, she says. #Bosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 20s21 seconds ago
"No discussion of a celebration," Sachak says--or what made them happy. She agrees. #Bosma

Shannon Martin ‏@ShannonMartinTV 29s29 seconds ago Mississauga, Ontario
Millard lawyer: There was no discussion about what made them happy? Meneses: Right #Bosma
molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 38s38 seconds ago
Now another page. Here She says Dell "seemed very happy he got a new car." #Bosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 30s31 seconds ago
"I thought like when people are really happy they give things away." #Bosma

Colin Butler ‏@ColinButlerCBC 22s23 seconds ago
Marlena Meneses told police Millard gave Smich $300 for stealing the #Bosma truck and other odd jobs.

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 42s43 seconds ago
"I thought maybe Dell was going to give Mark a lot of money for being by his side type of thing." #Bosma

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 42s42 seconds ago
Meneses: #Millard seemed happy to have a new truck. "You could just tell they were happy. they were like jumping up and down in their seats.

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 32s32 seconds ago
She says they were laughing, bopping up and down in their seats. "they were hyper," Sachak says. She agrees. #Bosma
IMHO, Sachak is navigating a mine field here- DM giving MS $300 for helping? Add some more manure to the pile! MOO
Well that's a little rich. I really don't think she knew that they intended to kill.

Yeh? Nobody did right? Cause nobody asks, nobody overhears, nobody makes connections when they hear of the Bosma case in the media. All these people are just young carefree scamps, all telling the absolute truth.
molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 34s34 seconds ago
Meneses says she wasn't paying attention to them when she got in, but said it was very clear they were happy. #Bosma

I don't buy that. Something is not passing the smell test. She stayed up all night, called AM, and she was not paying attention?

I'm not talking about her protecting herself from prosecution. I'm talking about her, or any of them, protecting themselves from the public stigma of having knowingly watched as TBs life was taken.

Yes and I believe that they are all being tried in the court of public opinion. How they all conducted themselves and withheld information from LE will be associated with them forever. Most said they did not read papers or watch the news with regards to TB's disappearance. What they may not know is that there are people who read papers and have followed this case and will remember them. I have a friend who lives close to MHs place of employment. She has told his boss that neither she or her family or neighbors will visit the bar/restaurant while he works there.
By May 8, Meneses knew Bosma's truck was at the hangar, Sachak says. Smich told her that.
by Adam Carter 11:55 AM

After May 8, Smich and Meneses went to her sister's house for a couple of weeks. "He just wanted to go there," Meneses says.
by Adam Carter 11:57 AM

By then, "someone had seen that truck" at the hangar, Sachak says. Meneses agrees.
by Adam Carter 11:57 AM
molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 34s34 seconds ago
Meneses says she wasn't paying attention to them when she got in, but said it was very clear they were happy. #Bosma

I don't buy that. Something is not passing the smell test. She stayed up all night, called AM, and she was not paying attention?


Nor can I believe she wasn't interested in whether the celebration would include herself.

Shannon Martin ‏@ShannonMartinTV 3s3 seconds ago Mississauga, Ontario
Millard lawyer: On Wednesday May 8, you knew Bosma's truck was at the hangar? M: Yes #Bosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 1m1 minute ago
Sachak now taking her to Wed May 8, 2013. "You knew Mr #Bosma's truck was at the hangar." She's not sure. Sachak says Smich told her. Yes.

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 58s58 seconds ago
#Smich told Meneses the stolen truck was at the #Millard hangar. She knew it belonged to the still missing #TimBosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 34s34 seconds ago
Sachak: "you knew it was Bosma's and that he was missing. And this truck could very well be at the hangar." She agrees. #Bosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 3m3 minutes ago
Then Smich told her they had to go to her sister's place. She agrees. #Bosma

Shannon Martin ‏@ShannonMartinTV 2m2 minutes ago Mississauga, Ontario
Smich and Meneses went to stay at her sister's house May 8, 2013 #Bosma
molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 2m2 minutes ago
Sachak: "you went there because...the truck was at the hangar."
Meneses says "because someone saw the truck." #Boama

Shannon Martin ‏@ShannonMartinTV 2m2 minutes ago Mississauga, Ontario
Meneses said they went to her sister's place "because someone saw the truck" #Bosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 2m2 minutes ago
Sachak says they were going to live there. Meneses says no they always went to her sister's house. #Bosma

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 2m2 minutes ago
After #Smich learned someone had seen #TimBosma truck at the #Millard hangar, he wanted to stay at Meneses' sister' apt

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 2m2 minutes ago
Sachak asks what the 3 of them did at her sister's place on Wed May 8. She doesn't remember--prob got pizza watched tv played wii. #Bosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 1m1 minute ago
Sachak running through dates. (They stayed at her sister's is his point). She agrees--says people were also staying at Mark's house. #Bosma
Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 3m3 minutes ago
The couple was still at 30 Speers, May 8-19, until the wedding. "There was people staying at Mark's house."

Shannon Martin ‏@ShannonMartinTV 3m3 minutes ago Mississauga, Ontario
Smich and Meneses stayed at her sister's place for nearly 2 weeks #Bosma

Shannon Martin ‏@ShannonMartinTV 3m3 minutes ago Mississauga, Ontario
Millard lawyer: You stayed at your sister's place because Smich wanted to hide from the police? Meneses: Yeah #Bosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 2m2 minutes ago
She says she doesn't want to say anything because she doesn't want to get herself in trouble. Sachak says he knows--

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 2m2 minutes ago
Sachak, something really funny that you're smiling at me? MM-I don't want to say anything to get me in trouble. About you personally, sir.

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 3m3 minutes ago
"No, about you personally sir," she says. Court laughs. #Bosma
Sachak keeps pressing Meneses, and she's pushing back. "I'm not smiling at you, it's just you ... I don't want to say anything right now because I don't want to get myself into trouble." Meneses says. "It's about you personally sir."
by Adam Carter 11:59 AM

One of the reasons Smich wanted to go to her sister's was because of the truck at the hangar, Sachak says. Meneses agrees.
by Adam Carter 12:01 PM

Pillay again asking about Tuesday, May 7. He's asking if there was any talk of a celebration when the two got home, and she says no.
by Adam Carter 12:02 PM
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