Bosma Murder Trial 05.04.16 - Day 45

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The courtroom breaking into laughter at how ludicrous CN's statements were... coupled with CN's own notes showing her intention, and DM's letters implicating himself, what an ending.
Dungey nailed it. CN and DM deserve each other. And prison.
I loveeeee the letters and her notes. Stupid is as stupid does

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Is it because she doesn't know?

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As long as the judge doesn't put a lot of weight on her wiping fingerprints, and little weight on her excuse. There is also all the DNA related to her, which was not shown here.

That is definitely accessory after the fact. MOO
I personally think she's going away for accessory the question is how long? Does a judge see through the weed haze and long list of excuses why she was clueless that is TBD

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Everyone who spent significant amount of time with DM knew of the plans to steal a truck. Yet the only one he says nothing to is his gf whom they are apparently in love and he wants to marry. He spends 6 days a week over nighters and she's that out of the loop. Sounds believable doesn't it

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She spends 5 nights a week sleeping at his house, but yet she hadn't seen him for a week? AJ said DM was sleeping at the hangar regularly by the days just prior to his arrest. CN says she slept with him at Maplegate (for an hour) during the early morning of May 10th. So many different stories, can't keep up.
I still have my theory that her and MB have something to do with the unlatched trailer doors. There is just no way to prove they did

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Yep, otherwise the door would of flown open on their trip to mother Rabbit.

I don't believe LE opened the back door at momma hare's.

I still have my theory that her and MB have something to do with the unlatched trailer doors. There is just no way to prove they did

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I agree. That was my first thought after I heard about wiping the prints. Sooooo are they the reason it opened on the hwy?

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"I don't remember the conversation or how long it was or what was said," Noudga says.
by Adam Carter 12:07 PM

MOO ....... CN don't ask me about a b or c cause I'm not telling
She's already been charged. And with her parents owning a clinic, Im sure she'll be fine. If not, she seems to know how to get what she wants out of rich young men.
Yes. Blackmail apparently

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She's already been charged. And with her parents owning a clinic, Im sure she'll be fine. If not, she seems to know how to get what she wants out of rich young men.

She would still have to be licensed to even work at her parents' clinic. With a criminal record, she won't get a licence in Canada.
I'll be pleading for this. Pleaseeeee. I need to know why she's not up on charges. I'm dying over here. How can she just walk away scott free!

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I suspect the Crown thinks they may not win because some members of a jury could possibly have sympathy towards a mother in her predicament.
I suspect the Crown thinks they may not win because some members of a jury could possibly have sympathy towards a mother in her predicament.
I suppose. Just seems so unfair. I don't care who you are. She tampered with evidence. Conspired with CN. Got letters to DM. So so wrong. I hope she gets karma

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Now that was an exciting morning. Interesting that she's maintaining that MB and her had so much self control that they didn't turn on the TV in their hotel room over that weekend- just didn't want to hear about it? Interesting position to take. MOO

I think we all know why. They wanted to "be free of the hegemony of the Media"... :happydance:

ETA: The last sentence was in reply to MsSherlock's post #144. (Will learn how to do quotes properly as I go along.)
She would still have to be licensed to even work at her parents' clinic. With a criminal record, she won't get a licence in Canada.

Exactly, she threw away all those years of university and the opportunity to go to medical school.....all for Millard! Like the last comment of the day says....they deserve each other!
Long time reader, first time poster here. I think that CNs testimony, or rather DMs letters and CNs notes, did an effective job in proving DMs guilt. At the very least, it highlights the gaps in his/their story and fills it with a lot of question marks. Though I wasn't expecting a full and truthful testimony from this witness, I was hoping that if asked the right questions she might give up more info, like "oh, well why didn't you just ask?...." I underestimated her lack of character.
CN and MB avoiding tv that weekend? I think we all know why: they wanted to "be free of the hegemony of the Media"... :happydance:
I can't wait to follow CN's trial. I wonder what her defence strategy will be? Hmmmm....I didn't know, I didn't ask, sorry I was busy providing sexual favours and I don't recall......

Good thing they chose trial by judge rather than jury. I think a jury would bury her because she's so unlikeable and then again, a judge can see through all the lies and won't be swayed by the "I'm an immigrant and I don't know any better" defence.

She might want to get a new lawyer because whoever is representing her isn't doing her any favours I don't think.


I was understanding that SC tweeted her trial is by judge, therefore we won't see any live blogs?

I hope I'm wrong, but I know I read that somewhere.
Work got in the way of following today but have noticed the new insta pic...appears to be a dark place shown from the bottom. No ladder in sight...SeeEn I mean, CN may just realize she has dug herself a very deep hole with no way out.
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