Bosma Murder Trial 05.17.16 - Day 50

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Yes, imagine how the learned lawyer would feel having the uneducated rapper criminal ridicule him for his ridiculous cross examination questions. I'm sure Mr. S will show up all polished and rested today.

Rapping isn't easy. You need to be good with words and quick on your feet.
DN text to CN : "If things go according to plan, I'll be up all night"

Why up all night? If he was only stealing the truck, why be up all night?

-painting it? He had someone to paint it.

-pull off the VIN and stickers, etc? He had Shane to do it.

-Wipe it down for prints? That wouldn't take all night.

This smells of premeditation.

Hopefully this thread stays open a bit longer .... I have something stuck in my mind what MS said DM said when they pulled over at Bobcat and DM approached him.

(According to Mark) the first thing DM said was ..... I AM TAKING THE TRUCK .... It came across as an announcement , as if he was giving new information to Mark ... and then instructed him to look for the Red Ram plates in the back of the Yukon and put them on the Black truck.

Yeah yeah I know .... he could have rehearsed and prepared to say that before he got on the stand. And again I am guilty of trying to read between the lines for .... WHAT MS DID NOT SAY ...... If he was inventing a story wouldn't he say they pulled over and he was expecting the test drive was over and TB would head home and DM would hop in the Yukon .... yada yada

People inventing fictional excuses usually try to add a bunch of details to make it sound credible but MS didnt even try.

Or he just can't add any details because he's lying and he knows any details he makes up can be questioned and then he would have to go off script. TD gave him a script and he stuck to it like glue. That doesn't mean he's not lying, just that he can follow simple instructions. If he had some details to give, just like he was asked to with the story about burying the gun, it might make his version a tad more believable, so sticking to the script and not elaborating on any details isn't helping him, in my opinion, and it certainly doesn't strengthen his testimony,
I doubt the Bosma's are laughing at MS's smarta$$ remarks. And I'm sure if DM had said it to TD, everyone would be outraged at the arrogance. But that's my opinion only.

I also can't understand why, when CN behaved like that, she became a renowned b****, yet MS is quite the hero???
DN text to CN : "If things go according to plan, I'll be up all night"

Why up all night? If he was only stealing the truck, why be up all night?

-painting it? He had someone to paint it.

-pull off the VIN and stickers, etc? He had Shane to do it.

-Wipe it down for prints? That wouldn't take all night.

This smells of premeditation.

It still fits MS's fiction. They would go test drive, and return in the early morning like they did with other missions (3 - 4 am) and steal the truck. This would account for an all nighter.

Yes, but what would he say? Blond haired, 6 foot generic guy? DM had already gotten away with two murders, IMO, who suspected him in them????

Exactly. How would they ever have found him based on a description of a man. Remember the PB case when everyone was in a frenzy looking for the described vehicle? Without there being a vehicle to help in the description, the world was wide open for finding this generic guy who showed up. It seems like DM didn't understand that LE can go so far as to determine cellphone pinging locations and match them up with other cellphones in the area at same time. It seems that he thought that by using a burner phone which would be discarded after the fact, that he was safe from detection. As it turned out, there were a few ways in which they were going to be caught.. Igor seems to have a photographic memory, being able to ID MS from a police photo lineup, and remembering the tattoo words. He is definitely the hero of the day.
I suspect you're correct on both counts. It doesn't change the fact that the remarks are the (likely) result of Sachak's extremely annoying tactics. It's even been mentioned the judge has apparently grown weary of this.

It also doesn't change the fact that most see DM as an arrogant, self-entitled piece of garbage that used who he wanted, stole what he wanted, and carries on the very next day like nothing matters but his own pleasure. Not only did he come across this way 3 years ago, his current demeanor and conduct in the court still displays this kind of haughty attitude. By contrast, MS doesn't seem to be the same creep he was 3 years ago.

Simply put, most people find DM far more revolting than they do MS.


But, he's to be judged on how he was, and what he did, three years ago, not how he behaves today. The fact that DM is 'far more revolting' is also not a reason to exonerate MS, IMO.
I also can't understand why, when CN behaved like that, she became a renowned b****, yet MS is quite the hero???

I honestly think it has a lot to do with who's asking the questions, as opposed to who's answering them.
I know not the reasoning for anything CN said. I'm not sure if DM through his correspondence with her, may have told her that MS said those words to someone else, and could have encouraged her to say the same, to perhaps add credibility. I can't imagine why MS, even if he did kill TB, would say to DM's girlfriend that he f'd up. In any case, I am simply saying that if given two opposing stories, one from CN and a different one from MS, I *personally* wouldn't give the one from CN any credit after having heard her testimony. That is only my opinion and is based on perceiving her time on the witness stand to have been chock full of bold-faced lies and lies of omission, etc.

But it's easy to know the reasoning for the lies MS told on the stand. We saw their correspondences, she kept them and they were put into evidence. To say maybe MS didn't say that, and maybe DM wrote it in a letter and maybe that was a letter she didn't keep and maybe she lied and said it because DM told her to is a lot of maybes. Maybe MS lied because he needs to in order to fit his story that he regretted not listening to MS, not that he was freaking out and panicking because he himself had ****ed up the mission.

I realize everyone hates CN, but I am certain that whatever lies she might have told on the stand were supported by as much truth as she could tell. She had already heard that two witnesses said MS was freaking out and saying he f'ed up, there is really no incentive for her to risk perjuring herself to say something others already said, it wasn't adding anything new. MS's lie was adding something new, to his benefit alone, and I don't remember MM backing up his version now that I think about it.
Good morning. :smile: Looks like we need help with tweets again today,if you are able that would be greatly appreciated.

Today's trial thread will open shortly.
I wish i knew how. sorry. my computer is acting up like crazy last couple of days just like some others. In the mean time where are the instructions to find out how to do it?
DN text to CN : "If things go according to plan, I'll be up all night"

Why up all night? If he was only stealing the truck, why be up all night?

-painting it? He had someone to paint it.

-pull off the VIN and stickers, etc? He had Shane to do it.

-Wipe it down for prints? That wouldn't take all night.

This smells of premeditation.

If the original plan was to scope it out then wait somewhere until the middle of the night to steal it, that meant they'd be up all night. Sometimes I wonder if shooting TB was just some wicked, last minute decision by DM. I know, it sounds crazy but the thought has crossed my mind.

Hopefully this thread stays open a bit longer .... I have something stuck in my mind what MS said DM said when they pulled over at Bobcat and DM approached him.

(According to Mark) the first thing DM said was ..... I AM TAKING THE TRUCK .... It came across as an announcement , as if he was giving new information to Mark ... and then instructed him to look for the Red Ram plates in the back of the Yukon and put them on the Black truck.

Yeah yeah I know .... he could have rehearsed and prepared to say that before he got on the stand. And again I am guilty of trying to read between the lines for .... WHAT MS DID NOT SAY ...... If he was inventing a story wouldn't he say they pulled over and he was expecting the test drive was over and TB would head home and DM would hop in the Yukon .... yada yada

People inventing fictional excuses usually try to add a bunch of details to make it sound credible but MS didnt even try.

I remain firmly on the fence overall right now, but the "I'm taking the truck." attributed to Dell had and still has a feeling of credibility, a ring of truth. MS could have just lucked out in making up his story but on first hearing it landed hard with a feeling of just being 'right'. That said, I had the opposite reaction to the keys in the cupholder explanation.
I doubt the Bosma's are laughing at MS's smarta$$ remarks. And I'm sure if DM had said it to TD, everyone would be outraged at the arrogance. But that's my opinion only.

Agreed. MS better be careful with this arrogance and bravado. He isn't on trial for stealing a bicycle.
But, he's to be judged on how he was, and what he did, three years ago, not how he behaves today. The fact that DM is 'far more revolting' is also not a reason to exonerate MS, IMO.

Who in the world is exonerating him? I've seen no one do that either.
I honestly think it has a lot to do with who's asking the questions, as opposed to who's answering them.

Well that's a relief because the jurors aren't allowed to pick favourites or nasties from the lawyers.
Good morning. :smile: Looks like we need help with tweets again today,if you are able that would be greatly appreciated.

Today's trial thread will open shortly.

I will take care of Adam's blog as long as I can today. I posted in the Roll Call thread that I have a cable technician coming "between 8 and 5" today so I will have to leave abruptly at some point. If someone can pick up for me while the tech is here, I will try to come back once he/she is done!
I wish i knew how. sorry. my computer is acting up like crazy last couple of days just like some others. In the mean time where are the instructions to find out how to do it?

Thank you. Basically you just copy and paste the tweets as they are posted live. The links are always on the first page.
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