Bosma Murder Trial 05.18.16 - Day 51

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In my mind MS defense team have done a good job creating reasonable doubt

I hope the truth emerges before he steps off the stand. You may be right at this point in time. Still lots of trial left.

Doesn't matter if high beams or not. It is impossible to see into a truck behind you at night because of the lights.

If there is a light on inside the vehicle in front of you, you can't help but see inside. We see people lighting cigarettes from lighters easily enough.

I'm not familiar with guns, so I have to ask; does a gun really make a flash of light at the muzzle when it discharges, or is that only in the movies?
Maybe I am missing something but why are some convinced there is dead time unaccounted for between the Super Sucker video and when they arrived at TB's house? The times seem to line up almost perfectly.

8:46 Yukon passes Super Sucker

8:48 or : 49 The ****s drive by Bosma house to check it out

8:50 - 8:52 turn around and look for place to park; decide on laneway on Book Rd at Bullmann property

Until maybe 8:55 Now that they have seen layout of Bosma property, remote area, low lighting, they take two or three minutes to confirm how it will go down, make sure they have gun hidden, etc...

9:02 complete seven minute walk to TB house. Maybe they saunter a little and it takes them eight minutes.

9:03 or so, start walking up TB's very long driveway. Call TB at 9:05 to they are there and TB comes out of garage.

What am I missing?

The fact that Smich, at least via the tweets, doesn't seem to have testified to anything that would account for a delay. He appears to have said they approached the area, looked for a place to park and then immediately exited the Yukon. "Looked for a place to park" could take up 10 minutes, but it's arguable and I expect Sachak will do just that.
If there is a light on inside the vehicle in front of you, you can't help but see inside. We see people lighting cigarettes from lighters easily enough.

I'm not familiar with guns, so I have to ask; does a gun really make a flash of light at the muzzle when it discharges, or is that only in the movies?

Big flash! It is very noticeable with a handgun in the dark.

Hang on .... I have some more cudos for you .... I had a faint recollection that back in May 2013 someone speculated they stopped where TB's phone was found to change plates on the stolen vehicle .... I had been trying to dig it up and turns out it was you .... another BINGO ... and I reproduce your post below ... you nailed it except the phone was tossed and not fallen out.

Amazing ... I dont believe in ESP but I Do Believe you have it .... haaaa.

May 19 2013 slowsluethy posted ....
my opinion/theory about the phone is this:
one person, either DM or suspect 2, had both phones (batteries pulled) on them, where TB's phone was found is where i believe they stopped the vehicle and got out to do a plate change on TB's truck, DM's plate from his red pickup would have worked perfect, however... during the plate change, they dropped TB's phone by accident, it just fell out their pocket, then they headed to the farm... just a theory i had in my head.**ARREST**&p=9458097#post9458097

do i have any reason to believe MS and his lawyer swiped this for his testimony or is this coincidence... i am tired been up at it all night so pls excuse me if this is just a screwy Question.
So I was in court on Wednesday. It was my first and only time there. First thing that struck me , was how different Mark looked. He looks nothing like his pictures, he looks like a nice clean cut guy. Dellon looks exactly like his pictures.

As the questioning went on, I have decided I will never ever hire NS to be my lawyer. The repeating and repeating of the same question, in a slow almost whinny voice just put me off. I don;t think I was the only one as people seemed to get frustrated with him. He made a bunch of mistakes as well and had to correct himself.

As for the Stephen king thing. What Mark said was people often write about things that are not true just like Stephen king and Dr suess

After siting there all day, all I see is a man who is calm and trying to answer the questions put to him in a way that makes sense to him and everyone else. In the beggining I believed he was so guilty, now not so much. Yes he messed up as a kid and young man. but I don;t think he is a murderer

Perhaps if MS would just answer the question asked, NS would not have to repeat it so many times. I'm sure that contributes to him having some frustrations as well. Many times, MS has just dodged the question by giving a response that doesn't really provide the answer to what was asked. MS is probably enjoying his opportunity to perform. JMO
do i have any reason to believe MS and his lawyer swiped this for his testimony or is this coincidence... i am tired been up at it all night so pls excuse me if this is just a screwy Question.

Funny, the first thing I thought when he pulled up so close to the truck was, gee, he didn't leave much space for changing plates.
Perhaps if MS would just answer the question asked, NS would not have to repeat it so many times. I'm sure that contributes to him having some frustrations as well. Many times, MS has just dodged the question by giving a response that doesn't really provide the answer to what was asked. MS is probably enjoying his opportunity to perform. JMO

MS is definitely taking every opportunity to blame DM in his uncalled for responses. I'm finding that very off-putting. Never once has he said he feels for the Bosmas. IMO
Adam Carter ‏@AdamCarterCBC 1m1 minute ago
Jury now being called in. #TimBosma #Bosma

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