Bosma Murder Trial 05.31.16 - Day 56 - Closing Arguments Begin

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Tim Bosma trial: closing arguments begin
CBC News Posted: May 31, 2016



Live coverage of closing arguments begins at 9:30 a.m. at the trial of the two men accused of murder in the death of Hamilton's Tim Bosma. Tuesday morning Dellen Millard's lawyer Ravin Pillay will deliver his closing statements to the jury.

Last week, the eight-day cross-examination of accused murderer Mark Smich concluded and ended the presentation of all evidence at the trial.

Follow our live coverage starting at 9:30 a.m. ET

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Court now in session. Just waiting on the jury.
by Adam Carter 9:31 AM

The jury is now being called in. Underway in moments.
by Adam Carter 9:32 AM
Let' try to get through Pillay's closing arguments without laughing out loud or gagging in disgust about DM's privileged lifestyle and how he didn't need to steal the truck and certainly didn't kill TB - it was all his side kick's fault - the treacherous Mark. Wouldn't surprise me if Pillay references the jailhouse letters as to DM being "framed".....
Pillay is beginning. He's standing at a lectern, facing the jury.
by Adam Carter 9:34 AM

Pillay says Millard has "put his faith" in the jury being objective. "You are the judges of the facts," Pillay says.
by Adam Carter 9:36 AM

"After his honour has advised you on the law, the fate of my client will pass into your hands," Pillay says, advising them that passing judgement "will not be easy."
by Adam Carter 9:36 AM
I can't even wait to hear Millards defences argue nets..not even sure what they can say.

Best part of closing statements? The end of this chapter will soon be over for them, finally.
"It is your duty to deliver a fair, considered and careful verdict," Pillay says.
by Adam Carter 9:37 AM

Pillay says there is a presumption of innocence, and they must approach these deliberations as such. "It's as if Mr. Millard is enveloped in a cloak of innocence," Pillay says.
by Adam Carter 9:38 AM

He also says that the burden of proving guilt lies with the prosecution. "The defence does not have to prove or establish anything."
by Adam Carter 9:39 AM
Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 1m1 minute ago
My client is enveloped in "a cloak of innocence." This is the presumption of innocence, says Pillay.

BBM - from the magical forest?
"In a criminal trial, a person's freedom is on the line," Pillay says. That's why the prosecution must prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.
by Adam Carter 9:40 AM

Saying the accused "probably" did it is not enough, Pillay says. It has to be beyond reasonable doubt.
by Adam Carter 9:41 AM

"I will argue, the evidence demonstrates beyond question there is no plan to murder for a truck," Pillay says. That allegation of planning is paramount in proving first degree murder.
by Adam Carter 9:42 AM
Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 1m1 minute ago
Pillay says if Crown hasn't proved this was a planned and deliberate murder for a truck. If so, then jury must find accused not guilty.

So this makes me think the judge's instructions to the jury will be 1st degree is based on premeditation and NOT forcible confinement.....assuming the lawyers and judge have hashed this out over the past few days....MOO
Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 1m1 minute ago
Pillay says if Crown hasn't proved this was a planned and deliberate murder for a truck. If so, then jury must find accused not guilty.

So this makes me think the judge's instructions to the jury will be 1st degree is based on premeditation and NOT forcible confinement.....assuming the lawyers and judge have hashed this out over the past few days....MOO

Sounds like it. Unless Pillay is just conveniently skipping over forcible confinement...
Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 1m1 minute ago
My client is enveloped in "a cloak of innocence." This is the presumption of innocence, says Pillay.

BBM - from the magical forest?

I'm surprised Pillay didn't refer to it as the Invisibility cloak. LOL
@AdamCarterCBC Pillay points out they have gone first at trial, and haven't been able to respond to what Dungey says. #TimBosma #Bosma

I know the jury can't judge DM for not taking the stand but since I'm not on the jury I can roll my eyes since they chose not to call evidene.
Pillay points out they have gone first at trial, and haven't been able to respond to what Dungey says.
by Adam Carter 9:43 AM

"In may of 2013 Mark Smich was in desperate need of money. He was plannig to leave to Calgary .. life for him was bleak. Mr. Millard had promised him a cadillac in exchange for the sucessful completion of a theft of a truck." But there was no urgency on Millard's part, Pillay says. "On May 6, he took matters into his own hands. He brought his gun." Millard had no idea, and that's why Millard didn't try to conceal his face."
by Adam Carter 9:46 AM

"It was on the highway that Mr. Smich pulled the gun. He wanted to turn this scoping mission into a robbery." But things went bad, and the gun discharged, killing Bosma, Pillay says.
by Adam Carter 9:46 AM
Everything we know about DM's past about crime and theft, DNA, incinerator, letters, etc makes you just roll your eyes at the thought of Pillay implying DM is innocent.
Pillay says in the aftermath, Millard became "an accessory to Smich's conduct."
by Adam Carter 9:48 AM

Pillay asks the jury to consider what someone planning a murder would do to cover their tracks in terms of a murder weapon, DNA, etc.
by Adam Carter 9:49 AM

"If the Crown were right, and this was a plan to murder, you would see it in the evidence," Pillay says. He says the evidence doesn't show that.
by Adam Carter 9:49 AM
Everything we know about DM's past about crime and theft, DNA, incinerator, letters, etc makes you just roll your eyes at the thought of Pillay implying DM is innocent.

I know. It's laughable to think of DM as innocent.

"If the Crown were right, and this was a plan to murder, you would see it in the evidence," Pillay says. He says the evidence doesn't show that.
by Adam Carter 9:49 AM

Sorry Pillay but it does and it points right at DM.
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