Bosma Murder Trial - Weekend Discussion #15

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It's the weekend, and I have had time to catch up on news. There was a similar situation in Grande Prairie, AB in the past week where two druggies were charged with second degree murder while stealing a pickup truck. Similar in my opinion given that the vehicle was the target and the owner, a young father of 3 children, died during the theft. I have requested a mod to start a thread on the senseless murder of the young father from Abbotsford (Nikkolas Steenhuisen) who was visiting family in Grande Prairie.

I know meth was never mentioned during the entire TB investigation, but given the level of violence, it seems ''odd'' to me that it was just ''pot'' that night. MOO

Like the MS & DM, the two accused ''have done this before'' (photo of some of their booty at link).

That victim was killed trying to recover his stolen truck. He was riding the running board so it was somewhat accidental.
Why do so many people feel someone that is right handed can't take their seat belt off, lean foreword and shoot left handed? In my mind it doesn't seem impossible at all. Not that i think that is what happened, i just feel it is quite possible.

Why do people feel someone who is left handed cannot shoot a gun with their right hand?
I know, right, lol! That's new to me!

Here's what was said. I misspoke when I said it was stated "explicitly." Upon rereading my notes, I see what was stated explicitly was that MS feared the victim's friends coming for him:

Moodie: Pple coming after him. He used a word and i wont repeat it. Did he tell you who those people were form?

Daly: No.

MOodie: Would you like to refresh your memory

Daly: Ok (he says after reading)

The jury is sent out and then returns.

Moodie: Did MS express any concerns about the victim's friends coming to get him?

Daly: Yes

End of re-examination.

Here is Adam Carter's account:

Apr 6 2016 2:14 PM
Assistant Crown Brett Moodie now re-examining.
Adam Carter

Apr 6 2016 2:15 PM
Daly says when he said he didn't know what gun Smich had, he meant the type of gun.
Adam Carter

Apr 6 2016 2:16 PM
Daly says Smich didn't tell him who the people were who were after him or what group they were from. Moodie asks Daly if he'd like to reread his statement.
Adam Carter

Apr 6 2016 2:17 PM
Daly reading from his May 31 police statement. "I assumed that it had been a robbery and that a person's friends -" he says. Dungey objects as to an assumption.
Adam Carter

Apr 6 2016 2:19 PM
Goodman asks the jury to step out. Now going to be a legal argument.
Adam Carter

Apr 6 2016 2:38 PM
Jury now being recalled.
Adam Carter

Apr 6 2016 2:40 PM
"Did Mark Smich present any concerns about the victim's friends coming to get you?" Moodie asks. "Yes," Daly says.
Adam Carter

Apr 6 2016 2:42 PM
Daly is done. The next witness is Matt Hagerman.
After rereading his statement. I doubt he would admit if it was the gun dealers.

Here's what was said. I misspoke when I said it was stated "explicitly." Upon reading my notes, I see what was stated explicitly was that MS feared the victim's friends coming for him:

The jury is sent out and then returns.

End of re-examination.
Reposting a link first shared by OntarioMom:

Smich's story is crazy for sure...but not so crazy it absolutely can't be true.

I don't doubt that there are legitimate reasons for memory loss, but if we were to make excuses for every defendant who testified that they "can't remember" key facts in their cases, then it would be very difficult IMO to convict anyone. Even if an expert did testify about memory loss for MS, wouldn't that be akin to conducting a lie detector test which is inadmissible at trial because of its unreliability? I think the jury will just have to make up their own minds about whether or not they find MS credible overall.

When I evaluate MS's memory loss it seems to me to be too convenient. MS can't and won't admit to anything that implicates him in TB's murder, only the clean up after the fact. I think MS believes that by saying he can't recall events or his own conversations with others or why he said or did or didn't do certain things, that it may make room for reasonable doubt with the jury. MS's memory lapses are hard to disprove, but when I consider the big picture of all MS's testimony and with regard to his memory loss, his story just isn't convincing to me, it's convenient, (i.e. can't recall any details about DM's 50 minute visit with MS on day of DM's arrest, can't recall details at all about gun burial, can't recall telling his mother about not getting the Cadillac once DM was in custody, forgot about or outright lied about sending a text to AM asking him to bring "the thing" (gun/s) from MH to him, can't recall details of the one time he abused MM, can't recall details about his own criminal record, can't recall whether he or DM penned the .380 gun lyrics, can't recall what happened to his red hoodie, can't recall speaking to CN although both MM and CN testified that MS did speak to her after DM's arrest! etc.)

I think we each seem to define reasonable doubt a bit differently and perhaps the threshold for it is more flexible for some and more stringent for others.

All MOO.
ABro, I have a question for you... not sure if you will be able to answer it, but if you can, please tell us, after being there in court for all of the numerous legal arguments, and other preliminary things like the pretrial motions, hearing all of the stuff the jury will not hear.. do you believe that you have a very clear picture of what happened, and whodunnit, who should be convicted of which crime(s)? And do you feel like the jury has enough to know what happened and judge them without knowing all of the stuff they won't know about?

You're right. I can't really answer. How about we talk about it once this all wraps up?
I think the inconsistencies in MH's and AM's stories speak to the truthfulness of their testimony. It's when stories line up too perfectly that there's a problem.

MH said AM told him Dellen would have wanted ithe toolbox to go to Smich. AM said he did what Smich wanted. Dellen didn't figure in the decision.

Personally, I didn't think either guy was lying in court. I just think they were so panicked and shocked that it's hardly surprising they came out with different incompatible versions.

MH also struck me as way more sophisticated than AM whereas AM IMO took more responsibility for his actions.

Frankly, I think both these guys are done with missions forever. Being hauled in and out of court for years, as they may very well be, is not easy.

I have swampland in florida for sale.
I've read your logical thinking. Just want to suggest it is not the MS you hear speak today that is being tried, it is the personality he was three years ago. I agree with ABro's points. I especially think they were both trying to get away with murder and only when the heat got on them did they go into panic mode. Had LE not gotten them, I no doubt believe MS and DM would have already committed more crimes by now. They had a plan to "build some empires."

Prison hardens .
I've read your logical thinking. Just want to suggest it is not the MS you hear speak today that is being tried, it is the personality he was three years ago. I agree with ABro's points. I especially think they were both trying to get away with murder and only when the heat got on them did they go into panic mode. Had LE not gotten them, I no doubt believe MS and DM would have already committed more crimes by now. They had a plan to "build some empires."

Nobody gets caught the first time.
One good thing about MS testifying is that now we know from him that he was at the scene of the murder (or within minutes after depending on what one believes) and he was at the farm and the hangar to clean up and he did receive a gun which he later buried. So MS being on the stand corroborated other witness testimony in some instances. For me, who is admittedly suspicious of all those close to MS and DM, that is helpful because I was so often unsure of who or what to believe. So with MS's testimony at the very least he places himself in the action or very near to it, whether or not he's tailoring some of his evidence according to what has already been stated by others in court.

And by MS choosing to testify it also made DM feel compelled to tell the jury his alternate version of the murder. Long gone are the days when DM was denying any involvement in a truck theft or murder because he was just too nice a guy or too rich to have done the crime. DM relied on his "framing aspect" which was debunked explosively when his letters were revealed. Now all he has left to do, as does MS, it point fingers at the other one being the shooter. But we'll never know for a fact, I believe, which one, or if both of the accused shot TB. TB was killed on that planned test drive, one or both had a gun, and there is enough evidence to show that both had planned for things to escalate dangerously. They both accepted the risks and IMO both must accept the consequences.

So now I see the two accused going head to head, the anger is palpable between them, each hoping the jury will buy their own story and reject the other, but I think their strategy is going to backfire against them both. They filled in some blanks for the jury, and perhaps the jury can see a bit clearer into the motivations of each of the accused, but what DM and MS really did this past week, IMO, was prove their own guilt.

All MOO.
Why do people feel someone who is left handed cannot shoot a gun with their right hand?

Don't most guns have a bit of a kick to them? Left hand a little weaker and not as precise as your right hand. If you are right handed and vice versa if you are left handed.
For example, do you forget or dismiss Marlena's testimony about the celebratory mood in the car?

Was he protecting her?

Do you ignore or minimize the sausage frying and fireside furniture texts sent by MS?

Furniture, maybe a potential theft. Sausage I don't know.

Do you dismiss AM's story about how Mark told him to get the thing from Hagerman?

Hope Crown pushes this!

Do you ignore what MS's mother told police about how when Millard was arrested, Smich was concerned he would never get his car?

Maybe now that DM is in jail she realizes MS won't be getting the car. Could be that simple.

Do you forget Daly's testimony about how MS was just fine that week until DM was arrested and his mood changed?

Not sure, but do we believe BD completely?

Do you ignore the fact that MS has no explanation for his disappeared SIM cards?

Those are not needed, from my understanding.

Do you think his total gun amnesia story is realistic?

I think he is scared poopless. Google Krucifix14. DM past lawyer is his current lawyer, very strange.

Do you take into account that this is about the only story he can tell to have any hope at all of getting off?

Yes, I have. I don't want him to get off. But, I couldn't find him guilty. Yet.

Does MS's testimony trump everything for you? And if so, how is that not an "emotional decision"?

I have been following this since Tim went missing. It pops up on my FB memories. I have lived it's trial, like many of us, for months. I've sent prayers up during the most difficult testimonies. It's exhausting me. So, I hope that answers your question.

A this point all of that testimony with the girlfriends and friends amounts to "he said she said BS". But had to be done in order for this conclusion to be had.
I'm trying to look at this case as a juror would. Posters sometimes mention the LB and WM cases. As a juror, that cannot have any influence on my decision. The charge against both DM and MS is first degree murder. There are four elements that need to be met for me to arrive at that decision.

1. that DM and MS committed an unlawful act;
2. that DM and MS's unlawful act caused TB's death;
3. that DM and MS had the intent required for murder; and
4. that DM and MS’s murder of TB was both planned and deliberate.

Here is a link to an example of what a judge might say when instructing a jury in a case of first degree murder. I found this very interesting especially the comprehensive explanations of each element.
Was thinking today, and DM is "home" at last, right where he needs to be. His stay at prison will be with new friends he doesn't have to buy (who knows maybe he will), who may think of him as a hero in some odd way, he doesn't have to manage a budget, he can write, draw, read, and go deep into his imagination recalling former trips, sell coffee from his cell (how the heck would he do that?). He doesn't have to try to make anyone proud. He can simply be Dell.

All in my imagination of course.

And he doesn't like carpets.
I've been reading along all week and just now have had the opportunity to comment on two things that stuck out to me.

First, regarding the sausage/furniture pics, couldn't that be explained away by the May 2-4 weekend? Either as items they need to get for the cottage, or in anticipation for the long weekend? (not that I think MS is innocent)

Second, DM/MS shooting Tim in the truck and then driving 45 minutes to an hour (from Ancaster to the farm, or Ancaster to Waterloo) with Tim's body/blood in the truck. That's a super sketchy thing to do if you don't want to get caught/are trying to be covert (not to mention DM actually wanting the truck to be drivable), so I'd guess that he wasn't meant to die at that moment. In that case, I think it is possible there was a struggle for the gun once it was brandished and Tim did get killed as a result of that struggle.

Just thinking out loud here.

There are so many clues that the murder was premeditated, that the sausage evidence by itself does not make any difference. Neither of them worked they don't have to wait for any weekend to party.

Yes, it's a very odd way of doing it. But they messed up on every step. Seems, every other person in the GTA knew that they are going to steal a truck. May be he wasn't meant to die at that point. It doesn't matter because he did die. But if things deviated from the plan, when do you abandon that plan? Why not dispose of the truck, burn all the evidence. Or, at the very least, hide it for a period of time?

Seems, DM didn't expect the publicity this case was going to receive. And he failed.

One thing I find odd is the arguments about "oh, who would believe the Tim Hortons story", or "wouldn't Tim Bosma see that there is nobody in the Yukon". It doesn't really matter. Up to the point when the gun was drawn and discharged, they could say anything. They could say that their imaginary friend found a 3 lb nugget in the field and they wanna go check it out. If that doesn't work out, they can call it off.

What is impossible to dispute is that Tim Bosma didn't come back from that test drive. Sachak calling one of them clever is a bit of a stretch, don't you find?
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