Bosma Murder Trial - Weekend Discussion #6

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Well everyone- I'm going to take a nice week off and cleanse my mind of the likes of DM, MS and all of their pals. This week has produced a landslide of evidence and I'm feeling confident that the final flight of witnesses will seal the deal for the Crown. Going into this week, I felt a bit sorry for MM- after seeing the video yesterday? Not so much. I'm more than curious why more people aren't facing charges but I do have faith that the Crown has nailed the right people. If we're all really good, maybe DM & MS will in fact reward us by taking the stand! What an incredible treat that would be...wouldn't it?

I hope everyone takes Justice Goodman's advice and takes a bit of a breather. Enjoy the wonderful weather and some time with family and friends! And don't forget to turn your clocks ahead tonight!! See you on the 21st! :loveyou:

Enjoy MsSherlock! Saturday night clocks go ahead. You must be on a long weekend and thinking today is Saturday. ;)

Perhaps there are pending charges against others. Maybe they hinge on the outcome of this trial kwim. Once guilty verdict(s) are read, LE can then lay charges against some of those others who were involved in illegal activities related to TB's murder case or otherwise. MOO.
Susan Clairmont, in particular, but really all the Media is doing an awesome job of protecting the Bosma Family/friends, honoring Tim's legacy and NOT giving SM or DM headlines. This is the Tim Bosma Trial - the presentation is not so much about what THEY did - It's about what happened to Tim and justice.

Even here, I admire how the threads for this trial all start with Photo's of Tim. SM and DM are the abstract figures in ALL the media. So well done!!! They will be soon forgotten about - But I am sure I will think about and pray for Tim BOSMA and his family a very long time.

I admire how the Uncle snubbed DM, yet offered gestures of compassion and caring for Sharlene. Bravo!!!

Who is SM?
On another note, I went back to very old forums from the first days of this case and all I can says is WOW. I have been following the case since Tim went missing. I was horrified that such a kind friendly family man could go missing just trying to sell a stupid truck. As I read articles that I read 2-3 years ago as a lurker, I am shocked at how many got things bang on. So much so, I wonder if there were friends or insiders posting. Some of the big time early dissenters have not only disappeared but so have their postings. Do moderators do this when a person gets banned? Can a person who suddenly wants to remove themselves from WS delete all of their posts? Just curious.
On another note, I went back to very old forums from the first days of this case and all I can says is WOW. I have been following the case since Tim went missing. I was horrified that such a kind friendly family man could go missing just trying to sell a stupid truck. As I read articles that I read 2-3 years ago as a lurker, I am shocked at how many got things bang on. So much so, I wonder if there were friends or insiders posting. Some of the big time early dissenters have not only disappeared but so have their postings. Do moderators do this when a person gets banned? Can a person who suddenly wants to remove themselves from WS delete all of their posts? Just curious.

99.9% sure there were insiders posting. IMO

That said, I know other people were doing off-the-books sleuthing of stuff like FB (I hate FB) so they were much more aware of people like SS, and putting the pieces together on the Baja race long before many of us.

*That* said, I remember there were a lot of posts about DM flying--flying TB somewhere, flying drugs in and landing across the street from the farm, etc--that were totally off track.

But yeah, it's uncanny how certain things have been used by the defense. Maybe they just lurk. ;)
Posts have been removed. We can't post names/addresses/pics of innocent folks that may not be connected to this case.
True. To add some clarity to my original post....this is what my gloves look like after I've used a hose to wash out my hearth or BBQ and it has mixed with the ash and then dried. It actually stains the glove but isn't in ash form anymore. It is almost a mud substance that has dried onto the gloves. MOO

I just had a horrible thought about where the rest of TB's ash remains might be. I read that there was a long drain down the center of the hangar floor. Is it possible they cleaned out the ashes onto the orange tarp, then hosed that down, and sent the ashes into the drain ? I hope LE really examined that hangar drain. There might be trace evidence there in corners. If the stain on the glove is ash that has been mixed with water, maybe it was worn when they were doing this. I also wondered why a folded orange tarp was carried between them. Does that mean they both had their hands on it, and both were holding onto it to prevent anything else from falling out of it ? Or does it mean that one was carrying it folded in one hand, and the other person was walking on the opposite side ? IMO
I just had a horrible thought about where the rest of TB's ash remains might be. I read that there was a long drain down the center of the hangar floor. Is it possible they cleaned out the ashes onto the orange tarp, then hosed that down, and sent the ashes into the drain ? I hope LE really examined that hangar drain. There might be trace evidence there in corners. If the stain on the glove is ash that has been mixed with water, maybe it was worn when they were doing this. I also wondered why a folded orange tarp was carried between them. Does that mean they both had their hands on it, and both were holding onto it to prevent anything else from falling out of it ? Or does it mean that one was carrying it folded in one hand, and the other person was walking on the opposite side ? IMO

Imagine if they were in the box that flew out of the trailer?
Imagine if they were in the box that flew out of the trailer?

Sadly WHATEVER was in that box even if officers found it would be inadmissible as continuity was lost. Just because they MAY have found xyz on the highway IF THEY DID, they have no way of knowing 100% if it was related.
I made a few observations in putting together the timeline of events:

Dairy farmer (Henhoeffer) saw smoke plume around 6am on May 7 or 8

Based on the hangar video evidence, it is highly unlikely that the smoke plume was seen on the 7th. The security videos place DM and MS at the hangar from 12:00am to 7:00am that morning, after which they went to Oakville to pick up MM by 8am, and DM was back in Etobicoke by 9am. There is no way they went to the farm and burned the seats around 6am that morning.

On the morning of the 8th, DM's phone pinged in Etobicoke around 3am, but then pinged in Milton at 5:42am and then at the hangar at 7:30am. It is possible that he stopped by the farm within this time to burn the trucks seats, etc. If true, it looks like he did this alone, or at least without the help of MS, since DM spent the rest of the day at the hangar while MS's and MM's phones pinged in Oakville throughout that day.

It is also possible that the burning event took place on the morning of the 9th, but there is really no evidence to suggest that. The cell activity was pretty quiet from the evening of May 8 through the morning of May 9. I am willing to bet that DM caught up on some much needed rest during that time.

Neighbour of farm saw lights at the property around 11:00-11:30pm on May 7 or 8

Based on the evidence, it is possible that the neighbour saw these lights as early as the 6th (the night Tim was murdered). The video evidence suggests DM and MS were picking up the trailer at the farm sometime between 10:30pm to 11:30pm on the 6th before heading to the hangar.

On the 7th, video evidence places DM (or rather, his Yukon) at the hangar from about 9pm to 11:40pm. At 11:40pm the Yukon is seen departing the hangar with the incinerator in tow. Curiously, the Smich/Meneses phone is pinging at the farm property around 11:30pm, suggesting that he was there while DM was at the hangar. How MS got there is unclear. Did DM drop him off there earlier in the evening? Or did he drive there on his own or with someone else (e.g. MM)? Regardless, it is possible that the neighbour saw MS using a flashlight around the farm around 11:30pm. DM would have likely showed up around midnight or later to drop off the incinerator, if he did in fact take it to the farm that night.

On the 8th there is no evidence to suggest DM or MS were at the farm during the evening. As I noted above, the cell activity was quiet that night. I think DM was likely resting up at home in Etobicoke that evening.
Did Tim Bosma wear a wedding ring? I'm wondering if he did if it was ever found in any form.
TB is abducted approx 11 hours before she is picked up by these two. They have just come from the farm where they dropped off the eliminator after cremating TB. No clue why they pick her up, but she looks ready for school to me...

I just realized I must have missed something. DM and MS left the hangar in the Yukon around 7 am on May 8 and arrived in Oakville at 7:57 to pick up MM. I thought they'd stayed at the hangar from the time they arrived around midnight, towing the trailer, until the time they left for Oakville at 7am. Did they leave the hangar during the night to tow the eliminator to the farm and then go back to the hangar before leaving for Oakville. Which vehicle did they use to tow the trailer? I thought I read before (maybe I'm confused) that CN helped DM move the eliminator from the barn to the trees a day or two later but just realized I don't know how it from the hangar to the barn. I think I saw a link before to a timeline but I can't find it. Thanks in advance!
I just realized I must have missed something. DM and MS left the hangar in the Yukon around 7 am on May 8 and arrived in Oakville at 7:57 to pick up MM. I thought they'd stayed at the hangar from the time they arrived around midnight, towing the trailer, until the time they left for Oakville at 7am. Did they leave the hangar during the night to tow the eliminator to the farm and then go back to the hangar before leaving for Oakville. Which vehicle did they use to tow the trailer? I thought I read before (maybe I'm confused) that CN helped DM move the eliminator from the barn to the trees a day or two later but just realized I don't know how it from the hangar to the barn. I think I saw a link before to a timeline but I can't find it. Thanks in advance!

CN's trial is yet to come. When that happens, it will be possible to add all her movements to the timeline.
Oh sorry, I didn't mean to ask an inappropriate question. I'm new to posting and still learning the rules. I was confused by the post I was trying to quote by earlygirl that said that DM and MS arrived in Oakville on the morning of May 8 after having come from the farm. I thought I'd read that they drove there from the hangar and that I was missing a piece of the puzzle.
I just realized I must have missed something. DM and MS left the hangar in the Yukon around 7 am on May 8 and arrived in Oakville at 7:57 to pick up MM. I thought they'd stayed at the hangar from the time they arrived around midnight, towing the trailer, until the time they left for Oakville at 7am. Did they leave the hangar during the night to tow the eliminator to the farm and then go back to the hangar before leaving for Oakville. Which vehicle did they use to tow the trailer? I thought I read before (maybe I'm confused) that CN helped DM move the eliminator from the barn to the trees a day or two later but just realized I don't know how it from the hangar to the barn. I think I saw a link before to a timeline but I can't find it. Thanks in advance!

Actually I think you're referring to the morning of May 7th. They returned to MS's home around 7:45am, made a couple of attempts to get in touch with her (which at some point perhaps they did? On the landline?) and then proceeded to MM's to pick her up at 8:01am. They left the incinerator in the hangar for most of that day and returned later that evening where they hooked it up to the Yukon and took it to the farm.

And billandrew's timeline and witness list is in their signature line. Here's the link for the timeline.


ETA: I see you were inquiring about someone else's post. That information is incorrect. They did not go the farm after leaving the hangar and picking up MM on the morning of the 7th.
look at this thread/post from 2013

expat cdn
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Would those type of trailers not have a winch? That could be used to move vehicles into the trailer.
Just one more thought about my #146 post, Maybe when MS said to his girlfriend that TB was "gone, gone, gone", he was thinking, or maybe subconsciously expressing that TB was shot (gone) incinerated (gone), and washed away (gone). Perhaps the same type of thing happened to LB. IMO
Thank you for the timeline and clarification. Thanks to billandrew too for the great spreadsheet.
I made a few observations in putting together the timeline of events:

Dairy farmer (Henhoeffer) saw smoke plume around 6am on May 7 or 8

Based on the hangar video evidence, it is highly unlikely that the smoke plume was seen on the 7th. The security videos place DM and MS at the hangar from 12:00am to 7:00am that morning, after which they went to Oakville to pick up MM by 8am, and DM was back in Etobicoke by 9am. There is no way they went to the farm and burned the seats around 6am that morning.

On the morning of the 8th, DM's phone pinged in Etobicoke around 3am, but then pinged in Milton at 5:42am and then at the hangar at 7:30am. It is possible that he stopped by the farm within this time to burn the trucks seats, etc. If true, it looks like he did this alone, or at least without the help of MS, since DM spent the rest of the day at the hangar while MS's and MM's phones pinged in Oakville throughout that day.

It is also possible that the burning event took place on the morning of the 9th, but there is really no evidence to suggest that. The cell activity was pretty quiet from the evening of May 8 through the morning of May 9. I am willing to bet that DM caught up on some much needed rest during that time.

Neighbour of farm saw lights at the property around 11:00-11:30pm on May 7 or 8

Based on the evidence, it is possible that the neighbour saw these lights as early as the 6th (the night Tim was murdered). The video evidence suggests DM and MS were picking up the trailer at the farm sometime between 10:30pm to 11:30pm on the 6th before heading to the hangar.

On the 7th, video evidence places DM (or rather, his Yukon) at the hangar from about 9pm to 11:40pm. At 11:40pm the Yukon is seen departing the hangar with the incinerator in tow. Curiously, the Smich/Meneses phone is pinging at the farm property around 11:30pm, suggesting that he was there while DM was at the hangar. How MS got there is unclear. Did DM drop him off there earlier in the evening? Or did he drive there on his own or with someone else (e.g. MM)? Regardless, it is possible that the neighbour saw MS using a flashlight around the farm around 11:30pm. DM would have likely showed up around midnight or later to drop off the incinerator, if he did in fact take it to the farm that night.

On the 8th there is no evidence to suggest DM or MS were at the farm during the evening. As I noted above, the cell activity was quiet that night. I think DM was likely resting up at home in Etobicoke that evening.

Those are the same conclusions I came to when looking at the cell phone activity exhibit when it first came out. The only morning that it could be possible for the burning of the seats if the witness is correct is the morning of the 8th. And that would be DM alone on his way to the hangar. It's about 33 minutes from Milton to Ayr doing the speed limit. I think DM could easily do it in 20, especially at that time of the morning. So that would put him at the farm around 6:00am. It's only about 42 minutes from Milton to the hangar so if he didn't stop at the farm, he should have been there around 6:15am. His phone didn't start pinging near the hangar until 7:30am. It's 20 minutes between the farm and the hangar. So if DM got to the farm around 6am, he was there for at least an hour before he headed to the hangar.

I also posted about the mystery of why MS's phone was at the farm while DM was picking up the incinerator on the evening of the 7th. He likely also took the seats there in the back of the Yukon. I considered that perhaps DM had dropped MS off there to prepare something on their way up from Oakville before heading to the hangar himself to pick up the incinerator. Did they dig a hole somewhere on the farm for the cremains?

I also indicated that because MS must have left his phone to charge at home when he and DM went to pick up MM in the morning, MS likely never went back home that day to get it and used MM's phone that evening. There are a few unknown #'s texting him while there and my instinct tells me it was MM using someone else's phone. MM seemed to be relentless in her texting to MS. I even quipped that the only reason she got that burner phone for MS was so she could keep tabs on him all the time. LOL


I even quipped that the only reason she got that burner phone for MS was so she could keep tabs on him all the time. LOL


You may laugh, but I think that's the only reason one person agrees to pay another's phone bill.

I think that's why SL had such a problem with LE when he turned up with LB's phone bill. LE figured he was an ex trying to keep tabs on her and exert control, and they wouldn't get into it. IMO.
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